US Military Revolts Against The President

The site hacked was a marine recruitment site that had an embedded redirect. That was the nature of the hack job. The Syrians are not a "brown" people. They are Caucasians. Don't wishful think yourself so much. If it isn't true today, maybe it will eventually be true.
Some social media posts = military revolt? :lol:

I'm just putting up the story. Draw your own conclusions, Montrovant. As to the news article choosing the word military revolt? Let me ask you a question, Montrovant.

If the President of the United States the CIC - ignores Congress, ignores 80% of the American people saying no to an invasion on Syria - and commands the United States Military to invade Syria and they reject his order. What would you call that?

If not a revolt?

You are not 'just putting up the story'. That's a cop-out. You titled the thread 'US military revolts against president'. In the OP you claim the US military is revolting against Obama's decision. That's not simply reporting the words or claims of others.

As to your question, if the military en masse rejects an order, you can certainly call it a revolt. However, you certainly haven't presented any real evidence that is likely to occur. A single article about a few social media postings does not make a revolt.
Those sure don't look like Syrian Soldiers to me! My goodness! Look at the parts of their face you can see - their ears, the eyes... those are not Syrians. Look at their white hands - some very fair skinned men - these men are my soldiers! I'd recognize them anywhere! These are our guys, Katz! These are not Syrians! Someone is trying to silence them and dismiss them by claiming they are Syrian imposters?

You are not 'just putting up the story'. That's a cop-out. You titled the thread 'US military revolts against president'. In the OP you claim the US military is revolting against Obama's decision. That's not simply reporting the words or claims of others.

Gullible sucker spreading fiction as fact.
Some social media posts = military revolt? :lol:

I'm just putting up the story. Draw your own conclusions, Montrovant. As to the news article choosing the word military revolt? Let me ask you a question, Montrovant.

If the President of the United States the CIC - ignores Congress, ignores 80% of the American people saying no to an invasion on Syria - and commands the United States Military to invade Syria and they reject his order. What would you call that?

If not a revolt?

You are not 'just putting up the story'. That's a cop-out. You titled the thread 'US military revolts against president'. In the OP you claim the US military is revolting against Obama's decision. That's not simply reporting the words or claims of others.

As to your question, if the military en masse rejects an order, you can certainly call it a revolt. However, you certainly haven't presented any real evidence that is likely to occur. A single article about a few social media postings does not make a revolt.

Condemning something as a lie while refusing to examine the evidence will guarantee you eternal ignorance on the matter. Why not examine the evidence before condemning it? Here! Look at this and ask yourself. Are all of these men Syrian imposters dressed in our military uniforms to fake a "revolt" against orders for an invasion into Syria? Decide AFTER you look at the evidence. Not before. Thanks.

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military and Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria | Global Research
The site hacked was a marine recruitment site that had an embedded redirect. That was the nature of the hack job. The Syrians are not a "brown" people. They are Caucasians. Don't wishful think yourself so much. If it isn't true today, maybe it will eventually be true.

It is not a matter of wishful thinking, Katz. Although I notice you haven't provided the sources you used to fact check this story. ( which I did ask you for ) So what you are telling me is the Washington Wire says it is true so therefore "it is true". I don't believe that is using wisdom. I believe it is a worthy story and should be searched out thoroughly to get to the bottom of what is happening right now. Our soldiers deserve better than this!!!!!!!

- Jeri
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Who are the soldiers putting up signs and their faces on Twitter stating they refuse to fight alongside Al Qaeda then? Did you check into that, Katz?

Which faces? The only ones I found have no faces showing and could be anyone. Do you have an example of these faces from twitter?






Even if these were real service members, how does a few people from the millions become a military revolt?
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I'm just putting up the story. Draw your own conclusions, Montrovant. As to the news article choosing the word military revolt? Let me ask you a question, Montrovant.

If the President of the United States the CIC - ignores Congress, ignores 80% of the American people saying no to an invasion on Syria - and commands the United States Military to invade Syria and they reject his order. What would you call that?

If not a revolt?

You are not 'just putting up the story'. That's a cop-out. You titled the thread 'US military revolts against president'. In the OP you claim the US military is revolting against Obama's decision. That's not simply reporting the words or claims of others.

As to your question, if the military en masse rejects an order, you can certainly call it a revolt. However, you certainly haven't presented any real evidence that is likely to occur. A single article about a few social media postings does not make a revolt.

Condemning something as a lie while refusing to examine the evidence will guarantee you eternal ignorance on the matter. Why not examine the evidence before condemning it? Here! Look at this and ask yourself. Are all of these men Syrian imposters dressed in our military uniforms to fake a "revolt" against orders for an invasion into Syria? Decide AFTER you look at the evidence. Not before. Thanks.

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military and Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria | Global Research

Who condemned anything as a lie? Who refused to examine the evidence?

You are going wild with strawmen and hyperbole.

I looked at your link. It shows 8 pictures. That's 8 people who may or may not be members of the armed services. 8 people who, even if they are US soldiers, have not yet refused any orders. 8 people out of how many members of the armed services?

Do you see where this is going yet?

Just because you or the writers of this article want to say there is a revolt occurring does not make it so. A few social media posts which may or may not be actual service members does not make it so.
The site hacked was a marine recruitment site that had an embedded redirect. That was the nature of the hack job. The Syrians are not a "brown" people. They are Caucasians. Don't wishful think yourself so much. If it isn't true today, maybe it will eventually be true.

It is not a matter of wishful thinking, Katz. Although I notice you haven't provided the sources you used to fact check this story. ( which I did ask you for ) So what you are telling me is the Washington Wire says it is true so therefore "it is true". I don't believe that is using wisdom. I believe it is a worthy story and should be searched out thoroughly to get to the bottom of what is happening right now. Our soldiers deserve better than this!!!!!!!

- Jeri

Ah, irony.

Katz, you need to fact check!

You are not 'just putting up the story'. That's a cop-out. You titled the thread 'US military revolts against president'. In the OP you claim the US military is revolting against Obama's decision. That's not simply reporting the words or claims of others.

Gullible sucker spreading fiction as fact.

No. I question the Washington Wire's story being a "fact" because all we have is their claim that the USMC site was hacked - that the soldiers on hashtag are Syrians and not our own soldiers and that the entire story of our Military men being deadset against an invasion to Syria is a "Hoax"... Have a look for yourself.

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military and Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria | Global Research

Here is another story we are not hearing about:

White House peeved at Pentagon leaks -

Make sure and read the comments that follow the article. I find that we often can discern the heart of the american people / soldiers by their own words on these comments. It is a worthy read in my opinon. For those who are searching for "the truth".
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Obama is not supporting Al Qaeda in Syria, this is another GOP lie.
The Muslim brotherhood in Egypt was supported by the GOP and the dems because they were elected, now no so much.
The site, US Marine Corps | Marine Recruiting |, was paralyzed for several hours and redirected to a seven-sentence message "delivered by SEA," which is short for the Syrian Electronic Army, a hack group that claimed responsibility for disrupting the New York Times, social website Twitter and other media websites.

U.S. Marine recruiting site hacked by pro-Syria hackers - Xinhua |

Let's just pretend it's true. There is a revolt brewing in the military. We need some generals willing to march into the oval office and announce that he is no longer president. Like they did to Morsi. So far, all we have is a bunch of fully manned ships with crews waiting for the order to bomb Syria.
You are not 'just putting up the story'. That's a cop-out. You titled the thread 'US military revolts against president'. In the OP you claim the US military is revolting against Obama's decision. That's not simply reporting the words or claims of others.

As to your question, if the military en masse rejects an order, you can certainly call it a revolt. However, you certainly haven't presented any real evidence that is likely to occur. A single article about a few social media postings does not make a revolt.

Condemning something as a lie while refusing to examine the evidence will guarantee you eternal ignorance on the matter. Why not examine the evidence before condemning it? Here! Look at this and ask yourself. Are all of these men Syrian imposters dressed in our military uniforms to fake a "revolt" against orders for an invasion into Syria? Decide AFTER you look at the evidence. Not before. Thanks.

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military and Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria | Global Research

Who condemned anything as a lie? Who refused to examine the evidence?

You are going wild with strawmen and hyperbole.

I looked at your link. It shows 8 pictures. That's 8 people who may or may not be members of the armed services. 8 people who, even if they are US soldiers, have not yet refused any orders. 8 people out of how many members of the armed services?

Do you see where this is going yet?

Just because you or the writers of this article want to say there is a revolt occurring does not make it so. A few social media posts which may or may not be actual service members does not make it so.

I believe you did. As you stated, you have just now looked at the article. How can you claim to be so sure of the truth until you first examine the evidence, Montrovant? Do you not see that is an act of foolishness? I am examining it and I question the validity of the claims made by the Washington Wire that these soldiers are in reality Syrians dressed in US military uniform posing as soldiers. Using hashtag - it appears that there is more to this story than they care to admit. I'm just pointing that out. Why does that trouble you?

Do you only want to know the truth when it supports your side of the arguement or do you want to know the truth all the time? That is the question for many on this board I believe. In past times perhaps it was not so important to some of you. This time? America hangs in the balance. A strike on Syria would have devastating consequences to the United States of America and Israel. That is my concern and I shall not remain silent about it. - Jeri
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Jeremiah is simply a gullible poster who is forwarding a false story.
Who are the soldiers putting up signs and their faces on Twitter stating they refuse to fight alongside Al Qaeda then? Did you check into that, Katz?

Which faces? The only ones I found have no faces showing and could be anyone. Do you have an example of these faces from twitter?






Even if these were real service members, how does a few people from the millions become a military revolt?

I'm looking at what I can see - their ears, the eyes of one guy forehead - side of their faces upper half - also look at the hands - there is no question in my mind that these guys are ours. That you wish to dismiss them as Syrians dressed in American uniform is your right and your choice but I am standing by my soldiers. These guys are mine! God knows I have prayed for them all enough that I should recognize one when I see them! Much less 8 of them!!! Have your fun - while you can - if we strike Syria you will see what devastation it brings about and why these men are so adamantly opposed to invading Syria. p.s. I notice you left out several photos that showed more of the upper part of face such as the Navy man highly decorated - his black glasses the very, very white skin - yes. Interesting you chose the photos that were least obvious. It does appear you have been a bit selective here? Perhaps there is motive for that as well.

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ZOMG! a military revolt.

If it is a matter of a few soldiers who are vowing to disobey orders to invade Syria - then it is not a revolt. Let us watch and see what unfolds in the coming days, Eder. Then we shall know if it was as Katz says, A hoax - all perpretrated by the Syrians against our Military - who are ready and willing to invade Syria on order - by the President.

If Katz and Starkey are right and this is a fake story then the entire matter should fade out quickly. Now that the "imposters and hackers" have been exposed by the Washington Wire!

If however IF there is a revolt and we see an internal revolution come about inside America over this plan to invade Syria and strike her with missiles - then we shall know that the Washington Wire was not honest in their report.

The truth shall surely come out and we will all see for ourselves what that truth is. ( in due time )

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The site, US Marine Corps | Marine Recruiting |, was paralyzed for several hours and redirected to a seven-sentence message "delivered by SEA," which is short for the Syrian Electronic Army, a hack group that claimed responsibility for disrupting the New York Times, social website Twitter and other media websites.

U.S. Marine recruiting site hacked by pro-Syria hackers - Xinhua |

Let's just pretend it's true. There is a revolt brewing in the military. We need some generals willing to march into the oval office and announce that he is no longer president. Like they did to Morsi. So far, all we have is a bunch of fully manned ships with crews waiting for the order to bomb Syria.

You'd like that wouldn't you. Say how about you suppose you know what your talking about, that would be a conspiracy theory all to itself.
Condemning something as a lie while refusing to examine the evidence will guarantee you eternal ignorance on the matter. Why not examine the evidence before condemning it? Here! Look at this and ask yourself. Are all of these men Syrian imposters dressed in our military uniforms to fake a "revolt" against orders for an invasion into Syria? Decide AFTER you look at the evidence. Not before. Thanks.

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military and Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria | Global Research

Who condemned anything as a lie? Who refused to examine the evidence?

You are going wild with strawmen and hyperbole.

I looked at your link. It shows 8 pictures. That's 8 people who may or may not be members of the armed services. 8 people who, even if they are US soldiers, have not yet refused any orders. 8 people out of how many members of the armed services?

Do you see where this is going yet?

Just because you or the writers of this article want to say there is a revolt occurring does not make it so. A few social media posts which may or may not be actual service members does not make it so.

I believe you did. As you stated, you have just now looked at the article. How can you claim to be so sure of the truth until you first examine the evidence, Montrovant? Do you not see that is an act of foolishness? I am examining it and I question the validity of the claims made by the Washington Wire that these soldiers are in reality Syrians dressed in US military uniform posing as soldiers. Using hashtag - it appears that there is more to this story than they care to admit. I'm just pointing that out. Why does that trouble you?

Do you only want to know the truth when it supports your side of the arguement or do you want to know the truth all the time? That is the question for many on this board I believe. In past times perhaps it was not so important to some of you. This time? America hangs in the balance. A strike on Syria would have devastating consequences to the United States of America and Israel. That is my concern and I shall not remain silent about it. - Jeri

Have fun believing that. I did nothing of the sort.

What I did was point out the obvious fact that the evidence provided for this so-called military revolt is sorely lacking.

The truth is that you and the article give almost no evidence of any revolt. Sure, there may be some soldiers who have posted pictures on social media sites. That is not a revolt. Even if there is a revolt brewing in our military, a few social media pics is not particularly good evidence of it.

You mention my side of the argument. My side is simply that you are taking the flimsiest of evidence and assuming it means a revolt is happening. It has nothing to do with the current administration, the possibility of an attack on or war with Syria, or any other political discussion. It is all about what you have stated and the little evidence you've used to back it up. Oh, and about the humor involved in you calling on someone else to verify and back up their claims, when you started the thread making claims about a military revolt based on a few seemingly anonymous social media pictures.

I eagerly await another reply which addresses none of this. :tongue:

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