US Military Revolts Against The President

Truth goes through 3 stages. First it is riduled, next it is viciously attacked, third?

It becomes self evident.

That is the three stages of truth and it would do you (Katz), Starkey and Montrovant good to "keep it in mind"...

God loves you guys, so do I , I'm praying for ya. No hard feelings. Have an awesome day! - Jeri
They aren't Americans. They might be Syrian Christians wearing gold wedding bands.

This is what happens when the military is ordered to fight on the wrong side. The "enemy" looks more like us than our "friends".

We should have expected it. obama wrote of his intentions. If the political winds should shift in an ugly direction, he would stand with the muslims. Page 261 of The Audacity of Hope. The political winds have shifted in an ugly direction. The Islamic fundamentalists have gotten ugly. He stands with the muslims.

If American military are not refusing to fight today, hopefully they will soon.
So now you are shifting your position. That possibly some of these soldiers are indeed Americans ( hashtag & Twitter ) protesting the Syrian invasion on the horizon. Interesting.

I haven't shifted my position in the slightest. I never said that the pictures were not or could not be Americans. In fact, I don't recall Katz saying that, either. It seems to be something you assumed for whatever reason.

Yes he did. It's in the article he posted. He is in agreement with the Washington wire the story was a hoax. Read this clip and see for yourself. Either the soldiers are Americans or they are not. Katz is standing with the Washington Wire on this that the soldiers were Syrian. Here! Read it! From Katz's article link:
The Obama administration has positioned a Navy ship carrying Marines in the Eastern Mediterranean. But U.S. officials said that those Marines are not going to be part of any strike on Syria, which will likely be carried out by cruise missiles fired by Navy ships.

The hack also includes pictures of people wearing U.S. military uniforms holding signs in front of their faces reading “I will not fight for Al Qaeda” and “I didn’t join the Marine Corps to Fight for Al Qaeda in a Syrian civil war.”

The Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility for hacking the New York Times, the Washington Post and other websites.

So which is it? Katz? Montrovant? Are they Syrians dressed as Americans or are these men American soldiers?!
If you say they are American soldiers than you are in agreement with me that there is something more to this story and the article Katz posted is covering up some part of the true story. Thanks! - Jeri

Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Marines Website - Washington Wire - WSJ <-------------link Katz put up. Check it.

Could you point out to me where it says the photos used were necessarily faked by Syrians?

It says the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the site and used that photo. They could have simply lifted those photos from Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites to use them. Whether they are real photos of US soldiers has nothing to do with whether or not the SEA hacked a recruitment site.

I have no idea if Katz meant to say that the pictures must be Syrians. She didn't actually say it. I don't think it is implied, but it's Katz; I'd never claim to understand her thinking.

Again, you are presenting a choice which I consider wrongly limited. The photos need not be American soldiers or Syrians. It could be American civilians wearing the uniform of soldiers. It could be citizens of any country in the world posing as American soldiers. Why must it be one or the other?
Truth goes through 3 stages. First it is riduled, next it is viciously attacked, third?

It becomes self evident.

That is the three stages of truth and it would do you (Katz), Starkey and Montrovant good to "keep it in mind"...

God loves you guys, so do I , I'm praying for ya. No hard feelings. Have an awesome day! - Jeri

When you post some truth, I'll try to keep it in mind. :tongue:
If the photos of these soldiers are in fact Syrians they must not be Muslim. According to Islam Muslim men do not wear gold wedding bands. Yet many of the men in these photographs holding up their signs have on gold wedding bands. Just something I noticed.

Check out the reason Muslim men are not to wear gold wedding bands. I found this interesting.

Islam Question and Answer - The reason why gold is forbidden for men

One guy has a tattoo on his arm.....I understand that it's a major sin for muslims.
It's ok to have fake ones, that can be removed. Maybe this guy, just like the ones with rings, just put on a fake one for the pics. Doesn't look fake though from what I can see of it. You won't find many military guys now that doesn't have a tattoo! My son has 5 or 6...
Despite your sentiment as a soldier, you are duty bound to obey the orders of the CNC. You volunteered your time and your service, and seeing as how most of our military in this era are volunteers, they are not allowed to achieve conscientious objector status like Muhammad Ali did during the Vietnam War, when the draft was still taking place.

Yes....but I think to a point.

My son is home on leave right now before heading to Afghanistan. I talked to him about this when I was home for lunch. He was a little he really didn't want to get into the conversation. That tells me a lot. I know him, and he's usually pretty outspoken and says what he thinks. So just his mannerism told me a lot. Makes me think there could be some truth to this.
If the photos of these soldiers are in fact Syrians they must not be Muslim. According to Islam Muslim men do not wear gold wedding bands. Yet many of the men in these photographs holding up their signs have on gold wedding bands. Just something I noticed.

Check out the reason Muslim men are not to wear gold wedding bands. I found this interesting.

Islam Question and Answer - The reason why gold is forbidden for men

They are allowed to deceive infidels, so, yes, they can be wearing gold wedding bands.

Disinformation tactics, Jeri.

So then the Syrians who posed as our Military men chose to buy gold wedding bands and put them on for the photos in order convince everyone they were American military soldiers, Starkey? I think you "might be" reaching here. - Jeri

Probably have less than dozen in the store rooms. Didn't need anymore than that.
Despite your sentiment as a soldier, you are duty bound to obey the orders of the CNC. You volunteered your time and your service, and seeing as how most of our military in this era are volunteers, they are not allowed to achieve conscientious objector status like Muhammad Ali did during the Vietnam War, when the draft was still taking place.

Thats the same lame excuse the German Soliders tried to use, "I was just doing what I was ordered to do". There are some actions that cannot be seen as a lawful order. I did 23 years in the Navy and I would feel exactly the same as the serviceman in those pictures do.
I haven't shifted my position in the slightest. I never said that the pictures were not or could not be Americans. In fact, I don't recall Katz saying that, either. It seems to be something you assumed for whatever reason.

Yes he did. It's in the article he posted. He is in agreement with the Washington wire the story was a hoax. Read this clip and see for yourself. Either the soldiers are Americans or they are not. Katz is standing with the Washington Wire on this that the soldiers were Syrian. Here! Read it! From Katz's article link:
The Obama administration has positioned a Navy ship carrying Marines in the Eastern Mediterranean. But U.S. officials said that those Marines are not going to be part of any strike on Syria, which will likely be carried out by cruise missiles fired by Navy ships.

The hack also includes pictures of people wearing U.S. military uniforms holding signs in front of their faces reading &#8220;I will not fight for Al Qaeda&#8221; and &#8220;I didn&#8217;t join the Marine Corps to Fight for Al Qaeda in a Syrian civil war.&#8221;

The Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility for hacking the New York Times, the Washington Post and other websites.

So which is it? Katz? Montrovant? Are they Syrians dressed as Americans or are these men American soldiers?!
If you say they are American soldiers than you are in agreement with me that there is something more to this story and the article Katz posted is covering up some part of the true story. Thanks! - Jeri

Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Marines Website - Washington Wire - WSJ <-------------link Katz put up. Check it.

Could you point out to me where it says the photos used were necessarily faked by Syrians?

It says the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the site and used that photo. They could have simply lifted those photos from Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites to use them. Whether they are real photos of US soldiers has nothing to do with whether or not the SEA hacked a recruitment site.

I have no idea if Katz meant to say that the pictures must be Syrians. She didn't actually say it. I don't think it is implied, but it's Katz; I'd never claim to understand her thinking.

Again, you are presenting a choice which I consider wrongly limited. The photos need not be American soldiers or Syrians. It could be American civilians wearing the uniform of soldiers. It could be citizens of any country in the world posing as American soldiers. Why must it be one or the other?

Maybe you and Katz should have a little talk "before" you post, Montrovant? Here is another quote from Katz:

They aren't Americans. They might be Syrian Christians wearing gold wedding bands.

This is what happens when the military is ordered to fight on the wrong side. The "enemy" looks more like us than our "friends".

We should have expected it. obama wrote of his intentions. If the political winds should shift in an ugly direction, he would stand with the muslims. Page 261 of The Audacity of Hope. The political winds have shifted in an ugly direction. The Islamic fundamentalists have gotten ugly. He stands with the muslims.

If American military are not refusing to fight today, hopefully they will soon.

Now let me say this and then I will leave you to it, Montrovant:

I posted this article this morning for one reason and one reason alone.

I am 4 square behind our American soldiers. There is a reason they went public while holding up signs in front of their faces to hide their identity. They are in fear retribution. The consequences could be severe for them and they know it.

These are the men who have fought to preserve our freedom of speech. As an american citizen who appreciates what they have done for me and for my fellow americans - putting up this article is the very least I could do for them.

I pray that their voices are heard and that they prevail in their effort to get the truth out.

No strike on Syria!

Have a blessed day.

- Jeri
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Despite your sentiment as a soldier, you are duty bound to obey the orders of the CNC. You volunteered your time and your service, and seeing as how most of our military in this era are volunteers, they are not allowed to achieve conscientious objector status like Muhammad Ali did during the Vietnam War, when the draft was still taking place.

Yes....but I think to a point.

My son is home on leave right now before heading to Afghanistan. I talked to him about this when I was home for lunch. He was a little he really didn't want to get into the conversation. That tells me a lot. I know him, and he's usually pretty outspoken and says what he thinks. So just his mannerism told me a lot. Makes me think there could be some truth to this.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't want our soldiers going over there fighting for our enemies either. But they did swear an oath to serve their country. Your son may not like the orders he is given, but orders are orders. I don't want to sound unmerciful, but I've had many members fight in many of the great wars past Korea. My Father in Desert Storm and Grenada, Grandfather in Vietnam, Cousin in WWII and Korea, Great Uncle in WWII (in the Battle of Iwo Jima) and a Step-Brother in Afghanistan, just to name a few.

Some of them probably didn't want nor care to fight in those wars and probably objected to going, but they went out of love for their country if nothing else. I object to this war in Syria, and will forevermore, because it is flawed reasoning. It is reckless. Your son knows this is wrong, but as I pointed out before, he has to obey orders, and I think he knows that too. If he does wind up getting shipped out there as his mannerisms suggest, you personally will have my prayers for safe return. Count on it.
Yes he did. It's in the article he posted. He is in agreement with the Washington wire the story was a hoax. Read this clip and see for yourself. Either the soldiers are Americans or they are not. Katz is standing with the Washington Wire on this that the soldiers were Syrian. Here! Read it! From Katz's article link:
The Obama administration has positioned a Navy ship carrying Marines in the Eastern Mediterranean. But U.S. officials said that those Marines are not going to be part of any strike on Syria, which will likely be carried out by cruise missiles fired by Navy ships.

The hack also includes pictures of people wearing U.S. military uniforms holding signs in front of their faces reading “I will not fight for Al Qaeda” and “I didn’t join the Marine Corps to Fight for Al Qaeda in a Syrian civil war.”

The Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility for hacking the New York Times, the Washington Post and other websites.

So which is it? Katz? Montrovant? Are they Syrians dressed as Americans or are these men American soldiers?!
If you say they are American soldiers than you are in agreement with me that there is something more to this story and the article Katz posted is covering up some part of the true story. Thanks! - Jeri

Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Marines Website - Washington Wire - WSJ <-------------link Katz put up. Check it.

Could you point out to me where it says the photos used were necessarily faked by Syrians?

It says the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the site and used that photo. They could have simply lifted those photos from Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites to use them. Whether they are real photos of US soldiers has nothing to do with whether or not the SEA hacked a recruitment site.

I have no idea if Katz meant to say that the pictures must be Syrians. She didn't actually say it. I don't think it is implied, but it's Katz; I'd never claim to understand her thinking.

Again, you are presenting a choice which I consider wrongly limited. The photos need not be American soldiers or Syrians. It could be American civilians wearing the uniform of soldiers. It could be citizens of any country in the world posing as American soldiers. Why must it be one or the other?

Maybe you and Katz should have a little talk "before" you post, Montrovant? Here is another quote from Katz:

They aren't Americans. They might be Syrian Christians wearing gold wedding bands.

This is what happens when the military is ordered to fight on the wrong side. The "enemy" looks more like us than our "friends".

We should have expected it. obama wrote of his intentions. If the political winds should shift in an ugly direction, he would stand with the muslims. Page 261 of The Audacity of Hope. The political winds have shifted in an ugly direction. The Islamic fundamentalists have gotten ugly. He stands with the muslims.

If American military are not refusing to fight today, hopefully they will soon.

Now let me say this and then I will leave you to it, Montrovant:

I posted this article this morning for one reason and one reason alone.

I am 4 square behind our American soldiers. There is a reason they went public while holding up signs in front of their faces to hide their identity. They are in fear retribution. The consequences could be severe for them and they know it.

These are the men who have fought to preserve our freedom of speech. As an american citizen who appreciates what they have done for me and for my fellow americans - putting up this article is the very least I could do for them.

I pray that their voices are heard and that they prevail in their effort to get the truth out.

No strike on Syria!

Have a blessed day.

- Jeri

Not that this is about Katz, but here's another quote from her, "For all we know from the photos, they could have been ordered up from central casting and brought their own uniforms."

Like I said, I don't know what Katz's intent was.

Anyway, I agree that we should probably stay out of Syria. I don't know just what the evidence is as far as the chemical weapons attack, so I'm not 100% opposed to any military intervention, but for the most part it seems like a bad idea to me.

This has never been about my opinion of the Syria situation. I disagree with how the government seems to be handling it. I just don't see evidence of a military revolt; at most there is simply some unrest, as there seems to be in the civilian population regarding Syria.

I do want to say thank you to you for remaining very civil and polite throughout this discussion! :D

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