US to Rearm Israel

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Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
I put this in Politics because I think this is a political signal.
US officials quickly approved an Israeli request for more ammunition perhaps to quell the discord in US/Israeli relations and perhaps to remind Israel's enemies that we stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel. :D
They entire reforming of the Israel nation was totally unholy. They went in as they did originally and the learned absolutely nothing on their long exodus and throughout all their trials and tribulations. They were punished by God for their "chosen people sent to make all others their footstool ie. pharoah or nazi creed to a T". When will we all learn none, not even the chosen, are above God's non hypocritical laws and judgements?
God has yet to judge on this matter. But his final judgement on all our so called holy land is coming soon. It won't be as pretty as you think for all involved. I had the holy land first cry babies etc... cant go home if you forgot the right way to enter holy land and whom can claim it or remain on it.
pull back from foreign entanglements. ie disconnect with supporting the parasitic state of Israel. They don't want gentiles for anything but footstools remember?
Muscle up at home and stop supplying those that don't support us. Arab and Jewish nations alike. man up to friend and foe. stop letting the few have it all. I agree. stop following the same dead end pyramid scheme we all were supposed to exodus long ago.
I thought by propping them up that only hurts them? Or does that only apply to the poor in the US?
I put this in Politics because I think this is a political signal.
US officials quickly approved an Israeli request for more ammunition perhaps to quell the discord in US/Israeli relations and perhaps to remind Israel's enemies that we stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.
And then brain dead American citizens can't figure out why people in the Middle East call the U.S. the "Great Satan". ... :cool:
pull back from foreign entanglements. ie disconnect with supporting the parasitic state of Israel. They don't want gentiles for anything but footstools remember?
Muscle up at home and stop supplying those that don't support us. Arab and Jewish nations alike. man up to friend and foe. stop letting the few have it all. I agree. stop following the same dead end pyramid scheme we all were supposed to exodus long ago.

Exodus 22:20
And a stranger shalt thou not wrong, neither shalt thou oppress him; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

Deuteronomy 2:9
And the LORD said unto me: 'Be not at enmity with Moab, neither contend with them in battle; for I will not give thee of his land for a possession; because I have given Ar unto the children of Lot for a possession.--

Deuteronomy 23:8-9
8 Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite, for he is thy brother; thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian, because thou was a stranger in his land.
9 The children of the third generation that are born unto them may enter into the assembly of the LORD.

Muslims will be Muslims.
I put this in Politics because I think this is a political signal.
US officials quickly approved an Israeli request for more ammunition perhaps to quell the discord in US/Israeli relations and perhaps to remind Israel's enemies that we stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.
And then brain dead American citizens can't figure out why people in the Middle East call the U.S. the "Great Satan". ... :cool:

Actually, I can't figure out why Muslims call each other, the "Great Satan".
I put this in Politics because I think this is a political signal.
US officials quickly approved an Israeli request for more ammunition perhaps to quell the discord in US/Israeli relations and perhaps to remind Israel's enemies that we stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.
And then brain dead American citizens can't figure out why people in the Middle East call the U.S. the "Great Satan". ... :cool:

Actually, I can't figure out why Muslims call each other, the "Great Satan".
Yea, right...... :cuckoo:
I do hope this stops all the talk about how Oblama is a Muslim sympathizer and hater of Israel...

Obama is doing this without Congressional approval! He's doing an end run with his pen and his phone! IMPEACH!:evil:
pull back from foreign entanglements. ie disconnect with supporting the parasitic state of Israel. They don't want gentiles for anything but footstools remember?
Muscle up at home and stop supplying those that don't support us. Arab and Jewish nations alike. man up to friend and foe. stop letting the few have it all. I agree. stop following the same dead end pyramid scheme we all were supposed to exodus long ago.

My bottom line is you fuck with us you disappear. Be strong, help everyone. But if you choose deceit, if you choose return to dust.
I put this in Politics because I think this is a political signal.
US officials quickly approved an Israeli request for more ammunition perhaps to quell the discord in US/Israeli relations and perhaps to remind Israel's enemies that we stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.
And then brain dead American citizens can't figure out why people in the Middle East call the U.S. the "Great Satan". ... :cool:

More rather, you support those who use children as human shields. When those terrorists look at an innocent civilian, they don't see a civilian, they see a soldier in their almighty 'jihad' against Israel.
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