US National Cancer Institute: Marijuana kills cancer.

cannabidiol (CBD) was used, which is an oil made from hemp.No TH is in it.

Three strains of cannabis that are mostly CBD.

Leaves can be used to made topic oils
Buds can be used to make concentrated oil, butter, edibles and tinctures for cancer patients.

Many cancers benefit from the use of cannabis from shrinking the tumor to aiding in eating and helping prevent nausea.
cannabidiol (CBD) was used, which is an oil made from hemp.No TH is in it.

Three strains of cannabis that are mostly CBD.

Leaves can be used to made topic oils
Buds can be used to make concentrated oil, butter, edibles and tinctures for cancer patients.

Many cancers benefit from the use of cannabis from shrinking the tumor to aiding in eating and helping prevent nausea.
and to help with sleep, my CB4 vaporizer works well.
For treatment of PTSD and cancer pain...

Senate Backs Letting VA Doctors Recommend Medical Marijuana to Vets
Nov 11, 2015 | Legislation passed Tuesday by the Senate includes a provision that would allow VA doctors to recommend medical marijuana to patients in states where it is legal.
Some veterans groups have pressed Congress for years to allow the drug for patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The so-called Veterans Equal Access Amendment would do so and was sponsored by Sens. Steve Daines, R-Montana, and Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon. In a statement, Daines noted that the provision "does not change current laws preventing the possession or dispensing of marijuana on VA property, but simply allows veterans to discuss all options that are legally available in their state with their VA doctor."

Michael Collins, deputy director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance, welcomed the move. "Veterans in medical marijuana states should be treated the same as any other resident, and should be able to discuss marijuana with their doctor," he said. "It makes no sense that a veteran can’t use medical marijuana if it helps them and it is legal in their state." The provision was inserted into the Military and Veterans Construction bill, which the upper chamber unanimously passed. Similar language was included in legislation introduced in the House of Representatives in February by Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon, but it has stalled in committee.


Marijuana is measured in 3.5-gram amounts and placed in cans for packaging at the Pioneer Production and Processing marijuana growing facility in Arlington, Wash.​

The VA concedes that some veterans use medical marijuana to relieve PTSD symptoms but questions its effectiveness and suggests the practice might actually be harmful. "Controlled studies have not been conducted to evaluate the safety or effectiveness of medical marijuana for PTSD," states a report by Marcel O. Bonn-Miller, Ph.D. and Glenna S. Rousseau, Ph.D. "Thus, there is no evidence at this time that marijuana is an effective treatment for PTSD. In fact, research suggests that marijuana can be harmful to individuals with PTSD."

The federal government last year approved a study on medical marijuana to be conducted by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a California-based nonprofit research center. But the testing has been delayed over the supply of approved marijuana and a change in testing sites, MAPS spokesman Brad Burge told in April.

Senate Backs Letting VA Doctors Recommend Medical Marijuana to Vets |
I had a tumor and after concentrated oil it's the size of a pin head and dead after a couple of months. No surgery, no radiation, no chemo.

A friend had cancer of the eye and after surgery he still takes everyday for the pain and muscle thickening post surgery. It keep his other eye fully functional, with glasses.

Cancer patients that can't eat need it to stay alive. It gives them an appetite. Pain management for those with chronic or terminal illness. Lessens the anxiety and anger of Alzheimer's and lessens the sundown syndrome. Body oil for those with muscle pain. Tinctures and vape or volcano for those who can't or don't want the cough of smoking a joint or bong. Butters, oils, teas and wines to consume. Gum, candy, brownies, cookies, muffins.......but don't eat too much or make them too strong. A little goes a long way. It's an acquired taste. Not all has THC. Most of the plant is not smoked but can still be medicinal.

There are around 4 strains with no THC or practically none at all but high in CBD.

Plant can be used in so many ways and fast growing. Paper, clothing, rope, wood for fires, nourishes the soil, seed for food, furniture, cars, fuel. Long history since the early settlers. Once farmers were required to grow it.

Every treatment and patient has a particular strain and menthol of use for their individuals needs. Even those who use regularly don't get a high once they reach a certain level of use.

I've hospices and the morphine is so debilitating and even at high doses is inadequate. It is painful to see them suffer. When patients can use, even in late stage, it gives them a much better quality of life.
For those with chronic pain that can't take high doses of opioids, it can be a lifesaver. I've seen too many with pain turn to medical termination because of their suffering.

Those with seizures, MS and MD find a big difference.

it's been a medicine around the world for more than 5000 yrs.

I've seen women chew leaves during childbirth.

Acceptance is long over due
Come on pot heads. Do you hate women so much that you would lead them to believe that sucking on a cannabis weed would cure breast cancer?
arias wrote: I've seen women chew leaves during childbirth.

Those are coca leaves.

Not in my neck of the world. Plants grew wild behind my home. Midwives and local healers always had some in their pack. It was not a thing for most people to smoke till I recognized the smell in college. We used to hang out our sheets to dry on days when they would burn the goat plants before harvesting the almonds or olives. It helped sleep and sweetened dreams. I knew that some like to mix it with their tobacco for their water pipes, but the tobacco over powered the natural smell.

Coca leaves? Wrong side of the world.
I had a tumor and after concentrated oil it's the size of a pin head and dead after a couple of months. No surgery, no radiation, no chemo.

A friend had cancer of the eye and after surgery he still takes everyday for the pain and muscle thickening post surgery. It keep his other eye fully functional, with glasses.

Cancer patients that can't eat need it to stay alive. It gives them an appetite. Pain management for those with chronic or terminal illness. Lessens the anxiety and anger of Alzheimer's and lessens the sundown syndrome. Body oil for those with muscle pain. Tinctures and vape or volcano for those who can't or don't want the cough of smoking a joint or bong. Butters, oils, teas and wines to consume. Gum, candy, brownies, cookies, muffins.......but don't eat too much or make them too strong. A little goes a long way. It's an acquired taste. Not all has THC. Most of the plant is not smoked but can still be medicinal.

There are around 4 strains with no THC or practically none at all but high in CBD.

Plant can be used in so many ways and fast growing. Paper, clothing, rope, wood for fires, nourishes the soil, seed for food, furniture, cars, fuel. Long history since the early settlers. Once farmers were required to grow it.

Every treatment and patient has a particular strain and menthol of use for their individuals needs. Even those who use regularly don't get a high once they reach a certain level of use.

I've hospices and the morphine is so debilitating and even at high doses is inadequate. It is painful to see them suffer. When patients can use, even in late stage, it gives them a much better quality of life.
For those with chronic pain that can't take high doses of opioids, it can be a lifesaver. I've seen too many with pain turn to medical termination because of their suffering.

Those with seizures, MS and MD find a big difference.

it's been a medicine around the world for more than 5000 yrs.

I've seen women chew leaves during childbirth.

Acceptance is long over due

Thanks for your advertisement. Now that you've managed to convince yourself, that still doesn't mean we are. Been there and tried it in desperation, it doesn't work.
I had a tumor and after concentrated oil it's the size of a pin head and dead after a couple of months. No surgery, no radiation, no chemo.

A friend had cancer of the eye and after surgery he still takes everyday for the pain and muscle thickening post surgery. It keep his other eye fully functional, with glasses.

Cancer patients that can't eat need it to stay alive. It gives them an appetite. Pain management for those with chronic or terminal illness. Lessens the anxiety and anger of Alzheimer's and lessens the sundown syndrome. Body oil for those with muscle pain. Tinctures and vape or volcano for those who can't or don't want the cough of smoking a joint or bong. Butters, oils, teas and wines to consume. Gum, candy, brownies, cookies, muffins.......but don't eat too much or make them too strong. A little goes a long way. It's an acquired taste. Not all has THC. Most of the plant is not smoked but can still be medicinal.

There are around 4 strains with no THC or practically none at all but high in CBD.

Plant can be used in so many ways and fast growing. Paper, clothing, rope, wood for fires, nourishes the soil, seed for food, furniture, cars, fuel. Long history since the early settlers. Once farmers were required to grow it.

Every treatment and patient has a particular strain and menthol of use for their individuals needs. Even those who use regularly don't get a high once they reach a certain level of use.

I've hospices and the morphine is so debilitating and even at high doses is inadequate. It is painful to see them suffer. When patients can use, even in late stage, it gives them a much better quality of life.
For those with chronic pain that can't take high doses of opioids, it can be a lifesaver. I've seen too many with pain turn to medical termination because of their suffering.

Those with seizures, MS and MD find a big difference.

it's been a medicine around the world for more than 5000 yrs.

I've seen women chew leaves during childbirth.

Acceptance is long over due

Thanks for your advertisement. Now that you've managed to convince yourself, that still doesn't mean we are. Been there and tried it in desperation, it doesn't work.

No one said you had to use Cannabis for cancer, but the option should be there for those who do.

It has been proven to kill some cancers and made treatment of other type more tolerable.

Not trying to sell, just share information. You can make up your own mind. Allow others the same right.
Bwhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!

I swear to fucking god any fucking day these goddamned loser drug addicts are going to claim their fucking drug is the origin of the universe. This has gotten so stupidly comical it's beyond words !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The freaking option to "use cannabis for cancer" is bogus It's so freaking dishonest to use Cancer victims to promote the "legal" sale of a side effect that doesn't even impact real cancer treatment.
We used to joke that Obamacare treatment for illnesses like cancer would be "here, puff on some weed". Looks like we were right, that's exactly where they want to go with it.

How big of a doobie did it take before the US National Cancer Institute came up with that one. Sounds like a stoner statement to me. Maybe marijuana kills lung cancer that you get from smoking weed. Let's see, nope, that doesn't quite equate.
Try reading the link. :) Its already proven that cannabis oil and other assorted marijuana related things help MANY diseases.

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