US sets new record for denying, censoring government files

So Obama and his admin learned from Bush and his admin.

How about some comparisons, kiddos.
How about addressing the fact that Obama has been lying to the public since before he was elected there fakey?
Go for it, that's your purview, not mine.

Obama campaigned on a message of transparency and openness. Remember when he claimed that his would be the most ethical in history? Remember that? That's why I voted for him the first go around.

Sadly, as is usual, he did the exact opposite and this admin has been the most corrupt in decades, if not ever. With all of the obfuscation, and outright destruction of records it will be hard to find out just how corrupt this prick is. And you shake your ass for him just like the good little puppy you are. He beats you and beats you, but you are loyal to the end.
You are such a puppet for those who think for you. I went and did the research, unlike the rest of you. In fact, the administration is not transparent and has achieved an all time high in both slowing down and refusing requests. And, in that, I can agree with you naysayers. His admin is worse that that of Bush, and his was the worst before Obama. The American people have a problem that is going to require people of good will across the spectrum to fix.
I'm glad people are seeing the truth. Even those who supported the thug early on.
My biggest concern now is that there is nothing but talk.
We can research facts, point out the tyranny and lament until the cows come home....but...bottom line is that as long as Americans sit back and do nothing more than vote or make commentary, our rights will continue to get trampled and things will get worse.
At some point it takes greater sacrifice than words on the Internet unfortunately.
So Obama and his admin learned from Bush and his admin.

How about some comparisons, kiddos.
How about addressing the fact that Obama has been lying to the public since before he was elected there fakey?
Go for it, that's your purview, not mine.

Obama campaigned on a message of transparency and openness. Remember when he claimed that his would be the most ethical in history? Remember that? That's why I voted for him the first go around.

Sadly, as is usual, he did the exact opposite and this admin has been the most corrupt in decades, if not ever. With all of the obfuscation, and outright destruction of records it will be hard to find out just how corrupt this prick is. And you shake your ass for him just like the good little puppy you are. He beats you and beats you, but you are loyal to the end.
You are such a puppet for those who think for you. I went and did the research, unlike the rest of you. In fact, the administration is not transparent and has achieved an all time high in both slowing down and refusing requests. And, in that, I can agree with you naysayers. His admin is worse that that of Bush, and his was the worst before Obama. The American people have a problem that is going to require people of good will across the spectrum to fix.

YOU said this...

What are you babbling about and when: now, then, the future, wheneverland?

Let's have some comparisons and numbers, kiddos, not a buncha talking points that mean nothing."

Those are the words of a puppet. I am glad to see you have realized the error of your ways however. Yes, this country is in trouble....and so long as puppets support whatever admin is violating the COTUS, and abusing its power, nothing will change.
Yup, I did and you backed up. I went and looked, unlike almost everybody else, and I provided the information.

Our last GOP and Democratic admins are not and were not transparent. That's good to change.
So Obama and his admin learned from Bush and his admin.

How about some comparisons, kiddos.
How about addressing the fact that Obama has been lying to the public since before he was elected there fakey?
Go for it, that's your purview, not mine.

Obama campaigned on a message of transparency and openness. Remember when he claimed that his would be the most ethical in history? Remember that? That's why I voted for him the first go around.

Sadly, as is usual, he did the exact opposite and this admin has been the most corrupt in decades, if not ever. With all of the obfuscation, and outright destruction of records it will be hard to find out just how corrupt this prick is. And you shake your ass for him just like the good little puppy you are. He beats you and beats you, but you are loyal to the end.

I don't know, it seems to me that any rational person should see right through Obama.
So Obama and his admin learned from Bush and his admin.

How about some comparisons, kiddos.
How about addressing the fact that Obama has been lying to the public since before he was elected there fakey?
Go for it, that's your purview, not mine.

Obama campaigned on a message of transparency and openness. Remember when he claimed that his would be the most ethical in history? Remember that? That's why I voted for him the first go around.

Sadly, as is usual, he did the exact opposite and this admin has been the most corrupt in decades, if not ever. With all of the obfuscation, and outright destruction of records it will be hard to find out just how corrupt this prick is. And you shake your ass for him just like the good little puppy you are. He beats you and beats you, but you are loyal to the end.

I don't know, it seems to me that any rational person should see right through Obama.

In the beginning he was very polished and a bit naive. I liked that. However, the second he began placing people in his cabinet it was easy to see where he was headed.
So Obama and his admin learned from Bush and his admin.

How about some comparisons, kiddos.

What are you, 12?

The man child is a fucking crook and he is trying everything he can to hide it.

Jake you really are a sick fuck and not a Republican.

...and here you are wanting to elect another Bush.
Does not matter, mamooth, if the record number includes a record number of denials if there is no need for the denials in the beginning. Bush's admin was awful and apparently Obama's tops that. And we find the Antares' of the world defending the bad on one side and condemning it on the other. Shameful.
Does not matter, mamooth, if the record number includes a record number of denials if there is no need for the denials in the beginning. Bush's admin was awful and apparently Obama's tops that. And we find the Antares' of the world defending the bad on one side and condemning it on the other. Shameful.

You can't find me defending any of it Jakey, as you well know I am no fan of any Bush....and unlike you I don't stand and cheer for Obama.

You are an idiot who gets caught being stupid at every turn.

And as I've shown again and again, you told us you voted for Obama.
What a roo! It was a misprint when I was very tired and did not catch it in time, which you know.

I am glad you admit both admins are and were very wrong. I am glad we agree on that.

Scott Walker is having his problem,s but then again so is Bush. It will be Bush, however. :lol:
If a record number of requests are made, it would make sense a record number will be turned down. Oh wait, I'm bringing logic into a discussion with ODSers. That just totally spoils their dishonest cherrypicking.

For a more honest overview, which means the ODSers will refuse to look at it, ...

Has Obama delivered the most transparent administration in history - The Washington Post

If the number of documents made classified dropped then it is logical the number denied would drop:


I am not even sure you read the article you provided. Hell they tried to paint Obama in the best of lights but they could not.

From the article you provided, and remember the articles I provided were from CNN and Huffington posts.

The Obama administration also has prosecuted more leakers under the Espionage Act than all other administrations combined. Although the increase may have resulted partly from the discrete decisions of prosecutors as well as improved detection technologies, it also results from the choices of senior officials to prosecute leakers under a law targeting spies.

Of course, this overview of Obama’s record leaves out many things — the emerging controversy involving Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (andChuck Hagel’s) e-mails, when the Environmental Protection Agencytwice suppressed evidence that fracking can contaminate well water, and when the administration ordered government scientists not to share estimates of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. There are otherexamples, all puzzling in light of Obama’s promise to “guarantee scientific integrity throughout the executive branch.”
From the link:

The federal criminal charges filed against National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden make it seven times that the Obama administration has used the Espionage Act against government workers who shared information with the press.

SEVEN TIMES!!!!!!!!! A RECORD!!!!!!

SEVEN TIMES!!! Oh. Magawd.

They used it to go after Snowden. How...evil.:crybaby:

Tapper’s focus on the Espionage Act might be accurate, but it overlooks other tactics used by previous White House regimes, said Elizabeth Goitein of the Brennan Center at New York University School of Law.

"Instead of criminally prosecuting media leaks, the government has relied on administrative sanctions and penalties," Goitein said.
From the link:

The federal criminal charges filed against National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden make it seven times that the Obama administration has used the Espionage Act against government workers who shared information with the press.

SEVEN TIMES!!!!!!!!! A RECORD!!!!!!

SEVEN TIMES!!! Oh. Magawd.

They used it to go after Snowden. How...evil.:crybaby:

More then all presidents before him.

Trying a whistle blowers under laws meant for spies.

Yes, how evil.
Damn that Obama! He's done gone after Edward Snowden and now he's gone and broke a record! THAT BASTARD!!!

More then all presidents before him.

Trying a whistle blowers under laws meant for spies.

Yes, how evil.

Tapper’s focus on the Espionage Act might be accurate, but it overlooks other tactics used by previous White House regimes, said Elizabeth Goitein of the Brennan Center at New York University School of Law.

"Instead of criminally prosecuting media leaks, the government has relied on administrative sanctions and penalties," Goitein said.
And democrats make the false claim of the right's war on science, when in fact.......once is the opposite:

Transparency Watch: A Closed Door
From the EPA to NASA, the FDA to OSHA, President Obama has failed to make science accessible

Contrary to the notion that Obama would, as he promised, usher in a sea change in terms of transparency, there is a case to be made that, when it comes to controlling information via press policies, Obama is the savviest practitioner ever. Consider his adroit use of digital media as a defining example. His Open Government Directive made an unprecedented amount of federal scientific data available online. His administration touts that accomplishment as proof of transparency, but critics say that is disingenuous. In practice, the databases demonstrate how the Obama administration treats communication as a one-way street. Data, after all, rarely speak for themselves and reporters want, more than anything, to talk to the officials who collected and analyzed them. As Felice Freyer found out when she attempted to speak with the FDA about its investigation of unapproved intrauterine devices, however, the administration often prefers to publish statements online, or via social media, than make them directly available to journalists. It’s a duplicitous game that allows Obama to claim that his administration is living up to its promises. Yet almost any science reporter in the country will tell you that nothing could be further from the truth, and that even if the Office of Science and Technology Policy produces a plan for scientific integrity and transparency, it could make matters worse, not better.

Reporters on the science beat may have to accept that the days of easy access are gone—and plenty of them already do. Groups like the Society of Environmental Journalists and the Association of Health Care Journalists are still pushing for an end to interview permissions and minders, as well they should. But even their most optimistic members merely cross their fingers, knowing that if they held their breath, they’d surely expire. 
Damn that Obama! He's done gone after Edward Snowden and now he's gone and broke a record! THAT BASTARD!!!


Yes, the bastard, making a promise then breaking it.

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