US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

Why didn't the muslims just burn the bible, instead of killing people?

Then it would just be like any other day.

They needed to thrown a tantrum to show the whole world they were really pissed off.
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It is sad the way liberals like ravi injoy the break down of civility.
According to Ravi's logic, Dr. Tiller was responsible for his own murder because his incitement of Roeder was no different than burning a cross on a black person's lawn or yelling fire in a crowded theater.

Well, at least if her logic were to be applied honestly and consistently that is...

...and THAT horse is a DNF.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.
Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

WTF is your problem, Charlie? If people take every opportunity to exploit the actions of the stupid shits that instigate and/or perpetrait these tragedies for some political blog point, then they'd be as dumb as some of the posts I've seen on this thread.
If Jones wants to exercise his right to free speech, then he should openly accept Piss Jesus and other anti-Christian outrages

Clearly you have no clue what freedom of speech means.

The whole point of having freedom of speech is in having the right to offend, not freedom from offense. Free speech protects Koran burning and piss Jesus equally. (though not the right to public funding of either) There would be no point to having free speech laws were there no "offensive speech".

I'm afraid you do not understand the concept of free speech....

All the first amendment means is that you cannot be prosecuted for what you does not mean that your speech has no consequences. The Rev Jones understood the consequences of what he was about to do and did it anyway. His hateful actions led to the deaths of innocent people
Even though he cannot be prosecuted, he bears a responsibility

What happened to the liberals that thought that free speech trumped idiotic theories like this?
there is nothing more important than our Words, and words have consequences according to the, on a personal sense, I think what this so called Christian Minister did and said went against EVERYTHING that Christ has taught....

Other Christian ministers begged him not to do what he planned, burning another religion's sacred book en mass.

Because it goes against every single teaching of Christ and makes other Christians look bad, just like Fred Phelps.

So, for this reason, for religious reasons, I think this Minister should NOT have had a jolly ole bonfire in the name of Christ, as he did. It was not him as an individual doing such, but him as a Minister and follower of Christ that did this.....and that's unacceptable to me.

And I am not trying to have the gvt squash his freedom of speech, but none the less I was and am against what he did....and will forever be against what he did.

It goes against every teaching of Christ?

When did Jesus ever say that we should accept other religions that want us to deny him?
Last time I checked, it was not a crime to be irresponsible.

You said he was responsible, not irresponsible.

But as long as you agree that not only were his actions legal, but any new laws targeting what he did would be unconstitutional infringements of free speech, then we have nothing to argue about. But again, plenty people on this thread don't agree with that (see Ravi).

I said I wondered if he'd be arrested...because the Phelps haters thought Phelps should be arrested or at least beaten to a pulp by vigilantes.

A bit of an amusing double standard.

Though it is an interesting question...what he did was basically yell fire in a crowded theater, and if that is a crime, why isn't this?

Is yelling fire in a crowded theater a crime? Or do people just like to toss that line out because they think it makes them look intelligent?
Who ever came up with THAT analogy is a genius, because it is almost exactly the same thing...and burning the Koran to make a statement is anything but peaceful.

A peaceful book burning would be burning Curious George books that were moldy.

His burning was peaceful.

If you dispute this you are braindead, or a dishonest fuckstain.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
Oh, my bad. I forgot that you think burning a cross on someone's lawn is protected political speech. IMO, it is no different than burning the koran. If either should be illegal is of course open for debate.

And your other analogy is just a poorly constructed. I guess you're a bitter drunk, how sad.


Burning a cross on someone's front lawn without their permission is illegal. Period.

Burning a Qur-an on your own property, with a fire permit, is legal. Period. In fact, burning a cross on your own property, with the proper permits is legal.
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there is nothing more important than our Words, and words have consequences according to the, on a personal sense, I think what this so called Christian Minister did and said went against EVERYTHING that Christ has taught....

Other Christian ministers begged him not to do what he planned, burning another religion's sacred book en mass.

Because it goes against every single teaching of Christ and makes other Christians look bad, just like Fred Phelps.

So, for this reason, for religious reasons, I think this Minister should NOT have had a jolly ole bonfire in the name of Christ, as he did. It was not him as an individual doing such, but him as a Minister and follower of Christ that did this.....and that's unacceptable to me.

And I am not trying to have the gvt squash his freedom of speech, but none the less I was and am against what he did....and will forever be against what he did.

It goes against every teaching of Christ?

When did Jesus ever say that we should accept other religions that want us to deny him?

He told his apostles when they came across those who differed with them or were not willing to accept their gospel, to dust their feet and move onward.

He told his followers to turn the other cheek.

He told his followers to not only walk a forced mile with their adversaries, but to walk an additional mile with them, by their own free will....

He admonished the Levite and Priest for passing by the Samaritan man, who was left for dead by them.... (Samaritans were considered lowlifes who did not follow the Word of God, by Jews)

He told everyone to love God with your heart, mind, body and soul, and to love thy neighbor, as thyself...and went on to explain WHO neighbors were....

He told us to Love thy enemy.....

you get more with honey than with vinegar
So now the stepson is dealing with this shit. His chances of making it back just went down by some percent.

I don't even discuss news events with Mrs. H.
Fuck those idiots. The world's fucked up enough without that clown way down in Floridatown.
So now the stepson is dealing with this shit. His chances of making it back just went down by some percent.

I don't even discuss news events with Mrs. H.
Fuck those idiots. The world's fucked up enough without that clown way down in Floridatown.

i'm sorry to hear that mr. h

I hope your step son is safe and sound and makes it home, 100%.

i know it may sound superficial, but now that Bootneck and Crimsonwhite are home safe, i will extend my prayers to cover your step son....
He told his apostles when they came across those who differed with them or were not willing to accept their gospel, to dust their feet and move onward.

The shaking off of dust off of the feet was used by pious Jews as a sign that they were rejecting the Gentile ways that they had to put up with in certain cities. Jesus instructing his disciples to do the same when leaving Jewish cities would have been an insult to those same Jews.

He told his followers to turn the other cheek.

He told his followers to not only walk a forced mile with their adversaries, but to walk an additional mile with them, by their own free will....

Beleieve it or not, this is about the responsibility of a Jew under the law. It is also a wonderful guideline for us as Christians. It does not, however, require us to stand idly by and watch people kill our families and friends.

He admonished the Levite and Priest for passing by the Samaritan man, who was left for dead by them.... (Samaritans were considered lowlifes who did not follow the Word of God, by Jews)

Actually, the parable of the good Samaritan is a story, it did not really happen. He didn't admonish anyone for anything.

He told everyone to love God with your heart, mind, body and soul, and to love thy neighbor, as thyself...and went on to explain WHO neighbors were....

He told us to Love thy enemy.....

Still no requirement to stand around idly and let people kill everyone in sight.

you get more with honey than with vinegar

That depends on what you are trying to attract. Flies actually prefer vinegar to honey.
Mr. H,

the die was case 1400 years ago.. the problem has been that apologists, appeasers, and moderates have avoid that elephant in the middle of the room, until, there are enough wnd to destroy humanity.. these crazies go ape shit over cartoons, jews, christians, and apostates... we are almost at critical mass. if the brother did not burn that qur'an, they would have gone nuts about something else...

be proud of your stepson... i pray he will make it out of harms way safely...
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Oh, my bad. I forgot that you think burning a cross on someone's lawn is protected political speech.

^ Another bald faced Ravi lie. I've never said nor implied any such thing and she knows it.

How pathetic. *shakes head*
His burning was peaceful.

If you dispute this you are braindead, or a dishonest fuckstain.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
Oh, my bad. I forgot that you think burning a cross on someone's lawn is protected political speech. IMO, it is no different than burning the koran. If either should be illegal is of course open for debate.

And your other analogy is just a poorly constructed. I guess you're a bitter drunk, how sad.


Burning a cross on someone's front lawn without their permission is illegal. Period.

Burning a Qur-an on your own property, with a fire permit, is legal. Period. In fact, burning a cross on your own property, with the proper permits is legal.

Don't confuse her with facts, that'll just make her more angry and incite her to have another meltdown trying to defend her illogical and untenable position. And then she'll want to hold you responsible for her actions.
I heard some dude from Afghanistan blaming Jones. Jones is an idiot, but he proved his point that Islam is an intolerant religion. he is right....but he's still an arsehole..
Christians have allowed people to mock Jesus and desecrate the Bible while calling it art.

Now Christianity has become a weak religion and it's adherents spineless jokes.

Muslims refuse to allow Islam to be reviled in such a way.

And go down the same pathetic path that Christianity has gone.
Christians have allowed people to mock Jesus and desecrate the Bible while calling it art.

Now Christianity has become a weak religion and it's adherents spineless jokes.

Muslims refuse to allow Islam to be reviled in such a way.

And go down the same pathetic path that Christianity has gone.

Don't worry, Islam and it's adherents will eventually be put in their rightful place too.

If you're counting on everyone to roll over and embrace Islamofascism like Ravi advocates, you are sorely mistaken.
He did it at his house? My bad, I thought he did it at the church where he receives a tax exemption so is basically underwritten by the state.

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