US Natural gas bills will likely DOUBLE...

Can understand coal. It is filthy, stinks when burned, creating acid rain, which harms the forrests, burns the eyes and burned coal creates dangerous solid waste that has to be dealt with.
What's the matter with natural gas? It burns cleaner than just about anything I can think of and is very popular and the US is the #1 producer on the planet and has been going back to around 2010. It ain't going away anytime soon, and is a much cleaner fuel for power generation and heating than any other combustible fuel.
You got your problems. We got our benefits. TVA operates 29 hydroelectric dams across the Tennessee River Valley watershed, supplying 13% of the power to the system. Not sure what percentage of your power you receive from Hydroelectric generation, while providing navigation, recreational areas and enhanced river commerce.
Am aware they are trying to keep vital natural resources and species alive and vibrant in your region. Hopefully you folks can figure out how to do both. It is not an all or nothing deal and with the right management it can be worked out effectively, efficiently and productively.

And guess where that air from China ends up?

I always hear from lying progressive slaves that Socialism is the best way to live, yet we saw East Germany and the USSR as greater polluters of the world back in the 1950s to the 1990s, now it is China because again Socialist dont give a damn about anyone else except themselves....At least those that arent murdered in Socialist countries.
I suspect she is using the power...of deceit.

Electricity is cheapest in mommy's basement.

Probably never seen an electric bill...much less paid one.

My mom is dead. So is my dad. However I have not lived in my parent's house since 1978.

I've been paying my bills since I was 18 years old.

Here's a photo of my latest electric bill. The PUD stands for Public Utility District.

I took out my address for my privacy.

As you can see, that 18.54 charge even included the taxes.

Want to try another lie? This time try not to make it so easy to prove you for the lying fool you are.

I thought she worked in healthcare administration as a paper pusher at some level.

No I've never worked in the health care field.

I'm a professional photographer. A member of the press the trump people hate so much.
My mom is dead. So is my dad. However I have not lived in my parent's house since 1978.

I've been paying my bills since I was 18 years old.

Here's a photo of my latest electric bill. The PUD stands for Public Utility District.

I took out my address for my privacy.

As you can see, that 18.54 charge even included the taxes.

Want to try another lie? This time try not to make it so easy to prove you for the lying fool you are.

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You used 29 KWH's!!!
And exactly how do you manage to pull that off?

The average use in the U.S. is 909 KWH's.

You must have a massive amount of solar panels, that allow you to force your utility to buy your KWH production back, or you live in a tent with a single light bulb.

Let me put it another way, in 10 hours a 100 watt bulb will consume 1 KWH. 29 KWH's would then be used after that single 100 watt bulb has been on for 290 hours. There's about 730 hours in a month, and you most certainly have many electrical devices, so please tell us how you could possibly only use 29 KWH's in a single billing period?
No I'm connected to the grid my state has.

The difference is how that energy is generated.

We get 60% of our electricity from water. Another 20% from alternative sources, 10% from nuclear and other 10 from natural gas.

We generate our own electricity here in state. We don't use coal or bad polluting sources.

We started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 1990s. When it first came on line, it generated too much energy for the existing grid to handle. So we voted to raise our taxes to build a new one that could handle the new energy. We have been adding to that wind farm since so now those windmills are all over the state.

Along with solar farms. Big areas of solar panels out in the desert.

We generate more energy than we use so we sell our excess to other states for a profit.

The republicans in my state fought it. At first.

It created a lot of good jobs when there weren't any out in those rural areas.

It also caused us to have the second lowest electric rates in the nation.

Everyone here is used to having very low energy bills.

It's funny, my state is off fossil fuels yet we aren't living in Stone Age conditions and have not given up anything except for high energy bills and dirty air.

None of the predictions of doom that the republicans said was supposed to happen, actually happened. In fact, the exact opposite happened.

One more very important fact, we didn't deregulate and privatize our energy here like so many other states. The people of my state still own and control it. No private company has any say on that electricity or any ownership of it so they can't jack up our rates out of pure greed.

I wish more states would follow our lead but unfortunately, some states prefer not to and remain slaves to fossil fuels.

They will be facing high energy bills this winter. As far as I'm concerned, it's their own fault.
We are at about 11.26 ¢/kWh. with diversified sources:
My mom is dead. So is my dad. However I have not lived in my parent's house since 1978.

I've been paying my bills since I was 18 years old.

Here's a photo of my latest electric bill. The PUD stands for Public Utility District.

I took out my address for my privacy.

As you can see, that 18.54 charge even included the taxes.

Want to try another lie? This time try not to make it so easy to prove you for the lying fool you are.

View attachment 552733

The average SNOPUD residential use is 11,374 kilowatt-hours per year.
No I've never worked in the health care field.

I'm a professional photographer. A member of the press the trump people hate so much.
Cool job! Closest I ever got to that was working for a photographer with his own lab for a summer back in 72, developing and printing the pics, for the contract he had shooting the Miss American Teenager pageants. My qualifications for the job were photography merit badge (which he had taught) and I worked cheap.., eh, like really, really cheap.
"It costs 18.54 for me to have all the electricity I used for this month's bill."

All 29 KWH's. I'm sorry, but you obviously are clueless to what the average person consumes and has to pay.
Last year they were giving the gas away. This year, the price is back up to what it was in 2019. You must suffer from serious memory loss if you've forgotten how much gas was 2 years ago.
Cool job! Closest I ever got to that was working for a photographer with his own lab for a summer back in 72, developing and printing the pics, for the contract he had shooting the Miss American Teenager pageants. My qualifications for the job were photography merit badge (which he had taught) and I worked cheap.., eh, like really, really cheap.

I worked in a professional photo lab starting in 1978. I printed photos.

A person who was the photographer for Miss America tried to talk me into taking over the job. He wanted to retire. He also did the same type of photography I do. Though he didn't do it as long as I did it.

He bribed me to go to New Jersey, where the Miss America corporate offices were, by asking me what performer I had always wanted to work with but have never worked with. I quickly said Aretha Franklin. So he made the arrangements for me to work with her in Atlantic City at the Resorts Casino.

While there I met with him and the people from Miss America. It went well until they told me I would have to go to AC every month of the year for at least a week for pageant business. That's when I said, thanks but no thanks.

I have never worked for cheap. The type of photography I do is highly specialized and not many can do it. Much less do it well. People who do what I do never work for cheap. LOL.
Thanks Xiden and the cult of demafacist

DAMN YOU, BIDEN!!! :aargh:

France May Step In to Protect Motorists From Rising Oil Prices


DIE, BIDEN, DIE!!! :102:

Europe’s energy crisis goes from bad to worse as Dutch and U.K. natural gas prices see double-digit gains


Fuel Prices Soar Across Asia as Global Energy Crunch Deepens

My mom is dead. So is my dad. However I have not lived in my parent's house since 1978.

I've been paying my bills since I was 18 years old.

Here's a photo of my latest electric bill. The PUD stands for Public Utility District.

I took out my address for my privacy.

As you can see, that 18.54 charge even included the taxes.

Want to try another lie? This time try not to make it so easy to prove you for the lying fool you are.

View attachment 552733
Actually, you are being ripped off.

$18 for 29 kwh is 62¢ per KWH

The national average is 13¢

The reason 'YOUR' bill is so low has NOTHING to do with the cost of your electricity and everything to do with the fact 'you' didn't use any. That bill is for the minimum...likely in a domicile no one lives in.

So please... you're not fooling anyone with that.
Actually, you are being ripped off.

$18 for 29 kwh is 62¢ per KWH

The national average is 13¢

The reason 'YOUR' bill is so low has NOTHING to do with the cost of your electricity and everything to do with the fact 'you' didn't use any. That bill is for the minimum...likely in a domicile no one lives in.

So please... you're not fooling anyone with that.


The average SNOPUD ratepayer uses 11,374 KWH's a year.
Divide that by 365, and you get 31 KWH's per day. So her bill is literally for less than an average day's use in her utility district.

Sum ting is wong!
Actually, you are being ripped off.

$18 for 29 kwh is 62¢ per KWH

The national average is 13¢

The reason 'YOUR' bill is so low has NOTHING to do with the cost of your electricity and everything to do with the fact 'you' didn't use any. That bill is for the minimum...likely in a domicile no one lives in.

So please... you're not fooling anyone with that.

I live in my home. I live alone. Just because I don't use a lot of electricity doesn't mean that I don't live here. A person can be responsible and not suck as much electricity as they possibly can.

I care about the planet, we get most of our electricity from water and we have been in a drought so everyone uses less electricity.

We aren't greedy and selfish people like you are. We care about the planet and try to leave as small of a footprint as possible. I also drive a hybrid car. The curbside recycle program our nation has, started right here in my state. We take climate change very seriously and have been working for decades to mitigate the damage it does. One of those ways is not using a lot of electricity and water. Especially in a drought and we get the majority of our electricity from water.

Being environmentally responsible is a way of life here. We aren't a bunch of narcissist, selfish and greedy people here like you and where you live.

As my bill says I pay 53 cents per day.

How much do you pay per day? How many people do you have using electricity? I have just one. Myself. One person doesn't use that much electricity. Especially when they conserve.

You can make up the all the lies you want but I do live here.

You just can't stand that I keep proving you wrong.

I pay rock bottom prices for electricity. So does the rest of my state.

If you want to make up lies about me to make yourself feel better, go for it, I'm not going to stop you.

I'm just going to laugh at you. I'm having a great time watching you show all of cyberspace what a stupid fool you are.

I was wrong about one thing. My info on my state having the second lowest electric rates was wrong. I was going on the rates from last year. Louisiana had the lowest electric rates last year. My state had the second lowest rates.

This year, as of July even though rates went up here this year, my state has the lowest electric rates in the nation.

Suck on it.

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Something thing I left out, I don't use electricity to heat my home or to heat my water or to cook.

It's natural gas.

My electric bill doesn't include what causes an electric bill to be high, which is to heat the house, heat the water and cook.

My natural gas bill was 32.95.

I paid 51.49 for natural gas and electricity.

I also have a heat pump in my home so I use less natural gas. That heat pump also has AC that keeps the house cool in the summer.

You know, another one of the alternatives we liberals use that you conservatives bash and laugh at.

Who is laughing now?
Something thing I left out, I don't use electricity to heat my home or to heat my water or to cook.

It's natural gas.

My electric bill doesn't include what causes an electric bill to be high, which is to heat the house, heat the water and cook.

My natural gas bill was 32.95.

I paid 51.49 for natural gas and electricity.

I also have a heat pump in my home so I use less natural gas. That heat pump also has AC that keeps the house cool in the summer.

You know, another one of the alternatives we liberals use that you conservatives bash and laugh at.

Who is laughing now?

You used 29 KWH's in one billing period. That is simply not the real world.
As I pointed out the average ratepayer in your utility district uses more KWH's in a single day than you used in an entire month.

Also, if you have a heat pump (which have electric motors), there is simply no way you could be using 29 KWH's during a month. You are not being truthful.

My guess is you were gone the month of your $18.00 electric bill, and you shut everything off.
Next time be honest about your usage for a typical month.

By the way, your utility currently does not have a 'basic charge', which is incredibly rare. However, starting next year your utility will be instituting a basic charge. Enjoy! :beer:
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Today, West Texas Intermediate is $82.28 and Natural Gas is $5.41.

C'mon $100 a barrel.

We could tear down the brand spanking new Kyle Field reno (already the nicest CFB stadium in the NCAA and it ain't even close) and rebuild it with cash.

We can get even better than this:









Joe Biden must be an Aggie fan.

Do you not have a refrigerator? A computer? A light? A washing machine?

Yes I have all those things. I use the computer most of the day. The refrigerator runs 24-7. I wash one load of laundry a week.

When you live alone, you don't use very much electricity.

Plus, the hot water that's used to clean the clothes is heated by natural gas. Not electricity.

You may live in a state that deregulated and privatized your electricity.

I don't.

The people of my state own that electricity. We control how it's generated, how much it costs and who runs the untility.

No private company owns it so they can't jack our prices up.

In fact, the people who run our Public Utility Districts in my state are elected by the people. They answer to the people. Not a greedy board of directors and stockholders.

As a result, we have the lowest electric rates in the nation. Instead of states where they deregulated and allowed a private company to steal from them.

Privatizing doesn't always guarantee good service and lower rates.

In fact, from what I've seen in the last 40 years, privatizing only causes sub par service and higher costs. There has to be a profit for the private company. We don't have to make a profit off the people of my state. We make our profit from selling our excess electricity to other states. Thanks to dumping fossil fuels and converting to renewables we have more electricity than we use so we sell the excess for a profit to other states.

You have no control of it. That private company has a monopoly and can set their rates while you can't do one single thing about it.

We can here. We set the rates. We elect people to run it. They answer to us. They have to come to the people to ask to raise the rates and justify the increase.

I'm sorry if you have to face high energy bills this winter. It's just too bad your state didn't follow my state's lead and diversify your energy sources to renewable and alternative sources.
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