US Rep Chaka Fattah (D-PA) charged in political corruption case

Something went wrong in Benghazi that cost a US Ambassador and three other Americans their lives as well as the loss of the Consulate.
The ambassador wasn't even supposed to be there........he went of his own volition....and what went wrong is that we have terrorists that hate us in that part of the world.

There were far more embassy attacks when Bush was President, seems you have overlooked that.

The lying bastards, including Obama, said repeatedly that it was caused by a video on the internet that maybe three people saw. I feel sorry for you if you accept that as the truth.
Obama and Rice were reporting what the CIA told them, prior to determination that it was a terrorist attack. After all the investigating was over and done, it has now been found that the video was indeed the cause of the agitation that led to the attack.

I feel sorry for you that you have to keep trying to blame Obama and Rice for providing the information that was given to them by the CIA.

Now don't you and the rest of the conservatives who keep singing the same tune feel that egg on the face after this came out? Looks like the conservatives are the lying bastards.

Well, isn’t that embarrassing. Libyan national Ahmed Abu Khattala, a ringleader of the deadly attack on America’s diplomatic consulate in Benghazi, Libya, apprehended this weekend by US Special Forces, reportedly said that the attack was motivated as a response to an anti-Muslim American video.

The admission by Khattala is more than a bit inconvenient for congressional critics of President Obama’s handling of the crisis, as those “Benghazi truthers” had claimed until this point that it was absurd to suggest that the inflammatory video played any part in inspiring the attacksthat left an American ambassador, and three other US citizens, dead.

Khattala’s statements back up an earlier NYT report that suggested the video did in fact play a role.

Benghazi ringleader Anti-Muslim video inspired attack

The Justice Department is supposed to investigate when Inspector Generals, who aren't Republicans, find that Hillary mishandled classified documents. They didn't hesitate to investigate General Petraeus did they?
Republicans have had their own "Republican" committee investigate it after several other investigations have been done.....they "all" have said they found no wrong doing....even the Republican why do you conservatives keep picking at it? You're hoping other idiots will believe that Hillary did something wrong and she will lose to your clown? General Petraeus violated laws, Hillary didn't. The only ones responsible for not having enough security in Benghazi were the Republicans in Congress who refused to fund more money. Now quit swallowing Faux News crap.

They get paid whether they are investigating something or just sitting around picking their nose.
That's true, but we have far more serious things that need their attention then trying to find something that is not there. If that's the way most conservatives feel about how our tax money is spent, then thats the main reason we have a Deficit.......another thing you conservatives whine a lot about, yet don't mind when your politicians waste Ted Cruz did with his diatribe not too long ago.
Something went wrong in Benghazi that cost a US Ambassador and three other Americans their lives as well as the loss of the Consulate.
The ambassador wasn't even supposed to be there........he went of his own volition....and what went wrong is that we have terrorists that hate us in that part of the world.

There were far more embassy attacks when Bush was President, seems you have overlooked that.

The lying bastards, including Obama, said repeatedly that it was caused by a video on the internet that maybe three people saw. I feel sorry for you if you accept that as the truth.
Obama and Rice were reporting what the CIA told them, prior to determination that it was a terrorist attack. After all the investigating was over and done, it has now been found that the video was indeed the cause of the agitation that led to the attack.

I feel sorry for you that you have to keep trying to blame Obama and Rice for providing the information that was given to them by the CIA.

Now don't you and the rest of the conservatives who keep singing the same tune feel that egg on the face after this came out? Looks like the conservatives are the lying bastards.

Well, isn’t that embarrassing. Libyan national Ahmed Abu Khattala, a ringleader of the deadly attack on America’s diplomatic consulate in Benghazi, Libya, apprehended this weekend by US Special Forces, reportedly said that the attack was motivated as a response to an anti-Muslim American video.

The admission by Khattala is more than a bit inconvenient for congressional critics of President Obama’s handling of the crisis, as those “Benghazi truthers” had claimed until this point that it was absurd to suggest that the inflammatory video played any part in inspiring the attacksthat left an American ambassador, and three other US citizens, dead.

Khattala’s statements back up an earlier NYT report that suggested the video did in fact play a role.

Benghazi ringleader Anti-Muslim video inspired attack

The Justice Department is supposed to investigate when Inspector Generals, who aren't Republicans, find that Hillary mishandled classified documents. They didn't hesitate to investigate General Petraeus did they?
Republicans have had their own "Republican" committee investigate it after several other investigations have been done.....they "all" have said they found no wrong doing....even the Republican why do you conservatives keep picking at it? You're hoping other idiots will believe that Hillary did something wrong and she will lose to your clown? General Petraeus violated laws, Hillary didn't. The only ones responsible for not having enough security in Benghazi were the Republicans in Congress who refused to fund more money. Now quit swallowing Faux News crap.

They get paid whether they are investigating something or just sitting around picking their nose.
That's true, but we have far more serious things that need their attention then trying to find something that is not there. If that's the way most conservatives feel about how our tax money is spent, then thats the main reason we have a Deficit.......another thing you conservatives whine a lot about, yet don't mind when your politicians waste Ted Cruz did with his diatribe not too long ago.

Read this and get educated.

Benghazi Attack Revisited
Democratic congressman charged in political corruption case Reuters

And the charges look pretty nasty, too:

Democratic U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania and four associates were charged on Wednesday in a political corruption case with bribery and misusing hundreds of thousands of dollars of federal, charitable and campaign funds.

Fattah, 58, who has represented Philadelphia in the U.S. House of Representatives for two decades and is one of the senior black lawmakers in Congress, and the others were indicted by a federal grand jury on 29 counts in an alleged racketeering conspiracy, the U.S. Department of Justice said...

...The indictment said that in Fattah's failed 2007 campaign for mayor of Philadelphia, the congressman and certain associates borrowed $1 million from a wealthy supporter and disguised the funds as a loan to a consulting company.

The Justice Department said after losing the election, Fattah returned $400,000 to the donor and arranged for a non-profit entity he founded to repay the remaining $600,000 using charitable and federal grant funds that passed through two other companies.

To conceal the contribution and repayment scheme, the defendants and others created sham contracts and made false entries in accounting records, tax returns and campaign finance disclosure statements, the department said.

The indictment said Fattah, after his mayoral defeat, sought to erase about $130,000 in campaign debt owed to a political consultant by agreeing to arrange for the consultant to get federal grant funds.

This just reeks of a Michael Grimm type of indictment on it's way. By that, I mean that the indictment is likely completely airtight, just as it was with Grimm. If Fattah is really guilty for the things being claimed, then he needs to go to jail. I don't want crooks in the Democratic Party.

Chattah needs to go. End of story.

Assuming he is guilty- then glad he was arrested, and I look forward to this politician going to jail.

I don't care the party- sending corrupt politicians to jail is a good thing.
Something went wrong in Benghazi that cost a US Ambassador and three other Americans their lives as well as the loss of the Consulate.
The ambassador wasn't even supposed to be there........he went of his own volition....and what went wrong is that we have terrorists that hate us in that part of the world.

There were far more embassy attacks when Bush was President, seems you have overlooked that.

The lying bastards, including Obama, said repeatedly that it was caused by a video on the internet that maybe three people saw. I feel sorry for you if you accept that as the truth.
Obama and Rice were reporting what the CIA told them, prior to determination that it was a terrorist attack. After all the investigating was over and done, it has now been found that the video was indeed the cause of the agitation that led to the attack.

I feel sorry for you that you have to keep trying to blame Obama and Rice for providing the information that was given to them by the CIA.

Now don't you and the rest of the conservatives who keep singing the same tune feel that egg on the face after this came out? Looks like the conservatives are the lying bastards.

Well, isn’t that embarrassing. Libyan national Ahmed Abu Khattala, a ringleader of the deadly attack on America’s diplomatic consulate in Benghazi, Libya, apprehended this weekend by US Special Forces, reportedly said that the attack was motivated as a response to an anti-Muslim American video.

The admission by Khattala is more than a bit inconvenient for congressional critics of President Obama’s handling of the crisis, as those “Benghazi truthers” had claimed until this point that it was absurd to suggest that the inflammatory video played any part in inspiring the attacksthat left an American ambassador, and three other US citizens, dead.

Khattala’s statements back up an earlier NYT report that suggested the video did in fact play a role.

Benghazi ringleader Anti-Muslim video inspired attack

The Justice Department is supposed to investigate when Inspector Generals, who aren't Republicans, find that Hillary mishandled classified documents. They didn't hesitate to investigate General Petraeus did they?
Republicans have had their own "Republican" committee investigate it after several other investigations have been done.....they "all" have said they found no wrong doing....even the Republican why do you conservatives keep picking at it? You're hoping other idiots will believe that Hillary did something wrong and she will lose to your clown? General Petraeus violated laws, Hillary didn't. The only ones responsible for not having enough security in Benghazi were the Republicans in Congress who refused to fund more money. Now quit swallowing Faux News crap.

They get paid whether they are investigating something or just sitting around picking their nose.
That's true, but we have far more serious things that need their attention then trying to find something that is not there. If that's the way most conservatives feel about how our tax money is spent, then thats the main reason we have a Deficit.......another thing you conservatives whine a lot about, yet don't mind when your politicians waste Ted Cruz did with his diatribe not too long ago.

Read this and get educated.

Benghazi Attack Revisited

Apparently you're the one that needs an education. You're lagging. Notice the dates, and learn something.
Apparently you don't even trust Republicans?

November 22, 2014, 9:40 p.m.

The CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, a Republican-controlled House committee has found. Its report concluded that there was no wrongdoing by Obama administration officials.
LA Times

Your outdated link:

Benghazi Attack, Revisited
  • Posted on May 14, 2013
Something went wrong in Benghazi that cost a US Ambassador and three other Americans their lives as well as the loss of the Consulate.
The ambassador wasn't even supposed to be there........he went of his own volition....and what went wrong is that we have terrorists that hate us in that part of the world.

There were far more embassy attacks when Bush was President, seems you have overlooked that.

The lying bastards, including Obama, said repeatedly that it was caused by a video on the internet that maybe three people saw. I feel sorry for you if you accept that as the truth.
Obama and Rice were reporting what the CIA told them, prior to determination that it was a terrorist attack. After all the investigating was over and done, it has now been found that the video was indeed the cause of the agitation that led to the attack.

I feel sorry for you that you have to keep trying to blame Obama and Rice for providing the information that was given to them by the CIA.

Now don't you and the rest of the conservatives who keep singing the same tune feel that egg on the face after this came out? Looks like the conservatives are the lying bastards.

Well, isn’t that embarrassing. Libyan national Ahmed Abu Khattala, a ringleader of the deadly attack on America’s diplomatic consulate in Benghazi, Libya, apprehended this weekend by US Special Forces, reportedly said that the attack was motivated as a response to an anti-Muslim American video.

The admission by Khattala is more than a bit inconvenient for congressional critics of President Obama’s handling of the crisis, as those “Benghazi truthers” had claimed until this point that it was absurd to suggest that the inflammatory video played any part in inspiring the attacksthat left an American ambassador, and three other US citizens, dead.

Khattala’s statements back up an earlier NYT report that suggested the video did in fact play a role.

Benghazi ringleader Anti-Muslim video inspired attack

The Justice Department is supposed to investigate when Inspector Generals, who aren't Republicans, find that Hillary mishandled classified documents. They didn't hesitate to investigate General Petraeus did they?
Republicans have had their own "Republican" committee investigate it after several other investigations have been done.....they "all" have said they found no wrong doing....even the Republican why do you conservatives keep picking at it? You're hoping other idiots will believe that Hillary did something wrong and she will lose to your clown? General Petraeus violated laws, Hillary didn't. The only ones responsible for not having enough security in Benghazi were the Republicans in Congress who refused to fund more money. Now quit swallowing Faux News crap.

They get paid whether they are investigating something or just sitting around picking their nose.
That's true, but we have far more serious things that need their attention then trying to find something that is not there. If that's the way most conservatives feel about how our tax money is spent, then thats the main reason we have a Deficit.......another thing you conservatives whine a lot about, yet don't mind when your politicians waste Ted Cruz did with his diatribe not too long ago.

Read this and get educated.

Benghazi Attack Revisited

Apparently you're the one that needs an education. You're lagging. Notice the dates, and learn something.
Apparently you don't even trust Republicans?

November 22, 2014, 9:40 p.m.

The CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, a Republican-controlled House committee has found. Its report concluded that there was no wrongdoing by Obama administration officials.
LA Times

Your outdated link:

Benghazi Attack, Revisited
  • Posted on May 14, 2013

The committee report addressed the response, or lack thereof to the attack, and had absolutely nothing to do with what caused it. Are you really that stupid?
What is it with the Congressional Black Caucus? How many present and former members are under some kind of cloud for mis-dealing of one sort or another? Do white congressmen commit crimes? Obviously they do. But nothing in the percentages we see among the CBC. What's up with this?
Longtime U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah indicted in racketeering scheme - St. Louis American Local News

Good. You finally figured out what this thread is about. Looks like he pulled some crooked crap and got caught. I hope he gets everything he deserves.
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Hmmm, ever heard of innocence before guilt is proven?

Where is the indictment?

Where are the criminal charges?

Who will win dancing with the Stars this year?

Who really killed JR?

And, are you brain-damaged?

Remind me of your response in the case of the trucks with flags? Did you wait for the facts? Did anyone get charged? Yet you openly called them as the guilty party and dismissed any claim against the family that threw rocks and threatened the vehicles occupants. Remind us of your double standard.
Notice how the threshold changes according to whose ox is being gored?
It's too bad, politicians like him give Democrats a bad name........but I'm glad they caught him and I hope he pays for it.
Democrats give Democrats a bad name.

Only for a while. When caught, we usually police our own.
No, you idiots usually turn a blind eye and vote them into office to screw America.

Look who's talking........didn't you all forgive Sanford in SC and made him a Congressman? Yeah.......and so many of you were ready to make Gingrich President not so long about turning a blind eye and then being a hypocrite about it.
It's too bad, politicians like him give Democrats a bad name........but I'm glad they caught him and I hope he pays for it.

Me too.

Time for fresh political blood in Philly.
yeah..replacing criminals with new criminals

Yeah....Republicans don't do that.........except for Sanford, Gingrich and a few others.....

Republican Criminals

You misspelled "many".

It's too bad, politicians like him give Democrats a bad name........but I'm glad they caught him and I hope he pays for it.

Me too.

Time for fresh political blood in Philly.
yeah..replacing criminals with new criminals

Yeah....Republicans don't do that.........except for Sanford, Gingrich and a few others.....

Republican Criminals
Neither Sanford nor Gingrich are criminals.
It's too bad, politicians like him give Democrats a bad name........but I'm glad they caught him and I hope he pays for it.

Me too.

Time for fresh political blood in Philly.
yeah..replacing criminals with new criminals

Yeah....Republicans don't do that.........except for Sanford, Gingrich and a few others.....

Republican Criminals
Neither Sanford nor Gingrich are criminals.

Hmmmmm, your memory is failing,old dunce:

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Eighty-four ethics charges were filed by Democrats against Gingrich during his term as Speaker. All were eventually dropped except for one: claiming tax-exempt status for a college course run for political purposes.[76] The House officially reprimanded Gingrich (in a vote of 395 in favor, 28 opposed) and "ordered [him] to reimburse the House for some of the costs of the investigation in the amount of $300,000".[77][78] It was the first time a Speaker was disciplined for an ethics violation.[79][80]

Additionally, the House Ethics Committee concluded that inaccurate information supplied to investigators represented "intentional or ... reckless" disregard of House rules.[81] The Ethics Committee's Special Counsel James M. Cole concluded that Gingrich had violated federal tax law and had lied to the ethics panel in an effort to force the committee to dismiss the complaint against him. The full committee panel did not agree whether tax law had been violated and left that issue up to the IRS.[81] In 1999, the IRS cleared the organizations connected with the "Renewing American Civilization" courses under investigation for possible tax violations.[82]

Regarding the situation, Gingrich said in January 1997, "I did not manage the effort intensely enough to thoroughly direct or review information being submitted to the committee on my behalf. In my name and over my signature, inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable statements were given to the committee, but I did not intend to mislead the committee ... I brought down on the people's house a controversy which could weaken the faith people have in their government."[83]


FBI considered a sting aimed at Newt Gingrich in 1997 - The Washington Post

Yepp. Gingrich is squeaky clean.

And then there is this:

Mark Sanford - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

On June 24, 2009, Sanford publicly revealed that he had engaged in an affair with María Belén Chapur, an Argentinewoman.[4][5][6][7] He used money set aside for official state travel to conduct his affair which, while it led to censure by theSouth Carolina General Assembly and his resignation as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, did not result in Sanford's actual resignation from the governorship.

Party of Family Value, my ass. More like a party of pimps and whores.

Now, go take your adavan, you dottering old fool.
It's too bad, politicians like him give Democrats a bad name........but I'm glad they caught him and I hope he pays for it.

Me too.

Time for fresh political blood in Philly.
yeah..replacing criminals with new criminals

Yeah....Republicans don't do that.........except for Sanford, Gingrich and a few others.....

Republican Criminals
Neither Sanford nor Gingrich are criminals.

Hmmmmm, your memory is failing,old dunce:

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Eighty-four ethics charges were filed by Democrats against Gingrich during his term as Speaker. All were eventually dropped except for one: claiming tax-exempt status for a college course run for political purposes.[76] The House officially reprimanded Gingrich (in a vote of 395 in favor, 28 opposed) and "ordered [him] to reimburse the House for some of the costs of the investigation in the amount of $300,000".[77][78] It was the first time a Speaker was disciplined for an ethics violation.[79][80]
Additionally, the House Ethics Committee concluded that inaccurate information supplied to investigators represented "intentional or ... reckless" disregard of House rules.[81] The Ethics Committee's Special Counsel James M. Cole concluded that Gingrich had violated federal tax law and had lied to the ethics panel in an effort to force the committee to dismiss the complaint against him. The full committee panel did not agree whether tax law had been violated and left that issue up to the IRS.[81] In 1999, the IRS cleared the organizations connected with the "Renewing American Civilization" courses under investigation for possible tax violations.[82]

Regarding the situation, Gingrich said in January 1997, "I did not manage the effort intensely enough to thoroughly direct or review information being submitted to the committee on my behalf. In my name and over my signature, inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable statements were given to the committee, but I did not intend to mislead the committee ... I brought down on the people's house a controversy which could weaken the faith people have in their government."[83]


FBI considered a sting aimed at Newt Gingrich in 1997 - The Washington Post

Yepp. Gingrich is squeaky clean.

And then there is this:

Mark Sanford - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

On June 24, 2009, Sanford publicly revealed that he had engaged in an affair with María Belén Chapur, an Argentinewoman.[4][5][6][7] He used money set aside for official state travel to conduct his affair which, while it led to censure by theSouth Carolina General Assembly and his resignation as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, did not result in Sanford's actual resignation from the governorship.

Party of Family Value, my ass. More like a party of pimps and whores.

Now, go take your adavan, you dottering old fool.
Remind me what crime cheating on your wife is, Herr Hypocrite. Slick Willie cheated on his so many times he holds the record.
And one trumped up charge based on a legal interpreation doesnt make anyone a criminal. Criminal is misusing a personal email for official business. Like Hillary.
Remind me what crime cheating on your wife is, Herr Hypocrite. Slick Willie cheated on his so many times he holds the record.
And one trumped up charge based on a legal interpreation doesnt make anyone a criminal. Criminal is misusing a personal email for official business. Like Hillary.

Nobody is claiming that Sanford's crime is that he had an affair, (even though he hails from the party that supposedly reveres "Family Values") - the fact that he did it on taxpayer money is what was wrong....not to mention he lied and neglected his duties as governor, but hey, conservatives are very's just they rewarded him by making him a Congressman.

Facing questions over whether he used taxpayer funds to pay for trips to Argentina to see the woman with whom he admitted having an extramarital affair, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford said Thursday that he would repay the state for a 2008 business trip to Buenos Aires.

According to the South Carolina Department of Commerce, Sanford's airline tickets cost $8,687, and included flights to different cities in Brazil and Argentina. The only taxpayer funds used for any of the Argentina portion of the trip were for Sanford and Commerce Project Manager Ford Graham, the department said.

"He lied, he continued to lie. He neglected his duty, and that's why I am asking for his resignation," Rutherford told
Sanford told his staff he was on a hiking trip in the Appalachian Mountains and did not make anyone -- including the lieutenant governor, who would be in charge during his absence -- aware that he had left the country.

S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford Faces Allegations of Using Taxpayer Money for Private Trips - ABC News

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