US Needs to Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS, NOW.

George W. Bush bears direct responsibility for the civil wars in Syria and Iraq today since it was his illegal invasion/occupation of Iraq 11 years ago that caused the current chaos.

Personal responsibility, remember?

One first step in defeating IS would require cutting off all US arms sales to the ME.

Would you agree?
1. I would agree with what i said. "At this point, it's stupid to talk about Bush."

First step in defeating ISIS, is to heavily arm the Kurds. Second step is to send 50,000 US troops to annihilate ISIS, and then keep at least half of them there indefinitely.
The first step in defeating IS is to cut off their arms and funding, and the second step is to prosecute the criminals who launched the latest US war of aggression:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, wars of aggression, Iraq, Afghanistan, are certainly war crimes by the USA even though Yinon Zionism was at the root of the decision by US neocons: New Covenant Theology A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon Adopted by the Neocons for World Domination
That is ridiculous. It's apparent you are clueless as to why US troops are in Afghanistan.
Here's the reason US troops are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan today:

And Iran tomorrow.
Like I said, you have no idea why US troops are in Afghanistan. And whatever this crazy map is showing, it has nothing to do with why US troops are in Afghanistan.
Yeah. Everybody is war weary. Oh yeah. Well, that's been the popular thought for a few years now (even though there's been less deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan over 13 years, than a single World War II battle). Well, I'm afraid to say folks, that little notion has very quickly gone out of style. As they used to say in college, "form follows function" Well, the function now has changed from "Bush just wants to get oil", and "Obama will get us out of there", to "fight them there now, or fight them here very soon." Every national security expert agrees that ISIS fully intends to attack the US, once it accomplishes it's goals in the Middle East. Looking at all the relevant variables, it's hard to make the case that they couldn't attack here, and impose massive genocide + massive structural damage. Guess what folks > The "war weary" era is now over.

ISIS has tons of money (to purchase bombs, nukes, biological weapons, gas, and bribe traitors). On top of that, the "Open Target" (name of the book that former Homeland Security Inspector General, Clark Kent Ervin wrote a few years ago) hasn't gotten much less open, since Ervin wrote that book. Have the ports gotten better since Lou Dobbs exposed their vulnerable status? (5% of shipping containers being inspected) Are water treatment plants (containing Chlorine tanks) any better secured than they have been (with a lone unarmed, security guard). Do all citizens have gas masks ? Are all streets surveilled with street camera/recorders ? Do we even come close to the level of security that is practiced routinely in Israel ?

Many more questions than these could be asked, and all with the same qualitative result. That we in America, are not well prepared for a well-organized, well-financed military force, coming here and attacking us, with 2014 methodology.

Conclusion ? Time for Obama to get past the 2007 notion of removing troops from the Middle East and "no boots on the ground" which got him elected in 2008, and get up to speed. This is 2014. There is a real threat to America talking place before our eyes, and this is no time to play political games, or cling to outdated mantras. Obama's "no boots on the ground" is as dead as a doornail. The US needs to go after ISIS in Iraq, in Syria, and wherever they are, and obliterate them, and we need to do it with whatever it takes, and it looks that that includes ground troops, and we need to do it NOW.

If we're going to go to war with them, then the goal should be their utter destruction. I do not agree with sending ground troops. That whole area needs to be carpet bombed or better yet nuked. Maybe send in ground troops after the fact to secure oil fields, but that's it. As long as we have Presidents that claim this ins't a war against Islam, we're never going to be able to do what is necessary to win.
George W. Bush bears direct responsibility for the civil wars in Syria and Iraq today since it was his illegal invasion/occupation of Iraq 11 years ago that caused the current chaos.

Personal responsibility, remember?

One first step in defeating IS would require cutting off all US arms sales to the ME.

Would you agree?
1. I would agree with what i said. "At this point, it's stupid to talk about Bush."

First step in defeating ISIS, is to heavily arm the Kurds. Second step is to send 50,000 US troops to annihilate ISIS, and then keep at least half of them there indefinitely.
The first step in defeating IS is to cut off their arms and funding, and the second step is to prosecute the criminals who launched the latest US war of aggression:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against ISIS. ISIS has attacked/killed US citizens, and threatens to attack the US mainland (it's possible they have already)
There's no doubt about the US and its illegal attack on Iraq, is there? Millions of civilians have been maimed, murdered, and displaced because stupid Americans believe killing children makes them free, IS arose because of that illegal war of aggression, and when they bring the car bombs to this country, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
I have no idea what you're talking about. None of it makes any sense,
You made the nonsensical claim the US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against IS, and I claimed the current killing in Syria and Iraq is simply a continuation of the illegal war of aggression launched by the US against Iraq in 2003. US imperialism is the sole reason IS exists today.
1. I would agree with what i said. "At this point, it's stupid to talk about Bush."

First step in defeating ISIS, is to heavily arm the Kurds. Second step is to send 50,000 US troops to annihilate ISIS, and then keep at least half of them there indefinitely.
The first step in defeating IS is to cut off their arms and funding, and the second step is to prosecute the criminals who launched the latest US war of aggression:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, wars of aggression, Iraq, Afghanistan, are certainly war crimes by the USA even though Yinon Zionism was at the root of the decision by US neocons: New Covenant Theology A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon Adopted by the Neocons for World Domination
That is ridiculous. It's apparent you are clueless as to why US troops are in Afghanistan.
Here's the reason US troops are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan today:

And Iran tomorrow.
Like I said, you have no idea why US troops are in Afghanistan. And whatever this crazy map is showing, it has nothing to do with why US troops are in Afghanistan.
US and NATO troops are in Afghanistan for exactly the same reasons why Soviet troops were there a generation ago or British troops were there a hundred and thirty years ago...
Yeah. Everybody is war weary. Oh yeah. Well, that's been the popular thought for a few years now (even though there's been less deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan over 13 years, than a single World War II battle). Well, I'm afraid to say folks, that little notion has very quickly gone out of style. As they used to say in college, "form follows function" Well, the function now has changed from "Bush just wants to get oil", and "Obama will get us out of there", to "fight them there now, or fight them here very soon." Every national security expert agrees that ISIS fully intends to attack the US, once it accomplishes it's goals in the Middle East. Looking at all the relevant variables, it's hard to make the case that they couldn't attack here, and impose massive genocide + massive structural damage. Guess what folks > The "war weary" era is now over.

ISIS has tons of money (to purchase bombs, nukes, biological weapons, gas, and bribe traitors). On top of that, the "Open Target" (name of the book that former Homeland Security Inspector General, Clark Kent Ervin wrote a few years ago) hasn't gotten much less open, since Ervin wrote that book. Have the ports gotten better since Lou Dobbs exposed their vulnerable status? (5% of shipping containers being inspected) Are water treatment plants (containing Chlorine tanks) any better secured than they have been (with a lone unarmed, security guard). Do all citizens have gas masks ? Are all streets surveilled with street camera/recorders ? Do we even come close to the level of security that is practiced routinely in Israel ?

Many more questions than these could be asked, and all with the same qualitative result. That we in America, are not well prepared for a well-organized, well-financed military force, coming here and attacking us, with 2014 methodology.

Conclusion ? Time for Obama to get past the 2007 notion of removing troops from the Middle East and "no boots on the ground" which got him elected in 2008, and get up to speed. This is 2014. There is a real threat to America talking place before our eyes, and this is no time to play political games, or cling to outdated mantras. Obama's "no boots on the ground" is as dead as a doornail. The US needs to go after ISIS in Iraq, in Syria, and wherever they are, and obliterate them, and we need to do it with whatever it takes, and it looks that that includes ground troops, and we need to do it NOW.

If we're going to go to war with them, then the goal should be their utter destruction. I do not agree with sending ground troops. That whole area needs to be carpet bombed or better yet nuked. Maybe send in ground troops after the fact to secure oil fields, but that's it. As long as we have Presidents that claim this ins't a war against Islam, we're never going to be able to do what is necessary to win.

I wouldnot carpet bomb or nuke, because that would kill too many innocent people. ISIS should be destroyed by conventional ground warfare, which probably will happen soon, as public opinion has already shifted in favor of ground troops. Obama, being a poll follower, will follow the polls,.

Boots on the Ground Poll Shows Americans Ready to Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ
1. I would agree with what i said. "At this point, it's stupid to talk about Bush."

First step in defeating ISIS, is to heavily arm the Kurds. Second step is to send 50,000 US troops to annihilate ISIS, and then keep at least half of them there indefinitely.
The first step in defeating IS is to cut off their arms and funding, and the second step is to prosecute the criminals who launched the latest US war of aggression:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against ISIS. ISIS has attacked/killed US citizens, and threatens to attack the US mainland (it's possible they have already)
There's no doubt about the US and its illegal attack on Iraq, is there? Millions of civilians have been maimed, murdered, and displaced because stupid Americans believe killing children makes them free, IS arose because of that illegal war of aggression, and when they bring the car bombs to this country, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
I have no idea what you're talking about. None of it makes any sense,
You made the nonsensical claim the US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against IS, and I claimed the current killing in Syria and Iraq is simply a continuation of the illegal war of aggression launched by the US against Iraq in 2003. US imperialism is the sole reason IS exists today.
Nonsense. ISIS is an outgrowth of al Qaeda which is just the 21st century version of all the jihad lunatics that have existed and gone around killing for 1400 years. Did US imperialism cause all this ? >>>

Attacks by Muslims upon non-Muslims >>

Basra attacked/conquered - 634 AD

Damascus attacked/conquered - 635 AD

Ctesiphon attacked/conquered - 636 AD

Alexandria attacked/conquered - 641 AD

Sicily attacked/conquered - 666 AD

Kabul attacked/conquered - 670 AD

Jerusalem attacked/conquered - 687 AD

Carthage attacked/conquered - 698 AD

Southern Spain attacked/conquered - 711 AD

Narbonne (Southern France) attacked/conquered - 720 AD

Battle of Poitiers (France) - Muslim advance halted - 732 AD

Armenia attacked/conquered - 1064 AD

Battle of Manzikert - 1071 AD

Nicaea attacked/conquered - 1331 AD

Kosovo attacked/conquered - 1389 AD

Bulgaria attacked/conquered - 1393 AD

Constantinople attacked - 1453 AD

Greece attacked/conquered - 1460 AD

Belgrade attacked/conquered - 1521 AD

Siege of Vienna (attacked) - Muslim advance halted - 1683 AD

Many more after.
The first step in defeating IS is to cut off their arms and funding, and the second step is to prosecute the criminals who launched the latest US war of aggression:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, wars of aggression, Iraq, Afghanistan, are certainly war crimes by the USA even though Yinon Zionism was at the root of the decision by US neocons: New Covenant Theology A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon Adopted by the Neocons for World Domination
That is ridiculous. It's apparent you are clueless as to why US troops are in Afghanistan.
Here's the reason US troops are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan today:

And Iran tomorrow.
Like I said, you have no idea why US troops are in Afghanistan. And whatever this crazy map is showing, it has nothing to do with why US troops are in Afghanistan.
US and NATO troops are in Afghanistan for exactly the same reasons why Soviet troops were there a generation ago or British troops were there a hundred and thirty years ago...
FALSE! They're there because of 100+ Pakistani nuclear warheads and al Qaeda bomb schools. You've been listening to hate America propaganda. :lol:
I would really like to hear about Muslims that are fighting evil and tracking down bad Muslims ending the baddies. But, they aren't doing that. They like to complain when the west uses drones , but otherwise they are just fine when extremists hide among the poor unwashed witto bitty innocent people and use them as shields. If that was ME, I would be outraged. Must be a Muslim thing.
The first step in defeating IS is to cut off their arms and funding, and the second step is to prosecute the criminals who launched the latest US war of aggression:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against ISIS. ISIS has attacked/killed US citizens, and threatens to attack the US mainland (it's possible they have already)
There's no doubt about the US and its illegal attack on Iraq, is there? Millions of civilians have been maimed, murdered, and displaced because stupid Americans believe killing children makes them free, IS arose because of that illegal war of aggression, and when they bring the car bombs to this country, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
I have no idea what you're talking about. None of it makes any sense,
You made the nonsensical claim the US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against IS, and I claimed the current killing in Syria and Iraq is simply a continuation of the illegal war of aggression launched by the US against Iraq in 2003. US imperialism is the sole reason IS exists today.
Nonsense. ISIS is an outgrowth of al Qaeda which is just the 21st century version of all the jihad lunatics that have existed and gone around killing for 1400 years. Did US imperialism cause all this ? >>>

Attacks by Muslims upon non-Muslims >>

Basra attacked/conquered - 634 AD

Damascus attacked/conquered - 635 AD

Ctesiphon attacked/conquered - 636 AD

Alexandria attacked/conquered - 641 AD

Sicily attacked/conquered - 666 AD

Kabul attacked/conquered - 670 AD

Jerusalem attacked/conquered - 687 AD

Carthage attacked/conquered - 698 AD

Southern Spain attacked/conquered - 711 AD

Narbonne (Southern France) attacked/conquered - 720 AD

Battle of Poitiers (France) - Muslim advance halted - 732 AD

Armenia attacked/conquered - 1064 AD

Battle of Manzikert - 1071 AD

Nicaea attacked/conquered - 1331 AD

Kosovo attacked/conquered - 1389 AD

Bulgaria attacked/conquered - 1393 AD

Constantinople attacked - 1453 AD

Greece attacked/conquered - 1460 AD

Belgrade attacked/conquered - 1521 AD

Siege of Vienna (attacked) - Muslim advance halted - 1683 AD

Many more after.
Your list ends almost one hundred years before the US came into existence. Do you dispute the claim that nothing IS has done comes close to rivaling the barbaric activity of the US since 1945?

IS comes from the same US/Israeli policies that have destroyed popular secular Arab nationalist forces over the past half-century in favor of brutal religious dictatorships like those we see today in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Islamophobia and a Challenge to Bill Maher - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself 1 3
Well, wars of aggression, Iraq, Afghanistan, are certainly war crimes by the USA even though Yinon Zionism was at the root of the decision by US neocons: New Covenant Theology A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon Adopted by the Neocons for World Domination
That is ridiculous. It's apparent you are clueless as to why US troops are in Afghanistan.
Here's the reason US troops are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan today:

And Iran tomorrow.
Like I said, you have no idea why US troops are in Afghanistan. And whatever this crazy map is showing, it has nothing to do with why US troops are in Afghanistan.
US and NATO troops are in Afghanistan for exactly the same reasons why Soviet troops were there a generation ago or British troops were there a hundred and thirty years ago...
FALSE! They're there because of 100+ Pakistani nuclear warheads and al Qaeda bomb schools. You've been listening to hate America propaganda. :lol:
Pakistan would not possess "100+ nuclear warheads", and al-Qaeda would never have existed without US support; don't you feel foolish when falling for the same lies over and over again?
I would really like to hear about Muslims that are fighting evil and tracking down bad Muslims ending the baddies. But, they aren't doing that. They like to complain when the west uses drones , but otherwise they are just fine when extremists hide among the poor unwashed witto bitty innocent people and use them as shields. If that was ME, I would be outraged. Must be a Muslim thing.
They're too intimidated and brainwashed to be outraged. And they're not the brightest bulbs in the room.
The US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against ISIS. ISIS has attacked/killed US citizens, and threatens to attack the US mainland (it's possible they have already)
There's no doubt about the US and its illegal attack on Iraq, is there? Millions of civilians have been maimed, murdered, and displaced because stupid Americans believe killing children makes them free, IS arose because of that illegal war of aggression, and when they bring the car bombs to this country, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
I have no idea what you're talking about. None of it makes any sense,
You made the nonsensical claim the US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against IS, and I claimed the current killing in Syria and Iraq is simply a continuation of the illegal war of aggression launched by the US against Iraq in 2003. US imperialism is the sole reason IS exists today.
Nonsense. ISIS is an outgrowth of al Qaeda which is just the 21st century version of all the jihad lunatics that have existed and gone around killing for 1400 years. Did US imperialism cause all this ? >>>

Attacks by Muslims upon non-Muslims >>

Basra attacked/conquered - 634 AD

Damascus attacked/conquered - 635 AD

Ctesiphon attacked/conquered - 636 AD

Alexandria attacked/conquered - 641 AD

Sicily attacked/conquered - 666 AD

Kabul attacked/conquered - 670 AD

Jerusalem attacked/conquered - 687 AD

Carthage attacked/conquered - 698 AD

Southern Spain attacked/conquered - 711 AD

Narbonne (Southern France) attacked/conquered - 720 AD

Battle of Poitiers (France) - Muslim advance halted - 732 AD

Armenia attacked/conquered - 1064 AD

Battle of Manzikert - 1071 AD

Nicaea attacked/conquered - 1331 AD

Kosovo attacked/conquered - 1389 AD

Bulgaria attacked/conquered - 1393 AD

Constantinople attacked - 1453 AD

Greece attacked/conquered - 1460 AD

Belgrade attacked/conquered - 1521 AD

Siege of Vienna (attacked) - Muslim advance halted - 1683 AD

Many more after.
Your list ends almost one hundred years before the US came into existence. Do you dispute the claim that nothing IS has done comes close to rivaling the barbaric activity of the US since 1945?

IS comes from the same US/Israeli policies that have destroyed popular secular Arab nationalist forces over the past half-century in favor of brutal religious dictatorships like those we see today in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Islamophobia and a Challenge to Bill Maher - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself 1 3
Yes of course I dispute it. Everything they're doing rivals the vile treachery that anyone has ever done. Their actions are as bad as anything ever, and it will only stop when the US et al really fight them and EXTERMINATE them 100%.
And don't give me that "IS comes from" crap. I just told you where they come from. 1400 years of Koran hate, mass murder, and idiocy.
That is ridiculous. It's apparent you are clueless as to why US troops are in Afghanistan.
Here's the reason US troops are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan today:

And Iran tomorrow.
Like I said, you have no idea why US troops are in Afghanistan. And whatever this crazy map is showing, it has nothing to do with why US troops are in Afghanistan.
US and NATO troops are in Afghanistan for exactly the same reasons why Soviet troops were there a generation ago or British troops were there a hundred and thirty years ago...
FALSE! They're there because of 100+ Pakistani nuclear warheads and al Qaeda bomb schools. You've been listening to hate America propaganda. :lol:
Pakistan would not possess "100+ nuclear warheads", and al-Qaeda would never have existed without US support; don't you feel foolish when falling for the same lies over and over again?
No I don't feel foolish, but I would if I fell for the bullshit you're peddling

That is ridiculous. It's apparent you are clueless as to why US troops are in Afghanistan.
Here's the reason US troops are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan today:

And Iran tomorrow.
Like I said, you have no idea why US troops are in Afghanistan. And whatever this crazy map is showing, it has nothing to do with why US troops are in Afghanistan.
US and NATO troops are in Afghanistan for exactly the same reasons why Soviet troops were there a generation ago or British troops were there a hundred and thirty years ago...
FALSE! They're there because of 100+ Pakistani nuclear warheads and al Qaeda bomb schools. You've been listening to hate America propaganda. :lol:
Pakistan would not possess "100+ nuclear warheads", and al-Qaeda would never have existed without US support; don't you feel foolish when falling for the same lies over and over again?
No I don't feel foolish at all. That is for people who fall for the bullshit you're trying to peddle.

:drillsergeant::salute::tank::Boom2::alirulz::terror: :terror: :terror:
1. I would agree with what i said. "At this point, it's stupid to talk about Bush."

First step in defeating ISIS, is to heavily arm the Kurds. Second step is to send 50,000 US troops to annihilate ISIS, and then keep at least half of them there indefinitely.
The first step in defeating IS is to cut off their arms and funding, and the second step is to prosecute the criminals who launched the latest US war of aggression:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against ISIS. ISIS has attacked/killed US citizens, and threatens to attack the US mainland (it's possible they have already)
There's no doubt about the US and its illegal attack on Iraq, is there? Millions of civilians have been maimed, murdered, and displaced because stupid Americans believe killing children makes them free, IS arose because of that illegal war of aggression, and when they bring the car bombs to this country, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
I have no idea what you're talking about. None of it makes any sense,
You made the nonsensical claim the US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against IS, and I claimed the current killing in Syria and Iraq is simply a continuation of the illegal war of aggression launched by the US against Iraq in 2003. US imperialism is the sole reason IS exists today.

Camel crap. Tribal and religious militias have plagued the Mideast for centuries. The current crop of vicious Islamists are simply a matter of same-old-shit-with-a-new-name.
Yeah. Everybody is war weary. Oh yeah. Well, that's been the popular thought for a few years now (even though there's been less deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan over 13 years, than a single World War II battle). Well, I'm afraid to say folks, that little notion has very quickly gone out of style. As they used to say in college, "form follows function" Well, the function now has changed from "Bush just wants to get oil", and "Obama will get us out of there", to "fight them there now, or fight them here very soon." Every national security expert agrees that ISIS fully intends to attack the US, once it accomplishes it's goals in the Middle East. Looking at all the relevant variables, it's hard to make the case that they couldn't attack here, and impose massive genocide + massive structural damage. Guess what folks > The "war weary" era is now over.

ISIS has tons of money (to purchase bombs, nukes, biological weapons, gas, and bribe traitors). On top of that, the "Open Target" (name of the book that former Homeland Security Inspector General, Clark Kent Ervin wrote a few years ago) hasn't gotten much less open, since Ervin wrote that book. Have the ports gotten better since Lou Dobbs exposed their vulnerable status? (5% of shipping containers being inspected) Are water treatment plants (containing Chlorine tanks) any better secured than they have been (with a lone unarmed, security guard). Do all citizens have gas masks ? Are all streets surveilled with street camera/recorders ? Do we even come close to the level of security that is practiced routinely in Israel ?

Many more questions than these could be asked, and all with the same qualitative result. That we in America, are not well prepared for a well-organized, well-financed military force, coming here and attacking us, with 2014 methodology.

Conclusion ? Time for Obama to get past the 2007 notion of removing troops from the Middle East and "no boots on the ground" which got him elected in 2008, and get up to speed. This is 2014. There is a real threat to America talking place before our eyes, and this is no time to play political games, or cling to outdated mantras. Obama's "no boots on the ground" is as dead as a doornail. The US needs to go after ISIS in Iraq, in Syria, and wherever they are, and obliterate them, and we need to do it with whatever it takes, and it looks that that includes ground troops, and we need to do it NOW.

If we're going to go to war with them, then the goal should be their utter destruction. I do not agree with sending ground troops. That whole area needs to be carpet bombed or better yet nuked. Maybe send in ground troops after the fact to secure oil fields, but that's it. As long as we have Presidents that claim this ins't a war against Islam, we're never going to be able to do what is necessary to win.

I wouldnot carpet bomb or nuke, because that would kill too many innocent people. ISIS should be destroyed by conventional ground warfare, which probably will happen soon, as public opinion has already shifted in favor of ground troops. Obama, being a poll follower, will follow the polls,.

Boots on the Ground Poll Shows Americans Ready to Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ

Your OP premise has some merit ... fight 'em there today or fight 'em here tomorrow but we need to decide just how many collateral casualties we are prepared to cause in the name of preemptive self-defense.
The first step in defeating IS is to cut off their arms and funding, and the second step is to prosecute the criminals who launched the latest US war of aggression:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against ISIS. ISIS has attacked/killed US citizens, and threatens to attack the US mainland (it's possible they have already)
There's no doubt about the US and its illegal attack on Iraq, is there? Millions of civilians have been maimed, murdered, and displaced because stupid Americans believe killing children makes them free, IS arose because of that illegal war of aggression, and when they bring the car bombs to this country, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
I have no idea what you're talking about. None of it makes any sense,
You made the nonsensical claim the US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against IS, and I claimed the current killing in Syria and Iraq is simply a continuation of the illegal war of aggression launched by the US against Iraq in 2003. US imperialism is the sole reason IS exists today.

Camel crap. Tribal and religious militias have plagued the Mideast for centuries. The current crop of vicious Islamists are simply a matter of same-old-shit-with-a-new-name.
Exactly right. 1400 years of marauding Muslims. Continuing on schedule.
Yeah. Everybody is war weary. Oh yeah. Well, that's been the popular thought for a few years now (even though there's been less deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan over 13 years, than a single World War II battle). Well, I'm afraid to say folks, that little notion has very quickly gone out of style. As they used to say in college, "form follows function" Well, the function now has changed from "Bush just wants to get oil", and "Obama will get us out of there", to "fight them there now, or fight them here very soon." Every national security expert agrees that ISIS fully intends to attack the US, once it accomplishes it's goals in the Middle East. Looking at all the relevant variables, it's hard to make the case that they couldn't attack here, and impose massive genocide + massive structural damage. Guess what folks > The "war weary" era is now over.

ISIS has tons of money (to purchase bombs, nukes, biological weapons, gas, and bribe traitors). On top of that, the "Open Target" (name of the book that former Homeland Security Inspector General, Clark Kent Ervin wrote a few years ago) hasn't gotten much less open, since Ervin wrote that book. Have the ports gotten better since Lou Dobbs exposed their vulnerable status? (5% of shipping containers being inspected) Are water treatment plants (containing Chlorine tanks) any better secured than they have been (with a lone unarmed, security guard). Do all citizens have gas masks ? Are all streets surveilled with street camera/recorders ? Do we even come close to the level of security that is practiced routinely in Israel ?

Many more questions than these could be asked, and all with the same qualitative result. That we in America, are not well prepared for a well-organized, well-financed military force, coming here and attacking us, with 2014 methodology.

Conclusion ? Time for Obama to get past the 2007 notion of removing troops from the Middle East and "no boots on the ground" which got him elected in 2008, and get up to speed. This is 2014. There is a real threat to America talking place before our eyes, and this is no time to play political games, or cling to outdated mantras. Obama's "no boots on the ground" is as dead as a doornail. The US needs to go after ISIS in Iraq, in Syria, and wherever they are, and obliterate them, and we need to do it with whatever it takes, and it looks that that includes ground troops, and we need to do it NOW.

If we're going to go to war with them, then the goal should be their utter destruction. I do not agree with sending ground troops. That whole area needs to be carpet bombed or better yet nuked. Maybe send in ground troops after the fact to secure oil fields, but that's it. As long as we have Presidents that claim this ins't a war against Islam, we're never going to be able to do what is necessary to win.

I wouldnot carpet bomb or nuke, because that would kill too many innocent people. ISIS should be destroyed by conventional ground warfare, which probably will happen soon, as public opinion has already shifted in favor of ground troops. Obama, being a poll follower, will follow the polls,.

Boots on the Ground Poll Shows Americans Ready to Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ

Your OP premise has some merit ... fight 'em there today or fight 'em here tomorrow but we need to decide just how many collateral casualties we are prepared to cause in the name of preemptive self-defense.
To arrive at that number, we could start at 317 million. and work down.
Here's the reason US troops are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan today:

And Iran tomorrow.
Like I said, you have no idea why US troops are in Afghanistan. And whatever this crazy map is showing, it has nothing to do with why US troops are in Afghanistan.
US and NATO troops are in Afghanistan for exactly the same reasons why Soviet troops were there a generation ago or British troops were there a hundred and thirty years ago...
FALSE! They're there because of 100+ Pakistani nuclear warheads and al Qaeda bomb schools. You've been listening to hate America propaganda. :lol:
Pakistan would not possess "100+ nuclear warheads", and al-Qaeda would never have existed without US support; don't you feel foolish when falling for the same lies over and over again?
No I don't feel foolish, but I would if I fell for the bullshit you're peddling

Here's the reason US troops are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan today:

And Iran tomorrow.
Like I said, you have no idea why US troops are in Afghanistan. And whatever this crazy map is showing, it has nothing to do with why US troops are in Afghanistan.
US and NATO troops are in Afghanistan for exactly the same reasons why Soviet troops were there a generation ago or British troops were there a hundred and thirty years ago...
FALSE! They're there because of 100+ Pakistani nuclear warheads and al Qaeda bomb schools. You've been listening to hate America propaganda. :lol:
Pakistan would not possess "100+ nuclear warheads", and al-Qaeda would never have existed without US support; don't you feel foolish when falling for the same lies over and over again?
No I don't feel foolish at all. That is for people who fall for the bullshit you're trying to peddle.

:drillsergeant::salute::tank::Boom2::alirulz::terror: :terror: :terror:
Bullshit like WMDs and mushroom clouds over Brooklyn, right? Tell us how many more women and kids have to die over there so you're not afraid to go to the mall here.
The first step in defeating IS is to cut off their arms and funding, and the second step is to prosecute the criminals who launched the latest US war of aggression:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against ISIS. ISIS has attacked/killed US citizens, and threatens to attack the US mainland (it's possible they have already)
There's no doubt about the US and its illegal attack on Iraq, is there? Millions of civilians have been maimed, murdered, and displaced because stupid Americans believe killing children makes them free, IS arose because of that illegal war of aggression, and when they bring the car bombs to this country, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
I have no idea what you're talking about. None of it makes any sense,
You made the nonsensical claim the US is fighting a DEFENSIVE war against IS, and I claimed the current killing in Syria and Iraq is simply a continuation of the illegal war of aggression launched by the US against Iraq in 2003. US imperialism is the sole reason IS exists today.

Camel crap. Tribal and religious militias have plagued the Mideast for centuries. The current crop of vicious Islamists are simply a matter of same-old-shit-with-a-new-name.
So why weren't al-Qaeda and IS operating in Iraq and Syria before 2003? While you're at it, tell us what Oded Yinon had to say about carving up Iraq and Syria thirty years ago: Zionist Plan for the Middle East.pdf
That is ridiculous. It's apparent you are clueless as to why US troops are in Afghanistan.
Here's the reason US troops are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan today:

And Iran tomorrow.
Like I said, you have no idea why US troops are in Afghanistan. And whatever this crazy map is showing, it has nothing to do with why US troops are in Afghanistan.
US and NATO troops are in Afghanistan for exactly the same reasons why Soviet troops were there a generation ago or British troops were there a hundred and thirty years ago...
FALSE! They're there because of 100+ Pakistani nuclear warheads and al Qaeda bomb schools. You've been listening to hate America propaganda. :lol:
Pakistan would not possess "100+ nuclear warheads", and al-Qaeda would never have existed without US support; don't you feel foolish when falling for the same lies over and over again?
Pakistan got nukes from France.

Howard Zinn failed to tell you that.

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