US/Taliban Sign historic peace deal

I guess. We've just pretty much turned the country over to the Taliban after spending trillions of dollars there.

Graveyard of Empires, indeed.

Of course, the Trump cult will turn an abject surrender into a "victory".
America joins the loser category, along with the Greeks, British, and Russians, for failing to conquer the Afghan people and exiting the country with tail tucked between its legs. .. :cool:'s like Vietnam was= have 3 major powers that could not win = unwinnable
..we are not going in there to try to change the culture/politics/etc = you can't
..we are/were trying to get some kind of ''stability'''/ground work/etc
US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone

The United States signed a historic peace treaty with Taliban militants on Saturday, aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan that began after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

What say you all?

I say well done Mr Trump if this gets our troops out of the country and we quit losing our service member for no reason whatsoever.

Though I am disappointed to read that they plan to leave troops there, but we as a country just cannot stand to not have troops in half the countries in the world.
Anything that moves down the road of getting troops out of Afghanistan is good. Taliban and US troops got together to cut the number of ISIS troops in half.
As someone once said about Vietnam, and is doubly true concerning Afghanistan.

"You can't bomb people into the stone age, when they are already living in the stone age". .. :cool:
One hopes this treaty will mark the real end to that war and all it's casualties on all sides. I'd just as soon see ALL of our guys outta there, but this is still a good thing to give peace chance.
Tough dilemma.

Can we trust the Taliban? Likely not.

Do we need to get the hell out of there? Without a doubt.

We can hope that they meet their commitment over the next 18 months and we're out.

After that, all bets are off. That region is so fucked up that I doubt we won't have problems there again, unfortunately, but we do need to get out of there, so I'll take it.
America joins the loser category, along with the Greeks, British, and Russians, for failing to conquer the Afghan people and exiting the country with tail tucked between its legs. .. :cool:

Interesting take, but you can't beat an enemy if you never actually fight a war and western nations now constrain themselves from actually fighting real war. ITMT, the agreement demands that they can no longer consort with or allow various terror groups to operate in the country. I wouldn't exactly call that a loss. Now we shall see how it works out.

And we get to pull out and bring our boys home and quit wasting money there. Another win for us.

Or maybe you'd like us to just spend another 750 billion there or blow the living shit out of the whole country?
..even the Germans did not totally win in France, Balkans, Italy, Norway, etc when they '''took over'''...there was still resistance
..history has shown it's very very difficult to '''totally''' win a non-Total War....
Germany didn't surrender until the Russians were in Berlin--and they were getting the shit kicked out of them.....same with Japan
...since then there has not been too many total wars except for the Iran-iraq war--and that was a toss up WW1, Germany was ''defeated'', but still came back a few years later and started more crap

..Korean War and PG1 the US accomplished it's missions ....however PG1 was not a total war and Korea did not toally defeat the Chinese/etc
Bombing and invading an entire country and spending a trillion dollars and the deaths of thousands of soldiers looking for 1 man was beyond idiotic. ... :cool:
Tough dilemma.

Can we trust the Taliban? Likely not.

Do we need to get the hell out of there? Without a doubt.

We can hope that they meet their commitment over the next 18 months and we're out.

After that, all bets are off. That region is so fucked up that I doubt we won't have problems there again, unfortunately, but we do need to get out of there, so I'll take it.

That has always been the problem, no matter how long we stay, once we are going things will revert to the norm. We have been throwing away lives of our troops for no reason at all.
America joins the loser category, along with the Greeks, British, and Russians, for failing to conquer the Afghan people and exiting the country with tail tucked between its legs. .. :cool:
That's a negative way of looking at things, sunni. Maybe we win by agreeing to peace. The Taliban are focused on their own country, not actions outside their borders, is what I've read. They don't want us there and who can actually blame them? We had to go there to try and stop AlQ. I agree we stayed a long time, but there is a lot that average civilians like you and I don't know, too. It might not be as simple as "war means money."
Anyway, I hope this works out.
US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone

The United States signed a historic peace treaty with Taliban militants on Saturday, aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan that began after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

What say you all?

I say well done Mr Trump if this gets our troops out of the country and we quit losing our service member for no reason whatsoever.

Though I am disappointed to read that they plan to leave troops there, but we as a country just cannot stand to not have troops in half the countries in the world.
I hope it sticks, but I have my doubts.
Tough dilemma.

Can we trust the Taliban? Likely not.

Do we need to get the hell out of there? Without a doubt.

We can hope that they meet their commitment over the next 18 months and we're out.

After that, all bets are off. That region is so fucked up that I doubt we won't have problems there again, unfortunately, but we do need to get out of there, so I'll take it.

That has always been the problem, no matter how long we stay, once we are going things will revert to the norm. We have been throwing away lives of our troops for no reason at all.

Yeah, it's neverending wack-a-mole.

Long past time to get out of there and cease the casualties we are still taking.

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