US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

Yea i still can't believe this Administration tried to make that argument. It just goes to show that they are losing Afghanistan. Obviously they don't say this but it's pretty obvious at this point. You know things are bad when they resort to stuff like that. Seriously pathetic stuff for sure.
It would have made much-more-sense institutionalizing that crazy....


.....Jones Family.....

.....yeeeeaaaarrrrs ago!!

"Congregants at the Dove World Outreach Center, who have dwindled to 30 or so in number, are required to vow allegiance to Jones — a pledge that places restrictions on their diets, their ability to hold jobs outside the church and their personal relationships."
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Yeah, freedom of expression is a bane to humanity, right shaman?

Fascist much?
Yeah, freedom of expression is a bane to humanity, right shaman?

Fascist much?
Yeah....right....let's hear it, for those....

jonestown-victims.gif o' GAWD!!!

[ame=]YouTube - Jonestown - When Groupthink becomes a 'Lemmings' Effect[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - From Jonestown to Waco[/ame]
I truly can't believe that a lone nut like this is setting off this kind of outrage.

The world is in even more trouble than I thought for anyone to give a shit about this nut or his actions.
We are constantly bombarded with the "isn't all muslims" diatribe, but this fuckin' guy represents America? Really?
I truly can't believe that a lone nut like this is setting off this kind of outrage.

The world is in even more trouble than I thought for anyone to give a shit about this nut or his actions.
We are constantly bombarded with the "isn't all muslims" diatribe, but this fuckin' guy represents America? Really?

Then you need to wise up and pay attention.
I truly can't believe that a lone nut like this is setting off this kind of outrage.

The world is in even more trouble than I thought for anyone to give a shit about this nut or his actions.
We are constantly bombarded with the "isn't all muslims" diatribe, but this fuckin' guy represents America? Really?

Then you need to wise up and pay attention.

Make no mistake, I think the globe is in a heap of trouble, and for this to mean "even more trouble" to me, means I am really scared for my kin left behind me.
Terry Jones is an asshole. A pastor he is not.

Yes, he is the Pastor of a Christian church.

And the world sees him as a Christian leader and representative of Christianity. :doubt:

Unfortunately you are right. It is amazing how the assholes of the world seem to be the most visible people, isn't it? I would think that with as many cultures in the world that cover that portion of the body, assholes would not be so visible, wouldn't you?

From what I've been reading, the Afghanis believe the ones that committed the murders were infiltrators to an otherwise simple demonstration. Those that they've arrested apparently do not speak the local dialect.

So it would appear that terrorists used Jone's stupid act to make things even more unstable in Afghanistan than they already are...thereby setting back any progress that might have been made.

Why anyone could approve of this man's action is a mystery.
Pastor was wrong, just because you have the right to do something considered vile by other people does not mean you should do it; good judgment should prevail. Obviously the pastor does not have good judgment.

Muslims are wrong to kill anyone over this. It's backward, barbaric and stupid.

This is not an either / or folks. This is an "and" problem. Pastor is wrong, and Muslims are wrong. Why are you so busy trying to fight your fellow americans that you can't think straight?

It might not be an either/or, but there are degrees involved. What Jones did was burn a book. I find that offensive because I think books are important, but what he did was legal. Not only that, he wanted to prove that Muslims are intolerant. He succeeded.

Then we have a reaction to a legal, peaceful, protest, murder.

You think that Jones was wrong, without saying why, did you find his intent to prove that Muslims are intolerant offensive? Did him breaking through all the PC bullshit about Islam being a religion of peace destroy your world view? Or do you just think that being rude is the same as killing people?

I have just realized that your opinion offends me to my core. If I went out and found some random person wearing beads and killed them, would that make you wrong? Or would I be the only one that is wrong in that scenario? Does your attempt to twist the realm of the real world into a pretzel extend to accepting blame for something you said that sets me off?

One last question, how the fuck was Jones wrong?

First you said Jones didn't know the radical Muslims would react the way they did, but now you say:

What Jones did was burn a book. I find that offensive because I think books are important, but what he did was legal. Not only that, he wanted to prove that Muslims are intolerant. He succeeded.
so what are you standing by now QW?

you say jones Succeeded in showing the intolerance of Muslims as HE HAD PLANNED TO SHOW with his book burning...

this SUCCESS of jones was the murder of 12 people.... and you still put the guy up on a pedestal for succeeding in showing Muslim intolerance and say the guy did not have any part in the deaths of those 12???

AMAZING!:doubt: and scary!

i think you should get your story straight...

you called the death of 12 human beings, success on the Minister's part....that's pretty sick QW???????

abortion is Legal, just like book burning....yet you speak out against it, but on this, where the pastor was TOLD by many many many respectable people that he could incite the deaths of Americans, and he was told by Petraus and other Military leaders in Afghanistan that burning those Korans could make their jobs in Afghanistan very difficult and could end up killing more of our military, you side with the Pastor and praise his actions as ''successful'????

i don't get you.....?

My position has been consistent from the beginning. Jones did not know that those ass wipes in Afghanistan would go out ind kill people over this. I have consistently warned that Islam is a political philosophy that breeds intolerance, and I did not expect them to go out and kill people from Sweden, Norway, Neal, and Romania. I did expect them to prove that I, and the others like me who speak about the dangers involved, were right.

They did. Yet you still think the problem is that Jones did something that set them off.

Unlike you, I understand my position, so feel no need to defend myself against deliberate attempts to make it into something else. Jones did succeed in proving that Islam is intolerant, and Muslims killed people because of that intolerance. I think that it is sick that it happened to, I just know that the blame lies someplace other than inside the borders of Florida.

Guess what, I do not care that Republican senators are speaking up against what he did and are calling for restrictions on speech because we are at war. I believe in the rights of the individual, not the group. Just because a bunch of people think that something is wrong it does not make it wrong. Most people in the world used to support slavery, it was still wrong. Most people in the world used to think women should not vote, the people that spoke up against it, even though they were advised not to, were right.

Neither might nor majority makes right.
From what I've been reading, the Afghanis believe the ones that committed the murders were infiltrators to an otherwise simple demonstration. Those that they've arrested apparently do not speak the local dialect.

So it would appear that terrorists used Jone's stupid act to make things even more unstable in Afghanistan than they already are...thereby setting back any progress that might have been made.

Why anyone could approve of this man's action is a mystery.

Why anyone would mistake supporting his rights for approving of his actions is more than a mystery. Not that I expect you to understand the difference since you actually support terrorism.
From what I've been reading, the Afghanis believe the ones that committed the murders were infiltrators to an otherwise simple demonstration. Those that they've arrested apparently do not speak the local dialect.

So it would appear that terrorists used Jone's stupid act to make things even more unstable in Afghanistan than they already are...thereby setting back any progress that might have been made.

Why anyone could approve of this man's action is a mystery.

Why anyone would mistake supporting his rights for approving of his actions is more than a mystery. Not that I expect you to understand the difference since you actually support terrorism.
I don't support terrorism. Why do you keep saying that?
I think there is confusion between Terry Jones taking blame for the killings and taking responsibility for what he said, the two are very different. Terry Jones cannot take the blame because he killed no one, also should not face any charges what so ever. Terry Jones should however be held responsible for what he said, like in civil court. No he didn't kill them, but his speach was such that it instigated the killings.

If this were a totally domestic situation, Jones would be held on charges of inciting to riot, etc. But since Jones is NOT in Afghanistan, he can't be held accountable for the actions of those moronic individuals/groups.

But Jones is an asshole who puts his prostelyzing above human lives...and the arrogant little shits in Afghanistan are fooling themselves if they think their not marked for future executions on some level.

No he wouldn't. What he did fits none of the criteria of inciting to riot.

Not that I would expect you to grasp anything beyond a sound bite.

The Quantum(ly Stupid) Windbag strikes again.

Learn to READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, my dim Windbag. I wrote, "... If this were a totally domestic situation". Now, put on your socks and shoes, toddle over to your local police precinct, and ask them to explain to you why and how a person can be arrested for inciting a riot. Or do some honest research yourself, as your personal opinion isn't worth a Quantum Windbag.

But if you refuse to do such, and repeat your Quantum Windbag ignorance, I'll gladly educate you on the subject.
Jones' comments and actions caused a riot and people to be killed. Those who did the killing want nothing more than to destroy westerners...mainly americans.

So here is my question that may be a bit strange, but the gist is what Im hoping a few will get: What is the difference of what Jones did and said any different than what Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, and others did for an independent America, colonies free from British rule and interference? A completely different country is dictating what WE can say and do by murdering innocent people and threatening to kill US if we dont toe their line.. So are WE going to abide by their manipulative actions and lose OUR RIGHTS as americans to burn whateverthefuckbook we want to burn even if it means the death of innocents?

How many muslims have americans killed IN THE USA for burning our flag?
How many middle easterners did americans kill after watching them whoop and dance when WTC came down?
How many midde leasterners did americans kill after seeing horrific film of dead or dying soldiers being dragged thru the streets over there?
How many Americans have murdered norwegians, frenchmen, Haitians because someone in Poland burned a bible? And would poland stop burning bibles because americans said so with threats?

Its a fucking BOOK. Its an EXCUSE. A REASON to show what they think is power by using intimidation. Its called DIVIDE AND CONQUER and their target is to get Americans to DIVIDE so THEY can conquer.
They want us dead. Fuck them and the camels they rode in on.

btw...quantum windbag is far from stupid. Why is it anyone that speaks their own opinion is called that? What is this shit? Borgville?
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My position has been consistent from the beginning. Jones did not know that those ass wipes in Afghanistan would go out ind kill people over this.

It looks like Jones is doubling down on stupid.

What will the excuse be this time?

U.S. pastor says he will put Mohammed 'on trial' next as NATO chief condemns Koran burning for starting riots

Despite clear evidence that his actions have led to multiple murders and widespread violence in the Middle East, controversial Florida pastor Terry Jones has vowed to step up his provocative campaign against Islam.
The radical pastor said that he was considering putting Islamic prophet Mohammed 'on trial' for his next 'day of judgement' publicity stunt.
His last, in which he oversaw the burning of a copy of the Koran after a six-hour mock trial, has been directly responsible for a wave of violence that began last night and has left 30 people dead and more than 150 injured.

Terry Jones will put Mohammed 'on trial' as Koran burning sparks 2nd day of violence | Mail Online
From what I've been reading, the Afghanis believe the ones that committed the murders were infiltrators to an otherwise simple demonstration. Those that they've arrested apparently do not speak the local dialect.

So it would appear that terrorists used Jone's stupid act to make things even more unstable in Afghanistan than they already are...thereby setting back any progress that might have been made.

Why anyone could approve of this man's action is a mystery.

Why anyone would mistake supporting his rights for approving of his actions is more than a mystery. Not that I expect you to understand the difference since you actually support terrorism.
I don't support terrorism. Why do you keep saying that?

Because you keep saying that there is no difference between a person exercising their free speech rights and a person who commits terrorist acts. Like it or not, that means you support terrorism.
If this were a totally domestic situation, Jones would be held on charges of inciting to riot, etc. But since Jones is NOT in Afghanistan, he can't be held accountable for the actions of those moronic individuals/groups.

But Jones is an asshole who puts his prostelyzing above human lives...and the arrogant little shits in Afghanistan are fooling themselves if they think their not marked for future executions on some level.

No he wouldn't. What he did fits none of the criteria of inciting to riot.

Not that I would expect you to grasp anything beyond a sound bite.

The Quantum(ly Stupid) Windbag strikes again.

Learn to READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, my dim Windbag. I wrote, "... If this were a totally domestic situation". Now, put on your socks and shoes, toddle over to your local police precinct, and ask them to explain to you why and how a person can be arrested for inciting a riot. Or do some honest research yourself, as your personal opinion isn't worth a Quantum Windbag.

But if you refuse to do such, and repeat your Quantum Windbag ignorance, I'll gladly educate you on the subject.

Let me see if I can this to your limited brain.

In order to be guilty of inciting a riot you have to intend to have the people you are talking to go out and cause a riot, or you have to have say something that causes an immediate and imminent reaction among the people you are talking to. Someone actually posted the definition of inciting to riot in this thread before you posted your stupidity.

This does not meet those requirements, even if it was totally domestic.
There is a movie on netflix called God On Trial.
Synopsis is a group of jews in a concentration camp awaiting death...and they decide to put God on trial. Great flick.
Gosh. I wonder how many Christians will run out and kill more jews because they dared do such a thing?

Dont y'all see? THEY are controlling what the USA does not by using bombs this time (oh, no mistake they are planning and sneaking and slimeing around but are wagging their own dog at the moment)...they are using us, americans, to do the damage by removing even more rights so many died to protect. And sadly..and scarey as well..its WORKING.

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