US Rep Chaka Fattah (D-PA) charged in political corruption case

Fattah, who was elected to the House in 1994, has been charged with bribery, racketeering, money laundering, bank fraud, mail and wire fraud, and filing false statements as part of a years-long criminal scheme that even included Fattah lobbying President Barack Obama for an appointment for one of his alleged co-conspirators. The 58-year-old congressman faces up to 30 years in prison if convicted.

Read more: Rep. Chaka Fattah indicted - POLITICO
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Get back to us when they actually do file criminal charges, m'kay?
So criminal activity is not criminal if no one gets charged? She had classified emails on a private server, she destroyed thousands of emails so no one could check them and she lost billions of dollars. Unless you can dispute THOSE facts your comment about charges is a dodge.

Those are allegations, not facts.

Until you can prove them beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law all you have are allegations.

And yes, like the subject of the OP the presumption of innocence applies.
When they asked for them, she said she deleted them. You still can't see the truth.
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Get back to us when they actually do file criminal charges, m'kay?
So criminal activity is not criminal if no one gets charged? She had classified emails on a private server, she destroyed thousands of emails so no one could check them and she lost billions of dollars. Unless you can dispute THOSE facts your comment about charges is a dodge.

Those are allegations, not facts.

Until you can prove them beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law all you have are allegations.

And yes, like the subject of the OP the presumption of innocence applies.
When they asked for them, she said she deleted them. You still can't see the truth.

The law gets to decide if she broke the law, not you nor me.

Deal with it.
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Get back to us when they actually do file criminal charges, m'kay?
So criminal activity is not criminal if no one gets charged? She had classified emails on a private server, she destroyed thousands of emails so no one could check them and she lost billions of dollars. Unless you can dispute THOSE facts your comment about charges is a dodge.

Those are allegations, not facts.

Until you can prove them beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law all you have are allegations.

And yes, like the subject of the OP the presumption of innocence applies.
And yet in the case of the trucks with flags you have announced that the whites are guilty all with no facts or evidence. Why is that I wonder?
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Hmmm, ever heard of innocence before guilt is proven?

Where is the indictment?

Where are the criminal charges?

Who will win dancing with the Stars this year?

Who really killed JR?

And, are you brain-damaged?

Remind me of your response in the case of the trucks with flags? Did you wait for the facts? Did anyone get charged? Yet you openly called them as the guilty party and dismissed any claim against the family that threw rocks and threatened the vehicles occupants. Remind us of your double standard.

Uhm, no.

You are very stupid.

I said, and I am now repeating myself for about the 50th time:

The police in Mississippi have ruled it a rollover and cannot find evidence for the presence of a second car. This is why they sent out a message asking people to help find witnesses.

Are you drunk?
And yet in the case of the trucks with flags you boldly announced the white guys are guilty and caused it all. All without facts or evidence and remind me if the cops charged any one there?
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Get back to us when they actually do file criminal charges, m'kay?
So criminal activity is not criminal if no one gets charged? She had classified emails on a private server, she destroyed thousands of emails so no one could check them and she lost billions of dollars. Unless you can dispute THOSE facts your comment about charges is a dodge.

Those are allegations, not facts.

Until you can prove them beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law all you have are allegations.

And yes, like the subject of the OP the presumption of innocence applies.
And yet in the case of the trucks with flags you have announced that the whites are guilty all with no facts or evidence. Why is that I wonder?

Where did I make any such post?

Umm that wasn't the Taliban Reagan was meeting with. Care to apologize?

It was the Mujahadeen, later known as the Taliban.

Bull fucking shit. The mujahideen did not become the Taliban. Why do you feel a need to lie?

Oh, absolutely they did. We trained them, we armed them, 14 years later they were the Taliban.

Reagan enabled them. Live with it.

Oh my God, you're so full of it. I always knew you were full of it, but I didn't realize you were this bad. How about backing up your claims with some proof, fella?

You have a lot to learn.

Start here:

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Provide evidence that the Mujahadeen became the Taliban. We armed the groups that ended up fighting the taliban you nut job.
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Hmmm, ever heard of innocence before guilt is proven?

Where is the indictment?

Where are the criminal charges?

Who will win dancing with the Stars this year?

Who really killed JR?

And, are you brain-damaged?


I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the Obama Justice Department to indict or even investigate Hillary.
It was the Mujahadeen, later known as the Taliban.

Bull fucking shit. The mujahideen did not become the Taliban. Why do you feel a need to lie?

Oh, absolutely they did. We trained them, we armed them, 14 years later they were the Taliban.

Reagan enabled them. Live with it.

Oh my God, you're so full of it. I always knew you were full of it, but I didn't realize you were this bad. How about backing up your claims with some proof, fella?

You have a lot to learn.

Start here:

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Provide evidence that the Mujahadeen became the Taliban. We armed the groups that ended up fighting the taliban you nut job.

History of the Taliban

Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Taliban emerged as a resistance movement aiming to eject the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. With the United States and Pakistan providing considerable financial and military support, the Afghan Mujahideen were able to inflict heavy losses on the Soviet troops. According to The New York Times, the Soviet Union lost about 15,000 soldiers in Afghanistan. In 1989, the Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan, and the Afghan Mujahideen, under the leadership ofAhmed Shah Massoud, surrounded the Afghan capital, Kabul, and took over the rule three years after the departure of the Soviets. The Afghan government that was backed by the Soviet Union and led by President Sayid Mohammed Najibullah was subsequently overthrown. The Mujahideen alliance forming the new Afghan government, led by Burhanuddin Rabbani as interim president, failed to reach political unity and ended up fighting one another (Matinuddin 12-16). VIDEO.
The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia. With Pakistan providing weapons, military training, and financial support, the Taliban gained control over several Afghan cities and successfully captured Kabul in September 1996. The Taliban continued to control most of Afghan territories with intermittent fighting with Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance
Bull fucking shit. The mujahideen did not become the Taliban. Why do you feel a need to lie?

Oh, absolutely they did. We trained them, we armed them, 14 years later they were the Taliban.

Reagan enabled them. Live with it.

Oh my God, you're so full of it. I always knew you were full of it, but I didn't realize you were this bad. How about backing up your claims with some proof, fella?

You have a lot to learn.

Start here:

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Provide evidence that the Mujahadeen became the Taliban. We armed the groups that ended up fighting the taliban you nut job.

History of the Taliban

Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Taliban emerged as a resistance movement aiming to eject the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. With the United States and Pakistan providing considerable financial and military support, the Afghan Mujahideen were able to inflict heavy losses on the Soviet troops. According to The New York Times, the Soviet Union lost about 15,000 soldiers in Afghanistan. In 1989, the Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan, and the Afghan Mujahideen, under the leadership ofAhmed Shah Massoud, surrounded the Afghan capital, Kabul, and took over the rule three years after the departure of the Soviets. The Afghan government that was backed by the Soviet Union and led by President Sayid Mohammed Najibullah was subsequently overthrown. The Mujahideen alliance forming the new Afghan government, led by Burhanuddin Rabbani as interim president, failed to reach political unity and ended up fighting one another (Matinuddin 12-16). VIDEO.
The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia. With Pakistan providing weapons, military training, and financial support, the Taliban gained control over several Afghan cities and successfully captured Kabul in September 1996. The Taliban continued to control most of Afghan territories with intermittent fighting with Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

Nice source /sarcasm
Oh, absolutely they did. We trained them, we armed them, 14 years later they were the Taliban.

Reagan enabled them. Live with it.

Oh my God, you're so full of it. I always knew you were full of it, but I didn't realize you were this bad. How about backing up your claims with some proof, fella?

You have a lot to learn.

Start here:

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Provide evidence that the Mujahadeen became the Taliban. We armed the groups that ended up fighting the taliban you nut job.

History of the Taliban

Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Taliban emerged as a resistance movement aiming to eject the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. With the United States and Pakistan providing considerable financial and military support, the Afghan Mujahideen were able to inflict heavy losses on the Soviet troops. According to The New York Times, the Soviet Union lost about 15,000 soldiers in Afghanistan. In 1989, the Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan, and the Afghan Mujahideen, under the leadership ofAhmed Shah Massoud, surrounded the Afghan capital, Kabul, and took over the rule three years after the departure of the Soviets. The Afghan government that was backed by the Soviet Union and led by President Sayid Mohammed Najibullah was subsequently overthrown. The Mujahideen alliance forming the new Afghan government, led by Burhanuddin Rabbani as interim president, failed to reach political unity and ended up fighting one another (Matinuddin 12-16). VIDEO.
The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia. With Pakistan providing weapons, military training, and financial support, the Taliban gained control over several Afghan cities and successfully captured Kabul in September 1996. The Taliban continued to control most of Afghan territories with intermittent fighting with Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

Nice source /sarcasm

Not source. Sources, many, many, many, many of them:


Question: are you just tryin to act ignorant, or is this real?
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Oh you hypocrite.......why was it okay when Bush deleted millions of e-mails to save his ass? I guess you all pretend there is no corruption in the Republican party and that makes you feel superior? Not to mention Bush/Cheney's lie about WMDs that sacrificed over 4000 of our men and women? I guess you either overlooked that or conveniently hoped we wouldn't remember?

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost or deleted.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove lost emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Hmmm, ever heard of innocence before guilt is proven?

Where is the indictment?

Where are the criminal charges?

Who will win dancing with the Stars this year?

Who really killed JR?

And, are you brain-damaged?


I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the Obama Justice Department to indict or even investigate Hillary.

Democrats don't waste taxpayer money investigating people when it is obvious there is no wrong Republicans, who keep re-investigating Benghazi over and over even after their own Republican committee tells them they found no wrong-doing..........because the Republican party is the party that is so concerned with the debt, and making sure we don't waste taxpayer money, right? Bwahahaha!
Yet you are all going to vote for Hillary, who deleted tens of thousands of emails and lost six billion dollars.

But hey, at least you get to pretend you care about corruption in government for a few seconds.

Hmmm, ever heard of innocence before guilt is proven?

Where is the indictment?

Where are the criminal charges?

Who will win dancing with the Stars this year?

Who really killed JR?

And, are you brain-damaged?


I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the Obama Justice Department to indict or even investigate Hillary.

Democrats don't waste taxpayer money investigating people when it is obvious there is no wrong Republicans, who keep re-investigating Benghazi over and over even after their own Republican committee tells them they found no wrong-doing..........because the Republican party is the party that is so concerned with the debt, and making sure we don't waste taxpayer money, right? Bwahahaha!

Something went wrong in Benghazi that cost a US Ambassador and three other Americans their lives as well as the loss of the Consulate. The lying bastards, including Obama, said repeatedly that it was caused by a video on the internet that maybe three people saw. I feel sorry for you if you accept that as the truth.

The Justice Department is supposed to investigate when Inspector Generals, who aren't Republicans, find that Hillary mishandled classified documents. They didn't hesitate to investigate General Petraeus did they?

They get paid whether they are investigating something or just sitting around picking their nose.

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