US Scientist warn of dire consequences of Climate Change

Even in your own link, anthropogenic climate change is not disputed. They acknowledge carbon in the atmosphere will result in warming. The question is its extent and impact. They think it will be mild. They are wrong in that the impact of climate change is progressing pretty much as was predicted.

Oh pahleese grow up.... you freaking exhale co2 dumbass..... what is being ignored is the fact that it is not as easy as they believe to dislodge the common weather cycles....they are there for a reason and it has very little to do with man who has only been here for about 2% of it...if not less.

Be more worried about the next comet impact man.....hey maybe the green corporate vultures can make some money off of that too eh?


He already yelled at me for that .

He thinks Yellowstone will never blow and Wyoming won't land on Minnesota..

Or a huge comet or asteroid will never hit us again..


Thinking some more about this would Minnesota get 13 electoral college votes?

10 plus Wyoming 3?

The bad thing is we don't know how a super volcano works or many of the pre- eruption events and warnings. We know how strata volcanoes work and we can get an idea from that but man has never seen a super volcano erupt.

I really wonder if it would be true that if Yellowstone erupts it would wipe out 95% of humans

If Yellowstone erupts it will wipe 95% of all human life from the earth inside 2-4 years. The main eruption will cause many deaths to be sure but the majority will come from the particulate winter that will ensue and last 5-10 years. Food will become very scarce globally. Famine and death will follow quickly... The lucky ones are the ones who die in the initial blast. Those left to freeze and starve to death will be agonizing deaths...

The last three eruptions triggered a 90,000 year ice age... External influences on Climate... None of which man controls..
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Oh pahleese grow up.... you freaking exhale co2 dumbass..... what is being ignored is the fact that it is not as easy as they believe to dislodge the common weather cycles....they are there for a reason and it has very little to do with man who has only been here for about 2% of it...if not less.

Be more worried about the next comet impact man.....hey maybe the green corporate vultures can make some money off of that too eh?


He already yelled at me for that .

He thinks Yellowstone will never blow and Wyoming won't land on Minnesota..

Or a huge comet or asteroid will never hit us again..


Thinking some more about this would Minnesota get 13 electoral college votes?

10 plus Wyoming 3?

The bad thing is we don't know how a super volcano works or many of the pre- eruption events and warnings. We know how strata volcanoes work and we can get an idea from that but man has never seen a super volcano erupt.

I really wonder if it would be true that if Yellowstone erupts it would wipe out 95% of humans

If Yellowstone erupts it will wipe 95% of all human life from the earth inside 2-4 years. The main eruption will cause many deaths to be sure but the majority will come from the particulate winter that will ensue and last 5-10 years. Food will become very scarce globally. Famine and death will follow quickly... The lucky ones are the ones who die in the initial blast. Those left to freeze and starve to death will be agonizing deaths...

Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
They are heading that way as we speak. The election proved that. I don't think the world is going to allow "practicing stupid people" to inherit the earth anyway.
He already yelled at me for that .

He thinks Yellowstone will never blow and Wyoming won't land on Minnesota..

Or a huge comet or asteroid will never hit us again..


Thinking some more about this would Minnesota get 13 electoral college votes?

10 plus Wyoming 3?

The bad thing is we don't know how a super volcano works or many of the pre- eruption events and warnings. We know how strata volcanoes work and we can get an idea from that but man has never seen a super volcano erupt.

I really wonder if it would be true that if Yellowstone erupts it would wipe out 95% of humans

If Yellowstone erupts it will wipe 95% of all human life from the earth inside 2-4 years. The main eruption will cause many deaths to be sure but the majority will come from the particulate winter that will ensue and last 5-10 years. Food will become very scarce globally. Famine and death will follow quickly... The lucky ones are the ones who die in the initial blast. Those left to freeze and starve to death will be agonizing deaths...

I wonder how many people do not know we are over due for an eruption at Yellowstone? No matter.. there isn't a damn thing anyone of us can do to stop it.
Those idiots are confused.

What is going to cause economic problems is the Solar Minimum that is just beginning. That will cause a mini ice age that could last for decades.

Growing seasons will be shorten that could alter food production around the world.

If anything AGW could minimize some of the effects of the Solar Minimum. We will all be praising Allah that we dumped a little CO2 into the atmosphere when it comes to those cold January nights.
There has been cooling for the last two years.

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures Over Past Two Years
Even in your own link, anthropogenic climate change is not disputed. They acknowledge carbon in the atmosphere will result in warming. The question is its extent and impact. They think it will be mild. They are wrong in that the impact of climate change is progressing pretty much as was predicted.

Oh pahleese grow up.... you freaking exhale co2 dumbass..... what is being ignored is the fact that it is not as easy as they believe to dislodge the common weather cycles....they are there for a reason and it has very little to do with man who has only been here for about 2% of it...if not less.

Be more worried about the next comet impact man.....hey maybe the green corporate vultures can make some money off of that too eh?


There is no real proof that man made CO2 is a significant contributor to global warming. The thing to worry about is all that methane gas hydrate sitting in big clunks at the bottom of the ocean. Methane is a about a thousand times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2.

To beat them we can't use fact based science (they too stupid) we have to make this political and logical ..


I have degrees in Environmental Engineering. Had a 30 year career in Environmental Engineering. I cleaned up a lot of real pollution in my career. I am not an expert on Climate Science but I am quite well read and know enough to ask the right questions and know bullshit when I see it.

After retiring I taught a few college classes on Environmental Science. I was absolutely amazed at how ignorant the students were when it came to the subject of AGW.

Many of them believed the AGW scam. It was not because of the science that they were ignorant but because of the political discussion they had heard about the subject.
Thinking some more about this would Minnesota get 13 electoral college votes?

10 plus Wyoming 3?

The bad thing is we don't know how a super volcano works or many of the pre- eruption events and warnings. We know how strata volcanoes work and we can get an idea from that but man has never seen a super volcano erupt.

I really wonder if it would be true that if Yellowstone erupts it would wipe out 95% of humans

If Yellowstone erupts it will wipe 95% of all human life from the earth inside 2-4 years. The main eruption will cause many deaths to be sure but the majority will come from the particulate winter that will ensue and last 5-10 years. Food will become very scarce globally. Famine and death will follow quickly... The lucky ones are the ones who die in the initial blast. Those left to freeze and starve to death will be agonizing deaths...

I wonder how many people do not know we are over due for an eruption at Yellowstone? No matter.. there isn't a damn thing anyone of us can do to stop it.

I propose the tried and true method of preventing volcanic disaster.

Even in your own link, anthropogenic climate change is not disputed. They acknowledge carbon in the atmosphere will result in warming. The question is its extent and impact. They think it will be mild. They are wrong in that the impact of climate change is progressing pretty much as was predicted.

Oh pahleese grow up.... you freaking exhale co2 dumbass..... what is being ignored is the fact that it is not as easy as they believe to dislodge the common weather cycles....they are there for a reason and it has very little to do with man who has only been here for about 2% of it...if not less.

Be more worried about the next comet impact man.....hey maybe the green corporate vultures can make some money off of that too eh?


He already yelled at me for that .

He thinks Yellowstone will never blow and Wyoming won't land on Minnesota..

Or a huge comet or asteroid will never hit us again..


Thinking some more about this would Minnesota get 13 electoral college votes?

10 plus Wyoming 3?

The bad thing is we don't know how a super volcano works or many of the pre- eruption events and warnings. We know how strata volcanoes work and we can get an idea from that but man has never seen a super volincano erupt.

I suspect that if Yellowstone erupts the consequences to the climate will cause the death of about a forth to a third of all humans on earth.

This solar minimum we are just now entering will probably result in the premature deaths of several million people over the next decades as food production decreases because of shorter growing seasons.
The rapid cooling of the stratosphere is worrisome to me. It means that earths energy input has decreased significantly. Even the O-zone holes are closing rapidly as the sun is no longer breaking the compounds apart. this too will result in massive cooling.

This thread is proof they are grasping at straws and they are trying anything and everything to get people to give up their freedoms quickly. Empirical evidence is calling them out as liars and deceivers. This wont end well for these authoritarian control fanatics...
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.

Those idiots are confused.

What is going to cause economic problems is the Solar Minimum that is just beginning. That will cause a mini ice age that could last for decades.

Growing seasons will be shorten that could alter food production around the world.

If anything AGW could minimize some of the effects of the Solar Minimum. We will all be praising Allah that we dumped a little CO2 into the atmosphere when it comes to those cold January nights.
There has been cooling for the last two years.

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures Over Past Two Years
Even in your own link, anthropogenic climate change is not disputed. They acknowledge carbon in the atmosphere will result in warming. The question is its extent and impact. They think it will be mild. They are wrong in that the impact of climate change is progressing pretty much as was predicted.

Oh pahleese grow up.... you freaking exhale co2 dumbass..... what is being ignored is the fact that it is not as easy as they believe to dislodge the common weather cycles....they are there for a reason and it has very little to do with man who has only been here for about 2% of it...if not less.

Be more worried about the next comet impact man.....hey maybe the green corporate vultures can make some money off of that too eh?


He already yelled at me for that .

He thinks Yellowstone will never blow and Wyoming won't land on Minnesota..

Or a huge comet or asteroid will never hit us again..

Does he actually believe those things?
Even in your own link, anthropogenic climate change is not disputed. They acknowledge carbon in the atmosphere will result in warming. The question is its extent and impact. They think it will be mild. They are wrong in that the impact of climate change is progressing pretty much as was predicted.

Oh pahleese grow up.... you freaking exhale co2 dumbass..... what is being ignored is the fact that it is not as easy as they believe to dislodge the common weather cycles....they are there for a reason and it has very little to do with man who has only been here for about 2% of it...if not less.

Be more worried about the next comet impact man.....hey maybe the green corporate vultures can make some money off of that too eh?


He already yelled at me for that .

He thinks Yellowstone will never blow and Wyoming won't land on Minnesota..

Or a huge comet or asteroid will never hit us again..


Thinking some more about this would Minnesota get 13 electoral college votes?

10 plus Wyoming 3?

The bad thing is we don't know how a super volcano works or many of the pre- eruption events and warnings. We know how strata volcanoes work and we can get an idea from that but man has never seen a super volcano erupt.
From Google

The three eruptions, 2.1 million years ago, 1.2 million years ago and 640,000 years ago, were about 6,000, 700 and 2,500 times larger than theMay 18, 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens in Washington State.
Bottom line is that ANY impact man has on the climate is moot and will be dwarfed by the next catastrophic natural disaster be it a comet/asteroid or volcanic. So why give the left any more power over your lives with their regulation?
Live life.
Enjoy life.
Fuck the left.
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.

Those idiots are confused.

What is going to cause economic problems is the Solar Minimum that is just beginning. That will cause a mini ice age that could last for decades.

Growing seasons will be shorten that could alter food production around the world.

If anything AGW could minimize some of the effects of the Solar Minimum. We will all be praising Allah that we dumped a little CO2 into the atmosphere when it comes to those cold January nights.
There has been cooling for the last two years.

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures Over Past Two Years
Even in your own link, anthropogenic climate change is not disputed. They acknowledge carbon in the atmosphere will result in warming. The question is its extent and impact. They think it will be mild. They are wrong in that the impact of climate change is progressing pretty much as was predicted.

Oh pahleese grow up.... you freaking exhale co2 dumbass..... what is being ignored is the fact that it is not as easy as they believe to dislodge the common weather cycles....they are there for a reason and it has very little to do with man who has only been here for about 2% of it...if not less.

Be more worried about the next comet impact man.....hey maybe the green corporate vultures can make some money off of that too eh?


He already yelled at me for that .

He thinks Yellowstone will never blow and Wyoming won't land on Minnesota..

Or a huge comet or asteroid will never hit us again..


Of all the damn stupid things to be worried about. We could use a warmer climate frankly.

Bottom line is that ANY impact man has on the climate is moot and will be dwarfed by the next catastrophic natural disaster be it a comet/asteroid or volcanic. So why give the left any more power over your lives with their regulation?
Live life.
Enjoy life.
Fuck the left.

BINGO!! And enjoy polar bear carpets! Damn carnivores aren't good for much else except perhaps eating the occasional liberal.

Those idiots are confused.

What is going to cause economic problems is the Solar Minimum that is just beginning. That will cause a mini ice age that could last for decades.

Growing seasons will be shorten that could alter food production around the world.

If anything AGW could minimize some of the effects of the Solar Minimum. We will all be praising Allah that we dumped a little CO2 into the atmosphere when it comes to those cold January nights.
There has been cooling for the last two years.

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures Over Past Two Years
Even in your own link, anthropogenic climate change is not disputed. They acknowledge carbon in the atmosphere will result in warming. The question is its extent and impact. They think it will be mild. They are wrong in that the impact of climate change is progressing pretty much as was predicted.

Oh pahleese grow up.... you freaking exhale co2 dumbass..... what is being ignored is the fact that it is not as easy as they believe to dislodge the common weather cycles....they are there for a reason and it has very little to do with man who has only been here for about 2% of it...if not less.

Be more worried about the next comet impact man.....hey maybe the green corporate vultures can make some money off of that too eh?


He already yelled at me for that .

He thinks Yellowstone will never blow and Wyoming won't land on Minnesota..

Or a huge comet or asteroid will never hit us again..


Of all the damn stupid things to be worried about. We could use a warmer climate frankly.


With the coming solar minimum we will all be wishing for the good ole days of a warm climate.
Bottom line is that ANY impact man has on the climate is moot and will be dwarfed by the next catastrophic natural disaster be it a comet/asteroid or volcanic. So why give the left any more power over your lives with their regulation?
Live life.
Enjoy life.
Fuck the left.

Yes, of course. Why not destroy the planet right now, since it might be destroyed tens or hundreds of thousands of years from now. That is very salient particularly assuming that by then humankind, assuming we make it that far, may have developed the technology to deflect asteroids or manage the climate fallout of a major volcanic eruption. But then, in a few billion of years the sun will die, and by then the planet is inevitably dead as well. So yes, why not destroy it right now? Then, grand-kids around the world have every reason to allege "Grampa murked" them.

... and a great big "Thank you" to Johnlaw and his valiant effort furthering reason and science as forces over our lives, and pointing out how to save them, and for withstanding the onslaught by those who deem that the direst of prospects.
... and a great big "Thank you" to Johnlaw and his valiant effort furthering reason and science as forces over our lives, and pointing out how to save them, and for withstanding the onslaught by those who deem that the direst of prospects.
Johnlaw is a propagandist... He wouldn't know science if it hit him up side the head..

Maybe you could tell us where the hot spot is that your models and hypothesis demand be present?
The economic consequences of curtailing the use of fossil fuels would cause many more millions of deaths than anything caused by AGW.
The economic consequences of curtailing the use of fossil fuels would cause many more millions of deaths than anything caused by AGW.
One of the major UN goal items is Depopulation... This is a necessity according to these idiots.. So millions must die! They want it to happen.. Its my goal to make sure they lead by example and go first..
You can either choose to live in a closet or in the real world. In the real world, we must not ignore what are ominous signs of things to come.
This report does not support tales of polar bears dying off, both coasts inundated by rising ocean levels, islands disappearing, etc. The costs of dealing with rising global warming, by this report's reckoning, will be added billions of dollars.

But not the catastrophic doomsday scenarios peddled by Chicken Little enviromentalists for decades now. The stories of
woe keep being walked back as if someone like Al Gore or talk of concentration camps for global warming "deniers" never existed.

So wouldn't people be right to look with skepticism now on anything the environmental zealots have to say...which is not to say there is no such thing as global warming. Only that a socialist political agenda was used to scare the bejeezus out of little children and weak minded fools hoping to stampede the public into submission.
And now people are rightfully not buying the scary stories like the "ominous" signs you speak of.

So let's act yes, in a thoughtful productive way. Not is a rushed frightened manner.
Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?
Johnlaw, every one of the undereducated RW nuts on this board are convinced that real scientists are elitists involved in a conspiracy directed by Al Gore, and that only Trump, and his superior in-depth scientific education on climate change and firefighting is right. In short, don't waste your time. You have a better chance teaching physics to your cat.
Al gore is full of shit... It’s arrogant to think humans can change the climate

And, yet, they have done exactly that.
Na, not really
It’s all in your imagination

I understand that some people simply can not be educated. Such people deserve our pity, not our condemnation. After all, I used to live in New Orleans, and there are still thousands of people who make their home below the levees.
The sun makes sure the climate changes... And there’s nothing we can do about it

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