US reporter beheaded by Briton

Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?



Google is your friend.

Not intending to be rude about it, but this question has been asked and links have been posted over and over again. And duly ignored or marginalized.
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?



Google is your friend.

Not intending to be rude about it, but this question has been asked and links have been posted over and over again. And duly ignored or marginalized.

Actually, google is like a 2nd cousin of mine these days, of course, once or twice removed.

Now, Bing... ahhh, Bing....
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?


bzzzzzzzt.... wrong answer
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?



Google is your friend.

Not intending to be rude about it, but this question has been asked and links have been posted over and over again. And duly ignored or marginalized.


try something not posted by holocaust denying scum
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?



Google is your friend.

Not intending to be rude about it, but this question has been asked and links have been posted over and over again. And duly ignored or marginalized.


try something not posted by holocaust denying scum
Typical juden fall back position when cornered by the truth.

Mention the Holocaust myth........ :lol:
Sunni Man,

You seem to have a habit of blaming the victims. It was not the fault of the journalist, it was the fault of those people who killed him.



I disagree with your assessment of Islam and I think you are being disrespectful to millions and millions of decent Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.

they may have "nothing to do with terrorism" but do you see them speaking out in horror at what is being done in the name of islam?



Google is your friend.

Not intending to be rude about it, but this question has been asked and links have been posted over and over again. And duly ignored or marginalized.


try something not posted by holocaust denying scum

You're not making any sense.
[QUOTE="Peach, post: 9672121, member: 17668
The Indonesian law appears excessive, and appalling; the condemned are not going to die because of their religious faith, the color of their skin, nor their culture however.[/QUOTE]

Yes they are.
They're going to die at the hands of Muslim Indonesia simply because they're from the 'Christian West', namely Australia in this case.
It's crystal clear.

Muslim jihadists, in Indonesia {Obama's best buddy], grabbed three Christian schoolgirls on their way to church and hacked off their heads.
See them on death row awaiting execution-shredding?
Of course not.
One got 20 years, the others 14 years.

Aussie girl Heidi Murphy was butchered to death in her villa in Bali Indonesia...stabbed dozens of times.
See her Indonesian killer on death row awaiting execution-shredding?
Of course not.
He got 15 years.

Britain is Muslim Indonesia's new best friend.
Britain should be doing something to save the Aussie drug smugglers from death.
Last edited:
Makes sense that the guy doin' the sawin' was British. The Muslim Brotherhood was created by British Intelligence before WWII.

Google that.

Britain has been fanning extremist Islamic movements for centuries now. They have used Islamic extremism to create unrest in various parts of the world to further their political goals. In the process, they have given shelters to one of the worst scums known to earth. Many of these scums use Britain as launch pad to carry out their terrorist operations abroad. British government looks the other way while these guys organize and raise fund for their violent activities. It appears as if there is some sort of tacit agreement between the British government and some extremist Muslim groups.
substitute America and your post could be about NORIAD
At the close of WWII the US and UK saw secular Arab nationalists as the biggest threats to their "national interests." Both colonial powers dealt with that by funding some of the most violent, religious extremists they could find from the MB to al-Qa'ida. Now, it is starting to blowback; and I don't think US citizens are going to tolerate car bombs and worse going off in their homeland.

Muslims get the double whammy. There are western countries that fan fundamentalist Muslims by providing weapons and money to them. Then when these fundamentalists commit violence, civilized folks from the West blame all Muslims including the peaceful ones. It is very sobering to learn that one of the supporters of ISIS is Israel. I do not know when people are going to learn that Islamic terrorists are not the people you want to do business with under any circumstances. There is never a justification for supporting them.
At the close of WWII the US and UK saw secular Arab nationalists as the biggest threats to their "national interests." Both colonial powers dealt with that by funding some of the most violent, religious extremists they could find from the MB to al-Qa'ida. Now, it is starting to blowback; and I don't think US citizens are going to tolerate car bombs and worse going off in their homeland.

Muslims get the double whammy. There are western countries that fan fundamentalist Muslims by providing weapons and money to them. Then when these fundamentalists commit violence, civilized folks from the West blame all Muslims including the peaceful ones. It is very sobering to learn that one of the supporters of ISIS is Israel. I do not know when people are going to learn that Islamic terrorists are not the people you want to do business with under any circumstances. There is never a justification for supporting them.
Unless you're one of the 1% of humanity getting filthy rich from arms sales and oil sales; it would seem like war could be taxed into extinction by applying a 100% Death Tax to all war-related profits after the death of the first innocent child in any conflict. I don't expect Republicans OR Democrats in DC to ever support such a tax.
I mean look at all the money that the US has given to Pakistan army which is an extremely radicalized organization. I am talking about billions of dollars of taxpayers money going to support this extremist outfit which has held up progress in that region due to its warmongering. We have kids in our country who are getting in trouble with law because they cannot afford candy (or cigars) and we are sending billions of dollars of aid to bad actors. This is just wrong - plain and simple.
Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.
You can't blame the freedom fighters...........If the journalist hadn't been there he would still be alive.

It's like a person who enters the lion's cage at the zoo in order to see the animal up close and gets eaten.

You really can't blame the lion........ :cool:

Freedom fighters??? Are you joking??

And the guy was a REPORTER! He was harmless.

No, the fault is with the barbaric assholes who murdered him.
Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.
You can't blame the freedom fighters...........If the journalist hadn't been there he would still be alive.

It's like a person who enters the lion's cage at the zoo in order to see the animal up close and gets eaten.

You really can't blame the lion........ :cool:

I accept your analogy. The murders are filthy, flea-infested animals responding with bloodthirsty reactions rather than reason & logic.
Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.
You can't blame the freedom fighters...........If the journalist hadn't been there he would still be alive.

It's like a person who enters the lion's cage at the zoo in order to see the animal up close and gets eaten.

You really can't blame the lion........ :cool:

I accept your analogy. The murders are filthy, flea-infested animals responding with bloodthirsty reactions rather than reason & logic.
Incorrect Poindexter.

They are brave freedom fighters who have the heart and spirit of the king of the jungle. .. :cool:
Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.
You can't blame the freedom fighters...........If the journalist hadn't been there he would still be alive.

It's like a person who enters the lion's cage at the zoo in order to see the animal up close and gets eaten.

You really can't blame the lion........ :cool:

I accept your analogy. The murders are filthy, flea-infested animals responding with bloodthirsty reactions rather than reason & logic.
Incorrect Poindexter.

They are brave freedom fighters who have the heart and spirit of the king of the jungle. .. :cool:

It figures that a man who worships a pedophile would see bloodthirsty savages as "brave".

How did the reporter threaten their freedom? How did sawing the head off of an unarmed captive make them brave? (p.s. it didn't, it made them animals)
I mean look at all the money that the US has given to Pakistan army which is an extremely radicalized organization. I am talking about billions of dollars of taxpayers money going to support this extremist outfit which has held up progress in that region due to its warmongering. We have kids in our country who are getting in trouble with law because they cannot afford candy (or cigars) and we are sending billions of dollars of aid to bad actors. This is just wrong - plain and simple.
Every government that has ever existed over the entire span of History has served its richest citizens at the expense of its majority; war has been the biggest moneymaker of all across all those centuries. Einstein and Russell and others saw it very clearly over half-a-century ago; either humanity puts an end to war, or war will end humanity. I think it's Natural Selection.
Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.
You can't blame the freedom fighters...........If the journalist hadn't been there he would still be alive.

It's like a person who enters the lion's cage at the zoo in order to see the animal up close and gets eaten.

You really can't blame the lion........ :cool:

Freedom fighters??? Are you joking??

And the guy was a REPORTER! He was harmless.

No, the fault is with the barbaric assholes who murdered him.
How about the greedy capitalists getting richer from wars they don't fight in not paying his ransom?
Well, Duh, the murderers' themselves.
You can't blame the freedom fighters...........If the journalist hadn't been there he would still be alive.

It's like a person who enters the lion's cage at the zoo in order to see the animal up close and gets eaten.

You really can't blame the lion........ :cool:

Freedom fighters??? Are you joking??

And the guy was a REPORTER! He was harmless.

No, the fault is with the barbaric assholes who murdered him.
@WinterBorn Terrorists/freedom fighters need recruitment literature.
May 2004 The images that shamed America Gallery
Any female who gets an Abortion is a Violent Extremist.

Muslims Terrorists Kill.
Abortionists Kill.

Abortionists are WORSE than Terrorists you know why? At least that Reporter had a chance to live his life and make his own decisions. Abortionists take that all away in the name of complete selfishness.

Furthermore, abortions are just Human Sacrifices done in a different manner.
@Mad Scientist, what a stupid post, you would probably be stoned if you said it outside an abortion clinic in Israel
Historical abortion statistics Israel

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