US Soldiers NOT Allowed To Defend US Borders From Foreign Enemies

It was a MASSIVE failure of leadership and / or govt in telling the military it could not defend the nation by defending the border and telling them they could NOT defend themselves....

When a foreign military approached US military troops and demanded the US military SURRENDER AND HAND OVER THEIR WEAPONS ... ON US SOIL ... AND THE MILITARY DID IT ... IT WAS A SAD F*ING DAY FOR THIS COUNTRY & THE US MILITARY!

The US troops should have immediately demanded the Mexican Military surrender and hand over THEIR weapons...and if they refused to do so the US troops should have LIT THEM UP!

I bet those Mexican troops are still telling their buddies the story of how they invaded the US and got the US military to surrender and hand over their weapons without a fight...and the Mexican military / their buddies are laughing their asses off...

You want to turn a misunderstanding into a shooting incident. You are the one who needs to be lit up.
It’s our country yes?

Another crazy idiot.
Yes you are

You sure are.
There is no invasion. The fact is the whole incident was handled with no violence.
"was" handled ? You think the illegal immigration invasion is over ?

Thousands of people coming across our border with no authorization, and you call this not an invasion ?

Invasion - b) an intrusion or infringement (Webster's New World college Dictionary, 5th ed)
That liberals think it is proper for US soldiers to not defend the USA, from foreign enemies intruding across the US border, is clear evidence of how truly deranged they are.
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Soldiers cannot enforce civilian law and cannot make arrests.
Who said anything about civilian law, or making arrests ? When the military fights an enemy, it has nothing to do with civilian law or arrests. When my Army National Guard battalion commander, Lt Colonel Shea was asked "how do you deal with your enemy" ?, he responded >> In the Army, the way we deal with our enemies is very simple. Explained in 3 words >> "We kill them."
Posse Comitatus Act
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Posse Comitatus Act
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction and was updated in 1956 and 1981.

The act specifically applies only to the United States Army and, as amended in 1956, the United States Air Force. Although the act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the act force with respect to those services as well. The act does not prevent the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.

The title of the act comes from the legal concept of posse comitatus, the authority under which a county sheriff, or other law officer, conscripts any able-bodied person to assist in keeping the peace.
The posse comitatis act has been overruled on multiple occasions, by ex- Us presidents, with both NAtional Guard and US troops acting in defense of the US, within US borders. Read a history book.

Soldiers cannot enforce civilian law and cannot make arrests.
Sure they can
Illegal invasion is nothing more than stretching the meaning or relating to a military invasion.

Military invasion is clearly defined as enemy troops

You can use invasion like invasion of privacy does really mean the same as military invasion ,

Summer or winter resorts have an invasion of people when a bunch of people show up for an event or the watch the leaves turn brown.

Applying illegal invasion and them implying that it is a military invasion is just padding an argument using unrelated terms.

If us want to say that it is illegal that they want to come to the US then say it.

If the military see someone crossing the border all they need to do is keep a tabs on their position and call in the border patrol

I would imagine standing there watching them would probably be deterrent enough

There is a border patrol and that is there job, if there are not enough people then hire more people.
Isn’t enemy troops from another country? Doesn’t Mexico count as another country?

Military invasion is clearly defined as enemy troops. Are u saying Mexico is invading the US with their military

I am pretty sure that they are having a good laugh at Trump with these caravans.
Illegal invasion is nothing more than stretching the meaning or relating to a military invasion.

Military invasion is clearly defined as enemy troops

You can use invasion like invasion of privacy does really mean the same as military invasion ,

Summer or winter resorts have an invasion of people when a bunch of people show up for an event or the watch the leaves turn brown.

Applying illegal invasion and them implying that it is a military invasion is just padding an argument using unrelated terms.

If us want to say that it is illegal that they want to come to the US then say it.

If the military see someone crossing the border all they need to do is keep a tabs on their position and call in the border patrol

I would imagine standing there watching them would probably be deterrent enough

There is a border patrol and that is there job, if there are not enough people then hire more people.
Isn’t enemy troops from another country? Doesn’t Mexico count as another country?

Military invasion is clearly defined as enemy troops. Are u saying Mexico is invading the US with enemy troops
Military invasion is clearly defined as enemy troops. Are u saying Mexico is invading the US with enemy troops
Who said it was a "Military" invasion ?

well u certainly are implying it with ur statements

Who said anything about civilian law, or making arrests ? When the military fights an enemy, it has nothing to do with civilian law or arrests. When my Army National Guard battalion commander, Lt Colonel Shea was asked "how do you deal with your enemy" ?, he responded >> In the Army, the way we deal with our enemies is very simple. Explained in 3 words >> "We kill them."
We are not being invaded. Illegal immigrants are not our enemies.

Just try to take your head out of your ass for a change!
Of course they are our enemies, imposing many harms on us, while disrespecting our laws and us. YOU are the one who needs to get his head out of his ass.

Good OP, easyt.

Harms of Illegal Immigration
1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing congestion (loss of available housing)
we have no immigration clause; it is just lousy management losing money instead of making money, like they should.
No. Not even close (and I cant have hell freezing over :D )

The military is not equipped, trained or even chartered to deal with civilians or criminal matters. They exist for a singular purpose - to obliterate the enemy. There is a stark difference in what the military does and the police, ICE or any of the alphabet soup that deals with criminal matters such as smuggling. If you really do want to end crossings and treat this as a military matter then use them but that does not involve detaining or stopping immigrants. It involves military control and killing anyone that disobeys. It is very ugly.

I do not view border defense as a civilian or criminal matter, it is national security. Yep it would be ugly for about a week, but it would stop the flow of people coming into our country illegally.

I would say, what the fuck those soldiers are doing there in the first place when they are in a dangerous area and not allowed to engage. We should not have troops anywhere where they are not able to do their job.

This I agree with, if we are not going to use them, we should not put them there.

Smugglers should have a zero chance of crossing active military personnel. What we need is proper staffing and funding of our forces that are supposed to be dealing with this kind of problem. Equating this 'border defense' to military border defense is silly. They are not even remotely the same thing.

I disagree, I think the smugglers should have 100% chance of running into armed military personnel.
well u certainly are implying it with ur statements

Who said anything about civilian law, or making arrests ? When the military fights an enemy, it has nothing to do with civilian law or arrests. When my Army National Guard battalion commander, Lt Colonel Shea was asked "how do you deal with your enemy" ?, he responded >> In the Army, the way we deal with our enemies is very simple. Explained in 3 words >> "We kill them."
1. I never imply, insinuate, or infer ANYTHING, ever.

2. There is no connection, in my statement, about whether the invading enemies are civilian or military. Any invaders of any kind should be repelled, and it's the job of the US military to do that. National Guard or federal troops.
'Does the United States military exist only to defend the borders of foreign countries in the Middle East or is it allowed to defend the borders of the U.S. against terrorist cartels, espionage, infiltrations, and smuggling?'

Sound like a stupid question? Here's one that's going to sound even MORE stupid:

Do US military troops have the right to DEFED THEMSELVES in their own country, on their own die of the border, when approached by foreign troops who order them to surrender their weapons?

According to a NorthCom spokesman, the military troops are there NOT in a Law Enforcement capacity.
-- Well, NO SHIT! The US military is used for the defense of the United States...and since there is an illegal invasion going on right now, why can't they be accepted as being there to protect this nation during this 'invasion'?

Military's mission doesn't include enforcement, so smugglers cross Rio Grande right in front of them
No, they can't shoot unarmed civilians. So sorry about that.
They are allowed to shoot armed Coyotes who ferry in illegals and drug mules in to this country. In fact, I'd encourage they be shot, rather than arrested. If they die on The Mexican Side of the border, we don't even have to bury them.
'Does the United States military exist only to defend the borders of foreign countries in the Middle East or is it allowed to defend the borders of the U.S. against terrorist cartels, espionage, infiltrations, and smuggling?'

Sound like a stupid question? Here's one that's going to sound even MORE stupid:

Do US military troops have the right to DEFED THEMSELVES in their own country, on their own die of the border, when approached by foreign troops who order them to surrender their weapons?

According to a NorthCom spokesman, the military troops are there NOT in a Law Enforcement capacity.
-- Well, NO SHIT! The US military is used for the defense of the United States...and since there is an illegal invasion going on right now, why can't they be accepted as being there to protect this nation during this 'invasion'?

Military's mission doesn't include enforcement, so smugglers cross Rio Grande right in front of them

We are not being invaded. Illegal immigrants are not our enemies.

Just try to take your head out of your ass for a change!
Says the DemNaze who declares himself an enemy of The United States every day.
we have no immigration clause; it is just lousy management losing money instead of making money, like they should.
You are too obsessed with the Constitution. In the US, in addition to the Constitution, we have what are called LAWS.
Tell that to the handfull of Branch Dividian survivors at Waco who were attacked by tanks and helicopters and poison gas during the Clinton Administration.

Oh, shut up your lunatic conspiracy theories!

Those tanks were combat engineering vehicles that proved cover for the occupants, the helicopters were just looking, and that "poison" gas was tear gas.

No one believes your hysterical rants because you are a dumbass conspiracy theorist!
Tell that to the handfull of Branch Dividian survivors at Waco who were attacked by tanks and helicopters and poison gas during the Clinton Administration.
They were coming over the border also?
If a president can use the U.S. Army to attack American civilians it should be a moot point to use them to repel a hoard of illegal criminals at he border. Then again maybe the rules are different for a republican administration.

Why do you think the US Army was involved?
we have no immigration clause; it is just lousy management losing money instead of making money, like they should.
You are too obsessed with the Constitution. In the US, in addition to the Constitution, we have what are called LAWS.
He is obsessed with the part of the Constitution he can twist / use out of context and in no way how the Founding Fathers meant in order to attempt to justify the Democrats facilitating illegal immigration and actively breaking laws to ensure it continues to go on....
'Does the United States military exist only to defend the borders of foreign countries in the Middle East or is it allowed to defend the borders of the U.S. against terrorist cartels, espionage, infiltrations, and smuggling?'

Sound like a stupid question? Here's one that's going to sound even MORE stupid:

Do US military troops have the right to DEFED THEMSELVES in their own country, on their own die of the border, when approached by foreign troops who order them to surrender their weapons?

According to a NorthCom spokesman, the military troops are there NOT in a Law Enforcement capacity.
-- Well, NO SHIT! The US military is used for the defense of the United States...and since there is an illegal invasion going on right now, why can't they be accepted as being there to protect this nation during this 'invasion'?

Military's mission doesn't include enforcement, so smugglers cross Rio Grande right in front of them
No, they can't shoot unarmed civilians. So sorry about that.
They are allowed to shoot armed Coyotes who ferry in illegals and drug mules in to this country. In fact, I'd encourage they be shot, rather than arrested. If they die on The Mexican Side of the border, we don't even have to bury them.
How hypocritical of the right wing; only caring about natural rights in abortion threads.

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