US Rep Chaka Fattah (D-PA) charged in political corruption case

Democratic congressman charged in political corruption case Reuters

And the charges look pretty nasty, too:

Democratic U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania and four associates were charged on Wednesday in a political corruption case with bribery and misusing hundreds of thousands of dollars of federal, charitable and campaign funds.

Fattah, 58, who has represented Philadelphia in the U.S. House of Representatives for two decades and is one of the senior black lawmakers in Congress, and the others were indicted by a federal grand jury on 29 counts in an alleged racketeering conspiracy, the U.S. Department of Justice said...

...The indictment said that in Fattah's failed 2007 campaign for mayor of Philadelphia, the congressman and certain associates borrowed $1 million from a wealthy supporter and disguised the funds as a loan to a consulting company.

The Justice Department said after losing the election, Fattah returned $400,000 to the donor and arranged for a non-profit entity he founded to repay the remaining $600,000 using charitable and federal grant funds that passed through two other companies.

To conceal the contribution and repayment scheme, the defendants and others created sham contracts and made false entries in accounting records, tax returns and campaign finance disclosure statements, the department said.

The indictment said Fattah, after his mayoral defeat, sought to erase about $130,000 in campaign debt owed to a political consultant by agreeing to arrange for the consultant to get federal grant funds.

This just reeks of a Michael Grimm type of indictment on it's way. By that, I mean that the indictment is likely completely airtight, just as it was with Grimm. If Fattah is really guilty for the things being claimed, then he needs to go to jail. I don't want crooks in the Democratic Party.

Chattah needs to go. End of story.
I'm biting my tongue.


He's not the first Democrat whom I have reamed a new one.

Is your tongue hurting?

Did you stick it somewhere where you weren't supposed to?

Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Sorry, but the right has accused Hillary of so many things that have proven to be nothing but crap till she is pretty much immune to additional crap. Ask your mommy to tell you the story of The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf. It's kinda like that.
And just a couple of weeks ago, Fattah was cruising in Air Force One with Barry and Valerie!

View attachment 46013

Ahhhh, guilt by association. Very, very wise, oh loopy-noodle!

Like this:


Or, this!!



Well, this is fun, little suzy red unicorn snowflake!!!

That picture of shrub is just the first in a series. You have to be over 18 to see the ones taken after this one.
And just a couple of weeks ago, Fattah was cruising in Air Force One with Barry and Valerie!

View attachment 46013

Ahhhh, guilt by association. Very, very wise, oh loopy-noodle!

Like this:


Or, this!!



Well, this is fun, little suzy red unicorn snowflake!!!

That picture of shrub is just the first in a series. You have to be over 18 to see the ones taken after this one.
View attachment 46019

When was King Abdullah indicted for fraud while serving as a Congressman?

An entrenched Philadelphia politician engaged in corruption? I'm shocked, just shocked I say.
And just a couple of weeks ago, Fattah was cruising in Air Force One with Barry and Valerie!

View attachment 46013

Ahhhh, guilt by association. Very, very wise, oh loopy-noodle!

Like this:


Or, this!!



Well, this is fun, little suzy red unicorn snowflake!!!

That picture of shrub is just the first in a series. You have to be over 18 to see the ones taken after this one.
View attachment 46019

When was King Abdullah indicted for fraud while serving as a Congressman?


No idea. I guess he was too busy swapping spit with shrub.
And just a couple of weeks ago, Fattah was cruising in Air Force One with Barry and Valerie!

View attachment 46013

Ahhhh, guilt by association. Very, very wise, oh loopy-noodle!

Like this:


Or, this!!



Well, this is fun, little suzy red unicorn snowflake!!!

Umm that wasn't the Taliban Reagan was meeting with. Care to apologize?

It was the Mujahadeen, later known as the Taliban.

Bull fucking shit. The mujahideen did not become the Taliban. Why do you feel a need to lie?
And just a couple of weeks ago, Fattah was cruising in Air Force One with Barry and Valerie!

View attachment 46013

Ahhhh, guilt by association. Very, very wise, oh loopy-noodle!

Like this:


Or, this!!



Well, this is fun, little suzy red unicorn snowflake!!!

Umm that wasn't the Taliban Reagan was meeting with. Care to apologize?

It was the Mujahadeen, later known as the Taliban.

Bull fucking shit. The mujahideen did not become the Taliban. Why do you feel a need to lie?

Oh, absolutely they did. We trained them, we armed them, 14 years later they were the Taliban.

Reagan enabled them. Live with it.
And just a couple of weeks ago, Fattah was cruising in Air Force One with Barry and Valerie!

View attachment 46013

Ahhhh, guilt by association. Very, very wise, oh loopy-noodle!

Like this:


Or, this!!



Well, this is fun, little suzy red unicorn snowflake!!!

Umm that wasn't the Taliban Reagan was meeting with. Care to apologize?

It was the Mujahadeen, later known as the Taliban.

Bull fucking shit. The mujahideen did not become the Taliban. Why do you feel a need to lie?

It's how the Left rewrites history. Repeat a falsehood long enough until the Low Info Public and Special Snowflake T-Ball Trophy kids believe it.
And just a couple of weeks ago, Fattah was cruising in Air Force One with Barry and Valerie!

View attachment 46013

Ahhhh, guilt by association. Very, very wise, oh loopy-noodle!

Like this:


Or, this!!



Well, this is fun, little suzy red unicorn snowflake!!!

Umm that wasn't the Taliban Reagan was meeting with. Care to apologize?

It was the Mujahadeen, later known as the Taliban.

Bull fucking shit. The mujahideen did not become the Taliban. Why do you feel a need to lie?

Oh, absolutely they did. We trained them, we armed them, 14 years later they were the Taliban.

Reagan enabled them. Live with it.

Oh my God, you're so full of it. I always knew you were full of it, but I didn't realize you were this bad. How about backing up your claims with some proof, fella?
And just a couple of weeks ago, Fattah was cruising in Air Force One with Barry and Valerie!

View attachment 46013

Ahhhh, guilt by association. Very, very wise, oh loopy-noodle!

Like this:


Or, this!!



Well, this is fun, little suzy red unicorn snowflake!!!

Umm that wasn't the Taliban Reagan was meeting with. Care to apologize?

It was the Mujahadeen, later known as the Taliban.

Bull fucking shit. The mujahideen did not become the Taliban. Why do you feel a need to lie?

It's how the Left rewrites history. Repeat a falsehood long enough until the Low Info Public and Special Snowflake T-Ball Trophy kids believe it.

Ahhh, you are riding your red unicorn, I see!!!
Ahhhh, guilt by association. Very, very wise, oh loopy-noodle!

Like this:


Or, this!!



Well, this is fun, little suzy red unicorn snowflake!!!

Umm that wasn't the Taliban Reagan was meeting with. Care to apologize?

It was the Mujahadeen, later known as the Taliban.

Bull fucking shit. The mujahideen did not become the Taliban. Why do you feel a need to lie?

Oh, absolutely they did. We trained them, we armed them, 14 years later they were the Taliban.

Reagan enabled them. Live with it.

Oh my God, you're so full of it. I always knew you were full of it, but I didn't realize you were this bad. How about backing up your claims with some proof, fella?

You have a lot to learn.

Start here:

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"While there is no evidence that the CIA had direct contact with Osama Bin Laden[38][39] and US funding was directed to Afghan Mujahedin groups,[40] critics of U.S. foreign policy consider Operation Cyclone to be substantially responsible for setting in motion the events that led to the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001,[41] a view Brzezinski has dismissed.[42] William Hartung argues that the early foundations of al-Qaida were built in part on relationships and weaponry that came from the billions of dollars in U.S. support for the Afghan mujahadin during the war to expel Soviet forces from that country."
Still waiting on that proof that the mujahideen later became the Taliban. Should be easy to prove if it's true (which it isn't).
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Hmmm, ever heard of innocence before guilt is proven?

Where is the indictment?

Where are the criminal charges?

Who will win dancing with the Stars this year?

Who really killed JR?

And, are you brain-damaged?


The term is "innocent until proven guilty, in the court of law". I am not the court of law or a juror, so I am free to come up with whatever conclusion I wish to based on what evidence has been made public.

Do you honestly think the elite political class doesn't get away with breaking the law? Liberal politicians especially get to enjoy a certain amount of immunity for the law. Look at the long line of women B.J. Clinton sexually assaulted, yet liberals just look the other way.

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