US Needs to Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS, NOW.

Was doing a random search on You Tube and found this Islamist propaganda from 2013:

The Plan For Khilafah | Islamic State of Iraq and Sham | Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad
Skip to 9:30, and they start raving against America, Israel and so on.

Seems like they were planning this for years, yet the politicians in America didn't take the threat seriously.

Because politicians in America created the threat:
"Preface: The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan – Lt. General William Odom - noted:

"'Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics, the slogans of today’s war on terrorism merely makes the United States look hypocritical to the rest of the world.'

"Odom also said:

"'By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In ‘78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation.'"

(audio here). Background here.

"This essay does not address any 'inside job' theories for 9/11 or other terrorist attacks on America.

"Instead, it focuses on the well-documented fact that the virtually continuous U.S. backing of Al Qaeda terrorists since the late 1970s has led to blowback which has come back to bite us numerous times."
Sleeping With the Devil How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9 11 Washington s Blog
Pakistan would not possess "100+ nuclear warheads", and al-Qaeda would never have existed without US support; don't you feel foolish when falling for the same lies over and over again?
No I don't feel foolish, but I would if I fell for the bullshit you're peddling

Pakistan would not possess "100+ nuclear warheads", and al-Qaeda would never have existed without US support; don't you feel foolish when falling for the same lies over and over again?
No I don't feel foolish at all. That is for people who fall for the bullshit you're trying to peddle.

:drillsergeant::salute::tank::Boom2::alirulz::terror: :terror: :terror:
Bullshit like WMDs and mushroom clouds over Brooklyn, right? Tell us how many more women and kids have to die over there so you're not afraid to go to the mall here.
A coincidence that you should mention WMDs and "mushroom clouds". I just posted in another forum about the recent sighting of Shukrijumah, in New Mexico. Of course you know who he is right ? If you don't you'll have no trouble googling him up. He's the most dangerous terrorist in the world.
No, he's not the most dangerous terrorist in the world; Obama is; however, just to be on the safe side, maybe you should stake out Mount Rushmore?:muahaha:
The "American Hiroshima" is for large US cities, not Mt Rushmore. You can go back to sleep now.
You made the idiotic claim that Shukrijumah is "the most dangerous terrorist in the world" without being aware of his diabolical plot on Mt. Rushmore?
"The FBI is also is investigating Adnan El Shukrijumah's friendship with Imran Mandhai, one of two Florida college students convicted of conspiring to bomb electrical stations, a National Guard armory, Jewish businesses and Mount Rushmore, plots not carried out."
Maybe you missed the murder, maiming, incarcerating, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslim by the US since 1991?
State Father denies son linked to terror
Al Qaeda WAS operating in Iraq and Syria before 2003. They are a WORLD-WIDE jihadist organization, intent on establishing a WORLD caliphate. Iraq and Syria are part of the world.

Al-Qaeda was operating in northern Iraq under the protection of US air power prior to 2003; the US has been meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries since 1944, at least:

"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil. Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:

"'Persian oil ... is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours.'"[7]

United States foreign policy in the Middle East - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Unlike America haters, I have no problem with our "meddling" and I am all for our use of tribal or religious militias in the Mideast to effect the policies which serve our interests. Sometimes mistakes are made but even they are better than disengagement. If you want an omelet, you gotta break some legs. Such is life.
Easy to say when it isn't any legs in your family being broken, isn't it? How many more Muslims have to die before your omelet blows back in your face?
As many as Obama will allow to die, while he hesitates to send in US ground troops.
Because US ground troops made the situation so much better in Iraq, right? What's the first rule when one finds himself at the bottom of a deep hole with a shovel in one hand?
Meddling in the Middle East?

Another idiotic statement, Saudi Arabia invited, partnered with us to develop oil.

All countries we help or buy commodities from ask us to help.
How many countries have we "helped" in the last fifty years, Idiot?
All of em, all countries benefit from the USA.

How many countries do democrats and liberals hurt, all of them.
Meddling in the Middle East?

Another idiotic statement, Saudi Arabia invited, partnered with us to develop oil.

All countries we help or buy commodities from ask us to help.
How many countries have we "helped" in the last fifty years, Idiot?
All of em, all countries benefit from the USA.

How many countries do democrats and liberals hurt, all of them.
You think Iraq is better off today than it was fifty years ago?
Meddling in the Middle East?

Another idiotic statement, Saudi Arabia invited, partnered with us to develop oil.

All countries we help or buy commodities from ask us to help.
How many countries have we "helped" in the last fifty years, Idiot?
All of em, all countries benefit from the USA.

How many countries do democrats and liberals hurt, all of them.
You think Iraq is better off today than it was fifty years ago?
One thing that is a fact is you have zero knowledge beyond the hate in you heart.

Iraq 50 years ago? When sad dam began his killing to power campaign? I guess we would have to read what was wrote, except that would be hard because those who wrote were murdered.

I was just checking this thread to read the stupidity of you last few posts.

Carter started the mess in afhganistan, got our ambassador murdered there, what was his response, to lose the embassy and all the personal.

So carter's weak Democrat ideas started the mess, carter even began the weapons programs to the rebels, if you had half a brain you would have knowledge about the Democrat Liberal Charlie Wilson, it was a literal Democrat funded, thought of, secretly done deal, to arm the Mujahideen.

So let's at least be honest and include what you are ignorant of.
Meddling in the Middle East?

Another idiotic statement, Saudi Arabia invited, partnered with us to develop oil.

All countries we help or buy commodities from ask us to help.
How many countries have we "helped" in the last fifty years, Idiot?
All of em, all countries benefit from the USA.

How many countries do democrats and liberals hurt, all of them.
You think Iraq is better off today than it was fifty years ago?
One thing that is a fact is you have zero knowledge beyond the hate in you heart.

Iraq 50 years ago? When sad dam began his killing to power campaign? I guess we would have to read what was wrote, except that would be hard because those who wrote were murdered.

I was just checking this thread to read the stupidity of you last few posts.

Carter started the mess in afhganistan, got our ambassador murdered there, what was his response, to lose the embassy and all the personal.

So carter's weak Democrat ideas started the mess, carter even began the weapons programs to the rebels, if you had half a brain you would have knowledge about the Democrat Liberal Charlie Wilson, it was a literal Democrat funded, thought of, secretly done deal, to arm the Mujahideen.

So let's at least be honest and include what you are ignorant of.

"Fractured by internal conflict and foreign intervention for centuries, Afghanistan made several tentative steps toward modernization in the mid-20th century.

"In the 1950s and 1960s, some of the biggest strides were made toward a more liberal and westernized lifestyle, while trying to maintain a respect for more conservative factions.

"Though officially a neutral nation, Afghanistan was courted and influenced by the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Cold War, accepting Soviet machinery and weapons, and U.S. financial aid.

"This time was a brief, relatively peaceful era, when modern buildings were constructed in Kabul alongside older traditional mud structures, when burqas became optional for a time, and the country appeared to be on a path toward a more open, prosperous society."
Afghanistan in the 1950s and 60s - In Focus - The Atlantic
Meddling in the Middle East?

Another idiotic statement, Saudi Arabia invited, partnered with us to develop oil.

All countries we help or buy commodities from ask us to help.
How many countries have we "helped" in the last fifty years, Idiot?
All of em, all countries benefit from the USA.

How many countries do democrats and liberals hurt, all of them.
You think Iraq is better off today than it was fifty years ago?
One thing that is a fact is you have zero knowledge beyond the hate in you heart.

Iraq 50 years ago? When sad dam began his killing to power campaign? I guess we would have to read what was wrote, except that would be hard because those who wrote were murdered.

I was just checking this thread to read the stupidity of you last few posts.

Carter started the mess in afhganistan, got our ambassador murdered there, what was his response, to lose the embassy and all the personal.

So carter's weak Democrat ideas started the mess, carter even began the weapons programs to the rebels, if you had half a brain you would have knowledge about the Democrat Liberal Charlie Wilson, it was a literal Democrat funded, thought of, secretly done deal, to arm the Mujahideen.

So let's at least be honest and include what you are ignorant of.

"Fractured by internal conflict and foreign intervention for centuries, Afghanistan made several tentative steps toward modernization in the mid-20th century.

"In the 1950s and 1960s, some of the biggest strides were made toward a more liberal and westernized lifestyle, while trying to maintain a respect for more conservative factions.

"Though officially a neutral nation, Afghanistan was courted and influenced by the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Cold War, accepting Soviet machinery and weapons, and U.S. financial aid.

"This time was a brief, relatively peaceful era, when modern buildings were constructed in Kabul alongside older traditional mud structures, when burqas became optional for a time, and the country appeared to be on a path toward a more open, prosperous society."
Afghanistan in the 1950s and 60s - In Focus - The Atlantic
You can google, cut, and paste.

Fantastic, your random google posts are proving that you really.have zero idea of Afghan history. Hence you have not the knowledge to find facts to support your ridiculous assertion.
How many countries have we "helped" in the last fifty years, Idiot?
All of em, all countries benefit from the USA.

How many countries do democrats and liberals hurt, all of them.
You think Iraq is better off today than it was fifty years ago?
One thing that is a fact is you have zero knowledge beyond the hate in you heart.

Iraq 50 years ago? When sad dam began his killing to power campaign? I guess we would have to read what was wrote, except that would be hard because those who wrote were murdered.

I was just checking this thread to read the stupidity of you last few posts.

Carter started the mess in afhganistan, got our ambassador murdered there, what was his response, to lose the embassy and all the personal.

So carter's weak Democrat ideas started the mess, carter even began the weapons programs to the rebels, if you had half a brain you would have knowledge about the Democrat Liberal Charlie Wilson, it was a literal Democrat funded, thought of, secretly done deal, to arm the Mujahideen.

So let's at least be honest and include what you are ignorant of.

"Fractured by internal conflict and foreign intervention for centuries, Afghanistan made several tentative steps toward modernization in the mid-20th century.

"In the 1950s and 1960s, some of the biggest strides were made toward a more liberal and westernized lifestyle, while trying to maintain a respect for more conservative factions.

"Though officially a neutral nation, Afghanistan was courted and influenced by the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Cold War, accepting Soviet machinery and weapons, and U.S. financial aid.

"This time was a brief, relatively peaceful era, when modern buildings were constructed in Kabul alongside older traditional mud structures, when burqas became optional for a time, and the country appeared to be on a path toward a more open, prosperous society."
Afghanistan in the 1950s and 60s - In Focus - The Atlantic
You can google, cut, and paste.

Fantastic, your random google posts are proving that you really.have zero idea of Afghan history. Hence you have not the knowledge to find facts to support your ridiculous assertion.

I know US interest in Afghanistan began long before Carter moved into the White House.
Al Qaeda WAS operating in Iraq and Syria before 2003. They are a WORLD-WIDE jihadist organization, intent on establishing a WORLD caliphate. Iraq and Syria are part of the world.

Al-Qaeda was operating in northern Iraq under the protection of US air power prior to 2003; the US has been meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries since 1944, at least:

"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil. Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:

"'Persian oil ... is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours.'"[7]

United States foreign policy in the Middle East - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Unlike America haters, I have no problem with our "meddling" and I am all for our use of tribal or religious militias in the Mideast to effect the policies which serve our interests. Sometimes mistakes are made but even they are better than disengagement. If you want an omelet, you gotta break some legs. Such is life.

Easy to say when it isn't any legs in your family being broken, isn't it? How many more Muslims have to die before your omelet blows back in your face?

A separate issue. I have no way of knowing what carnage the Islamists would perpetrate here if we disengaged and neither do you.
I do know that many countries that have not "meddled" in Mideast affairs have had tragic experiences with Islamists. It seems they just aren't happy if someone's blood isn't flowing.
You can't separate the issues of US support for Israel and the stationing of US troops in Saudi Arabia with the bombings of the USS Cole, Khobar Towers, and the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. Since 1991 the US has systematically destroyed the infrastructure and quality of life of an entire generation of Iraqis. It isn't hard to imagine some of those victimized by the US wars of aggression instigating some serious blood flows in this country if the dynamic isn't changed soon.
Hard to find a post more ludicrous than this. Oh yeah, the US is absolutely destroying the infrastructure and quality of life of Iraqis by fighting against ISIS, and keeping those Iraqis from being beheaded, crucified, of shot, and dumped into mass graves. Gee, what a terrible thing those bad, bad, Americans are doing. :rolleyes-41:
Trying to win a booby prize , here ?
No I don't feel foolish, but I would if I fell for the bullshit you're peddling

No I don't feel foolish at all. That is for people who fall for the bullshit you're trying to peddle.

:drillsergeant::salute::tank::Boom2::alirulz::terror: :terror: :terror:
Bullshit like WMDs and mushroom clouds over Brooklyn, right? Tell us how many more women and kids have to die over there so you're not afraid to go to the mall here.
A coincidence that you should mention WMDs and "mushroom clouds". I just posted in another forum about the recent sighting of Shukrijumah, in New Mexico. Of course you know who he is right ? If you don't you'll have no trouble googling him up. He's the most dangerous terrorist in the world.
No, he's not the most dangerous terrorist in the world; Obama is; however, just to be on the safe side, maybe you should stake out Mount Rushmore?:muahaha:
The "American Hiroshima" is for large US cities, not Mt Rushmore. You can go back to sleep now.
You made the idiotic claim that Shukrijumah is "the most dangerous terrorist in the world" without being aware of his diabolical plot on Mt. Rushmore?
"The FBI is also is investigating Adnan El Shukrijumah's friendship with Imran Mandhai, one of two Florida college students convicted of conspiring to bomb electrical stations, a National Guard armory, Jewish businesses and Mount Rushmore, plots not carried out."
Maybe you missed the murder, maiming, incarcerating, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslim by the US since 1991?
State Father denies son linked to terror

You missed the point. Shukrijumah isn't dangerous because of Mt. Rushmore. He;s dangerous becasue of his al Qaeda mission to nuclear bomb 7 American cities. And yeah, I missed the "murder, maiming, incarcerating, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslim by the US since 1991" because it either didn't happen, or was part of the defense of the US. And hopefully, there will be more of it, if/wherever needed to PROTECT the American people from mindless, moronic, idiotic, deranged, Muslim, jihadist lunatics.
Al Qaeda WAS operating in Iraq and Syria before 2003. They are a WORLD-WIDE jihadist organization, intent on establishing a WORLD caliphate. Iraq and Syria are part of the world.

Al-Qaeda was operating in northern Iraq under the protection of US air power prior to 2003; the US has been meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries since 1944, at least:

"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil. Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:

"'Persian oil ... is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours.'"[7]

United States foreign policy in the Middle East - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Unlike America haters, I have no problem with our "meddling" and I am all for our use of tribal or religious militias in the Mideast to effect the policies which serve our interests. Sometimes mistakes are made but even they are better than disengagement. If you want an omelet, you gotta break some legs. Such is life.
Easy to say when it isn't any legs in your family being broken, isn't it? How many more Muslims have to die before your omelet blows back in your face?
As many as Obama will allow to die, while he hesitates to send in US ground troops.
Because US ground troops made the situation so much better in Iraq, right?
Absolutely right. The situation in Iraq was much better when the US troops were there (and ISIS wasn't). Now that the US troops are gone, ISIS is there, and the situation has never been worse.
Al-Qaeda was operating in northern Iraq under the protection of US air power prior to 2003; the US has been meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries since 1944, at least:

"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil. Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:

"'Persian oil ... is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours.'"[7]

United States foreign policy in the Middle East - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Unlike America haters, I have no problem with our "meddling" and I am all for our use of tribal or religious militias in the Mideast to effect the policies which serve our interests. Sometimes mistakes are made but even they are better than disengagement. If you want an omelet, you gotta break some legs. Such is life.

Easy to say when it isn't any legs in your family being broken, isn't it? How many more Muslims have to die before your omelet blows back in your face?

A separate issue. I have no way of knowing what carnage the Islamists would perpetrate here if we disengaged and neither do you.
I do know that many countries that have not "meddled" in Mideast affairs have had tragic experiences with Islamists. It seems they just aren't happy if someone's blood isn't flowing.
You can't separate the issues of US support for Israel and the stationing of US troops in Saudi Arabia with the bombings of the USS Cole, Khobar Towers, and the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. Since 1991 the US has systematically destroyed the infrastructure and quality of life of an entire generation of Iraqis. It isn't hard to imagine some of those victimized by the US wars of aggression instigating some serious blood flows in this country if the dynamic isn't changed soon.
Hard to find a post more ludicrous than this. Oh yeah, the US is absolutely destroying the infrastructure and quality of life of Iraqis by fighting against ISIS, and keeping those Iraqis from being beheaded, crucified, of shot, and dumped into mass graves. Gee, what a terrible thing those bad, bad, Americans are doing. :rolleyes-41:
Trying to win a booby prize , here ?
The US destroyed Iraq's infrastructure and quality of life long before IS came into existence; if you were one of those Americans who supported the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, you are more responsible for those mass graves than IS.
And now you want to bomb Syria, right?
Do you own Halliburton stock?
Bullshit like WMDs and mushroom clouds over Brooklyn, right? Tell us how many more women and kids have to die over there so you're not afraid to go to the mall here.
A coincidence that you should mention WMDs and "mushroom clouds". I just posted in another forum about the recent sighting of Shukrijumah, in New Mexico. Of course you know who he is right ? If you don't you'll have no trouble googling him up. He's the most dangerous terrorist in the world.
No, he's not the most dangerous terrorist in the world; Obama is; however, just to be on the safe side, maybe you should stake out Mount Rushmore?:muahaha:
The "American Hiroshima" is for large US cities, not Mt Rushmore. You can go back to sleep now.
You made the idiotic claim that Shukrijumah is "the most dangerous terrorist in the world" without being aware of his diabolical plot on Mt. Rushmore?
"The FBI is also is investigating Adnan El Shukrijumah's friendship with Imran Mandhai, one of two Florida college students convicted of conspiring to bomb electrical stations, a National Guard armory, Jewish businesses and Mount Rushmore, plots not carried out."
Maybe you missed the murder, maiming, incarcerating, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslim by the US since 1991?
State Father denies son linked to terror

You missed the point. Shukrijumah isn't dangerous because of Mt. Rushmore. He;s dangerous becasue of his al Qaeda mission to nuclear bomb 7 American cities. And yeah, I missed the "murder, maiming, incarcerating, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslim by the US since 1991" because it either didn't happen, or was part of the defense of the US. And hopefully, there will be more of it, if/wherever needed to PROTECT the American people from mindless, moronic, idiotic, deranged, Muslim, jihadist lunatics.
So you think the US invasion and occupation of Iraq was a case of self-defense and not a war for O-I-L?
"The number of displaced persons, both internal (within Iraq) and external (refugees, mainly in Jordan and Syria) ranged from estimates of 3.5 million to 5 million or more, which were directly attributable to the war. Virtually all first-hand accounts blamed violence as the cause of moving, or threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."
The Human Cost of the War in Iraq
Anyone with the slightest interest in PROTECTING the American people would stop shilling for those who get rich from Wars of Aggression.
A coincidence that you should mention WMDs and "mushroom clouds". I just posted in another forum about the recent sighting of Shukrijumah, in New Mexico. Of course you know who he is right ? If you don't you'll have no trouble googling him up. He's the most dangerous terrorist in the world.
No, he's not the most dangerous terrorist in the world; Obama is; however, just to be on the safe side, maybe you should stake out Mount Rushmore?:muahaha:
The "American Hiroshima" is for large US cities, not Mt Rushmore. You can go back to sleep now.
You made the idiotic claim that Shukrijumah is "the most dangerous terrorist in the world" without being aware of his diabolical plot on Mt. Rushmore?
"The FBI is also is investigating Adnan El Shukrijumah's friendship with Imran Mandhai, one of two Florida college students convicted of conspiring to bomb electrical stations, a National Guard armory, Jewish businesses and Mount Rushmore, plots not carried out."
Maybe you missed the murder, maiming, incarcerating, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslim by the US since 1991?
State Father denies son linked to terror

You missed the point. Shukrijumah isn't dangerous because of Mt. Rushmore. He;s dangerous becasue of his al Qaeda mission to nuclear bomb 7 American cities. And yeah, I missed the "murder, maiming, incarcerating, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslim by the US since 1991" because it either didn't happen, or was part of the defense of the US. And hopefully, there will be more of it, if/wherever needed to PROTECT the American people from mindless, moronic, idiotic, deranged, Muslim, jihadist lunatics.
So you think the US invasion and occupation of Iraq was a case of self-defense and not a war for O-I-L?
"The number of displaced persons, both internal (within Iraq) and external (refugees, mainly in Jordan and Syria) ranged from estimates of 3.5 million to 5 million or more, which were directly attributable to the war. Virtually all first-hand accounts blamed violence as the cause of moving, or threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."
The Human Cost of the War in Iraq
Anyone with the slightest interest in PROTECTING the American people would stop shilling for those who get rich from Wars of Aggression.

Interesting ... "threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."
Do you have anything which implicates American troops in a crime which allegedly displaced 3.5 to 5 million Iraqis?
No, he's not the most dangerous terrorist in the world; Obama is; however, just to be on the safe side, maybe you should stake out Mount Rushmore?:muahaha:
The "American Hiroshima" is for large US cities, not Mt Rushmore. You can go back to sleep now.
You made the idiotic claim that Shukrijumah is "the most dangerous terrorist in the world" without being aware of his diabolical plot on Mt. Rushmore?
"The FBI is also is investigating Adnan El Shukrijumah's friendship with Imran Mandhai, one of two Florida college students convicted of conspiring to bomb electrical stations, a National Guard armory, Jewish businesses and Mount Rushmore, plots not carried out."
Maybe you missed the murder, maiming, incarcerating, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslim by the US since 1991?
State Father denies son linked to terror

You missed the point. Shukrijumah isn't dangerous because of Mt. Rushmore. He;s dangerous becasue of his al Qaeda mission to nuclear bomb 7 American cities. And yeah, I missed the "murder, maiming, incarcerating, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslim by the US since 1991" because it either didn't happen, or was part of the defense of the US. And hopefully, there will be more of it, if/wherever needed to PROTECT the American people from mindless, moronic, idiotic, deranged, Muslim, jihadist lunatics.
So you think the US invasion and occupation of Iraq was a case of self-defense and not a war for O-I-L?
"The number of displaced persons, both internal (within Iraq) and external (refugees, mainly in Jordan and Syria) ranged from estimates of 3.5 million to 5 million or more, which were directly attributable to the war. Virtually all first-hand accounts blamed violence as the cause of moving, or threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."
The Human Cost of the War in Iraq
Anyone with the slightest interest in PROTECTING the American people would stop shilling for those who get rich from Wars of Aggression.

Interesting ... "threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."
Do you have anything which implicates American troops in a crime which allegedly displaced 3.5 to 5 million Iraqis?
The 2003 US invasion of Iraq resulted in an Iraqi insurgency that fueled a giant level of emigration and internal displacement. Between October 2013 and March 2005 700,000 Iraqis fled to Syria alone.

Entire neighborhoods in Baghdad were ethnically cleansed by Shia and Sunni militias whose families had intermarried and lived side by side to each other prior to March 2003.

Sectarian violence in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So you think the US invasion and occupation of Iraq was a case of self-defense and not a war for O-I-L?
"The number of displaced persons, both internal (within Iraq) and external (refugees, mainly in Jordan and Syria) ranged from estimates of 3.5 million to 5 million or more, which were directly attributable to the war. Virtually all first-hand accounts blamed violence as the cause of moving, or threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."

Interesting ... "threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."
Do you have anything which implicates American troops in a crime which allegedly displaced 3.5 to 5 million Iraqis?

The 2003 US invasion of Iraq resulted in an Iraqi insurgency that fueled a giant level of emigration and internal displacement. Between October 2013 and March 2005 700,000 Iraqis fled to Syria alone.

Entire neighborhoods in Baghdad were ethnically cleansed by Shia and Sunni militias whose families had intermarried and lived side by side to each other prior to March 2003.

Sectarian violence in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the ethnic cleansing to which you refer was perpetrated by Shia and Sunni MUSLIMS taking advantage of any opportunity to do so.
You blame America - something you do consistently - while I'd say it's just the nature of the Islamist beast.
Thank you.
So you think the US invasion and occupation of Iraq was a case of self-defense and not a war for O-I-L?
"The number of displaced persons, both internal (within Iraq) and external (refugees, mainly in Jordan and Syria) ranged from estimates of 3.5 million to 5 million or more, which were directly attributable to the war. Virtually all first-hand accounts blamed violence as the cause of moving, or threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."

Interesting ... "threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."
Do you have anything which implicates American troops in a crime which allegedly displaced 3.5 to 5 million Iraqis?

The 2003 US invasion of Iraq resulted in an Iraqi insurgency that fueled a giant level of emigration and internal displacement. Between October 2013 and March 2005 700,000 Iraqis fled to Syria alone.

Entire neighborhoods in Baghdad were ethnically cleansed by Shia and Sunni militias whose families had intermarried and lived side by side to each other prior to March 2003.

Sectarian violence in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the ethnic cleansing to which you refer was perpetrated by Shia and Sunni MUSLIMS taking advantage of any opportunity to do so.
You blame America - something you do consistently - while I'd say it's just the nature of the Islamist beast.
Thank you.
Why aren't Sunni and Shiite slaughtering each other in the US and UK and Indonesia to the same extent they are in Iraq, Libya, and Syria?
So you think the US invasion and occupation of Iraq was a case of self-defense and not a war for O-I-L?
"The number of displaced persons, both internal (within Iraq) and external (refugees, mainly in Jordan and Syria) ranged from estimates of 3.5 million to 5 million or more, which were directly attributable to the war. Virtually all first-hand accounts blamed violence as the cause of moving, or threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."

Interesting ... "threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods."
Do you have anything which implicates American troops in a crime which allegedly displaced 3.5 to 5 million Iraqis?

The 2003 US invasion of Iraq resulted in an Iraqi insurgency that fueled a giant level of emigration and internal displacement. Between October 2013 and March 2005 700,000 Iraqis fled to Syria alone.

Entire neighborhoods in Baghdad were ethnically cleansed by Shia and Sunni militias whose families had intermarried and lived side by side to each other prior to March 2003.

Sectarian violence in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the ethnic cleansing to which you refer was perpetrated by Shia and Sunni MUSLIMS taking advantage of any opportunity to do so.

You blame America - something you do consistently - while I'd say it's just the nature of the Islamist beast.
Thank you.
Why aren't Sunni and Shiite slaughtering each other in the US and UK and Indonesia to the same extent they are in Iraq, Libya, and Syria?

Muslims - Sunni and Shia - are small minorities in both the US and UK who enjoy the social, educational, political and economic freedoms and opportunities which tend to mitigate the radicalism of majority Muslim countries.
Indonesia is an interesting case, however. It may be that the Sunnis outnumber Shia 200:1. It may be the Shafi'i Islam practiced by the Sunni's there is more tolerant than that practiced in Libya, Syria and Iraq. It could be that Indonesia isn't Arab or that it doesn't have the religious and tribal grudges found in so many "peaceful" Arab countries. What do you think. Oh wait ... I already know what you think: "It's America's fault!"

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