US Scientist warn of dire consequences of Climate Change

LOLZ @ "rein in global warming"

What's the correlation between CO2 and this imaginary warming anyway?

How much must we lower CO2? How many trillion of dollars?
Your analysis is incorrect. The question is how much will Climate change cost us? According to the new government report, the US economy could shrink 10% in less than 75 years because of climate change. Also look how much is it costing us now with rising insurance rates in coastal communities and cities now spending hundreds of millions to contain increased flooding.

The cost to action now to alleviate climate change will be insignificant to the damage to come and that ia coming at us.

Science based upon hysterical claims is not really science.
A well researched paper is not hysteria. What is hysteria is the conservative reaction to it,

It's based on junk science and propaganda..

Prove it.

A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
The first line from the NYT's lead on the story:

A major scientific report issued by 13 federal agencies on Friday presents the starkest warnings to date of the consequences of climate change for the United States, predicting that if significant steps are not taken to rein in global warming, the damage will knock as much as 10 percent off the size of the American economy by century’s end.

U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy
LOLZ @ "rein in global warming"

What's the correlation between CO2 and this imaginary warming anyway?

How much must we lower CO2? How many trillion of dollars?
Your analysis is incorrect. The question is how much will Climate change cost us? According to the new government report, the US economy could shrink 10% in less than 75 years because of climate change. Also look how much is it costing us now with rising insurance rates in coastal communities and cities now spending hundreds of millions to contain increased flooding.

The cost to action now to alleviate climate change will be insignificant to the damage to come and that ia coming at us.

Science based upon hysterical claims is not really science.
A well researched paper is not hysteria. What is hysteria is the conservative reaction to it.

Well researched but with absolutely zero evidence...yeah sounds like hysteria
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Who deny the climate changes?

A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Military intelligence also has a plan for a space Invaders invasion..

So do you think that's going to happen?

Federal scientists warned in a new report Friday that changes in the climate democrats will disrupt the economies of every region in the country in the coming years, with costs threatening to reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually by the middle of this century.

The message, echoing decades of sobering conclusions from the world's leading climate scientists , biggest liars is at odds with President Donald Trump's repeated scoffing at the idea of global warming. And the administration chose to release it on Black Friday, racist, the busiest shopping day and one of the slowest news days of the year( had to make up some shit).
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Military intelligence also has a plan for a space Invaders invasion..

So do you think that's going to happen?

These are red herring arguments. Read my links and get back to me with constructive criticisms.
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Military intelligence also has a plan for a space Invaders invasion..

So do you think that's going to happen?


Also when Yellowstone blows

So tell us genius how many trillions of dollars do you want to spend preventing them?
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Who deny the climate changes?

Here is a simple explanation of the difference between climate and weather.
NASA - What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Military intelligence also has a plan for a space Invaders invasion..

So do you think that's going to happen?

These are red herring arguments. Read my links and get back to me with constructive criticisms.

No red herring, the facts are Yellowstone is ready to blow again and we will get hit by an asteroid the size of Manhattan..

A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Who deny the climate changes?

Here is a simple explanation of the difference between climate and weather.
NASA - What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

Once again how many temperature readings stations did we have in 1900?

I will tell you nothing in the southern hemisphere..only a few in the northern hemisphere.

US Scientist warn of dire consequences of Climate Change
The only thing holding us back from confronting these challenges is the breathtaking stupidity of Trump and Trumpist denialists.

Why is it that when just one scientist warns of "climate change" (the climate has always been changing, constantly, drastically, for as far back as we can measure, 3-4 billion years) it becomes undeniable truth despite looming scientific proof to the contrary, but when anyone tries to say things are more complex that, that it is much more than just man, some meat-headed talking puppet like you comes along talking about breathtaking stupidity and denial?

And why do you festering goons perennially blame republicans when they don't turn the national and world economy on its ear at first chance in a futile effort to counter the inevitable, yet when liberals and democrats get the reigns, they still don't do anything either but talk, point fingers and blame others?
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?
Climate change is absolutely real. But the reasons are not simply because of man. To believe such is ignorant. Climate has fluctuated on this planet since it formed. Billions of those years were human free.
There is a political and business agenda behind this now.
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Who deny the climate changes?

Here is a simple explanation of the difference between climate and weather.
NASA - What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

Once again how many temperature readings stations did we have in 1900?

I will tell you nothing in the southern hemisphere..only a few in the northern hemisphere.

Here are FAQs on climate science. Read it. It is very enlightening.
A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?
Climate change is absolutely real. But the reasons are not simply because of man. To believe such is ignorant. Climate has fluctuated on this planet since it formed. Billions of those years were human free.
There is a political and business agenda behind this now.
Read this link. It may answer some of your questions.
Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Who deny the climate changes?

Here is a simple explanation of the difference between climate and weather.
NASA - What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

Once again how many temperature readings stations did we have in 1900?

I will tell you nothing in the southern hemisphere..only a few in the northern hemisphere.

Here are FAQs on climate science. Read it. It is very enlightening.

You are starting to sound like Naomi...

Our economic system and our planetary system are now at war. Or, more accurately, our economy is at war with many forms of life on earth, including human life. What the climate needs to avoid collapse is a contraction in humanity’s use of resources; what our economic model demands to avoid collapse is unfettered expansion. Only one of these sets of rules can be changed, and it’s not the laws of nature."
Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate
For those that are interested in the science and the report, here is a link to the report.

Fourth National Climate Assessment: Executive Summary

From the report:

Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities. The impacts of global climate change are already being felt in the United States and are projected to intensify in the future—but the severity of future impacts will depend largely on actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the changes that will occur. Americans increasingly recognize the risks climate change poses to their everyday lives and livelihoods and are beginning to respond (Figure 1.1). Water managers in the Colorado River Basin have mobilized users to conserve water in response to ongoing drought intensified by higher temperatures, and an extension program in Nebraska is helping ranchers reduce drought and heat risks to their operations. The state of Hawai‘i is developing management options to promote coral reef recovery from widespread bleaching events caused by warmer waters that threaten tourism, fisheries, and coastal protection from wind and waves. To address higher risks of flooding from heavy rainfall, local governments in southern Louisiana are pooling hazard reduction funds, and cities and states in the Northeast are investing in more resilient water, energy, and transportation infrastructure. In Alaska, a tribal health organization is developing adaptation strategies to address physical and mental health challenges driven by climate change and other environmental changes. As Midwestern farmers adopt new management strategies to reduce erosion and nutrient losses caused by heavier rains, forest managers in the Northwest are developing adaptation strategies in response to wildfire increases that affect human health, water resources, timber production, fish and wildlife, and recreation. After extensive hurricane damage fueled in part by a warmer atmosphere and warmer, higher seas, communities in Texas are considering ways to rebuild more resilient infrastructure. In the U.S. Caribbean, governments are developing new frameworks for storm recovery based on lessons learned from the 2017 hurricane season.

Climate-related risks will continue to grow without additional action. Decisions made today determine risk exposure for current and future generations and will either broaden or limit options to reduce the negative consequences of climate change. While Americans are responding in ways that can bolster resilience and improve livelihoods, neither global efforts to mitigate the causes of climate change nor regional efforts to adapt to the impacts currently approach the scales needed to avoid substantial damages to the U.S. economy, environment, and human health and well-being over the coming decades.
Al gore is full of shit...
Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?

Who deny the climate changes?

Here is a simple explanation of the difference between climate and weather.
NASA - What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

Once again how many temperature readings stations did we have in 1900?

I will tell you nothing in the southern hemisphere..only a few in the northern hemisphere.

Here are FAQs on climate science. Read it. It is very enlightening.

No you educate yourself read up on Judith..

A well researched paper

Is just a paper. A paper with current hypothesis from people with a clear bias.

Scientists would have us believe that the Pyramids in Egypt are tombs only a few thousand years old. They say the Sphinx is the same age.
Reality is that those structures are at least 12k years old and possibly even older from before the end of the last ice age.

Scientists told us there was likely intelligent life on Mars.

Scientists are not Gods.

Blindly following is a strong foundation for ignorance.
Why is it that you deny what all our intelligence agencies, military intelligence, NASA, and nearly every climate scientists say is the biggest threat to not only our national security but our economic well-being? Why is it that you deny what insurance companies, finance companies and many coastal communities see as our biggest threat? That is the wreck and ruin that climate change poses to us. Why do you want to saddle your descendants with your failure to take action today?
Climate change is absolutely real. But the reasons are not simply because of man. To believe such is ignorant. Climate has fluctuated on this planet since it formed. Billions of those years were human free.
There is a political and business agenda behind this now.
Read this link. It may answer some of your questions.
Chicken little?

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