US Now Leads the World in Cases... Trumpers Underestimate the Threat AGAIN...

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

so can you show us a lefty politician who predicted early on it would be this bad? I will await your reply.
I'm pretty sure righty and lefty politicians are screwed by their warped viewpoint. Neither of the two political parties predicted it would be the bad (as you say), but the scientists and health professional experts predicted it. The righty politician that was supposed to lead was afraid the truth would spook the market. So he downplayed, lied, gave rosy predictions. The market people listen to professional analysts for a living. So, the lies and BS spooked the market. ie, Trump spooked the market by not listening and did not take the steps necessary to stop it here,if it actually could have been stopped. What "lefty politician who predicted early on it would be this bad?" Who cares. It is Trump's watch and he was steering the ship. It is his mess that we are challenged with. As one of the independents, I did not know you were counting on the lefty politicians to save you from Trump's warped political view and unprofessionalism. You screwed up, but we will fix that leader selection part in November.
He did? Then why do ya think he banned all travel from areas affected by the corona virus?
he didn't. but why would you know that.
Trump should have called the obamaturd and asked him what to do!
If that was what it took to get the correct answer, that he would convert to correct action, YES, but it wasn't and isn't Obama's responsibility. I don't care who he chose as an expert he could trust. Doubtfull Obama was on his list. I only care about correct answers, correct implementation and results. That is all upper management demanded from me. That is what management is all about.

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

so can you show us a lefty politician who predicted early on it would be this bad? I will await your reply.
I'm pretty sure righty and lefty politicians are screwed by their warped viewpoint. Neither of the two political parties predicted it would be the bad (as you say), but the scientists and health professional experts predicted it. The righty politician that was supposed to lead was afraid the truth would spook the market. So he downplayed, lied, gave rosy predictions. The market people listen to professional analysts for a living. So, the lies and BS spooked the market. ie, Trump spooked the market by not listening and did not take the steps necessary to stop it here,if it actually could have been stopped. What "lefty politician who predicted early on it would be this bad?" Who cares. It is Trump's watch and he was steering the ship. It is his mess that we are challenged with. As one of the independents, I did not know you were counting on the lefty politicians to save you from Trump's warped political view and unprofessionalism. You screwed up, but we will fix that leader selection part in November.
He did? Then why do ya think he banned all travel from areas affected by the corona virus?
he didn't. but why would you know that.
Trump should have called the obamaturd and asked him what to do!
thx 4 sharing another senior moment. social distancing is surely easy for you. even if involuntarily.

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

so can you show us a lefty politician who predicted early on it would be this bad? I will await your reply.
I'm pretty sure righty and lefty politicians are screwed by their warped viewpoint. Neither of the two political parties predicted it would be the bad (as you say), but the scientists and health professional experts predicted it. The righty politician that was supposed to lead was afraid the truth would spook the market. So he downplayed, lied, gave rosy predictions. The market people listen to professional analysts for a living. So, the lies and BS spooked the market. ie, Trump spooked the market by not listening and did not take the steps necessary to stop it here,if it actually could have been stopped. What "lefty politician who predicted early on it would be this bad?" Who cares. It is Trump's watch and he was steering the ship. It is his mess that we are challenged with. As one of the independents, I did not know you were counting on the lefty politicians to save you from Trump's warped political view and unprofessionalism. You screwed up, but we will fix that leader selection part in November.
He did? Then why do ya think he banned all travel from areas affected by the corona virus?
OH! OH! So simply banning the travel was all it took to stop it? Good. Since was the only step he took initially and he took that step, I guess all the dead people can get up now and go back to their lives, and we can celebrate that the pandemic passed us by, and New York can quit using refrigerated trailers and ice rinks to store the dead. Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
What steps did the obamaturd take to prevent the deaths of Americans during the obamaturd flu? What was the total? 17,000?
Who gives a shit? Look at your calendar. This is the year 2020. That dumb ass has been in office over 3 years. Just when do you expect him to become responsible for his actions and decisions. He not planning to take that up. He says "I take no responsibility, at all",(that statement you can depend on) and I understand that is good enough for you, I suppose because you really knew what you would be getting when you voted for him.
he quoted trumpers. lol

No, he's like you in being too utterly stupid to know the difference.

get a grip, stannis.
when writing like a trumptard would write, one uses a) quotation marks, and b) grammar fitting to trumptards.

EXAMPLE: "I would of gave my last tooth to see hitlery behined prisn."
I'm sorry that you have issues.

I really am.
That's heartwarming, troll.
will you offer prayers, too?

anything on topic for a change? some insight on the trajectory that was plain to see for weeks if not months? anything?


only failed attempts at grammarnaziing?

yeah. thought so.

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Listen dumb bell. the more you test the more FALSE POSITIVES

Anyone who has ever had a coronavirus respiratory infection is going to test (+) IT DOESN'T MEAN SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's true we are about the same as Italy, but consider the size and population if Italy and the US. Were are what, three, four times as big as Italy? That puts it at proper perspective. If Italy were a state, it would be the 5th largest state in the US, between New Mexico and Arizona.

Keep digging.
I'm not persuaded. Our local hospital has had TWO corona deaths. One was a 21 year old man who actually died of a fentanyl overdose. The second was an 81 year old man already in intensive care for COPD. But they both died of coronavirus.
I'm not persuaded. Our local hospital has had TWO corona deaths. One was a 21 year old man who actually died of a fentanyl overdose. The second was an 81 year old man already in intensive care for COPD. But they both died of coronavirus.


US Now Leads the World in Cases... Trumpers Underestimate the Threat AGAIN...
How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....
That was quite a long time ago, Tanker. But glad to see you relish the corona infections.

ITMT, points you passed over noting:
  • The US still has only 1/3rd the deaths of China.
  • 1/7th the deaths of Italy.
But I'm sure if any of that changes, you'll be back to celebrate.
US Now Leads the World in Cases... Trumpers Underestimate the Threat AGAIN...
How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....
That was quite a long time ago, Tanker. But glad to see you relish the corona infections.

ITMT, points you passed over noting:
  • The US still has only 1/3rd the deaths of China.
  • 1/7th the deaths of Italy.
But I'm sure if any of that changes, you'll be back to celebrate.
Really like the moving schematic. Glad that one not on the FCC test.
next step: data not reliable cuz Johns Hopkins is located in Balmer. there be negroes and libruls
Are the Chinese being honest about the number of cases with a population 4 times the USA but now fewer cases?
It doesn't make any sense, unless the Chinese NOW have a vaccine they are forcing ALL 1,437,859,722 to take...but they aren't sharing with the world?
Please someone explain...
Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 9.41.29 PM.png
Are the Chinese being honest about the number of cases with a population 4 times the USA but now fewer cases?
It doesn't make any sense, unless the Chinese NOW have a vaccine they are forcing ALL 1,437,859,722 to take...but they aren't sharing with the world?
Please someone explain...
View attachment 315814

First, you can't believe what the Chinese government ever says.

Second, I still can't believe this all began with a bat in a market...
Last edited:
Are the Chinese being honest about the number of cases with a population 4 times the USA but now fewer cases?
It doesn't make any sense, unless the Chinese NOW have a vaccine they are forcing ALL 1,437,859,722 to take...but they aren't sharing with the world?
Please someone explain...
View attachment 315814

The more you test the more the FALSE (+)
lol. fuck off

Let me repeat that S L O W L Y

T H E M O R E Y O U T E S T T H E M O R E F A L S E (+)

And by the way I am AFRO-AMERICAN

Are the Chinese being honest about the number of cases with a population 4 times the USA but now fewer cases?
It doesn't make any sense, unless the Chinese NOW have a vaccine they are forcing ALL 1,437,859,722 to take...but they aren't sharing with the world?
Please someone explain...
View attachment 315814

First of all --- FEWER. "Has FEWER cases than the USA" not "less". :banghead:

Second --- the simple reason is TIME. China has had this grunge longer than anybody. That's also why it has twenty-two times more people recovered from it than dead. Because recoveries take TIME. So does abatement of an epidemic. China has had TIME that we have not.

That comes to, let's see, fifty-two cents for the English lesson and a hundred million dollars for Captain Obvious.
Are the Chinese being honest about the number of cases with a population 4 times the USA but now fewer cases?
It doesn't make any sense, unless the Chinese NOW have a vaccine they are forcing ALL 1,437,859,722 to take...but they aren't sharing with the world?
Please someone explain...
View attachment 315814

The more you test the more the FALSE (+)
lol. fuck off

Let me repeat that S L O W L Y

T H E M O R E Y O U T E S T T H E M O R E F A L S E (+)

And by the way I am AFRO-AMERICAN

i don't give a fuck about your genetic makeup.

you have no idea how the test works. you could read up on it. but why do that instead of SPAZZING OUT
Are the Chinese being honest about the number of cases with a population 4 times the USA but now fewer cases?
It doesn't make any sense, unless the Chinese NOW have a vaccine they are forcing ALL 1,437,859,722 to take...but they aren't sharing with the world?
Please someone explain...
View attachment 315814

The more you test the more the FALSE (+)
lol. fuck off

Let me repeat that S L O W L Y

T H E M O R E Y O U T E S T T H E M O R E F A L S E (+)

And by the way I am AFRO-AMERICAN

i don't give a fuck about your genetic makeup.

you have no idea how the test works. you could read up on it. but why do that instead of SPAZZING OUT

And you do bro'?

Walk me though it.


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