US reporter beheaded by Briton

Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

I agree with you on both points.
Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.
You can't blame the freedom fighters...........If the journalist hadn't been there he would still be alive.

It's like a person who enters the lion's cage at the zoo in order to see the animal up close and gets eaten.

You really can't blame the lion........ :cool:

so you admit that they're animas. cool, holocaust denier. maybe you're learning.
Quit being a retarded jewess.

The freedom fighters are the victims........not the journalist. .. :cool:

quiet, jewhater. storefront misses you.
"Storefront" .... :lol:

Typical juden woman........all they think about is shopping and spending their husband's shekels. .. :cool:

I make my own shekles, jewhating scum.

try it sometime.
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?
Wow! In a thread about Muslim violent extremists Female violent extremists tell another member they disagree with to kill himself.

"StoreFront is waiting for you". :D

i'm pretty sure there are no "female violent extremists on this board" unless you're talking about the gun toting rightwingnut loons.

i'm not quite sure why you find sunni ijit's love of stormfront to be funny.
Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.
You can't blame the freedom fighters...........If the journalist hadn't been there he would still be alive.

It's like a person who enters the lion's cage at the zoo in order to see the animal up close and gets eaten.

You really can't blame the lion........ :cool:

so you admit that they're animas. cool, holocaust denier. maybe you're learning.
Quit being a retarded jewess.

The freedom fighters are the victims........not the journalist. .. :cool:

quiet, jewhater. storefront misses you.
"Storefront" .... :lol:

Typical juden woman........all they think about is shopping and spending their husband's shekels. .. :cool:

I make my own shekles, jewhating scum.

try it sometime.
Sorry, I forgot that you were a shylock ambulance chaser and part of the 1% liberal limousine crowd. .. :lol:
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

No. I am not being disrepectful of Muslim. I am showing my disdain for a collection of "holy" books that have set our world on fire. Or are you saying that people are only measured by their religion.
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?

They can't or they will be labeled anti-semitic.
Any female who gets an Abortion is a Violent Extremist.

Muslims Terrorists Kill.
Abortionists Kill.

Abortionists are WORSE than Terrorists you know why? At least that Reporter had a chance to live his life and make his own decisions. Abortionists take that all away in the name of complete selfishness.

Furthermore, abortions are just Human Sacrifices done in a different manner.
If it wasn't the journalists own fault for being there?

Then who's fault was it? .. :cool:

Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.

Good point. The murderers themselves.

Not Islam.

Murderers who claim to be excercising the fundamental tenets of Islam. There is not getting around the fact that they proclaim this and are receiving support from a helluva lot of civilians.

Fanatics can proclaim anything they want, that doesn't make it true or accurate (look at North Korea's official name - democratic republic?) - nor does it mean it aligns to the commonly accepted tenants of that religion. ISIS has recieves very little support from the Muslim community, Muslim religious leaders and even Jihadist groups (in fact, they've recieved a lot of condemnation and denouncements) and given the generally lawless environment in Syria and Iraq now many Muslims are seriously concerned. The majority of their victims are by far fellow Muslims.
If it wasn't the journalists own fault for being there?

Then who's fault was it? .. :cool:

Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.

Good point. The murderers themselves.

Not Islam.

Murderers who claim to be excercising the fundamental tenets of Islam. There is not getting around the fact that they proclaim this and are receiving support from a helluva lot of civilians.

Fanatics can proclaim anything they want, that doesn't make it true or accurate (look at North Korea's official name - democratic republic?) - nor does it mean it aligns to the commonly accepted tenants of that religion. ISIS has recieves very little support from the Muslim community, Muslim religious leaders and even Jihadist groups (in fact, they've recieved a lot of condemnation and denouncements) and given the generally lawless environment in Syria and Iraq now many Muslims are seriously concerned. The majority of their victims are by far fellow Muslims.

When Hamas took control of Gaza, virtually all of their victims were fellow Muslims and looky, looky, Hamas is STILL in control in Gaza. Hmmm.....

You say that ISIL gets little support from the Islamic Community. So, where is the money for their endeavors coming from?
If it wasn't the journalists own fault for being there?

Then who's fault was it? .. :cool:

Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.

Good point. The murderers themselves.

Not Islam.

Murderers who claim to be excercising the fundamental tenets of Islam. There is not getting around the fact that they proclaim this and are receiving support from a helluva lot of civilians.

Fanatics can proclaim anything they want, that doesn't make it true or accurate (look at North Korea's official name - democratic republic?) - nor does it mean it aligns to the commonly accepted tenants of that religion. ISIS has recieves very little support from the Muslim community, Muslim religious leaders and even Jihadist groups (in fact, they've recieved a lot of condemnation and denouncements) and given the generally lawless environment in Syria and Iraq now many Muslims are seriously concerned. The majority of their victims are by far fellow Muslims.

When Hamas took control of Gaza, virtually all of their victims were fellow Muslims and looky, looky, Hamas is STILL in control in Gaza. Hmmm.....

Not sure what your point is with this. Hamas isn't exactly a religious extremist organization intent on spreading their viersion of a religion. They're a terrorist group who's intent is to prevail in the IP conflict and gain a state for the Palestinians.

You say that ISIL gets little support from the Islamic Community. So, where is the money for their endeavors coming from?

Can the U.S. cut off ISIS from its funding - CBS News

While some of the group's funding comes from abroad, ISIS has largely gained a financial foothold in Iraq and Syria by effectively taking over the local economy. It's taken control of resources like oil installations and refineries, as well as food granaries, and the group is also extorting and taxing individuals operating businesses in the region.

In Syria, where ISIS controls significant oil producing areas, the group has been dealing with Turkish brokers. The oil is taken across the border and sold at a discount. ISIS is also selling oil to the Assad regime, Zarate said. The group runs oil to regime checkpoints and charges both for the oil and for the security of those truck convoys.

"They didn't just need to sweep in and destroy and rob and pillage," Zarate said. "They're allowing the [local] economies to continue to operate and then they're acting like leeches on top of that economy and leveraging it. That's an interesting evolution of this group that makes it different from al Qaeda in Iraq."
Multiple kidnappings for ransom funding ISIS source says - CBS News

Much of the funding for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is coming from extortion and "multiple kidnappings for ransom," a counterterrorism source told CBS News.

The kidnappings are primarily from citizens of European countries, including employees of corporations who quietly pay the ransom demands to get their people back, the source told CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton. Recently a Scandinavian corporation paid $70,000 for the return of a kidnapped employee, Milton reports.

...Milton reports that ISIS is also getting money through other criminal activity such as robberies as well as donations from supporters, some of whom make contributions through the guise of a charitable organization.

Edited to add - when you read how they finance themselves and how they act, the truly seem to be a throwback to a barbarian age.
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?

Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?


Shi'ias certainly have, and are doing so; ISIS started slaughtering Shi'ia first.
Makes sense that the guy doin' the sawin' was British. The Muslim Brotherhood was created by British Intelligence before WWII.

Google that.

Britain has been fanning extremist Islamic movements for centuries now. They have used Islamic extremism to create unrest in various parts of the world to further their political goals. In the process, they have given shelters to one of the worst scums known to earth. Many of these scums use Britain as launch pad to carry out their terrorist operations abroad. British government looks the other way while these guys organize and raise fund for their violent activities. It appears as if there is some sort of tacit agreement between the British government and some extremist Muslim groups.
At the close of WWII the US and UK saw secular Arab nationalists as the biggest threats to their "national interests." Both colonial powers dealt with that by funding some of the most violent, religious extremists they could find from the MB to al-Qa'ida. Now, it is starting to blowback; and I don't think US citizens are going to tolerate car bombs and worse going off in their homeland.
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?


Not good.



David Cameron is breaking off from his holiday in Cornwall to return to London after the "shocking and depraved" apparent beheading of an American journalist by a British Islamist extremist, Downing Street said.

The announcement came after Philip Hammond, the foreign secretary, acknowledged on Wednesday that a Briton appeared to be responsible for the killing, which was shown in a video released by Islamic State (Isis) militants.

A Number 10 spokeswoman said: "If true, the brutal murder of James Foley is shocking and depraved.

"The prime minister is returning to Downing Street this morning. He will meet with the foreign secretary and senior officials from the Home Office, Foreign Office and the agencies to discuss the situation in Iraq and Syria and the threat posed by Isil [Islamic State] terrorists."

Intelligence officials in the US and the UK have been studying the Isis video. According to one government source, "there is no serious suggestion that it's a fake".

On Monday, as his holiday in Cornwall began, Cameron insisted there was no need for him to be in London to manage the Isis crisis because he was always "within a few feet of a BlackBerry". But his decision to go ahead with his West Country break – his third holiday of the year, by some counts – has been criticised in the media.


PM returns from holiday after video shows US reporter beheaded by Briton | UK news |

A Number 10 spokeswoman said: "If true, the brutal murder of James Foley is shocking and depraved.

Odd, almost the exact same quote was reported in a thread as the words of the President.

And how is it any different from Muslim Indonesia execution-shredding young and terrified Aussie drug smugglers:

Not good.



David Cameron is breaking off from his holiday in Cornwall to return to London after the "shocking and depraved" apparent beheading of an American journalist by a British Islamist extremist, Downing Street said.

The announcement came after Philip Hammond, the foreign secretary, acknowledged on Wednesday that a Briton appeared to be responsible for the killing, which was shown in a video released by Islamic State (Isis) militants.

A Number 10 spokeswoman said: "If true, the brutal murder of James Foley is shocking and depraved.

"The prime minister is returning to Downing Street this morning. He will meet with the foreign secretary and senior officials from the Home Office, Foreign Office and the agencies to discuss the situation in Iraq and Syria and the threat posed by Isil [Islamic State] terrorists."

Intelligence officials in the US and the UK have been studying the Isis video. According to one government source, "there is no serious suggestion that it's a fake".

On Monday, as his holiday in Cornwall began, Cameron insisted there was no need for him to be in London to manage the Isis crisis because he was always "within a few feet of a BlackBerry". But his decision to go ahead with his West Country break – his third holiday of the year, by some counts – has been criticised in the media.


PM returns from holiday after video shows US reporter beheaded by Briton | UK news |

A Number 10 spokeswoman said: "If true, the brutal murder of James Foley is shocking and depraved.

Odd, almost the exact same quote was reported in a thread as the words of the President.

And how is it any different from Muslim Indonesia execution-shredding young and terrified Aussie drug smugglers:

The Indonesian law appears excessive, and appalling; the condemned are not going to die because of their religious faith, the color of their skin, nor their culture however.

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