1 Year?? I wonder what the race break down were of his false convictions?

Sike...I already know

Why the fuck do you have to do that? I mean Jesus who cares what race the kids were.

Not you obviously. But it's funny how you see a case of false imprisonment. Then in another thread you'll quote those same arrest rates as if they mean something.

Suddenly tho, you don't care?.....riiiiight

Because I'm not an idiot who extrapolates a few isolated incidents into the whole system the way you are . That this particular judge was corrupt doesn't say ANYTHING about the system as a whole.
For profit private prisons are the worst idea ever. No way can they be run fairly and we've seen how bad they are here.

Basically, they've become a giant money maker for people who hate blacks. If you're white, you get off. If you're black, you get life.
Last edited:
1 Year?? I wonder what the race break down were of his false convictions?

Sike...I already know

Why the fuck do you have to do that? I mean Jesus who cares what race the kids were.

Not you obviously. But it's funny how you see a case of false imprisonment. Then in another thread you'll quote those same arrest rates as if they mean something.

Suddenly tho, you don't care?.....riiiiight

Because I'm not an idiot who extrapolates a few isolated incidents into the whole system the way you are . That this particular judge was corrupt doesn't say ANYTHING about the system as a whole.
I believe more of the People would be pursuing Happiness under our form of Capitalism, with better Faith in the execution of a federal Doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will; that could clear our poverty guidelines; as that form of minimum wage.
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!
PA went private under a (D).

I know, I live here as well

If your D Governor is taking money from the private prison industry, vote em out. I certainly would have no problem throwing them under the bus.
For profit private prisons are the worst idea ever. No way can they be run fairly and we've seen how bad they are here.

Basically, they've become a giant money maker for people who hate blacks. If you're white, you get off. If you're black, you get life.

Here's a surprise. Luddly bringing race into a thread.
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!

Private prisons are a great idea, but you need STRICT policies making sure they aren't abused.
I actually agree with Carla on this, private prisons are a bad idea.

Thank you. This is another dated article, but a good read.

Prison Quotas Push Lawmakers To Fill Beds Derail Reform
How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about
Sen. Marco Rubio is one of the biggest beneficiaries.

Marco Rubio is one of the best examples of the private prison industry’s growing political influence, a connection that deserves far more attention now that he’s officially launched a presidential bid. The U.S. senator has a history of close ties to the nation’s second-largest for-profit prison company, GEO Group, stretching back to his days as speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. While Rubio was leading the House, GEO was awarded a state government contract for a $110 million prison soon after Rubio hiredan economic consultant who had been a trustee for a GEO real estate trust. Over his career, Rubio has received nearly $40,000 in campaign donations from GEO, making him the Senate’s top career recipient of contributions from the company. (Rubio’s office did not respond to requests for comment.)

You can read the entire article @

How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about - The Washington Post
1 Year?? I wonder what the race break down were of his false convictions?

Sike...I already know

Why the fuck do you have to do that? I mean Jesus who cares what race the kids were.

Not you obviously. But it's funny how you see a case of false imprisonment. Then in another thread you'll quote those same arrest rates as if they mean something.

Suddenly tho, you don't care?.....riiiiight

Because I'm not an idiot who extrapolates a few isolated incidents into the whole system the way you are . That this particular judge was corrupt doesn't say ANYTHING about the system as a whole.

Of course it doesn't AZ long as you be sure to treat every case, day after day, month after month as all being "isolated incidents".

What was the OP? 4000 cases? 4000 isolated incidents. The fact that this guy got away with it for so long says something doesn't it? Or are all the people who turned a blind eye to this fucktard "isolated individuals" too?

Don't answer that...I know no matter how many cases are exposed you'll treat each one as if you forgot the last incident.
I mean, seriously, this guy screams "isolated incident" at least once a day. The only way he would be able to truthfully hold that opinion is if he had the memory of a goldfish and forget every other incident when he swims to another thread
How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about
Sen. Marco Rubio is one of the biggest beneficiaries.

Marco Rubio is one of the best examples of the private prison industry’s growing political influence, a connection that deserves far more attention now that he’s officially launched a presidential bid. The U.S. senator has a history of close ties to the nation’s second-largest for-profit prison company, GEO Group, stretching back to his days as speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. While Rubio was leading the House, GEO was awarded a state government contract for a $110 million prison soon after Rubio hiredan economic consultant who had been a trustee for a GEO real estate trust. Over his career, Rubio has received nearly $40,000 in campaign donations from GEO, making him the Senate’s top career recipient of contributions from the company. (Rubio’s office did not respond to requests for comment.)

You can read the entire article @

How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about - The Washington Post

Classic pay to play. Our Marco is none too bright.

Thanks for the links!

Regards from Rosie
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!

Private prisons are a great idea, but you need STRICT policies making sure they aren't abused.
No, they are not. You privatize for efficiency and that is the sole reason for privatization. The market is far more efficient than the government and is far better at brining a product to market.

Prisons have nothing to do with a market though and should never have anything to do with a market. They are charged with infringing on your rights. Anything a private industry does is going to be geared to increasing profits. While a like the idea of a prison being efficient and cheaper, that is NOT the primary goal of incarceration. I am fine with a system that costs more yet does not place my rights in the hands of a corporation - a place my rights do NOT belong.
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!

Private prisons are a great idea, but you need STRICT policies making sure they aren't abused.

Like hell they are. Nobody would want to be in the industry of private "for profit" prisons if there were strict policies with no abuse. That's how they make their profit.

So you really think that ALL private prisons abuse the system? I mean I know you are stupid, but.................
That is irrelevant to the point. It does not matter if all or a small portion abuse the system - it does matter that a company is geared to, and only exists in order to, bring profit to those that own it. Profit should not be the primary driver of your retention of rights.
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!

Private prisons are a great idea, but you need STRICT policies making sure they aren't abused.
No, they are not. You privatize for efficiency and that is the sole reason for privatization. The market is far more efficient than the government and is far better at brining a product to market.

Prisons have nothing to do with a market though and should never have anything to do with a market. They are charged with infringing on your rights. Anything a private industry does is going to be geared to increasing profits. While a like the idea of a prison being efficient and cheaper, that is NOT the primary goal of incarceration. I am fine with a system that costs more yet does not place my rights in the hands of a corporation - a place my rights do NOT belong.
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!

Private prisons are a great idea, but you need STRICT policies making sure they aren't abused.

Like hell they are. Nobody would want to be in the industry of private "for profit" prisons if there were strict policies with no abuse. That's how they make their profit.

So you really think that ALL private prisons abuse the system? I mean I know you are stupid, but.................
That is irrelevant to the point. It does not matter if all or a small portion abuse the system - it does matter that a company is geared to, and only exists in order to, bring profit to those that own it. Profit should not be the primary driver of your retention of rights.

In my state they guaranteed something like a 99% occupancy rate. I may be wrong on that number, but it's close enough. Their goal shouldn't be filling up prisons, hell, we already rank # 1 with the amount of people we have in prison. It's a totally corrupt system.
For profit private prisons are the worst idea ever. No way can they be run fairly and we've seen how bad they are here.

Basically, they've become a giant money maker for people who hate blacks. If you're white, you get off. If you're black, you get life.

Here's a surprise. Luddly bringing race into a thread.

No surprise that you don't know or understand the facts of our screwed up prison system.

If you're white, you get off.
If you're black, you get life.

For profit, private prisons have been a sociological disaster. Its people of color who are supporting it but the entire society pays.
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!

Private prisons are a great idea, but you need STRICT policies making sure they aren't abused.
No, they are not. You privatize for efficiency and that is the sole reason for privatization. The market is far more efficient than the government and is far better at brining a product to market.

Prisons have nothing to do with a market though and should never have anything to do with a market. They are charged with infringing on your rights. Anything a private industry does is going to be geared to increasing profits. While a like the idea of a prison being efficient and cheaper, that is NOT the primary goal of incarceration. I am fine with a system that costs more yet does not place my rights in the hands of a corporation - a place my rights do NOT belong.
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!

Private prisons are a great idea, but you need STRICT policies making sure they aren't abused.

Like hell they are. Nobody would want to be in the industry of private "for profit" prisons if there were strict policies with no abuse. That's how they make their profit.

So you really think that ALL private prisons abuse the system? I mean I know you are stupid, but.................
That is irrelevant to the point. It does not matter if all or a small portion abuse the system - it does matter that a company is geared to, and only exists in order to, bring profit to those that own it. Profit should not be the primary driver of your retention of rights.

In my state they guaranteed something like a 99% occupancy rate. I may be wrong on that number, but it's close enough. Their goal shouldn't be filling up prisons, hell, we already rank # 1 with the amount of people we have in prison. It's a totally corrupt system.
Full prisons bring grater profit ergo a private system will ALWAYS strive to be occupied.

Yet another reason that privatized prisons are an insane idea.
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!

Private prisons are a great idea, but you need STRICT policies making sure they aren't abused.
No, they are not. You privatize for efficiency and that is the sole reason for privatization. The market is far more efficient than the government and is far better at brining a product to market.

Prisons have nothing to do with a market though and should never have anything to do with a market. They are charged with infringing on your rights. Anything a private industry does is going to be geared to increasing profits. While a like the idea of a prison being efficient and cheaper, that is NOT the primary goal of incarceration. I am fine with a system that costs more yet does not place my rights in the hands of a corporation - a place my rights do NOT belong.
Private prisons are a great idea, but you need STRICT policies making sure they aren't abused.

Like hell they are. Nobody would want to be in the industry of private "for profit" prisons if there were strict policies with no abuse. That's how they make their profit.

So you really think that ALL private prisons abuse the system? I mean I know you are stupid, but.................
That is irrelevant to the point. It does not matter if all or a small portion abuse the system - it does matter that a company is geared to, and only exists in order to, bring profit to those that own it. Profit should not be the primary driver of your retention of rights.

In my state they guaranteed something like a 99% occupancy rate. I may be wrong on that number, but it's close enough. Their goal shouldn't be filling up prisons, hell, we already rank # 1 with the amount of people we have in prison. It's a totally corrupt system.
Full prisons bring grater profit ergo a private system will ALWAYS strive to be occupied.

Yet another reason that privatized prisons are an insane idea.

I couldn't agree more.
DanielPalos: "I believe more of the People would be pursuing Happiness under our form of Capitalism, with better Faith in the execution of a federal Doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will; that could clear our poverty guidelines; as that form of minimum wage."

Private Prisons for Profit is exactly why the above is wrong, wrong, wrong. The more poverty, they more need for Private Prisons.
There's all kinds of corruption in the justice system.

For example, here in Toledo we had a Democrat who ran a bail bond company that his family owned become a judge and was notorious for setting high bonds. Obvious conflict of interests.

In another case in a nearby county there was a juvenile court judge who was part owner of a juvenile detention facility.
What a horrible idea...private (for profit) juvenile centers and adult prisons. What a horrible idea...but my Republican Governor is all for em!
PA went private under a (D).

I know, I live here as well

Because private prisons is more about suckling private corps dick than about political parties.

When your profit comes from taking away people's freedom and they have a bottom line to meet, guess who loses?
that post is so full of absolute ignorance, it's shocking.

prisons don't take away freedom, the criminals actions see to that.

this judge, this one judge, is clearly incompetent and criminal on many levels
Look at 2 thumbs! So stupid that he thinks someone said prisons take away freedom and reminds us that crimes do. Wow, such smart

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