US Scientist warn of dire consequences of Climate Change

Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?
You believe what you want to... Just keep your “climate change” to yourselves… As for the rest of us it’s none of our business...
Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?
Its a sad note that real scientists must resort to AM radio and discussions that the religious zealots refuse to have in public.. Maybe its because the facts kill the left wing power and control agenda..?? Idiot!
Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists, is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year.
Trump's dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats


In other words Trump's own department's are warning of the consequences of climate change.

The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists. For the good of the nation, let us hope these denialist continue to head on the road to extinction. Hopefully 2020 after Trump and his denialists are swept from history, we will move forward and take real meaningful action.
This world has been going through climate changes for thousands of years. Let’s blame this one on Trump.
The concept of Man Made Climate Change is failing, at least in the U.S. where most people neither believe in it, nor are concerned about it. So stick a fork in any further tax, or energy surcharge schemes to give yet more money to Big Government. You lost. So try some other Commie scheme, which we will also reject.
An excerpt our dying oceans.

Warming and Acidifying Oceans

The world’s oceans have absorbed 93% of the excess heat from human-induced warming since the mid-20th century and are currently absorbing more than a quarter of the carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere annually from human activities, making the oceans warmer and more acidic. Increasing sea surface temperatures, rising sea levels, and changing patterns of precipitation, winds, nutrients, and ocean circulation are contributing to overall declining oxygen concentrations in many locations.

Fourth National Climate Assessment: Chapter 2: Our Changing Climate
Your three for three failed hypothesis... Batting a thousand for FAILING..

Deny the truth all you want. The evidence is overwhelming of climate change.

Sea level rise:

How is it I stood on a dock built 2,000 years ago and the ocean was 200 yards away?
You can either choose to live in a closet or in the real world. In the real world, we must not ignore what are ominous signs of things to come.

Oy're a sucker navigating in the real world.:bye1:

"Experts" say....duh.....we've heard that for decades.
Where would we be without ‘experts’?

We are in an age that will become known as, and is now, a dictatorship of science. Many simply yield any intellectual capital to the scientists....on everything. The science has become a religion never to be questioned, even in the face of factual evidence to the contrary.
The first line from the NYT's lead on the story:

A major scientific report issued by 13 federal agencies on Friday presents the starkest warnings to date of the consequences of climate change for the United States, predicting that if significant steps are not taken to rein in global warming, the damage will knock as much as 10 percent off the size of the American economy by century’s end.

U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy

Also for those interested in real facts regarding the impact of climate change, here is an analysis of how the predictions of how climate change would affect our world are becoming reality.

What’s New in the Latest U.S. Climate Assessment
What a pile of shit...

Your nothing more than a leftist drone... Facts don't matter to liars..

Tell me how many of your predictions have come to pass? I'll answer that for you.. ZERO!
You can either choose to live in a closet or in the real world. In the real world, we must not ignore what are ominous signs of things to come.

Oy're a sucker navigating in the real world.:bye1:

"Experts" say....duh.....we've heard that for decades.
Where would we be without ‘experts’?

We are in an age that will become known as, and is now, a dictatorship of science. Many simply yield any intellectual capital to the scientists....on everything. The science has become a religion never to be questioned, even in the face of factual evidence to the contrary.
Yep. The people who tried Galileo are gasping at what the Left are doing today.
Bottom line is that ANY impact man has on the climate is moot and will be dwarfed by the next catastrophic natural disaster be it a comet/asteroid or volcanic. So why give the left any more power over your lives with their regulation?
Live life.
Enjoy life.
Fuck the left.

Yes, of course. Why not destroy the planet right now, since it might be destroyed tens or hundreds of thousands of years from now. That is very salient particularly assuming that by then humankind, assuming we make it that far, may have developed the technology to deflect asteroids or manage the climate fallout of a major volcanic eruption. But then, in a few billion of years the sun will die, and by then the planet is inevitably dead as well. So yes, why not destroy it right now? Then, grand-kids around the world have every reason to allege "Grampa murked" them.

... and a great big "Thank you" to Johnlaw and his valiant effort furthering reason and science as forces over our lives, and pointing out how to save them, and for withstanding the onslaught by those who deem that the direst of prospects.

The only thing he's furthering is the corporate interests of green vultures who are pinching themselves to make sure they're not dreaming that they have tools like you working for them.

The entire field is full of phony reports false statistics and constantly repeated mistakes.

It's amazing that they have any credibility at all even amongst the priests of Gaia. Remember snow is supposed to have disappeared by now altogether and the northern ice cap was supposed to be extinct a few years back. And what's this? We are supposed to believe them now?

Hydrocarbon combustion will go away all by itself without being forced off the scene by the green Mafia who are only interested in capturing the market for obscene profit.

Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?

Is that why they keep cheating, lying and adjusting the old data?

Scientists have determined that it gets colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun. I am sure that you have plenty of "scientists" who refute that entirely.
Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?

Is that why they keep cheating, lying and adjusting the old data?

Scientists have determined that it gets colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun. I am sure that you have plenty of "scientists" who refute that entirely.

Global dimming caused by denial works. Some of these pics I took myself and submitted them to Until this stratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates program (that has been going on in earnest since 1997) is figured into the "Climate Change" equation? I don't want to hear diddly squat from the U.N IPCC worshipping stooges.

Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?

Is that why they keep cheating, lying and adjusting the old data?

Scientists have determined that it gets colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun. I am sure that you have plenty of "scientists" who refute that entirely.

Quick, let's spend a couple of trillion to stop it from getting colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun.
Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?

Is that why they keep cheating, lying and adjusting the old data?

Scientists have determined that it gets colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun. I am sure that you have plenty of "scientists" who refute that entirely.

Global dimming caused by denial works. Some of these pics I took myself and submitted them to Until this stratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates program (that has been going on in earnest since 1997) is figured into the "Climate Change" equation? I don't want to hear diddly squat from the U.N IPCC worshipping stooges.

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Until this stratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates program

Which ones are water vapor, which ones are heavy metal nano-particulates?
Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?

Is that why they keep cheating, lying and adjusting the old data?

Scientists have determined that it gets colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun. I am sure that you have plenty of "scientists" who refute that entirely.

Quick, let's spend a couple of trillion to stop it from getting colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun.

Naw. let's ignore the scientists who are predicting massive economic damage to the country due to climate change.
Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?

Is that why they keep cheating, lying and adjusting the old data?

Scientists have determined that it gets colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun. I am sure that you have plenty of "scientists" who refute that entirely.

Quick, let's spend a couple of trillion to stop it from getting colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun.

Naw. let's ignore the scientists who are predicting massive economic damage to the country due to climate change.

Let's pretend we can prevent economic damage by damaging our economy.
Why should we pay attention to 95% of the climate scientists of the world, when we can get the answers we want from AM radio talk shows?

Is that why they keep cheating, lying and adjusting the old data?

Scientists have determined that it gets colder in the northern hemisphere when it is tilted away from the sun. I am sure that you have plenty of "scientists" who refute that entirely.

Global dimming caused by denial works. Some of these pics I took myself and submitted them to Until this stratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates program (that has been going on in earnest since 1997) is figured into the "Climate Change" equation? I don't want to hear diddly squat from the U.N IPCC worshipping stooges.

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Dale....have you read Freelands book, UNDER AN IONIZED SKY?
Started it yesterday.....kinda makes almost all of the discussion in here silly. People just so in the dark on how fucked the climate is due to atmospheric experimentation. Weaponized climate shit....just jaw dropping stuff.

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