US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

And you have a problem with me doing that?

You don't think those murderers were weak minded?

Or are you insinuating that those weak minded individuals will read my posts and murder a dozen people because of what I said?


Or are you insinuating that those weak minded individuals will read my posts and murder a dozen people because of what I said?
You don't think those murderers were weak minded?

Careful one of those muslims might read your post and start killing people because of what you said. Then you will not be any better than Jones.


That was where I thought you were going.

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

In fact, I can only think of a couple people who actually claim to be Muslim on site:

Sunni Man and I have to say I have my doubts about him. Troll pretending to be Muslim better describes him in my book.

Kalam may actually be Muslim but he doesn't seem to concerned about my thoughts of those in Afghanistan.

And one other newbie, Ancient something or other. Don't know enough about him.

Anyway, the difference between me and Jones is that if someone did take offense at my postings and murdered someone because of them, I would feel terrible as opposed to shrugging it off and not giving a shit.


And not only that BigReb, but posts from people like you, and Manifold and many others are going to be much more in play than little ole Immie's posts. :lol:

And you have a problem with me doing that?

You don't think those murderers were weak minded?

Or are you insinuating that those weak minded individuals will read my posts and murder a dozen people because of what I said?


Or are you insinuating that those weak minded individuals will read my posts and murder a dozen people because of what I said?
You don't think those murderers were weak minded?

Careful one of those muslims might read your post and start killing people because of what you said. Then you will not be any better than Jones.


That was where I thought you were going.

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

In fact, I can only think of a couple people who actually claim to be Muslim on site:

Sunni Man and I have to say I have my doubts about him. Troll pretending to be Muslim better describes him in my book.

Kalam may actually be Muslim but he doesn't seem to concerned about my thoughts of those in Afghanistan.

And one other newbie, Ancient something or other. Don't know enough about him.

Anyway, the difference between me and Jones is that if someone did take offense at my postings and murdered someone because of them, I would feel terrible as opposed to shrugging it off and not giving a shit.


That was where I thought you were going.

A very smart women

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

Careful what you say I am sure one or two Muslims speak damn good english. How do you think the word got out about Jones in the first place?
Careful one of those muslims might read your post and start killing people because of what you said. Then you will not be any better than Jones.


That was where I thought you were going.

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

In fact, I can only think of a couple people who actually claim to be Muslim on site:

Sunni Man and I have to say I have my doubts about him. Troll pretending to be Muslim better describes him in my book.

Kalam may actually be Muslim but he doesn't seem to concerned about my thoughts of those in Afghanistan.

And one other newbie, Ancient something or other. Don't know enough about him.

Anyway, the difference between me and Jones is that if someone did take offense at my postings and murdered someone because of them, I would feel terrible as opposed to shrugging it off and not giving a shit.


And not only that BigReb, but posts from people like you, and Manifold and many others are going to be much more in play than little ole Immie's posts. :lol:


That's fine with me I can live with my actions, but can you?:lol:

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

Careful what you say I am sure one or two Muslims speak damn good english. How do you think the word got out about Jones in the first place?

Hillary Clinton probably had the story translated and sent to every Muslim news organization in the world. :eusa_angel:
You people are idiots. If a group of "radicals" broke int Fort Knox and stole the gold all of you halfwits would be whining about how "greedy" the radicals were. Me?...I would be a little more concerned how we let any group break into Fort Knox.

HELLO!!!!! This would have never happened if the embassy's were guarded competently. THAT was and is the whole problem.

All this whining about Muslims isn't going to change or help anything. If we don't do the ONLY reasonable thing which is beef up security at our embassy's or close them this kind of thing will be repeated. It's just that simple.

You idiots that are focused on da ebul Muslims and free speech are fucking stupid. This should have never been allowed to happen. We already know/knew Muslims are a pack of halfwits on a hair trigger. This was no SURPRISE!!!! This is remarkably similar to Bushes response and preparation to/for Katrina. I blame Obama for not recognizing the potential for this and not guarding our embassy's WITH AMERICAN SERVICEMEN!!!! These out sourced security details are proving to be worse than useless.
You people are idiots. If a group of "radicals" broke int Fort Knox and stole the gold all of you halfwits would be whining about how "greedy" the radicals were. Me?...I would be a little more concerned how we let any group break into Fort Knox.

HELLO!!!!! This would have never happened if the embassy's were guarded competently. THAT was and is the whole problem.

All this whining about Muslims isn't going to change or help anything. If we don't do the ONLY reasonable thing which is beef up security at our embassy's or close them this kind of thing will be repeated. It's just that simple.

You idiots that are focused on da ebul Muslims and free speech are fucking stupid. This should have never been allowed to happen. We already know/knew Muslims are a pack of halfwits on a hair trigger. This was no SURPRISE!!!! This is remarkably similar to Bushes response and preparation to/for Katrina. I blame Obama for not recognizing the potential for this and not guarding our embassy's WITH AMERICAN SERVICEMEN!!!! These out sourced security details are proving to be worse than useless.
the idiots would cheer because someone is redistributing wealth..... :lol:

as for obama, he is not the sharpest community agitator in the liberal progressive party.. he is too busy trying to weasle his way out of blame..
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Careful one of those muslims might read your post and start killing people because of what you said. Then you will not be any better than Jones.


That was where I thought you were going.

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

In fact, I can only think of a couple people who actually claim to be Muslim on site:

Sunni Man and I have to say I have my doubts about him. Troll pretending to be Muslim better describes him in my book.

Kalam may actually be Muslim but he doesn't seem to concerned about my thoughts of those in Afghanistan.

And one other newbie, Ancient something or other. Don't know enough about him.

Anyway, the difference between me and Jones is that if someone did take offense at my postings and murdered someone because of them, I would feel terrible as opposed to shrugging it off and not giving a shit.


That was where I thought you were going.

A very smart women

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

Careful what you say I am sure one or two Muslims speak damn good english. How do you think the word got out about Jones in the first place?

First, I am male.

Second, I am certain the people that told the Imams about the video saw it and whined to the Imams who then decided this was a good enough reason as any to kill infidels and they put the wheels in motion.


That was where I thought you were going.

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

In fact, I can only think of a couple people who actually claim to be Muslim on site:

Sunni Man and I have to say I have my doubts about him. Troll pretending to be Muslim better describes him in my book.

Kalam may actually be Muslim but he doesn't seem to concerned about my thoughts of those in Afghanistan.

And one other newbie, Ancient something or other. Don't know enough about him.

Anyway, the difference between me and Jones is that if someone did take offense at my postings and murdered someone because of them, I would feel terrible as opposed to shrugging it off and not giving a shit.


And not only that BigReb, but posts from people like you, and Manifold and many others are going to be much more in play than little ole Immie's posts. :lol:


That's fine with me I can live with my actions, but can you?:lol:

If it happens, I will have no choice but to do so.

If you start trying to pass responsibility around for the UN workers deaths to others than those who committed the murders, then it simply gives others the idea that murder can be justified if you don't like what someone says or does.

How long do you think it will be before someone decides to blame the victims? It will be said that.."Well those U.N. workers should have known that Muslims go batshit crazy for any fucking reason and could show up in a crazed pack and start randomly killing. After all, they've done it before."

ALL responsibility for those killings belongs to the murderous thugs that committed them. No one MADE them kill, they CHOSE their reaction.

In laying blame it does not have to be either/or

It can apply to both

You can lay blame wherever you want, that does not make you right.
I lay blame on the prophet muhammad (pbuh), the companions, and ignorant imams that encourage ass shitting violence of the misunderstanders of islam.. the elephant has been in the room for too long...

as for being right, well i sincerely believe that ignoring the elephant in the middle of the room is retarded...

That was where I thought you were going.

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

In fact, I can only think of a couple people who actually claim to be Muslim on site:

Sunni Man and I have to say I have my doubts about him. Troll pretending to be Muslim better describes him in my book.

Kalam may actually be Muslim but he doesn't seem to concerned about my thoughts of those in Afghanistan.

And one other newbie, Ancient something or other. Don't know enough about him.

Anyway, the difference between me and Jones is that if someone did take offense at my postings and murdered someone because of them, I would feel terrible as opposed to shrugging it off and not giving a shit.


A very smart women

I'm not all that worried about it. I doubt they can read English and even if they could, I think we would know if we had any true radical Muslims on site that will report my flames of those morons.

Careful what you say I am sure one or two Muslims speak damn good english. How do you think the word got out about Jones in the first place?

First, I am male.

Second, I am certain the people that told the Imams about the video saw it and whined to the Imams who then decided this was a good enough reason as any to kill infidels and they put the wheels in motion.


First, I am male.

Sorry about that I took Immie as Immie lue

Second, I am certain the people that told the Imams about the video saw it and whined to the Imams who then decided this was a good enough reason as any to kill infidels and they put the wheels in motion.

They don't even need that for a reason, the only reason they need is because we are here.
A very smart women

Careful what you say I am sure one or two Muslims speak damn good english. How do you think the word got out about Jones in the first place?

First, I am male.

Second, I am certain the people that told the Imams about the video saw it and whined to the Imams who then decided this was a good enough reason as any to kill infidels and they put the wheels in motion.


First, I am male.

Sorry about that I took Immie as Immie lue

Second, I am certain the people that told the Imams about the video saw it and whined to the Imams who then decided this was a good enough reason as any to kill infidels and they put the wheels in motion.

They don't even need that for a reason, the only reason they need is because we are here.

No problem.

I realize they don't need a reason, but they don't need to be given a reason either.

I think we should just leave Afghanistan and let them kill each other off. The sooner the better if you want to know my thoughts on that.

Edit: I should not say that, but that is how I feel.

First, I am male.

Second, I am certain the people that told the Imams about the video saw it and whined to the Imams who then decided this was a good enough reason as any to kill infidels and they put the wheels in motion.


First, I am male.

Sorry about that I took Immie as Immie lue

Second, I am certain the people that told the Imams about the video saw it and whined to the Imams who then decided this was a good enough reason as any to kill infidels and they put the wheels in motion.

They don't even need that for a reason, the only reason they need is because we are here.

No problem.

I realize they don't need a reason, but they don't need to be given a reason either.

I think we should just leave Afghanistan and let them kill each other off. The sooner the better if you want to know my thoughts on that.

Edit: I should not say that, but that is how I feel.


Stop with the P.C. BS say whats on your mind, it's better for and everybody will know what you stand for.
If you start trying to pass responsibility around for the UN workers deaths to others than those who committed the murders, then it simply gives others the idea that murder can be justified if you don't like what someone says or does.

How long do you think it will be before someone decides to blame the victims? It will be said that.."Well those U.N. workers should have known that Muslims go batshit crazy for any fucking reason and could show up in a crazed pack and start randomly killing. After all, they've done it before."

ALL responsibility for those killings belongs to the murderous thugs that committed them. No one MADE them kill, they CHOSE their reaction.
These are some good points that you've made. However, it is really no different to cast some blame on Jones for his action than it is to cast the blame on Islam for the actions of some of its supposed followers.

Jones blames Islam for the actions of a few (relatively speaking). Since he does that he should accept his own culpability.

He is no better than what he condemns.
Most Muslims worldwide think that killing people who offend Islam is justified.
Where do you get this information? Do you just pull it out of your ass or does excitableone whisper it in your ear?

btw, do you have Asberger's?
Terry Jones is an asshole.

terry is a small asshat compared the the radical muhammadans that went on a killing rampage... i suppose you thing the the cartoonists were asshats too.
freedom lovin muhammadans holding a peaceful protest in kashmire india.... gotta love those whacko muhammadans...
You are the one that supports terrorism.
No, but you're an asshole so I'm not surprised that you posted that. Negged.

Not only did I post it, I stand behind it, and thank you both for the neg rep and calling me an asshole. Twice.

They don't have a right to kill people over it under our law. But they didn't do that in our country. They did it in their country, where our presence is accommodated by force and our laws are morally irrelevant. Burning the Koran anywhere in the world, which directly offends their spiritual essence, is simply a matter of adding insult to an already tormenting injury.

Try reversing the situation in your mind. Can you accept the premise that killing invaders is not murder? The incitement to kill invaders was the underlying motive for what happened -- and that incitement will prevail for as long as we remain in Afghanistan as an occupying force. The Koran burning was more of an incidental provocation than a primary motive.

We need to get out of Afghanistan.
I understand that 27 people were arrested in connection with the murders. I doubt that anyone could make a rational argument that the UN employees are invaders...and if they can and if these murders are excused in their courts it makes what Jones did even worse.

You support terrorism simply because you do not understand the difference between a peaceful protest and terror. Your ignorance makes you marginally less responsible than the imams that incited the riots in the first place, but that is only in my eyes. The law says that ignorance is no excuse.
Nevermind my question to you if you have Asperger's. I think you're retarded.

I don't agree with you so you call me a terrorist.

It's also amusing that you blame imams for inciting violence but not this stupid "Christian".
these are some good points that you've made. However, it is really no different to cast some blame on jones for his action than it is to cast the blame on islam for the actions of some of its supposed followers.

Jones blames islam for the actions of a few (relatively speaking). Since he does that he should accept his own culpability.

He is no better than what he condemns.
most muslims worldwide think that killing people who offend islam is justified.
where do you get this information? Do you just pull it out of your ass or does excitableone whisper it in your ear?

Btw, do you have asberger's?
دمتم في رعاية الله وحفظه (may you always be under gods care and protection)
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You[Ravi] support terrorism simply because you do not understand the difference between a peaceful protest and terror.

quoted and reposted for truth. :clap2:

Ravi believes that what Jones did is no different than the KKK lynching black people.

What does that say about her intellectual honesty and objectivity?
No, I said it is no different than burning a cross on a lawn.

Leave it to you to lie.
You[Ravi] support terrorism simply because you do not understand the difference between a peaceful protest and terror.

quoted and reposted for truth. :clap2:

Ravi believes that what Jones did is no different than the KKK lynching black people.

What does that say about her intellectual honesty and objectivity?
No, I said it is no different than burning a cross on a lawn.

Hey, don't run away from your own words just because you're having a meltdown Ravs.

You said what he did was an act of terrorism. Are you now going to tell me that lynching isn't an act of terrorism?

Keep melting witch. :lol:

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