US Surgeon-General fired (for being born outside the US)


Feb 1, 2017
It's not a really big deal in the context of how twisted the current American government is, and in fact the Surgeon Gen. has little official power. The main point is that his firing is yet another example of the Trump/Bannon 'purge'. Dr. Murthy was on thin ice because he was a) born in the UK and b) brown. It would be odd to attack H-1B visas for 'foreign experts' and have one such heading up a central agency, right?

And of course, in-line with surrounding himself with lowly minions, Trump & Co. appoint a mere nurse as the Surgeon-General, and you can just bet that she will do whatever she is told to do all...the...time. Bark lassie.
Did/do you worry that "Trump is in Putin's pocket"?

That is exactly why that rule exists... To ensure that only those dedicated to the ideals of America, and holding American values/beliefs, can hold the position. It's a stop gate on handing governmental power to a possible foreign nation.
Hates, BROWN, you say??? Does he hate women also in your mind?

Biography of the Surgeon General |

Biography of the Surgeon General
Rear Admiral (RADM) Sylvia Trent-Adams, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N.
Rear Admiral (RADM) Sylvia Trent-Adams serves as Acting Surgeon General.

During her time as Deputy Surgeon General, Rear Admiral (RADM) Sylvia Trent-Adams advised regarding operations of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps and communicated the best available scientific information to advance the health of the nation. She served as the Chief Nurse Officer of the USPHS from November 2013 through May 2016. In this role, she advised the Office of the Surgeon General and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on the recruitment, assignment, deployment, retention, and career development of Corps nurse professionals.

RADM Trent-Adams has held various positions in HHS, working to improve access to care for poor and underserved communities. As a clinician and administrator, she has had a direct impact on building systems of care to improve public health for marginalized populations domestically and internationally.

Prior to joining the Office of the Surgeon General, RADM Sylvia Trent-Adams was the Deputy Associate Administrator for the HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). She assisted in managing the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 (Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program). The $2.3 billion program funds medical care, treatment, referrals and support services for uninsured and underserved people living with HIV disease as well as training for health care professionals.

RADM Trent-Adams began her career in the Commissioned Corps of the USPHS in 1992. She has published numerous articles, participated in research studies, and presented to a variety of domestic and international organizations and professional groups. Prior to joining the USPHS, RADM Trent-Adams was a nurse officer in the U.S. Army. She also served as a research nurse at the University of Maryland. RADM Trent-Adams also completed two internships in the U.S. Senate where she focused on the prospective payment system for skilled nursing facilities and scope of practice for nurses and psychologists. She has served as guest lecturer at the University of Maryland and Hampton University. Her clinical practice was in trauma, oncology, community health, and infectious disease. She has also served as the Chair of the Federal Public Health Nurse Leadership Council, and the Federal Nursing Service Council.

RADM Trent-Adams received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Hampton University, a Master of Science in Nursing and Health Policy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She became a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing in 2014.
Did/do you worry that "Trump is in Putin's pocket"?

That is exactly why that rule exists... To ensure that only those dedicated to the ideals of America, and holding American values/beliefs, can hold the position. It's a stop gate on handing governmental power to a possible foreign nation.

It doesnt matter what the details are.

IF Trump did it the Left cannot tolerate it as they see it as heinous, calloused, demeaning, racist, etc, etc.

For the Left it is always partisan verdict first, evidence and reason last.
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Did/do you worry that "Trump is in Putin's pocket"?

That is exactly why that rule exists... To ensure that only those dedicated to the ideals of America, and holding American values/beliefs, can hold the position. It's a stop gate on handing governmental power to a possible foreign nation.

It doesnt matter what the details are.

IF Trump did it the Left cannot tolerate it as they see it as heinous, calloused, demaning, racist, etc, etc.

For the Left it is always partisan verdict first, evidence and reason last.

Send a prayer to God that the sane ones GTFO out the lefty psycho party and start something better...
It's not a really big deal in the context of how twisted the current American government is, and in fact the Surgeon Gen. has little official power. The main point is that his firing is yet another example of the Trump/Bannon 'purge'. Dr. Murthy was on thin ice because he was a) born in the UK and b) brown. It would be odd to attack H-1B visas for 'foreign experts' and have one such heading up a central agency, right?

And of course, in-line with surrounding himself with lowly minions, Trump & Co. appoint a mere nurse as the Surgeon-General, and you can just bet that she will do whatever she is told to do all...the...time. Bark lassie.
---------------------------------------- I agree with the good poster posted info in post #2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As extra off topic comment , foreign influence is why immigration should be stopped as first generation immigrants never lose their 'foreign ideas' . Thats especially true for muslims where even second and third generation muslims hate the West and the USA Xanzia .
Trump is not a friend of color, yes, but if he is going to work on increasing professional jobs for Americans, the H-1B people gotta go home.
It's not a really big deal in the context of how twisted the current American government is, and in fact the Surgeon Gen. has little official power. The main point is that his firing is yet another example of the Trump/Bannon 'purge'. Dr. Murthy was on thin ice because he was a) born in the UK and b) brown. It would be odd to attack H-1B visas for 'foreign experts' and have one such heading up a central agency, right?

And of course, in-line with surrounding himself with lowly minions, Trump & Co. appoint a mere nurse as the Surgeon-General, and you can just bet that she will do whatever she is told to do all...the...time. Bark lassie.
---------------------------------------- I agree with the good poster posted info in post #2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As extra off topic comment , foreign influence is why immigration should be stopped as first generation immigrants never lose their 'foreign ideas' . Thats especially true for muslims where even second and third generation muslims hate the West and the USA Xanzia .
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also , i include DUAL CITIZENS in the USA as a group that is only problems for the USA Xanzia !!
Send a prayer to God that the sane ones GTFO out the lefty psycho party and start something better...

I do almost every day, but I am afraid that God does not hear my prayers much any more.

Not that He is incapable, but I am not as close to Him as I once was.

Too many sins cloud my prayers.
Send a prayer to God that the sane ones GTFO out the lefty psycho party and start something better...

I do almost every day, but I am afraid that God does not hear my prayers much any more.

Not that He is incapable, but I am not as close to Him as I once was.

Too many sins cloud my prayers.
Then repent and be forgiven just don't do those sins again.
JimBowie1958 Even if God was on speaking terms with me, he won't be shortly as I've officially decided that sometimes 'evil' is the best course of action and I plan to ass fuck the living shit out of one of his "precious" sheep.

My "Christian" husband who was "saving my soul by keeping me straight and monogamous" for 17 year has been sleeping with /my/ ex girlfriend and my demon lawyers are going to deliver him unto a justice like he has never imagined. He might have to turn Islamic to find peace when I'm done with his third husband cuckholding ass. (Yeah, she has two husbands already... the dumb fucker.) Karma is a bitch and her name is <EverCurious> ~chuckles~
JimBowie1958 Even if God was on speaking terms with me, he won't be shortly as I've officially decided that sometimes 'evil' is the best course of action and I plan to ass fuck the living shit out of one of his "precious" sheep.

My "Christian" husband who was "saving my soul by keeping me straight and monogamous" for 17 year has been sleeping with /my/ ex girlfriend and my demon lawyers are going to deliver him unto a justice like he has never imagined. He might have to turn Islamic to find peace when I'm done with his third husband cuckholding ass. (Yeah, she has two husbands already... the dumb fucker.) Karma is a bitch and her name is <EverCurious> ~chuckles~
Nah, he has you already figured out. You married him knowing what he was, so he is a step ahead. However, I do feel for you that he cheated on you. Has to sting.

To the OP: the SG has to go, if Trump is serious about providing good, professional jobs to Americans not H-1B people. Good on him for that.
Well I don't care about the sex, I care about the lying, deception a bit more, but most of all, its the stupidity... I apparently married a fucking moron and somehow failed to notice his deficiencies for 17 years. That part stings.
Trump is not a friend of color, yes, but if he is going to work on increasing professional jobs for Americans, the H-1B people gotta go home.

A high quality "H-1B" for sure! I hope we will continue to get more of these great "H-1Bs".

(To bigots: he is a US ctizen not H1-B)



For now, Murthy is keeping things diplomatic and not commenting on the reasons why he was asked to leave. He posted a statement on Facebook thanking “America for the privilege of a lifetime.” He also outlines four lessons he learned while on the job:

1. Kindness is more than a virtue. It is a source of strength. If we teach our children to be kind and remind each other of the same, we can live from a place of strength, not fear. I have seen this strength manifest every day in the words and actions of people all across our great nation. It is what gives me hope that we can heal during challenging times.

2. We will only be successful in addressing addiction – and other illnesses – when we recognize the humanity within each of us. People are more than their disease. All of us are more than our worst mistakes. We must ensure our nation always reflects a fundamental value: every life matters.

3. Healing happens when we are able to truly talk to and connect with each other. That means listening and understanding. It means assuming good, not the worst. It means pausing before we judge. Building a more connected America will require us to find new ways to talk to each other.

4. The world is locked in a struggle between love and fear. Choose love. Always. It is the world's oldest medicine. It is what we need to build a nation that is safe and strong for us and our children.


Trump Fires Surgeon General Who Called Gun Violence a Public Health Issue
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Well I don't care about the sex, I care about the lying, deception a bit more, but most of all, its the stupidity... I apparently married a fucking moron and somehow failed to notice his deficiencies for 17 years. That part stings.
Get as much as you can, have a good cry and half a bottle of good whiskey, look in the mirror the next morning and say "ok, that part is over," and get on with it. Yeah, I do give my best wishes to you.
It's not a really big deal in the context of how twisted the current American government is, and in fact the Surgeon Gen. has little official power. The main point is that his firing is yet another example of the Trump/Bannon 'purge'. Dr. Murthy was on thin ice because he was a) born in the UK and b) brown. It would be odd to attack H-1B visas for 'foreign experts' and have one such heading up a central agency, right?

And of course, in-line with surrounding himself with lowly minions, Trump & Co. appoint a mere nurse as the Surgeon-General, and you can just bet that she will do whatever she is told to do all...the...time. Bark lassie.

So do you always spout bullshit with nothing to back it up?
It's not a really big deal in the context of how twisted the current American government is, and in fact the Surgeon Gen. has little official power. The main point is that his firing is yet another example of the Trump/Bannon 'purge'. Dr. Murthy was on thin ice because he was a) born in the UK and b) brown. It would be odd to attack H-1B visas for 'foreign experts' and have one such heading up a central agency, right?

And of course, in-line with surrounding himself with lowly minions, Trump & Co. appoint a mere nurse as the Surgeon-General, and you can just bet that she will do whatever she is told to do all...the...time. Bark lassie.

So do you always spout bullshit with nothing to back it up?
So you agree with Xanzia. Smart dog.
It's not a really big deal in the context of how twisted the current American government is, and in fact the Surgeon Gen. has little official power. The main point is that his firing is yet another example of the Trump/Bannon 'purge'. Dr. Murthy was on thin ice because he was a) born in the UK and b) brown. It would be odd to attack H-1B visas for 'foreign experts' and have one such heading up a central agency, right?

And of course, in-line with surrounding himself with lowly minions, Trump & Co. appoint a mere nurse as the Surgeon-General, and you can just bet that she will do whatever she is told to do all...the...time. Bark lassie.

So do you always spout bullshit with nothing to back it up?
So you agree with Xanzia. Smart dog.

Only FakeMalarkey would consider that as agreement.

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