US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

Yanno......this stupid fucker in Florida should have got the message the first time..........Americans don't support blind bullshit stupidity like he's displayed.

Incidentally, I give major props to the media for keeping this off the airwaves for as long as they could. Here in the US, it got little if any coverage, until someone told Karzai about it, and he made a federal case of it, inciting the other idiots to do their bullshit.

Yeah.......I DO blame Terry Jones for his actions, he's the one that did it after being told not to once.

I also blame Hamid Karzai. But, he didn't do it for religious reasons, he did it for political reasons. He's looking to get re-elected and thinks this will give him the juice to make it over the top.

Like I said............I think that anyone who is currently serving, or has served, should have full license to walk up to this stupid bastard "preacher" and beat his ass. Personally? I hope he gets his butt kicked badly enough to require a doctor at least once a month, if not weekly.

He's done more to harm the troops than most.

Yeah.......I DO blame Terry Jones for his actions, he's the one that did it after being told not to once.

Fuck you asswipe stain this is America we have rights if it's not against the law we listen to nobody.

Like I said............I think that anyone who is currently serving, or has served, should have full license to walk up to this stupid bastard "preacher" and beat his ass. Personally? I hope he gets his butt kicked badly enough to require a doctor at least once a month, if not weekly.

REALLY? So who will you blame when muslims are killed because the 9/11 mosque has been built? I bet you blame the Americans who do the killing, I also suspect you will have forgotten what you said about Jones.
Terry Jones is an asshole. A pastor he is not.

Yes, he is the Pastor of a Christian church.

And the world sees him as a Christian leader and representative of Christianity. :doubt:

Not true, Sunni. Outside of the US this man is certainly not seen as a man of God. Most see him for what he is. A publicity-seeking moron with a personal agenda of hatred. He knew exactly what consequences he was aiming to produce. I would even suggest he is deeply satisfied that people have died since he can claim it proves his point. He is no better than the Islamic fundamentalist bigots he condemns.

Another supporter of terrorism. Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?
Yes, he is the Pastor of a Christian church.

And the world sees him as a Christian leader and representative of Christianity. :doubt:

Not true, Sunni. Outside of the US this man is certainly not seen as a man of God. Most see him for what he is. A publicity-seeking moron with a personal agenda of hatred. He knew exactly what consequences he was aiming to produce. I would even suggest he is deeply satisfied that people have died since he can claim it proves his point. He is no better than the Islamic fundamentalist bigots he condemns.


The fact that you agree with that idiotic statement shows just how deeply afraid you are of Islam.
I don't support terrorism. Why do you keep saying that?

Because you keep saying that there is no difference between a person exercising their free speech rights and a person who commits terrorist acts. Like it or not, that means you support terrorism.
I never said that. How sad that you have to lie to support your hero Jones.

Let me see if I understand your position.

You did not say right here in this thread that Jones is no better than the extremists, and that there is no difference between burning a Qur'an, which is an exercise of his free speech rights, and burning a cross on someone's lawn, which is an act designed to elicit fear. Be careful when you answer. you said it more than once.
Yes, he is the Pastor of a Christian church.

And the world sees him as a Christian leader and representative of Christianity. :doubt:

Not true, Sunni. Outside of the US this man is certainly not seen as a man of God. Most see him for what he is. A publicity-seeking moron with a personal agenda of hatred. He knew exactly what consequences he was aiming to produce. I would even suggest he is deeply satisfied that people have died since he can claim it proves his point. He is no better than the Islamic fundamentalist bigots he condemns.

Another supporter of terrorism.
Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?
You're an asshole, plain and simple.
Not true, Sunni. Outside of the US this man is certainly not seen as a man of God. Most see him for what he is. A publicity-seeking moron with a personal agenda of hatred. He knew exactly what consequences he was aiming to produce. I would even suggest he is deeply satisfied that people have died since he can claim it proves his point. He is no better than the Islamic fundamentalist bigots he condemns.

Another supporter of terrorism.
Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?
You're an asshole, plain and simple.

Thank you.
Not true, Sunni. Outside of the US this man is certainly not seen as a man of God. Most see him for what he is. A publicity-seeking moron with a personal agenda of hatred. He knew exactly what consequences he was aiming to produce. I would even suggest he is deeply satisfied that people have died since he can claim it proves his point. He is no better than the Islamic fundamentalist bigots he condemns.

Another supporter of terrorism.
Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?
You're an asshole, plain and simple.

No what’s plain and simple is that you and anyone else who compares the burning of a book to the killing of innocent people, are assholes.

Another supporter of terrorism.
Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?
You're an asshole, plain and simple.

No what’s plain and simple is that you and anyone else who compares the burning of a book to the killing of innocent people, are assholes.
He is no better than those he targets. In other words, he is a POS. So too are the ones that used his action to further their own fucked up agenda.
You're an asshole, plain and simple.

No what’s plain and simple is that you and anyone else who compares the burning of a book to the killing of innocent people, are assholes.
He is no better than those he targets. In other words, he is a POS. So too are the ones that used his action to further their own fucked up agenda.

then the builders and funders of the 9/11 mosque will be no better when muslims are killed.
Who will you blame then?
No what’s plain and simple is that you and anyone else who compares the burning of a book to the killing of innocent people, are assholes.
He is no better than those he targets. In other words, he is a POS. So too are the ones that used his action to further their own fucked up agenda.

then the builders and funders of the 9/11 mosque will be no better when muslims are killed.
Who will you blame then?
I can only blame your stupidity on you.
He is no better than those he targets. In other words, he is a POS. So too are the ones that used his action to further their own fucked up agenda.

then the builders and funders of the 9/11 mosque will be no better when muslims are killed.
Who will you blame then?
I can only blame your stupidity on you.

So I see you will blame the killers of muslims but any muslims that kill they are not to be blamed.

There is a movie on netflix called God On Trial.
Synopsis is a group of jews in a concentration camp awaiting death...and they decide to put God on trial. Great flick.
Gosh. I wonder how many Christians will run out and kill more jews because they dared do such a thing?

Dont y'all see? THEY are controlling what the USA does not by using bombs this time (oh, no mistake they are planning and sneaking and slimeing around but are wagging their own dog at the moment)...they are using us, americans, to do the damage by removing even more rights so many died to protect. And sadly..and scarey as well..its WORKING.

Sounds like an interesting movie. What did you rate it? I plan on adding it to my queue shortly.

By the way, as a Christian, I blame the Jewish people no more than I blame myself for the death of Christ. I believe most followers of Christ see it in the same manner.


Did I see in the news the other day that the pope absoved the Jews of any blame in the death of JC?
I can't be bothered looking it up.
There is a movie on netflix called God On Trial.
Synopsis is a group of jews in a concentration camp awaiting death...and they decide to put God on trial. Great flick.
Gosh. I wonder how many Christians will run out and kill more jews because they dared do such a thing?

Dont y'all see? THEY are controlling what the USA does not by using bombs this time (oh, no mistake they are planning and sneaking and slimeing around but are wagging their own dog at the moment)...they are using us, americans, to do the damage by removing even more rights so many died to protect. And sadly..and scarey as well..its WORKING.

Sounds like an interesting movie. What did you rate it? I plan on adding it to my queue shortly.

By the way, as a Christian, I blame the Jewish people no more than I blame myself for the death of Christ. I believe most followers of Christ see it in the same manner.


Did I see in the news the other day that the pope absoved the Jews of any blame in the death of JC?
I can't be bothered looking it up.

Yeah, I saw something like that, but like most Catholics, I don't pay a whole hell of a lot of attention to what the Pope has to say. :D

Of course, I'm Lutheran and I don't think the Pope has absolved us yet.

No what’s plain and simple is that you and anyone else who compares the burning of a book to the killing of innocent people, are assholes.
He is no better than those he targets. In other words, he is a POS. So too are the ones that used his action to further their own fucked up agenda.

then the builders and funders of the 9/11 mosque will be no better when muslims are killed.
Who will you blame then?

No bigrednec...the difference is that the builders of the Park 15 building are not doing it as a publicity stunt, parading it about on Youtube and making "fuck you Christians" pronouncements in the news.

This wouldn't have even been an issue if the likes of Pamela Geller, Pat Condell, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and the usual line-up of right-wing crazies on t.v. and the internet hadn't stirred it up.

I think that maybe the developers should have second thoughts about putting it there now because of the ridiculous hysteria that has been whipped up - it may never die down and will cause problems for years to come - but you can't absolve the malicious mischiefmakers from some responsibility.

And, as far as freedom of action is concerned, as has been said on here before, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
Rational people make dozens of decisions every day about appropriate behaviour, judging if it will cause offence, or inconvenience to others, or stir up trouble, and most usually decide to act in a way that will allow the continued peaceful, orderly and civil functioning of the part of society in which they live.

I think Jones is an arse, I think the protestors on the murderous rampage are a thousand times worse.
If they ever get to heaven I hope their 72 virgins are all diseased old crones.
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Again, why are you afraid of Islam?
Anyone who claims he is not afraid of others who have demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice their own lives just to strike at him is a fool or a liar. Because there is nothing in the world more dangerous and menacing than the man or woman who is ready and willing to die.

That is a spiritual state of mind the western mentality has trouble comprehending. As such it is a deficit which leaves us vulnerable.
He is no better than those he targets. In other words, he is a POS. So too are the ones that used his action to further their own fucked up agenda.

then the builders and funders of the 9/11 mosque will be no better when muslims are killed.
Who will you blame then?

No bigrednec...the difference is that the builders of the Park 15 building are not doing it as a publicity stunt, parading it about on Youtube and making "fuck you Christians" pronouncements in the news.

This wouldn't have even been an issue if the likes of Pamela Geller, Pat Condell, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and the usual line-up of right-wing crazies on t.v. and the internet hadn't stirred it up.

I think that maybe the developers should have second thoughts about putting it there now because of the ridiculous hysteria that has been whipped up - it may never die down and will cause problems for years to come - but you can't absolve the malicious mischiefmakers from some responsibility.

And, as far as freedom of action is concerned, as has been said on here before, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
Rational people make dozens of decisions every day about appropriate behaviour, judging if it will cause offence, or inconvenience to others, or stir up trouble, and most usually decide to act in a way that will allow the continued peaceful, orderly and civil functioning of the part of society in which they live.

I think Jones is an arse, I think the protestors on the murderous rampage are a thousand times worse.
If they ever get to heaven I hope their 72 virgins are all diseased old crones.

I am really fed up with the horseshit, if idiots can blames jones for the deaths in afghanstan, then they should not have a problem blaming the builders and funders for the deaths of muslims after the 9/11 mosque has been completed.
then the builders and funders of the 9/11 mosque will be no better when muslims are killed.
Who will you blame then?

No bigrednec...the difference is that the builders of the Park 15 building are not doing it as a publicity stunt, parading it about on Youtube and making "fuck you Christians" pronouncements in the news.

This wouldn't have even been an issue if the likes of Pamela Geller, Pat Condell, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and the usual line-up of right-wing crazies on t.v. and the internet hadn't stirred it up.

I think that maybe the developers should have second thoughts about putting it there now because of the ridiculous hysteria that has been whipped up - it may never die down and will cause problems for years to come - but you can't absolve the malicious mischiefmakers from some responsibility.

And, as far as freedom of action is concerned, as has been said on here before, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
Rational people make dozens of decisions every day about appropriate behaviour, judging if it will cause offence, or inconvenience to others, or stir up trouble, and most usually decide to act in a way that will allow the continued peaceful, orderly and civil functioning of the part of society in which they live.

I think Jones is an arse, I think the protestors on the murderous rampage are a thousand times worse.
If they ever get to heaven I hope their 72 virgins are all diseased old crones.

I am really fed up with the horseshit, if idiots can blames jones for the deaths in afghanstan, then they should not have a problem blaming the builders and funders for the deaths of muslims after the 9/11 mosque has been completed.

You never read most of what I read
No bigrednec...the difference is that the builders of the Park 15 building are not doing it as a publicity stunt, parading it about on Youtube and making "fuck you Christians" pronouncements in the news.

This wouldn't have even been an issue if the likes of Pamela Geller, Pat Condell, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and the usual line-up of right-wing crazies on t.v. and the internet hadn't stirred it up.

I think that maybe the developers should have second thoughts about putting it there now because of the ridiculous hysteria that has been whipped up - it may never die down and will cause problems for years to come - but you can't absolve the malicious mischiefmakers from some responsibility.

And, as far as freedom of action is concerned, as has been said on here before, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
Rational people make dozens of decisions every day about appropriate behaviour, judging if it will cause offence, or inconvenience to others, or stir up trouble, and most usually decide to act in a way that will allow the continued peaceful, orderly and civil functioning of the part of society in which they live.

I think Jones is an arse, I think the protestors on the murderous rampage are a thousand times worse.
If they ever get to heaven I hope their 72 virgins are all diseased old crones.

I am really fed up with the horseshit, if idiots can blames jones for the deaths in afghanstan, then they should not have a problem blaming the builders and funders for the deaths of muslims after the 9/11 mosque has been completed.

You never read most of what I read

Did I mention you in my reply?
Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.

And it looks like Christianity does the same since he knew this was going to happen. A man of god? Really?

I refuse to not blame those murdering bastards who did this but this guy who did this knew what was going to happen, all for what, publicity for his "church"?

He is as bad as they are and I only hope there is a law that will bite him in the ass for causing murder and for putting our troops in further harm.

Assholes = the murderers and this idiot and anyone who defends him.

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