US Scientist warn of dire consequences of Climate Change

Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
Now is the time to start planning for new cities in more optimal locations.
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
Now is the time to start planning for new cities in more optimal locations.

Your basement won't work.

Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.

What's Breathtakingly stupid is the idea that on such weak science and in the face of millennia of recorded changes in climate including those numerous events that took place on a catastrophic scale that anyone would pay any attention at all to the Henny Penny pocket mice of green corporate vultures masquerading as serious scientists. Yes you are right...Trump has a lot more cleaning up to do of left over Obama Administration henchmen in the various departments.

I reviewed the Judith Curry video, and decided to do additional research on her comments.

She has made misleading statements concerning climate science and scientists.
Climate misinformation by source: Judith Curry

She does not refute the basic science behind climate change just its extent and impact. That extent and impact is increasingly clear since her 2014 testimony.

Oh no you learning something ?

I will review links by those with opposing views. Sometimes I find them persuasive, sometimes not.
I reviewed the Judith Curry video, and decided to do additional research on her comments.

She has made misleading statements concerning climate science and scientists.
Climate misinformation by source: Judith Curry

She does not refute the basic science behind climate change just its extent and impact. That extent and impact is increasingly clear since her 2014 testimony.

Oh no you learning something ?

I will review links by those with opposing views. Sometimes I find them persuasive, sometimes not.

The entire Congress hearings was real good if you watch it all..

So much drama..

Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.

Those idiots are confused.

What is going to cause economic problems is the Solar Minimum that is just beginning. That will cause a mini ice age that could last for decades.

Growing seasons will be shorten that could alter food production around the world.

If anything AGW could minimize some of the effects of the Solar Minimum. We will all be praising Allah that we dumped a little CO2 into the atmosphere when it comes to those cold January nights.
There has been cooling for the last two years.

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures Over Past Two Years
Btw it's Hansen and John cook skeptical science they have alot of funding from you know who.
IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.

Those idiots are confused.

What is going to cause economic problems is the Solar Minimum that is just beginning. That will cause a mini ice age that could last for decades.

Growing seasons will be shorten that could alter food production around the world.

If anything AGW could minimize some of the effects of the Solar Minimum. We will all be praising Allah that we dumped a little CO2 into the atmosphere when it comes to those cold January nights.
There has been cooling for the last two years.

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures Over Past Two Years
Even in your own link, anthropogenic climate change is not disputed. They acknowledge carbon in the atmosphere will result in warming. The question is its extent and impact. They think it will be mild. They are wrong in that the impact of climate change is progressing pretty much as was predicted.
I'm very scared
also scared of:
Ocasio-Ortez and the name/pronouncing it
I reviewed the Judith Curry video, and decided to do additional research on her comments.

She has made misleading statements concerning climate science and scientists.
Climate misinformation by source: Judith Curry

She does not refute the basic science behind climate change just its extent and impact. That extent and impact is increasingly clear since her 2014 testimony.

Oh no you learning something ?

I will review links by those with opposing views. Sometimes I find them persuasive, sometimes not.

How would humans stop this?

'True polar wander' may have caused ice age

After reading all of that, I got to wondering about the recent temperature history of the US. I went to NOAA’s Climate At A Glance, got their recent monthly data, and graphed it up, along with the dates of the four US National Climate Assessments. Here’s that result:


The Froth of the Fourth

As you can see, since the First US National Climate Assessment some 18 years ago, the US average temperature has gone up by … well … about zero degrees Celsius. Or for Americans, it’s gone up by … well … about zero degrees Fahrenheit.
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I reviewed the Judith Curry video, and decided to do additional research on her comments.

She has made misleading statements concerning climate science and scientists.
Climate misinformation by source: Judith Curry

She does not refute the basic science behind climate change just its extent and impact. That extent and impact is increasingly clear since her 2014 testimony.

Oh no you learning something ?

I will review links by those with opposing views. Sometimes I find them persuasive, sometimes not.

How would humans stop this?

'True polar wander' may have caused ice age

Humans don't stop it.
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
Now is the time to start planning for new cities in more optimal locations.

Your basement won't work.

Location, location, location.

Especially with underground construction.
I am seeing this now the US temperature has not gone the fuck up in 18 years since the first one

Holy fuck ..

The first line from the NYT's lead on the story:

A major scientific report issued by 13 federal agencies on Friday presents the starkest warnings to date of the consequences of climate change for the United States, predicting that if significant steps are not taken to rein in global warming, the damage will knock as much as 10 percent off the size of the American economy by century’s end.

U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy
LOLZ @ "rein in global warming"

What's the correlation between CO2 and this imaginary warming anyway?

How much must we lower CO2? How many trillion of dollars?
Your analysis is incorrect. The question is how much will Climate change cost us? According to the new government report, the US economy could shrink 10% in less than 75 years because of climate change. Also look how much is it costing us now with rising insurance rates in coastal communities and cities now spending hundreds of millions to contain increased flooding.

The cost to action now to alleviate climate change will be insignificant to the damage to come and that ia coming at us.

Sea levels not rising and not accelerating.. Proven by emperically observed evidence . Areas that are receeding are due to land subsidence and water table changes due to dams and stream flow changes...

You want us to mitigate a fantasy and give you money and power.... Fuck off Troll
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Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
Perhaps the lesson of the boy who cried wolf will help you here.

Scientists, including government scientists, have been giving this same warning for decades.

So far no dire consequences however every specific prediction has failed to materialize.

Specifically what actions do you propose we take to avoid these murky and ambiguous consequences?
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?
Climate change is absolutely real. But the reasons are not simply because of man. To believe such is ignorant. Climate has fluctuated on this planet since it formed. Billions of those years were human free.
There is a political and business agenda behind this now.
Read this link. It may answer some of your questions.

Your a Naomi Cline accolade... You all are far left wing NWO/Socialist fucking nut cases! No two ways about it...
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Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
Perhaps the lesson of the boy who cried wolf will help you here.

Scientists, including government scientists, have been giving this same warning for decades.

So far no dire consequences however every specific prediction has failed to materialize.

Specifically what actions do you propose we take to avoid these murky and ambiguous consequences?

Give up your freedoms, be subservient, and DO NOT ASK RELEVANT QUESTIONS THAT CHALLENGE THE ORTHODOXY...

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