US Military Revolts Against The President

Despite your sentiment as a soldier, you are duty bound to obey the orders of the CNC. You volunteered your time and your service, and seeing as how most of our military in this era are volunteers, they are not allowed to achieve conscientious objector status like Muhammad Ali did during the Vietnam War, when the draft was still taking place.

Yes....but I think to a point.

My son is home on leave right now before heading to Afghanistan. I talked to him about this when I was home for lunch. He was a little he really didn't want to get into the conversation. That tells me a lot. I know him, and he's usually pretty outspoken and says what he thinks. So just his mannerism told me a lot. Makes me think there could be some truth to this.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't want our soldiers going over there fighting for our enemies either. But they did swear an oath to serve their country. Your son may not like the orders he is given, but orders are orders. I don't want to sound unmerciful, but I've had many members fight in many of the great wars past Korea. My Father in Desert Storm and Grenada, Grandfather in Vietnam, Cousin in WWII and Korea, Great Uncle in WWII (in the Battle of Iwo Jima) and a Step-Brother in Afghanistan, just to name a few.

Some of them probably didn't want nor care to fight in those wars and probably objected to going, but they went out of love for their country if nothing else. I object to this war in Syria, and will forevermore, because it is flawed reasoning. It is reckless. Your son knows this is wrong, but as I pointed out before, he has to obey orders, and I think he knows that too. If he does wind up getting shipped out there as his mannerisms suggest, you personally will have my prayers for safe return. Count on it.

We talked more about it this evening....and you're right. He said nobody likes it, and they definately don't like thinking they're helping the enemies, but so many have been killed with the chemical weapons and we really need to take care of it. I guess he doesn't see it as helping the enemy so much as helping the people. This is what he got into special forces to do.

We have a long line of military in our family too. My father in law was in the 101st that parachuted into Normandy (and survived!), my father was a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy in WWII and Korean. My husband joined the Marines (not drafted) and went to Viet Nam. Now our son started out with 101st Airborne, now in Psychological Ops. Thank you for your prayers for him!!!! I'll let him know :) He's a very strong Christian.....which I'm so thankful for!
fake or no fake ....the pres is fucked no matter what decision he makes...
the racists obama haters are loving this.

if I was one of our soldiers who had done multiple tours in that area.. with no end in site I'd revolt too.

Are you bi-polar or something?
no ..most intelligent people can hold two divergent lines of thought in their brains without their mental gears grinding..
you don't seem to be one of them.
Revolt? no. but no one I know wants anything to do with another deployment to another dirt bag country. Do not believe the BS about no boots on the ground...How do you establish targets can you rebuild what you blowup without boots on the ground? If anyone thinks we will destroy their domestic airfields and not rebuild them then you should think again. This is a disaster in the making and all of you should scream at the top of your lungs to get this STOPPED.
Could they consume a javelina? As a peccary it technically isn't a pig.


Seems like a nice loophole if you want to be a Muslim but enjoy the occasional BLT.

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