US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

Christians have allowed people to mock Jesus and desecrate the Bible while calling it art.

Now Christianity has become a weak religion and it's adherents spineless jokes.

Muslims refuse to allow Islam to be reviled in such a way.

And go down the same pathetic path that Christianity has gone.
They don't have a right to kill people over it...that you approve of this is even worse than manifoid's approval of Jones.
Does anyone here besides YoungLefty and Ravi believe that Jones committed a crime and deserves to be punished for said crime?

I'm just curious.
The bottom line is this: Every religion has been dipped in the blood of persecution, either giving or recieving, through out history. Catholics Vs Protestants in Ireland. Jews Vs Muslims in the Middle East. Hindus Vs Muslims in the Kashmire region. Budahists Vs athiests in the Tibettan mountains. Christians vs Muslims during the Crusades. Christains Vs. Jews during the Inquisition. They all claim to be peaceful.

Now add Terry Jones to the mix. There was no point to prove about Muslims being violent, we figured that out after 911. Terry Jones was only trying to live his particular interpetation of the bible, by causing as much strife as he possibly could all while supposidly living up to his religion. He must be put in the religious fanatics catagory and shunned like the rest of the religious idiots.

If I was the relative of one of the twelve killed in Afgahnastan, I would show up at his door step to discuss his actions, perhaps violently. He had the freedom to do what he did, and I will exercise my right to show my displeasure with what he did.

Terry Jones is a Jackass of the highest order. He and others of his ilk on all sides of the religious aisles should be put away, never to see the light of day again. For being religious they try to foster as much strife and violence as they can.
Christians have allowed people to mock Jesus and desecrate the Bible while calling it art.

Now Christianity has become a weak religion and it's adherents spineless jokes.

Muslims refuse to allow Islam to be reviled in such a way.

And go down the same pathetic path that Christianity has gone.

Shouldn't Christians lead by example on how to treat your fellow man?
there is nothing more important than our Words, and words have consequences according to the, on a personal sense, I think what this so called Christian Minister did and said went against EVERYTHING that Christ has taught....

Other Christian ministers begged him not to do what he planned, burning another religion's sacred book en mass.

Because it goes against every single teaching of Christ and makes other Christians look bad, just like Fred Phelps.

So, for this reason, for religious reasons, I think this Minister should NOT have had a jolly ole bonfire in the name of Christ, as he did. It was not him as an individual doing such, but him as a Minister and follower of Christ that did this.....and that's unacceptable to me.

And I am not trying to have the gvt squash his freedom of speech, but none the less I was and am against what he did....and will forever be against what he did.

It goes against every teaching of Christ?

When did Jesus ever say that we should accept other religions that want us to deny him?

He told his apostles when they came across those who differed with them or were not willing to accept their gospel, to dust their feet and move onward.

He told his followers to turn the other cheek.

He told his followers to not only walk a forced mile with their adversaries, but to walk an additional mile with them, by their own free will....

He admonished the Levite and Priest for passing by the Samaritan man, who was left for dead by them.... (Samaritans were considered lowlifes who did not follow the Word of God, by Jews)

He told everyone to love God with your heart, mind, body and soul, and to love thy neighbor, as thyself...and went on to explain WHO neighbors were....

He told us to Love thy enemy.....

you get more with honey than with vinegar

That was a parable... a teaching story, not a real life event. He used that story to teach us how we should treat our fellow man. There was no, bandit, victim, Levite, priest, innkeeper or Good Samaritan. It was a story he used sort of like "Little Red Riding Hood". ;)

Edit: Acknowledgments given to QW as he covered this in a post I had not yet read.

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You read my mind, I was just thinking about how the Muslims were right in killing 12 people. Not!

But everyone knows that the Muslims take the Koran very seriously. Everyone predicted that this would be the response. Jones lit a fuse then acts like he didnt know (or knows and doesnt care) that the fuse he lit set off a bomb.

Perhaps he lit the fuse to Show the entire world how intolerant, Violent, and Crazy some Muslims are.

I don't care how fucking serious they take the book. It is just ink on Paper, burning it, in no way justifies a violent response.

The people who did this are animals that make the Pastor look respectable.

In other words, he sacrificed 12 lives to prove a point? That is an awfully expensive point!

I didn't agree with his plans to burn the Koran. I think it was petty and stupid. But now, he doesn't even have the courage to stand up and take responsibility?

Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths - Yahoo! News


Why should he take any blame? Would we blame an artist depicting a small plastic crucifix supporting the body of Jesus Christ submerged in a glass of the artist's urine, OR WOULD WE BLAME THE CHRISTIAN WHO WENT OUT AND KILLED THE ARTIST FOR DOING IT?
You said he was responsible, not irresponsible.

But as long as you agree that not only were his actions legal, but any new laws targeting what he did would be unconstitutional infringements of free speech, then we have nothing to argue about. But again, plenty people on this thread don't agree with that (see Ravi).

I said I wondered if he'd be arrested...because the Phelps haters thought Phelps should be arrested or at least beaten to a pulp by vigilantes.

A bit of an amusing double standard.

Though it is an interesting question...what he did was basically yell fire in a crowded theater, and if that is a crime, why isn't this?

Is yelling fire in a crowded theater a crime? Or do people just like to toss that line out because they think it makes them look intelligent?

If there is a fire it is appropriate to yell fire.
How much smoke do you have to smell before you start looking for flames, how much of your home must be consumed before you do something.

[ame=]YouTube - WHAT ISLAM IS NOT[/ame]
In story after story it ends up being extremists in a religion being at the root of the problem...doesn't matter which religion it is...although you don't really hear that much about extremist Buddhists or Pagans blowing anything up do you?

Hmmm, If I were religion shopping...

Another person that thinks they know everything.

News flash, you don't.

Pakistan Punch | The Urban Myth: "There are no Buddhist Terrorists"…all religions have terrorists

Well, thank you Mr. Know-It-All


I didn't say there were none...only that you don't hear much about them. I reckon the PR for Buddhists just must be better than the others :lol:

Also still doesn't change what I said about extremists in a religion. This idiot Jones is an extremist and the idiots that freaked out at him burning a book and actually killed people are extremists. All of 'em are assholes...
I think there is confusion between Terry Jones taking blame for the killings and taking responsibility for what he said, the two are very different. Terry Jones cannot take the blame because he killed no one, also should not face any charges what so ever. Terry Jones should however be held responsible for what he said, like in civil court. No he didn't kill them, but his speach was such that it instigated the killings.
It's a good thing that braindead idiots that view a peaceful protest as an act of terrorism make up only a tiny fringe minority. Otherwise we'd all be fukt.

True story :thup:
I think there is confusion between Terry Jones taking blame for the killings and taking responsibility for what he said, the two are very different. Terry Jones cannot take the blame because he killed no one, also should not face any charges what so ever. Terry Jones should however be held responsible for what he said, like in civil court. No he didn't kill them, but his speach was such that it instigated the killings.

What you're suggesting is something like blame gun manufactures for what a person does with a gun if they kill someone with it. Or blaming a bar tender for a drunk who drives a car an kills a family while driving. That dog doesn't fly in my book.
I'll say one thing for Terry Jones.....the man has a huge set of balls

He knew what the reaction would be and did it anyway. Now his life is not worth shit. He must live looking over his shoulder to see if someone is out to kill him. All to impress Jesus
Perhaps he lit the fuse to Show the entire world how intolerant, Violent, and Crazy some Muslims are.

I don't care how fucking serious they take the book. It is just ink on Paper, burning it, in no way justifies a violent response.

The people who did this are animals that make the Pastor look respectable.

In other words, he sacrificed 12 lives to prove a point? That is an awfully expensive point!

I didn't agree with his plans to burn the Koran. I think it was petty and stupid. But now, he doesn't even have the courage to stand up and take responsibility?

Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths - Yahoo! News


Why should he take any blame? Would we blame an artist depicting a small plastic crucifix supporting the body of Jesus Christ submerged in a glass of the artist's urine, OR WOULD WE BLAME THE CHRISTIAN WHO WENT OUT AND KILLED THE ARTIST FOR DOING IT?

The other day, I got chewed out by a liberal for joking that I would blame liberals if conservatives started killing liberals because they hate God. I think I have to be very careful in how I answer this question. :lol:

It does not appear that you have read the entire thread. As I have not said that we should blame him for the murders. I HAVE stated that his actions incited the actions of those murderers in Afghanistan. He cannot deny that and what is worse is that he had every reason to believe that his actions would lead to something like this.

If you were standing in a building above a street that had the army on one side and some angry citizens (think Concord) on the other side. You had a rifle and you knew that discharging a shot would unleash havoc and start a war and you deliberately fired a shot into the air and a war began because of that shot, then you damn well better expect me to blame you.

I'll say one thing for Terry Jones.....the man has a huge set of balls

He knew what the reaction would be and did it anyway. Now his life is not worth shit. He must live looking over his shoulder to see if someone is out to kill him. All to impress Jesus

If he had balls he would have went downtown Dearborn Mi, (largest arab population in the US) and then burned the Koran. To me he is a chickenshit. Gonna do some dumb shit like that and then let someone else pay for it. I say be a man and stand up for the shit you say, don't be affraid to take an ass beating for you beliefs. Unless you don't believe them.
As an environmentally conscious individual...I would prefer that instead of burning religious texts, people would download the electronic version and then have a public deleting instead of burning.

Please consider this alternative, Mr. Jones.

I'll say one thing for Terry Jones.....the man has a huge set of balls

He knew what the reaction would be and did it anyway. Now his life is not worth shit. He must live looking over his shoulder to see if someone is out to kill him. All to impress Jesus

The Jesus I read about in the Bible wouldn't be impressed.
I'll say one thing for Terry Jones.....the man has a huge set of balls

He knew what the reaction would be and did it anyway. Now his life is not worth shit. He must live looking over his shoulder to see if someone is out to kill him. All to impress Jesus

If he had balls he would have went downtown Dearborn Mi, (largest arab population in the US) and then burned the Koran. To me he is a chickenshit. Gonna do some dumb shit like that and then let someone else pay for it. I say be a man and stand up for the shit you say, don't be affraid to take an ass beating for you beliefs. Unless you don't believe them.

If you weren't a chickenshit coward, you'd go down to Florida and tell him that to his face.
I think there is confusion between Terry Jones taking blame for the killings and taking responsibility for what he said, the two are very different. Terry Jones cannot take the blame because he killed no one, also should not face any charges what so ever. Terry Jones should however be held responsible for what he said, like in civil court. No he didn't kill them, but his speach was such that it instigated the killings.

What you're suggesting is something like blame gun manufactures for what a person does with a gun if they kill someone with it. Or blaming a bar tender for a drunk who drives a car an kills a family while driving. That dog doesn't fly in my book.

No, what I'm asking is for him to be a man, and one with a backbone. A man when he speaks and acts is taken at his word, until otherwise proven he can't, which makes him no man at all. He knew what reaction he was going to get (99% violent), and hoped for it (I believe). He should have went to a muslim community to have his burning, so as a man, he could stand behind his words and actions, and defend them against all those who oppose them. When you do something in public you invite public response that is given. So I'm just asking him to be a man. But I can see he proved himself not to be a man.
I'll say one thing for Terry Jones.....the man has a huge set of balls

He knew what the reaction would be and did it anyway. Now his life is not worth shit. He must live looking over his shoulder to see if someone is out to kill him. All to impress Jesus

If he had balls he would have went downtown Dearborn Mi, (largest arab population in the US) and then burned the Koran. To me he is a chickenshit. Gonna do some dumb shit like that and then let someone else pay for it. I say be a man and stand up for the shit you say, don't be affraid to take an ass beating for you beliefs. Unless you don't believe them.

If you weren't a chickenshit coward, you'd go down to Florida and tell him that to his face.

I'll tell you what, when his followers kill twelve Michiganders in Florida for me calling him a chickenshit. Then you will have proven me a hypocrite, and I can stand corrected. Until then, I am right.

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