US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

The point was that I was not about to drive 100 miles just to go see him today. I wasn't going anyway but I did make the statement that he might very well be marked.

One reason, I would not go to his church, is that I don't respect him as a preacher.

Now are you or are you not going to show me where I said his freedom of speech should be curbed?


Read your words, you are the one that said you'd go to his church and then changed your mind because he might be "marked". That makes YOU a coward, not him. He's just a stupid idiot, but he'd not a coward. A coward would not have burned the Koran because it would make him a "marked" man.

As for showing you...You said neither you now anyone else, you simply aren't paying attention. What do you call wanting to turn him over to the Taliban? Oh wait a minute, that was you, wasn't it?

Quite simply a lot of people here want to curb his right to free speech, after the fact.

He had the right to burn that stupid book. They didn't have the right to kill 12 innocent people. Do you not see the difference?

If it was a flag he burned and bunch of neoconservatists went on a killing spree, who would you be after, the flag burner or the murderers. Yeah, I thought so.

You are not telling the truth. I have never said anything about turning him over to the taliban. I certainly hope you have mistaken me for someone else and are not deliberately lying.

I have also stated that the murderers should be tried and shot.


Quite possibly I have mistaken you for someone else. There are so many posts here, it's hard to keep them all straight. I apologize. My point is someone did threaten that and that is taking away his right to freedom of speech.
Read your words, you are the one that said you'd go to his church and then changed your mind because he might be "marked". That makes YOU a coward, not him. He's just a stupid idiot, but he'd not a coward. A coward would not have burned the Koran because it would make him a "marked" man.

As for showing you...You said neither you now anyone else, you simply aren't paying attention. What do you call wanting to turn him over to the Taliban? Oh wait a minute, that was you, wasn't it?

Quite simply a lot of people here want to curb his right to free speech, after the fact.

He had the right to burn that stupid book. They didn't have the right to kill 12 innocent people. Do you not see the difference?

If it was a flag he burned and bunch of neoconservatists went on a killing spree, who would you be after, the flag burner or the murderers. Yeah, I thought so.

You are not telling the truth. I have never said anything about turning him over to the taliban. I certainly hope you have mistaken me for someone else and are not deliberately lying.

I have also stated that the murderers should be tried and shot.


Quite possibly I have mistaken you for someone else. There are so many posts here, it's hard to keep them all straight. I apologize. My point is someone did threaten that and that is taking away his right to freedom of speech.

Apology accepted and to be honest with you, I went back to check that I had not said that in jest.

Regarding his freedom of speech: I believe that those of us who believe in the freedom of speech have to be willing to accept that freedom of speech means that there are things that will be said that literally anger us yet we must be willing to allow that.

As for charging him for a crime: No, I don't believe his actions were criminal.

As for him being a coward: I think he is a coward for burning the book in the first place. Only cowards do that kind of shit.

As for me being a coward: I probably am, although, the statement about him being a marked man and me not going to Dove Outreach Center because of that was not cowardly in my opinion. I was simply making an off-handed comment that I would not be surprised if someone actually took actions against him.

Oh, my bad. I forgot that you think burning a cross on someone's lawn is protected political speech. IMO, it is no different than burning the koran. If either should be illegal is of course open for debate.

And your other analogy is just a poorly constructed. I guess you're a bitter drunk, how sad.


Burning a cross on someone's front lawn without their permission is illegal. Period.

Burning a Qur-an on your own property, with a fire permit, is legal. Period. In fact, burning a cross on your own property, with the proper permits is legal.

Don't confuse her with facts, that'll just make her more angry and incite her to have another meltdown trying to defend her illogical and untenable position. And then she'll want to hold you responsible for her actions.

Her wanting to hold me responsible will not make me responsible.
Christians have allowed people to mock Jesus and desecrate the Bible while calling it art.

Now Christianity has become a weak religion and it's adherents spineless jokes.

Muslims refuse to allow Islam to be reviled in such a way.

And go down the same pathetic path that Christianity has gone.

Those spineless jokes are kicking the ass of every Muslim that goes up against them. What does that make Muslims, and Islam?
Perhaps he lit the fuse to Show the entire world how intolerant, Violent, and Crazy some Muslims are.

I don't care how fucking serious they take the book. It is just ink on Paper, burning it, in no way justifies a violent response.

The people who did this are animals that make the Pastor look respectable.

In other words, he sacrificed 12 lives to prove a point? That is an awfully expensive point!

I didn't agree with his plans to burn the Koran. I think it was petty and stupid. But now, he doesn't even have the courage to stand up and take responsibility?

Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths - Yahoo! News


Why should he take any blame? Would we blame an artist depicting a small plastic crucifix supporting the body of Jesus Christ submerged in a glass of the artist's urine, OR WOULD WE BLAME THE CHRISTIAN WHO WENT OUT AND KILLED THE ARTIST FOR DOING IT?

I would blame the guy who killed someone.

They don't have a right to kill people over it...that you approve of this is even worse than manifoid's approval of Jones.
They don't have a right to kill people over it under our law. But they didn't do that in our country. They did it in their country, where our presence is accommodated by force and our laws are morally irrelevant. Burning the Koran anywhere in the world, which directly offends their spiritual essence, is simply a matter of adding insult to an already tormenting injury.

Try reversing the situation in your mind. Can you accept the premise that killing invaders is not murder? The incitement to kill invaders was the underlying motive for what happened -- and that incitement will prevail for as long as we remain in Afghanistan as an occupying force. The Koran burning was more of an incidental provocation than a primary motive.

We need to get out of Afghanistan.
I understand that 27 people were arrested in connection with the murders. I doubt that anyone could make a rational argument that the UN employees are invaders...and if they can and if these murders are excused in their courts it makes what Jones did even worse.
In story after story it ends up being extremists in a religion being at the root of the problem...doesn't matter which religion it is...although you don't really hear that much about extremist Buddhists or Pagans blowing anything up do you?

Hmmm, If I were religion shopping...

Another person that thinks they know everything.

News flash, you don't.

Pakistan Punch | The Urban Myth: "There are no Buddhist Terrorists"…all religions have terrorists

Well, thank you Mr. Know-It-All


I didn't say there were none...only that you don't hear much about them. I reckon the PR for Buddhists just must be better than the others :lol:

Also still doesn't change what I said about extremists in a religion. This idiot Jones is an extremist and the idiots that freaked out at him burning a book and actually killed people are extremists. All of 'em are assholes...

I hear about it all the time. I guess I just have better news sources than you.
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I'll say one thing for Terry Jones.....the man has a huge set of balls

He knew what the reaction would be and did it anyway. Now his life is not worth shit. He must live looking over his shoulder to see if someone is out to kill him. All to impress Jesus

If he had balls he would have went downtown Dearborn Mi, (largest arab population in the US) and then burned the Koran. To me he is a chickenshit. Gonna do some dumb shit like that and then let someone else pay for it. I say be a man and stand up for the shit you say, don't be affraid to take an ass beating for you beliefs. Unless you don't believe them.

He is going to Dearborn, and plans to put Muhammad on trial for crimes against humanity. Maybe his balls are bigger than you think.
I'll say one thing for Terry Jones.....the man has a huge set of balls

He knew what the reaction would be and did it anyway. Now his life is not worth shit. He must live looking over his shoulder to see if someone is out to kill him. All to impress Jesus

If he had balls he would have went downtown Dearborn Mi, (largest arab population in the US) and then burned the Koran. To me he is a chickenshit. Gonna do some dumb shit like that and then let someone else pay for it. I say be a man and stand up for the shit you say, don't be affraid to take an ass beating for you beliefs. Unless you don't believe them.

He is going to Dearborn, and plans to put Muhammad on trial for crimes against humanity. Maybe his balls are bigger than you think.
:lol: He's putting a fairy tale on trial...that takes some guts. :rofl:
I'll say one thing for Terry Jones.....the man has a huge set of balls

He knew what the reaction would be and did it anyway. Now his life is not worth shit. He must live looking over his shoulder to see if someone is out to kill him. All to impress Jesus

If he had balls he would have went downtown Dearborn Mi, (largest arab population in the US) and then burned the Koran. To me he is a chickenshit. Gonna do some dumb shit like that and then let someone else pay for it. I say be a man and stand up for the shit you say, don't be affraid to take an ass beating for you beliefs. Unless you don't believe them.

He is going to Dearborn, and plans to put Muhammad on trial for crimes against humanity. Maybe his balls are bigger than you think.

Has he left yet?

I understand that 27 people were arrested in connection with the murders.
Arrested by whom? Under what central authority?

I doubt that anyone could make a rational argument that the UN employees are invaders...and if they can and if these murders are excused in their courts it makes what Jones did even worse.
Afghanistan is an occupied country, as was France during WW-II. Its existing government is a puppet of the U.S.

You need to read up on the circumstances involving the Vichy Government which existed in France during the Nazi occupation and the things that went on there. There were a lot of killings of various kinds of Nazi collaborators and they were called "murders" by the Nazi-puppet Vichy government. But French loyalists and the Allies called them acts of resistance, which in fact is what they were.

Were you to take a job with some American contractor, or with the U.N., and be stationed in Afghanistan, even though you might be an insignificant clerk performing some obscure bureaucratic function, Afghani loyalists would regard you as an invader. And they would be quite correct.

That should satisfy any questions about the moral aspect of the killings. While the provocation was the Koran burning, the underlying motive was resistance to occupation.
I understand that 27 people were arrested in connection with the murders.
Arrested by whom? Under what central authority?

I doubt that anyone could make a rational argument that the UN employees are invaders...and if they can and if these murders are excused in their courts it makes what Jones did even worse.
Afghanistan is an occupied country, as was France during WW-II. Its existing government is a puppet of the U.S.

You need to read up on the circumstances involving the Vichy Government which existed in France during the Nazi occupation and the things that went on there. There were a lot of killings of various kinds of Nazi collaborators and they were called "murders" by the Nazi-puppet Vichy government. But French loyalists and the Allies called them acts of resistance, which in fact is what they were.

Were you to take a job with some American contractor, or with the U.N., and be stationed in Afghanistan, even though you might be an insignificant clerk performing some obscure bureaucratic function, Afghani loyalists would regard you as an invader. And they would be quite correct.

That should satisfy any questions about the moral aspect of the killings. While the provocation was the Koran burning, the underlying motive was resistance to occupation.

Here's the article I read.

27 Afghans arrested over deadly attack on UN office - Monsters and Critics

The rest of your post is frankly bullshit.
In other words, he sacrificed 12 lives to prove a point? That is an awfully expensive point!

I didn't agree with his plans to burn the Koran. I think it was petty and stupid. But now, he doesn't even have the courage to stand up and take responsibility?

Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths - Yahoo! News


Why should he take any blame? Would we blame an artist depicting a small plastic crucifix supporting the body of Jesus Christ submerged in a glass of the artist's urine, OR WOULD WE BLAME THE CHRISTIAN WHO WENT OUT AND KILLED THE ARTIST FOR DOING IT?

I would blame the guy who killed someone.

Me too
So now Jones is no different than Charles Manson! :lmao:

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. :rofl:
No, bigreb, that is not comparing apples to oranges. Jones performed a physical act and then broadcast it over the internet so that everyone could see it including Muslims. That is no different than firing the shot that was heard around the world.

Jones knew full well that there was a likelihood that his actions would result in some kind of retaliation. As for the gruesomeness of their actions, he only needed to think back to Nick Berg, for crying out loud. Jones is not an idiot. He knew what the consequences of his actions were. He made the conscious decision to say, "I don't give a shit who gets hurt by my actions. I am going to do it anyway." That is why I believe he bears some contributory blame in this instance.

I don't think he should be punished for it and I don't think we should change our laws over it, after all, the freedom of speech allows morons the right to say whatever they damn well want to say. But, I hope it eats into his conscience until the day he dies.


NO Jones's act harmed no one. Me using a gun would. See the difference?

Jones knew full well that there was a likelihood that his actions would result in some kind of retaliation.

Fuck'em with a broom stick, it makes me want to burn a quran now. If those bastards wanted to take action why didn't they go to Fla.? Because theyae to chickenshit that's why.

As far as I know the shot heard around the world was not aimed at anyone. It hurt no one.

Yes, they are cowards... they resort to IEDs and women/children as suicide bombers... your point is?


As far as I know the shot heard around the world was not aimed at anyone. It hurt no one.

It was an act withthe intent of killing someone. Namely Bristis soldiers.

Now trying to place the blame on Jones what people are doing is calling muslim's weak minded people Do you want to kill muslims weak minded people?

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