US Military Revolts Against The President

Condemning something as a lie while refusing to examine the evidence will guarantee you eternal ignorance on the matter. Why not examine the evidence before condemning it? Here! Look at this and ask yourself. Are all of these men Syrian imposters dressed in our military uniforms to fake a "revolt" against orders for an invasion into Syria? Decide AFTER you look at the evidence. Not before. Thanks.

Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military and Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria | Global Research

Who condemned anything as a lie? Who refused to examine the evidence?

You are going wild with strawmen and hyperbole.

I looked at your link. It shows 8 pictures. That's 8 people who may or may not be members of the armed services. 8 people who, even if they are US soldiers, have not yet refused any orders. 8 people out of how many members of the armed services?

Do you see where this is going yet?

Just because you or the writers of this article want to say there is a revolt occurring does not make it so. A few social media posts which may or may not be actual service members does not make it so.

I believe you did. As you stated, you have just now looked at the article. How can you claim to be so sure of the truth until you first examine the evidence, Montrovant? Do you not see that is an act of foolishness? I am examining it and I question the validity of the claims made by the Washington Wire that these soldiers are in reality Syrians dressed in US military uniform posing as soldiers. Using hashtag - it appears that there is more to this story than they care to admit. I'm just pointing that out. Why does that trouble you?

Do you only want to know the truth when it supports your side of the arguement or do you want to know the truth all the time? That is the question for many on this board I believe. In past times perhaps it was not so important to some of you. This time? America hangs in the balance. A strike on Syria would have devastating consequences to the United States of America and Israel. That is my concern and I shall not remain silent about it. - Jeri

You are right to be concerned obama and the democrats (is that a new rock group?), are not considering that there would be any consequences from an attack on Syria. They can just launch a few missiles, dust off their hands and go home saying the job was well done. No one would be as surprised as democrats if the Syrians and their allies took a strike seriously, as the act of war it is. They believe that wars can happen ONLY if Congress or the president declares war. Incredibly short sighted, just amazingly so.
Who condemned anything as a lie? Who refused to examine the evidence?

You are going wild with strawmen and hyperbole.

I looked at your link. It shows 8 pictures. That's 8 people who may or may not be members of the armed services. 8 people who, even if they are US soldiers, have not yet refused any orders. 8 people out of how many members of the armed services?

Do you see where this is going yet?

Just because you or the writers of this article want to say there is a revolt occurring does not make it so. A few social media posts which may or may not be actual service members does not make it so.

I believe you did. As you stated, you have just now looked at the article. How can you claim to be so sure of the truth until you first examine the evidence, Montrovant? Do you not see that is an act of foolishness? I am examining it and I question the validity of the claims made by the Washington Wire that these soldiers are in reality Syrians dressed in US military uniform posing as soldiers. Using hashtag - it appears that there is more to this story than they care to admit. I'm just pointing that out. Why does that trouble you?

Do you only want to know the truth when it supports your side of the arguement or do you want to know the truth all the time? That is the question for many on this board I believe. In past times perhaps it was not so important to some of you. This time? America hangs in the balance. A strike on Syria would have devastating consequences to the United States of America and Israel. That is my concern and I shall not remain silent about it. - Jeri

Have fun believing that. I did nothing of the sort.

What I did was point out the obvious fact that the evidence provided for this so-called military revolt is sorely lacking.

The truth is that you and the article give almost no evidence of any revolt. Sure, there may be some soldiers who have posted pictures on social media sites. That is not a revolt. Even if there is a revolt brewing in our military, a few social media pics is not particularly good evidence of it.

You mention my side of the argument. My side is simply that you are taking the flimsiest of evidence and assuming it means a revolt is happening. It has nothing to do with the current administration, the possibility of an attack on or war with Syria, or any other political discussion. It is all about what you have stated and the little evidence you've used to back it up. Oh, and about the humor involved in you calling on someone else to verify and back up their claims, when you started the thread making claims about a military revolt based on a few seemingly anonymous social media pictures.

I eagerly await another reply which addresses none of this. :tongue:

The article speaks for itself, Montrovant. I posted it as it presents itself - the title is on their article. Believe it or choose not to believe it - time will tell.

On the matter of stating it is the flimsiest of evidence - there is little doubt the America people are not in support of our President giving the order to invade Syria with Missiles. Perhaps we should be praying that he does not do this..

On the matter of social media pictures - the article posts more than the photos someone put up here. Also the claim is that there has been a "flood of response" not a few.

On the matter of what to do? I believe we have to pray for our president. I hope that answers all of your questions.

* I do agree that I mispoke when saying signs and faces - I should have said holding signs up in front of faces I can still see the faces from sides - upper forehead - navy officer with black rimmed glasses very white skin - another mans ears side of face, parts of their face most hidden - also I should have mentioned their hands. That is not part of their face. I do agree - still I believe those are our soldiers.

- Jeri
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No. I question the Washington Wire's story being a "fact" because all we have is their claim that the USMC site was hacked -
Yet strangely you didn't question your article claiming there is a military revolt against Obama, you just posted it here as "fact" for your thread.

I'm looking at what I can see - their ears, the eyes of one guy forehead - side of their faces upper half - also look at the hands - there is no question in my mind that these guys are ours.
Ok, using your technique... prove it. Your amateur analysis at staring at ears and foreheads is not evidence.
If the photos of these soldiers are in fact Syrians they must not be Muslim. According to Islam Muslim men do not wear gold wedding bands. Yet many of the men in these photographs holding up their signs have on gold wedding bands. Just something I noticed.

Check out the reason Muslim men are not to wear gold wedding bands. I found this interesting.

Islam Question and Answer - The reason why gold is forbidden for men
If the photos of these soldiers are in fact Syrians they must not be Muslim. According to Islam Muslim men do not wear gold wedding bands. Yet many of the men in these photographs holding up their signs have on gold wedding bands. Just something I noticed.

Check out the reason Muslim men are not to wear gold wedding bands. I found this interesting.

Islam Question and Answer - The reason why gold is forbidden for men

They are allowed to deceive infidels, so, yes, they can be wearing gold wedding bands.

Disinformation tactics, Jeri.
No. I question the Washington Wire's story being a "fact" because all we have is their claim that the USMC site was hacked -
Yet strangely you didn't question your article claiming there is a military revolt against Obama, you just posted it here as "fact" for your thread.

I'm looking at what I can see - their ears, the eyes of one guy forehead - side of their faces upper half - also look at the hands - there is no question in my mind that these guys are ours.
Ok, using your technique... prove it. Your amateur analysis at staring at ears and foreheads is not evidence.

I posted the article as it was and at that time Katz had not posted his own information - story of Washington Wire - which states these soldiers are Syrians and the entire thing is a hoax. USMC was hacked by Syrians is their claim.

If you read through the thread I state more than once that it is a good thing to examine the evidence and see whether or not the story is true. Is there something more to it? Obviously the idea of this troubles you, Katz and Starkey. As to what your motives are I could not say. I still say if there is something to this story then we will find out in the future. Time will tell. It always does.

- Jeri
If the photos of these soldiers are in fact Syrians they must not be Muslim. According to Islam Muslim men do not wear gold wedding bands. Yet many of the men in these photographs holding up their signs have on gold wedding bands. Just something I noticed.

Check out the reason Muslim men are not to wear gold wedding bands. I found this interesting.

Islam Question and Answer - The reason why gold is forbidden for men

That they must be either American soldiers or Syrians is, so far as I can tell, your own conclusion and not something others have stated.

They could be anyone with access to a uniform, a digital camera/phone, and internet access.

And whether or not they are actually American soldiers does not mean there is a military revolt going on.
Bull Shit

If Vision to America and Global Research have printed a false story - they should make a retraction immediately. They should also be preparing to report the true story and update for their readers including the report from the Washinton Wire.

I shall expect them to do so immediately. In the meantime, we all need to be praying for our president that he does the right thing.

- Jeri
If the photos of these soldiers are in fact Syrians they must not be Muslim. According to Islam Muslim men do not wear gold wedding bands. Yet many of the men in these photographs holding up their signs have on gold wedding bands. Just something I noticed.

Check out the reason Muslim men are not to wear gold wedding bands. I found this interesting.

Islam Question and Answer - The reason why gold is forbidden for men

That they must be either American soldiers or Syrians is, so far as I can tell, your own conclusion and not something others have stated.

They could be anyone with access to a uniform, a digital camera/phone, and internet access.

And whether or not they are actually American soldiers does not mean there is a military revolt going on.

So now you are shifting your position. That possibly some of these soldiers are indeed Americans ( hashtag & Twitter ) protesting the Syrian invasion on the horizon. Interesting.
No. I question the Washington Wire's story being a "fact" because all we have is their claim that the USMC site was hacked -
Yet strangely you didn't question your article claiming there is a military revolt against Obama, you just posted it here as "fact" for your thread.

I'm looking at what I can see - their ears, the eyes of one guy forehead - side of their faces upper half - also look at the hands - there is no question in my mind that these guys are ours.
Ok, using your technique... prove it. Your amateur analysis at staring at ears and foreheads is not evidence.

I posted the article as it was and at that time Katz had not posted his own information - story of Washington Wire - which states these soldiers are Syrians and the entire thing is a hoax. USMC was hacked by Syrians is their claim.

If you read through the thread I state more than once that it is a good thing to examine the evidence and see whether or not the story is true. Is there something more to it? Obviously the idea of this troubles you, Katz and Starkey. As to what your motives are I could not say. I still say if there is something to this story then we will find out in the future. Time will tell. It always does.

- Jeri

Sure, you say it's good to examine evidence......after you named the thread 'US Military Revolts Against the President', posted a link that says the same, then repeated the claim after the link. Or did you forget typing this, "This is the latest news - the US Military is revolting against Obama's decision to support Al Qaeda in Syria. This coupled with the latest news of Al Qaeda joining Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - which is currently murdering Christians and burning down churches is a very a troubling picture of how fast things are unraveling.".

Yes, the article has the title about revolt, but you repeated it....twice. You didn't say anything in the OP about needing to examine evidence or seeing if the story is true. You posted it as though it were true. Then proceeded to ask Katz to verify the link she posted about the Marine recruitment site being hacked. :eusa_whistle:
Yet strangely you didn't question your article claiming there is a military revolt against Obama, you just posted it here as "fact" for your thread.

Ok, using your technique... prove it. Your amateur analysis at staring at ears and foreheads is not evidence.

I posted the article as it was and at that time Katz had not posted his own information - story of Washington Wire - which states these soldiers are Syrians and the entire thing is a hoax. USMC was hacked by Syrians is their claim.

If you read through the thread I state more than once that it is a good thing to examine the evidence and see whether or not the story is true. Is there something more to it? Obviously the idea of this troubles you, Katz and Starkey. As to what your motives are I could not say. I still say if there is something to this story then we will find out in the future. Time will tell. It always does.

- Jeri

Sure, you say it's good to examine evidence......after you named the thread 'US Military Revolts Against the President', posted a link that says the same, then repeated the claim after the link. Or did you forget typing this, "This is the latest news - the US Military is revolting against Obama's decision to support Al Qaeda in Syria. This coupled with the latest news of Al Qaeda joining Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - which is currently murdering Christians and burning down churches is a very a troubling picture of how fast things are unraveling.".

Yes, the article has the title about revolt, but you repeated it....twice. You didn't say anything in the OP about needing to examine evidence or seeing if the story is true. You posted it as though it were true. Then proceeded to ask Katz to verify the link she posted about the Marine recruitment site being hacked. :eusa_whistle:

Not exactly, Montro. I posted the article and at the time of posting the article had no idea what Katz had and didn't have. Katz responded AFTER the article was posted and I then said it is a good idea to examine the evidence before condeming it as a lie. I still stand by that and in my opinion - there appears to be a cover up of some sort. Obviously some of these soldiers - military are indeed revolting against an order to invade Syria - should that order come. Please do not twist my words here. Thank you. - Jeri p.s. question back to you - you state I said This is the latest news - that is exactly right. That was the latest news - look at the date on the article September 03, 2013. That is today. Hello?
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If the photos of these soldiers are in fact Syrians they must not be Muslim. According to Islam Muslim men do not wear gold wedding bands. Yet many of the men in these photographs holding up their signs have on gold wedding bands. Just something I noticed.

Check out the reason Muslim men are not to wear gold wedding bands. I found this interesting.

Islam Question and Answer - The reason why gold is forbidden for men

They are allowed to deceive infidels, so, yes, they can be wearing gold wedding bands.

Disinformation tactics, Jeri.

So then the Syrians who posed as our Military men chose to buy gold wedding bands and put them on for the photos in order convince everyone they were American military soldiers, Starkey? I think you "might be" reaching here. - Jeri
If the photos of these soldiers are in fact Syrians they must not be Muslim. According to Islam Muslim men do not wear gold wedding bands. Yet many of the men in these photographs holding up their signs have on gold wedding bands. Just something I noticed.

Check out the reason Muslim men are not to wear gold wedding bands. I found this interesting.

Islam Question and Answer - The reason why gold is forbidden for men

That they must be either American soldiers or Syrians is, so far as I can tell, your own conclusion and not something others have stated.

They could be anyone with access to a uniform, a digital camera/phone, and internet access.

And whether or not they are actually American soldiers does not mean there is a military revolt going on.

So now you are shifting your position. That possibly some of these soldiers are indeed Americans ( hashtag & Twitter ) protesting the Syrian invasion on the horizon. Interesting.

I haven't shifted my position in the slightest. I never said that the pictures were not or could not be Americans. In fact, I don't recall Katz saying that, either. It seems to be something you assumed for whatever reason.
I posted the article as it was and at that time Katz had not posted his own information - story of Washington Wire - which states these soldiers are Syrians and the entire thing is a hoax. USMC was hacked by Syrians is their claim.

If you read through the thread I state more than once that it is a good thing to examine the evidence and see whether or not the story is true. Is there something more to it? Obviously the idea of this troubles you, Katz and Starkey. As to what your motives are I could not say. I still say if there is something to this story then we will find out in the future. Time will tell. It always does.

- Jeri

Sure, you say it's good to examine evidence......after you named the thread 'US Military Revolts Against the President', posted a link that says the same, then repeated the claim after the link. Or did you forget typing this, "This is the latest news - the US Military is revolting against Obama's decision to support Al Qaeda in Syria. This coupled with the latest news of Al Qaeda joining Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - which is currently murdering Christians and burning down churches is a very a troubling picture of how fast things are unraveling.".

Yes, the article has the title about revolt, but you repeated it....twice. You didn't say anything in the OP about needing to examine evidence or seeing if the story is true. You posted it as though it were true. Then proceeded to ask Katz to verify the link she posted about the Marine recruitment site being hacked. :eusa_whistle:

Not exactly, Montro. I posted the article and at the time of posting the article had no idea what Katz had and didn't have. Katz responded AFTER the article was posted and I then said it is a good idea to examine the evidence before condeming it as a lie. I still stand by that and in my opinion - there appears to be a cover up of some sort. Obviously some of these soldiers - military are indeed revolting against an order to invade Syria - should that order come. Please do not twist my words here. Thank you. - Jeri p.s. question back to you - you state I said This is the latest news - that is exactly right. That was the latest news - look at the date on the article September 03, 2013. That is today. Hello?

What does Katz posting her link later have to do with the fact that, in your OP, you said nothing at all about checking facts or examining evidence?

I'm not twisting your words. Hell, I directly quoted you. If some pictures on social media are what you consider a military revolt, you have a strange definition for that phrase.

I was quoting you from your OP, to show how you said there is a military revolt ongoing. That you started it by saying it is the latest news is relatively unimportant, except perhaps in how it could be seen as an attempt to lend legitimacy to your claim.

Is it so difficult for you to say, "I did make that claim in my OP. I shouldn't have been so sure of it with so little evidence."?
They could have been Christian Syrians! Christians in Syria support Assad because Assad isn't killing them!
That they must be either American soldiers or Syrians is, so far as I can tell, your own conclusion and not something others have stated.

They could be anyone with access to a uniform, a digital camera/phone, and internet access.

And whether or not they are actually American soldiers does not mean there is a military revolt going on.

So now you are shifting your position. That possibly some of these soldiers are indeed Americans ( hashtag & Twitter ) protesting the Syrian invasion on the horizon. Interesting.

I haven't shifted my position in the slightest. I never said that the pictures were not or could not be Americans. In fact, I don't recall Katz saying that, either. It seems to be something you assumed for whatever reason.

Yes he did. It's in the article he posted. He is in agreement with the Washington wire the story was a hoax. Read this clip and see for yourself. Either the soldiers are Americans or they are not. Katz is standing with the Washington Wire on this that the soldiers were Syrian. Here! Read it! From Katz's article link:
The Obama administration has positioned a Navy ship carrying Marines in the Eastern Mediterranean. But U.S. officials said that those Marines are not going to be part of any strike on Syria, which will likely be carried out by cruise missiles fired by Navy ships.

The hack also includes pictures of people wearing U.S. military uniforms holding signs in front of their faces reading “I will not fight for Al Qaeda” and “I didn’t join the Marine Corps to Fight for Al Qaeda in a Syrian civil war.”

The Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility for hacking the New York Times, the Washington Post and other websites.

So which is it? Katz? Montrovant? Are they Syrians dressed as Americans or are these men American soldiers?!
If you say they are American soldiers than you are in agreement with me that there is something more to this story and the article Katz posted is covering up some part of the true story. Thanks! - Jeri
That they must be either American soldiers or Syrians is, so far as I can tell, your own conclusion and not something others have stated.

They could be anyone with access to a uniform, a digital camera/phone, and internet access.

And whether or not they are actually American soldiers does not mean there is a military revolt going on.

So now you are shifting your position. That possibly some of these soldiers are indeed Americans ( hashtag & Twitter ) protesting the Syrian invasion on the horizon. Interesting.

I haven't shifted my position in the slightest. I never said that the pictures were not or could not be Americans. In fact, I don't recall Katz saying that, either. It seems to be something you assumed for whatever reason.

Yes he did. It's in the article he posted. He is in agreement with the Washington wire the story was a hoax. Read this clip and see for yourself. Either the soldiers are Americans or they are not. Katz is standing with the Washington Wire on this that the soldiers were Syrian. Here! Read it! From Katz's article link:
The Obama administration has positioned a Navy ship carrying Marines in the Eastern Mediterranean. But U.S. officials said that those Marines are not going to be part of any strike on Syria, which will likely be carried out by cruise missiles fired by Navy ships.

The hack also includes pictures of people wearing U.S. military uniforms holding signs in front of their faces reading “I will not fight for Al Qaeda” and “I didn’t join the Marine Corps to Fight for Al Qaeda in a Syrian civil war.”

The Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility for hacking the New York Times, the Washington Post and other websites.

So which is it? Katz? Montrovant? Are they Syrians dressed as Americans or are these men American soldiers?!
If you say they are American soldiers than you are in agreement with me that there is something more to this story and the article Katz posted is covering up some part of the true story. Thanks! - Jeri <-------------link Katz put up. Check it.
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Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Marines Website - Washington Wire - WSJ

Katz comment when posting link was: The American Military is not revolting against America. It just should.

Comment: If Katz believes that the Syrians dressed in these American military uniforms and as Starkey suggests put on gold wedding bands to trick us ( because they are really Syrian Muslims and this is their disinformation techniques at work ) and you agree that Katz is right - Montrovant - then with all due respect you cannot consider the alternative that "some of these may actually be real photographs of our soldiers on hashtag and twitter.

You see how easy this is guys? You just stay with the truth and watch where it takes you. In this case? If you guys believe both? You are doubled minded and the bible warns us that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Which is probably explains much about those who are right now trying to deny that our military is not behind this invasion of Syria. The gold ring explanation from Starkey was priceless by the way. You gotta love that guy! Bless his heart! ha! ha! - Jeri
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Despite your sentiment as a soldier, you are duty bound to obey the orders of the CNC. You volunteered your time and your service, and seeing as how most of our military in this era are volunteers, they are not allowed to achieve conscientious objector status like Muhammad Ali did during the Vietnam War, when the draft was still taking place.

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