US Needs to Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS, NOW.

It would be, under ideal circumstances, a good idea to limit ISIS from creating a stable country/Caliphate/power-base.

America is Broke, and the Cloward-Piven tactics of the Bill Ayers-Obama White house have wrecked the U.S. economy.

We simply do not have the money.

China will have to deal with ISIS, America does not have the fiscal means.

I hope we are not "war weary" because the problem isn't ISIS. Think about it. The Taliban,Hamas,Boko Haram,ISIS,Al Qaeda,the Muslim Brotherhood,Islamic Jihad, you guys getting the big picture yet? We are not at war with individual groups, we are at war with Islam itself. This includes so called moderate Muslims. Sure they may not agree with the method used but they agree with the eventual outcome. In Islam there is only one law that should ever rule and that's the law of allah. Who are you to not follow the law of allah? This is why you don't see Moderates protesting the actions of their violent brethren, because they believe in the outcome of their actions and they don't have to get their hands dirty. They just sit back and let ISIS do it for them. This war will only end if either we wipe Islam off the face of the earth or they convert every last one of us whether we want to or not. Then the new war will be over who's Shite or Sunni because you have to be the right type of muslim and apparently they don't agree with that either.
What's this "we" shit? You got a mouse in your pocket? You want war with all of Islam, get your passport, load up, and go kill some mohammedan ass. If not, do not presume to have others do it for you.
Obama's red line turned into a green light

You reap what you sow

Obama's red line turned into a green light

You reap what you sow

True, when we decided not to back up the CiC and leave politics at the waters edge and the RW raved about Putin, we saved Assad from having to negotiate with FSA. At the same time we hurt ISIS's most prolific and dangerous enemy, the FSA. We gave Harakat Aha al Sham al Islamiyya the green light to fight FSA.
I hope we are not "war weary" because the problem isn't ISIS. Think about it. The Taliban,Hamas,Boko Haram,ISIS,Al Qaeda,the Muslim Brotherhood,Islamic Jihad, you guys getting the big picture yet? We are not at war with individual groups, we are at war with Islam itself. This includes so called moderate Muslims. Sure they may not agree with the method used but they agree with the eventual outcome. In Islam there is only one law that should ever rule and that's the law of allah. Who are you to not follow the law of allah? This is why you don't see Moderates protesting the actions of their violent brethren, because they believe in the outcome of their actions and they don't have to get their hands dirty. They just sit back and let ISIS do it for them. This war will only end if either we wipe Islam off the face of the earth or they convert every last one of us whether we want to or not. Then the new war will be over who's Shite or Sunni because you have to be the right type of muslim and apparently they don't agree with that either.
What's this "we" shit? You got a mouse in your pocket? You want war with all of Islam, get your passport, load up, and go kill some mohammedan ass. If not, do not presume to have others do it for you.
We as in if you're not Muslim your at war with Islam. Get a clue. In Islam there is only right and wrong. Right is the Muslim way and wrong is any other way other than Islam. They are at war with anyone who isn't Muslim and they are willing to eradicate those who don't fit the bill. If you're not Muslim that means you. They will do what they did to the Iraqi Christians. Tell you to convert or die.
I hope we are not "war weary" because the problem isn't ISIS. Think about it. The Taliban,Hamas,Boko Haram,ISIS,Al Qaeda,the Muslim Brotherhood,Islamic Jihad, you guys getting the big picture yet? We are not at war with individual groups, we are at war with Islam itself. This includes so called moderate Muslims. Sure they may not agree with the method used but they agree with the eventual outcome. In Islam there is only one law that should ever rule and that's the law of allah. Who are you to not follow the law of allah? This is why you don't see Moderates protesting the actions of their violent brethren, because they believe in the outcome of their actions and they don't have to get their hands dirty. They just sit back and let ISIS do it for them. This war will only end if either we wipe Islam off the face of the earth or they convert every last one of us whether we want to or not. Then the new war will be over who's Shite or Sunni because you have to be the right type of muslim and apparently they don't agree with that either.
What's this "we" shit? You got a mouse in your pocket? You want war with all of Islam, get your passport, load up, and go kill some mohammedan ass. If not, do not presume to have others do it for you.

Dude get a clue! In Islam there is the right way and the wrong way. Islam is the right way and anything else is the wrong way. If you're not Muslim than your on the wrong side. The wrong must be eradicated. They might let you pay an Infidel tax,Jizya, to prove you are subject to Islam, but refuse and you got problems. This means they are at war with you and you will, whether you like it or not, be at war with them.

Don't believe me? Consider this, the east coast is being flooded by Muslim as we speak. If you think that groups like ISIS haven't planted terror cells into these groups of muslims, then your living in fairyland. They are already on our soil and waiting. Americans need to start paying attention and educating themselves on these groups and their beliefs instead of letting bumbling oafs like Obama do their thinking for them.

Jizya - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

BAGHDAD, July 18 (UPI) -- The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria distributed leaflets to Christian leaders in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul this week, threatening violence if they don't convert.
Christians who do not accept Islam or fail to pay extra taxes to the Islamic Sharia courts, the letters warned, will face "death by the sword."

Christians who do not agree to ISIS demands were also given the option to leave Mosul. According to a message from ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, non-complying Christians were permitted to "evacuate themselves only from the caliphate state" by 12 p.m. local time on Saturday or their "only option is the sword."

The warning comes as ISIS has reportedly withdrawn from parts of Mosul, replaced by another Sunni militant group, the Naqshbandi Army (also referred to as JRTN). Mosul governor Atheel Nujaifi told the Guardian that the ISIS "strike force" had relocated from the city to fight Iraqi armed forces in Tikrit. JRTN, he said, now controls the eastern half of Mosul.

There is some speculation that JRTN, led by Saddam Hussein-era Baathists, formed an alliance with ISIS that enabled the Sunni militant lightning offensive in June to seize control of key Iraqi cities.

ISIS to Iraqi Christians in Mosul Convert or Die
A blast from the past: in the 1980s Israel created a plan that is in its final stages of fulfillment today. The Oded Yinon Plan began by calling for instigating war between Iraq and Iran as a first step for dissolving the Iraqi state:

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria.

"Iraq is stronger thanSyria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel.

"An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us.

"Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and willshorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon

"In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible.

"So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north.

"It is possible that the present Iranian-Iraqi confrontation will deepen this polarization. 15"

8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research
False. Syria (Assad) has not confronted ISIS. It has gone after all the moderate factions, and avoiding ISIS.

Why are you not wanting the other ME countries to stop ISIS on their own?

Why should an American soldier die so that a Jordanian or Saudi or Kuwaiti soldier can live, and live very comfortably?
Because the US army can fight ISIS much better than the soldiers there. But the Americans don't have to fight alone. It is also possible to send an American force that cooperates with the enemies of ISIS.
False. Syria (Assad) has not confronted ISIS. It has gone after all the moderate factions, and avoiding ISIS.

Why are you not wanting the other ME countries to stop ISIS on their own?

Why should an American soldier die so that a Jordanian or Saudi or Kuwaiti soldier can live, and live very comfortably?
Because the US army can fight ISIS much better than the soldiers there. But the Americans don't have to fight alone. It is also possible to send an American force that cooperates with the enemies of ISIS.
The enemies of ISIS aren't necessarily the good guys. There may be no good guys to side with.
I hope we are not "war weary" because the problem isn't ISIS. Think about it. The Taliban,Hamas,Boko Haram,ISIS,Al Qaeda,the Muslim Brotherhood,Islamic Jihad, you guys getting the big picture yet? We are not at war with individual groups, we are at war with Islam itself. This includes so called moderate Muslims. Sure they may not agree with the method used but they agree with the eventual outcome. In Islam there is only one law that should ever rule and that's the law of allah. Who are you to not follow the law of allah? This is why you don't see Moderates protesting the actions of their violent brethren, because they believe in the outcome of their actions and they don't have to get their hands dirty. They just sit back and let ISIS do it for them. This war will only end if either we wipe Islam off the face of the earth or they convert every last one of us whether we want to or not. Then the new war will be over who's Shite or Sunni because you have to be the right type of muslim and apparently they don't agree with that either.
What's this "we" shit? You got a mouse in your pocket? You want war with all of Islam, get your passport, load up, and go kill some mohammedan ass. If not, do not presume to have others do it for you.
We as in if you're not Muslim your at war with Islam. Get a clue. In Islam there is only right and wrong. Right is the Muslim way and wrong is any other way other than Islam. They are at war with anyone who isn't Muslim and they are willing to eradicate those who don't fit the bill. If you're not Muslim that means you. They will do what they did to the Iraqi Christians. Tell you to convert or die.
I hope we are not "war weary" because the problem isn't ISIS. Think about it. The Taliban,Hamas,Boko Haram,ISIS,Al Qaeda,the Muslim Brotherhood,Islamic Jihad, you guys getting the big picture yet? We are not at war with individual groups, we are at war with Islam itself. This includes so called moderate Muslims. Sure they may not agree with the method used but they agree with the eventual outcome. In Islam there is only one law that should ever rule and that's the law of allah. Who are you to not follow the law of allah? This is why you don't see Moderates protesting the actions of their violent brethren, because they believe in the outcome of their actions and they don't have to get their hands dirty. They just sit back and let ISIS do it for them. This war will only end if either we wipe Islam off the face of the earth or they convert every last one of us whether we want to or not. Then the new war will be over who's Shite or Sunni because you have to be the right type of muslim and apparently they don't agree with that either.
What's this "we" shit? You got a mouse in your pocket? You want war with all of Islam, get your passport, load up, and go kill some mohammedan ass. If not, do not presume to have others do it for you.

Dude get a clue! In Islam there is the right way and the wrong way. Islam is the right way and anything else is the wrong way. If you're not Muslim than your on the wrong side. The wrong must be eradicated. They might let you pay an Infidel tax,Jizya, to prove you are subject to Islam, but refuse and you got problems. This means they are at war with you and you will, whether you like it or not, be at war with them.

Don't believe me? Consider this, the east coast is being flooded by Muslim as we speak. If you think that groups like ISIS haven't planted terror cells into these groups of muslims, then your living in fairyland. They are already on our soil and waiting. Americans need to start paying attention and educating themselves on these groups and their beliefs instead of letting bumbling oafs like Obama do their thinking for them.

Jizya - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

BAGHDAD, July 18 (UPI) -- The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria distributed leaflets to Christian leaders in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul this week, threatening violence if they don't convert.
Christians who do not accept Islam or fail to pay extra taxes to the Islamic Sharia courts, the letters warned, will face "death by the sword."

Christians who do not agree to ISIS demands were also given the option to leave Mosul. According to a message from ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, non-complying Christians were permitted to "evacuate themselves only from the caliphate state" by 12 p.m. local time on Saturday or their "only option is the sword."

The warning comes as ISIS has reportedly withdrawn from parts of Mosul, replaced by another Sunni militant group, the Naqshbandi Army (also referred to as JRTN). Mosul governor Atheel Nujaifi told the Guardian that the ISIS "strike force" had relocated from the city to fight Iraqi armed forces in Tikrit. JRTN, he said, now controls the eastern half of Mosul.

There is some speculation that JRTN, led by Saddam Hussein-era Baathists, formed an alliance with ISIS that enabled the Sunni militant lightning offensive in June to seize control of key Iraqi cities.

ISIS to Iraqi Christians in Mosul Convert or Die
And it is STILL not our problem.
False. Syria (Assad) has not confronted ISIS. It has gone after all the moderate factions, and avoiding ISIS.

Why are you not wanting the other ME countries to stop ISIS on their own?

Why should an American soldier die so that a Jordanian or Saudi or Kuwaiti soldier can live, and live very comfortably?
Because the US army can fight ISIS much better than the soldiers there. But the Americans don't have to fight alone. It is also possible to send an American force that cooperates with the enemies of ISIS.
What maybe, and end up with more of our soldiers getting killed by those for whom we thought or think we can trust?
What needs to be done....but will NEVER HAPPEN with the Manchurian muslim!

Perhaps is they INTERFER with his golf game enough..........

That boat sailed a long time ago, as Bush fucked it all up and Obama has been not able to repair it.

Heavy air strikes only and let the Arab nations that hate ISIS carry the ground battle.

Oh shut the fuck up. This is what I mean about you childish lefties. The conversation was a good back and forth with people stating valid concerns until you show up to make a statement so black and white and childish that even a 5 yr old could see you have no interest in debate.

EconChick is merely emoting again. The USA cannot again get in the ME because of Bush and Obama, other than heavy airstrikes. The American peoples' opinion will not permit it. You have no interest in common sense, only your unbalanced feelings.

Cannot get in again??? We're already in nitwit. Boots are on the ground. We have combat forces involved.

You and Synthia try to outdo each other with moronic statements again. LMAO.
That boat sailed a long time ago, as Bush fucked it all up and Obama has been not able to repair it.

Heavy air strikes only and let the Arab nations that hate ISIS carry the ground battle.

Oh shut the fuck up. This is what I mean about you childish lefties. The conversation was a good back and forth with people stating valid concerns until you show up to make a statement so black and white and childish that even a 5 yr old could see you have no interest in debate.

EconChick is merely emoting again. The USA cannot again get in the ME because of Bush and Obama, other than heavy airstrikes. The American peoples' opinion will not permit it. You have no interest in common sense, only your unbalanced feelings.
She's a nuisance troll.

If I was part of your massively retarded gaggle of liberal idiots on this Board, I'd probably think of every lie, every attack, every dishonest name I could think of to call someone that blows you out of the water too. And awww, you're not letting me get under your skin now, are you Synthie?
That boat sailed a long time ago, as Bush fucked it all up and Obama has been not able to repair it.

Heavy air strikes only and let the Arab nations that hate ISIS carry the ground battle.

Oh shut the fuck up. This is what I mean about you childish lefties. The conversation was a good back and forth with people stating valid concerns until you show up to make a statement so black and white and childish that even a 5 yr old could see you have no interest in debate.

EconChick is merely emoting again. The USA cannot again get in the ME because of Bush and Obama, other than heavy airstrikes. The American peoples' opinion will not permit it. You have no interest in common sense, only your unbalanced feelings.

Cannot get in again??? We're already in nitwit. Boots are on the ground. We have combat forces involved.

You and Synthia try to outdo each other with moronic statements again. LMAO.

We have advisors, my silly friend.

We are not sending in heavy units, are we?

I agreed that heavy air strikes are going on.

But we are not going to do it as you suggest.
That boat sailed a long time ago, as Bush fucked it all up and Obama has been not able to repair it.

Heavy air strikes only and let the Arab nations that hate ISIS carry the ground battle.

Oh shut the fuck up. This is what I mean about you childish lefties. The conversation was a good back and forth with people stating valid concerns until you show up to make a statement so black and white and childish that even a 5 yr old could see you have no interest in debate.

EconChick is merely emoting again. The USA cannot again get in the ME because of Bush and Obama, other than heavy airstrikes. The American peoples' opinion will not permit it. You have no interest in common sense, only your unbalanced feelings.
She's a nuisance troll.

If I was part of your massively retarded gaggle of liberal idiots on this Board, I'd probably think of every lie, every attack, every dishonest name I could think of to call someone that blows you out of the water too. And awww, you're not letting me get under your skin now, are you Synthie?

You failed when you tried that and ended up crying.

Yeah, we are under your skin and burrowing.
Yep, we need to, but the thing that will be hardest is convincing Muslims that the Earth is not theirs to rule alone with their religion forced upon the human inhabitants...

Perhaps you could stop invading Muslim lands, supporting mass murder of Muslims and stop all the hate shit.
There were no attacks on the US by Muslims until you started to interfere and kill them.
Now, I await the Barbary pirates to come up. One idiot always tries to point that out, but neglects to mention many were Christians and Jews, and it was just piracy, not just targeted at America.
If we delay long enough Syria and Iraq may solve this themselves. What's the hurry ?

1. Nuclear bombs that "may" be detonated in numerous US cities.

2. Biological weapons that "may" spread across the USA, killing millions.

3. Gas release attacks that "may' occur in numerous cities across America.

4. Dams being blown up - cities being flooded. Millions killed.

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