US to give 'logistical, intelligence' support in Yemen operation


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Nov 25, 2014
WASHINGTON - The United States is coordinating closely with Saudi Arabia and regional allies in the military action against Houthi rebels in Yemen, including providing intelligence and logistical support, the White House said Wednesday.

"President Obama has authorised the provision of logistical and intelligence support to GCC-led military operations," National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said in a statement, referring to the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Saudi Arabia carried out air strikes against the Huthi rebels on Wednesday, launching an operation by a regional coalition to save the government of embattled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi as the country teeters on the brink of civil war.

Condemning the Houthi rebels, a Shiite militia that launched a power takeover in the Yemeni capital Sanaa in February, Meehan said Washington had also been in close contact with the embattled Hadi.

US forces were not taking direct military action in Yemen, she stressed, but were "establishing a Joint Planning Cell with Saudi Arabia to coordinate US military and intelligence support."

"We strongly urge the Huthis to halt immediately their destabilizing military actions and return to negotiations as part of the political dialogue," added Meehan.

"The international community has spoken clearly through the UN Security Council and in other fora that the violent takeover of Yemen by an armed faction is unacceptable and that a legitimate political transition -- long sought by the Yemeni people -- can be accomplished only through political negotiations and a consensus agreement among all of the parties."
US to give logistical intelligence support in Yemen operation AsiaOne World News

In my opinion what is happening in Yemen could be for 2 reasons. number one, is that a nuclear deal is close to being reached between P5+1 and Iran. So Israel and Saudi Arabia are determined to scupper any imminent deal and will start a conflict with Iran using Yemen as the proxy blue touch paper. Or the talks have been unproductive, Israel and Saudi Arabia are doing the work of the CIA ,and manufacturer the right criteria for a full US military intervention in the region.

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