US Soldiers NOT Allowed To Defend US Borders From Foreign Enemies

we have no immigration clause; it is just lousy management losing money instead of making money, like they should.
You are too obsessed with the Constitution. In the US, in addition to the Constitution, we have what are called LAWS.
lol. only the ignorant right wing appeals to Ignorance of our supreme Law of the land, but expect to be taken more seriously than Any hypocrite.
we have no immigration clause; it is just lousy management losing money instead of making money, like they should.
You are too obsessed with the Constitution. In the US, in addition to the Constitution, we have what are called LAWS.
He is obsessed with the part of the Constitution he can twist / use out of context and in no way how the Founding Fathers meant in order to attempt to justify the Democrats facilitating illegal immigration and actively breaking laws to ensure it continues to go on....
Show us the Express immigration clause right wingers, don't twist it with your implications. Only hypocrites do that and blame others.
lol. only the ignorant right wing appeals to Ignorance of our supreme Law of the land, but expect to be taken more seriously than Any hypocrite.
You are the one who is IGNORING our ordinary laws, in this case immigration law, as if it didn't even exist.
Show us the Express immigration clause right wingers, don't twist it with your implications. Only hypocrites do that and blame others.
Show us where the United States does NOT have the right to protect is national sovereignty / defend its borders from invasion.

Show us where Democrats can commit crimes - violate existing US Immigration and other Federal Laws - to promote, facilitate, and expand / increase illegal immigration.

Justify how the House of Representatives, who control govt sending, can falsely declare 'There is no crisis at the border - it is a manufactured one by this President', use that lie to REFUSE TO FUND the federal agencies having to address this overwhelming crisis without the necessary funding and resources to do so, and then blame the GOP and President for the horrific conditions that exist at the border due to THEIR refusal to act / address the crisis!
every representative swears to this.

1966 and is prescribed in Title 5, Section 3331 of the United States Code. It reads: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

I want one of you lazy ass leftist to explain where open borders is mentioned in that oath? or, are you all in agreement they have mostly all violated thier oaths.
Not their job to round up women and children and nonviolent immigrants

Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office - U.S. Army Center of Military History

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Posse Comitatus Act
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Posse Comitatus Act
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction and was updated in 1956 and 1981.

The act specifically applies only to the United States Army and, as amended in 1956, the United States Air Force. Although the act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the act force with respect to those services as well. The act does not prevent the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.

The title of the act comes from the legal concept of posse comitatus, the authority under which a county sheriff, or other law officer, conscripts any able-bodied person to assist in keeping the peace.
So you all think our military can’t protect our own land? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They can only stop enemy soldiers trying to take over the country.
True. Gang bangers and illegals are the job of all the other Socialist divisions of the US.
Border Patrol, Coast guard, State and local cops,FBI,CIA,DEA,DHS M,O.U.S.E park rangers.
The immigration of white Europeans is the best thing that ever happened to the prehistoric level American Indians.

How many of them currently choose to live in teepees, hunt game to survive, ride horses for transportation, and wear clothing they made themselves from animal skins ?

And how many of them living today, have never watched a TV show, listened to a radio, listened to a music recording, never heard of a guitar, never touched a computer ?
No, they can't shoot unarmed civilians. So sorry about that.

No but they absolutely ought to be wiping out foreign troops who point weapons at them inside our border.

They should also be using some of the less lethal means of crowd control to dissipate hordes of illegals trying to breech barriers.
foreign troops who point weapons at them inside our border.
What are you talking about, Pete?
what is it you don't understand?
What foreign troops, as in members of an army, inside our border pointing weapons?
Pointing weapons? Thanks to the Obama administration that authorized the shipment of over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican criminals there is no shortage of weapons. At least one border patrol officer was murdered with one of the weapons and who knows how many are seized by border officers. The MSM won't tell us and democrats continue to claim that there is no problem.
The immigration of white Europeans is the best thing that ever happened to the prehistoric level American Indians.

That's kinda like saying 'Being brought here from the 'armpit' of Africa to the US as slaves is one of - if not THE - greatest things to happen to / for the blacks living in the US today who have benefitted' from their ancestors being slaves.'

The immigration of white Europeans is the best thing that ever happened to the prehistoric level American Indians.

How many of them currently choose to live in teepees, hunt game to survive, ride horses for transportation, and wear clothing they made themselves from animal skins ?

And how many of them living today, have never watched a TV show, listened to a radio, listened to a music recording, never heard of a guitar, never touched a computer ?

I think i'll take the opinion of what's best for native Americans from native Americans.
It was a MASSIVE failure of leadership and / or govt in telling the military it could not defend the nation by defending the border and telling them they could NOT defend themselves....

When a foreign military approached US military troops and demanded the US military SURRENDER AND HAND OVER THEIR WEAPONS ... ON US SOIL ... AND THE MILITARY DID IT ... IT WAS A SAD F*ING DAY FOR THIS COUNTRY & THE US MILITARY!

The US troops should have immediately demanded the Mexican Military surrender and hand over THEIR weapons...and if they refused to do so the US troops should have LIT THEM UP!

I bet those Mexican troops are still telling their buddies the story of how they invaded the US and got the US military to surrender and hand over their weapons without a fight...and the Mexican military / their buddies are laughing their asses off...

You want to turn a misunderstanding into a shooting incident. You are the one who needs to be lit up.
It’s our country yes?

Another crazy idiot.
Yes you are

You sure are.
I know I am correct you're a crazy idiot.
Illegal invasion is nothing more than stretching the meaning or relating to a military invasion.

Military invasion is clearly defined as enemy troops

You can use invasion like invasion of privacy does really mean the same as military invasion ,

Summer or winter resorts have an invasion of people when a bunch of people show up for an event or the watch the leaves turn brown.

Applying illegal invasion and them implying that it is a military invasion is just padding an argument using unrelated terms.

If us want to say that it is illegal that they want to come to the US then say it.

If the military see someone crossing the border all they need to do is keep a tabs on their position and call in the border patrol

I would imagine standing there watching them would probably be deterrent enough

There is a border patrol and that is there job, if there are not enough people then hire more people.
Isn’t enemy troops from another country? Doesn’t Mexico count as another country?

Military invasion is clearly defined as enemy troops. Are u saying Mexico is invading the US with enemy troops
The tennis shoes and cell phones are a dead giveaway !
There is no invasion. The fact is the whole incident was handled with no violence.
"was" handled ? You think the illegal immigration invasion is over ?

Thousands of people coming across our border with no authorization, and you call this not an invasion ?

Invasion - b) an intrusion or infringement (Webster's New World college Dictionary, 5th ed)

Here is another definition.

an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.

That is the military's job. Stopping unarmed women and children is not.
'Does the United States military exist only to defend the borders of foreign countries in the Middle East or is it allowed to defend the borders of the U.S. against terrorist cartels, espionage, infiltrations, and smuggling?'

Sound like a stupid question? Here's one that's going to sound even MORE stupid:

Do US military troops have the right to DEFED THEMSELVES in their own country, on their own die of the border, when approached by foreign troops who order them to surrender their weapons?

According to a NorthCom spokesman, the military troops are there NOT in a Law Enforcement capacity.
-- Well, NO SHIT! The US military is used for the defense of the United States...and since there is an illegal invasion going on right now, why can't they be accepted as being there to protect this nation during this 'invasion'?

Military's mission doesn't include enforcement, so smugglers cross Rio Grande right in front of them
With that logic we should be having the military stop the migration of the Monarch butterfly in it's migration from Mexico to the US and don't let them Brazilian killer bee gangs in either...
we have no immigration clause; it is just lousy management losing money instead of making money, like they should.
You are too obsessed with the Constitution. In the US, in addition to the Constitution, we have what are called LAWS.
He is obsessed with the part of the Constitution he can twist / use out of context and in no way how the Founding Fathers meant in order to attempt to justify the Democrats facilitating illegal immigration and actively breaking laws to ensure it continues to go on....

You are the one who wants to twist the Constitution. You refuse to recognize Congress' power of the purse yet you claim the 2nd Amendment overrides laws.

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