US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

This reminds me of Bush who said after 9/11 for everyone to continue going to malls and shopping, taking vacations (not to the middle east, though. Duh), going about their business because if we hunker down in fear of "what will they do next", they win. Well.....dont burn any books, stop traffic so prayers can be made to Mecca, learn Spanish so we can understand our own laws or call businesses where we have to punch number 1 for English, etc.

Yall just carry on and have a good ol time. Pretty sure eventually yall will see the proverbial light. When its too fucking late.
Do I have to immigrate to China* just so I don't have to put up with Christian and Muslim loonies (there at least Christians and radical Muslims are put in their place), bombings, and murdering people over burnt books, written by old pedophiles of a death cult (and have no proof than the words of men who invaded and pillaged across the medieval world, stealing, murdering, raping, and committing mass genocide as they went)? :cuckoo:

Apologizing to both is insane, the pastor should be doing community service (a reasonable request considering what he encouraged), the Muslims involved should be imprisoned for life/executed for committing the murders, and we should be demanding an explanation by the Afghan government of how they allowed this to happen (UN buildings are just as important in international law as national embassies as I understand it). :rolleyes:

*If the west sells out (and its economy fails), expect a mass exodus to Asia (expect millions of westerners to flee to Japan, South Korea, India, Thailand and China) I will be joining it, as if it hates western culture so much, naturally the western culture (and the scientific, military and technical knowledge) will leave it for more friendly shores, where they can speak their own language and write and speak without being burned to death or bombed (or be set upon by vicious mobs of left wing intellectuals/Hamas apologists). ;)
You dont wanna run to China. Trust me on that one. :eek:
Did someone just say that a person who beheads innocent people is simply an "asshole"? Oh brother. This is why they are so empowered. Allow me to add "apologists" to that asshole list.
Again, why are you afraid of Islam?
Anyone who claims he is not afraid of others who have demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice their own lives just to strike at him is a fool or a liar. Because there is nothing in the world more dangerous and menacing than the man or woman who is ready and willing to die.

That is a spiritual state of mind the western mentality has trouble comprehending. As such it is a deficit which leaves us vulnerable.

Them being willing to die just makes it easier for us to win.

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his.
Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.

And it looks like Christianity does the same since he knew this was going to happen. A man of god? Really?

I refuse to not blame those murdering bastards who did this but this guy who did this knew what was going to happen, all for what, publicity for his "church"?

He is as bad as they are and I only hope there is a law that will bite him in the ass for causing murder and for putting our troops in further harm.

Assholes = the murderers and this idiot and anyone who defends him.

Funny thing. If he knew this was going to happen people would be dying in every Islamic nation on the planet, and half the world would be in flames. I expected a fatwa calling for his death, not riots that targeted people who had nothing to do with it. I know one thing, I would rather be an asshole defending Jones right to burn whatever he wants than an appeaser who thinks that bullies deserve to get their way for throwing a tantrum.
Did someone just say that a person who beheads innocent people is simply an "asshole"? Oh brother. This is why they are so empowered. Allow me to add "apologists" to that asshole list.

Appeasers and apologists are more afraid of Islam than I will ever be.
Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.

And it looks like Christianity does the same since he knew this was going to happen. A man of god? Really?

I refuse to not blame those murdering bastards who did this but this guy who did this knew what was going to happen, all for what, publicity for his "church"?

He is as bad as they are and I only hope there is a law that will bite him in the ass for causing murder and for putting our troops in further harm.

Assholes = the murderers and this idiot and anyone who defends him.

Did someone just say that a person who beheads innocent people is simply an "asshole"? Oh brother. This is why they are so empowered. Allow me to add "apologists" to that asshole list.

And this is what is wrong with your side. You see what you want to see. You really do.

Asshole indeed.
Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.

And it looks like Christianity does the same since he knew this was going to happen. A man of god? Really?

I refuse to not blame those murdering bastards who did this but this guy who did this knew what was going to happen, all for what, publicity for his "church"?

He is as bad as they are and I only hope there is a law that will bite him in the ass for causing murder and for putting our troops in further harm.

Assholes = the murderers and this idiot and anyone who defends him.

an apologist and/or an appeaser, a do gooder, a good liberal, a misunderstander, and some who do not have a clue would defend the undefendable... terry was simply a tool used by misunderstanders of islam to whip up simmering rage... someone drawing cartoons of the prophet muhammad (pbuh) would invoke the same response...

should terry have been more discrete about burning a qur'an, yes he should.... is he an asshole, no... is he insensitve, yes.... as far as putting any infidel in harms way, just being an unbeliever is enough.. ask daniel pearl, nick berg, Jack Hensley, Eugene Armstrong, Paul Johnson. Ask other victims of radial islam rage, Turks, an Egyptian, a Korean, Bulgarians, a British businessman, and a Nepalese, and scores of unbelievers and apostates who have also fallen victim to Islamist terrorists' knives. Ask Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh. Oh, that is kind of hard because all were killed, gunned down, and/or mutilated at some asinine muslim rage fest......

Terry is a tool and not the cause.....

In other words, you don't have a clue what you are talking about....
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Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.

And it looks like Christianity does the same since he knew this was going to happen. A man of god? Really?

I refuse to not blame those murdering bastards who did this but this guy who did this knew what was going to happen, all for what, publicity for his "church"?

He is as bad as they are and I only hope there is a law that will bite him in the ass for causing murder and for putting our troops in further harm.

Assholes = the murderers and this idiot and anyone who defends him.

Did someone just say that a person who beheads innocent people is simply an "asshole"? Oh brother. This is why they are so empowered. Allow me to add "apologists" to that asshole list.

And this is what is wrong with your side. You see what you want to see. You really do.

Asshole indeed.

nothing wrong with the other side, bro.... go look in the mirror.... :lol:
Why are you afraid of Muslims?


I didn't think you would have an answer.

Did you ask a question I should have the answer to? Did I offer excuses for him burning a Qur'an? I would love to see anything where you think anyone made an excuse for him doing that, While you are looking you will stumble dozens of posts excusing murder because someone burnt a Qur'an, feel free to ignore them since they disturb your view that I am a bigot.

Again, why are you afraid of Islam?

You said that the reverend could not have known that people would use his actions as an excuse to murder. Well now he knows and plans hold this mock trial. So if/when these people use it as a reason to murder what will your excuse be?

As to your silly question ... between the two of us one has actually manned up, signed the dotted line, and been to war against radical Islam. The other is you.
I am standing in an echo chamber... I apologize for repeating myself.. BTW, I am not an apologist or appeaser and I am rather insenstive, guess that is a fault that I have...

an apologist and/or an appeaser, a do gooder, a good liberal, a misunderstander, and some who do not have a clue would defend the undefendable... terry was simply a tool used by misunderstanders of islam to whip up simmering rage... someone drawing cartoons of the prophet muhammad (pbuh) would invoke the same response...

should terry have been more discrete about burning a qur'an, yes he should.... is he an asshole, no... is he insensitve, yes.... as far as putting any infidel in harms way, just being an unbeliever is enough.. ask daniel pearl, nick berg, Jack Hensley, Eugene Armstrong, Paul Johnson. Ask other victims of radial islam rage, Turks, an Egyptian, a Korean, Bulgarians, a British businessman, and a Nepalese, and scores of unbelievers and apostates who have also fallen victim to Islamist terrorists' knives. Ask Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh. Oh, that is kind of hard because all were killed, gunned down, and/or mutilated at some asinine muslim rage fest......

Terry is a tool and not the cause.....

In other words, you don't have a clue what you are talking about....
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Benefittin' the Taliban...
Terry Jones: How his Quran burning helps the Taliban
April 4, 2011 - Many Afghans do not realize that US pastor Terry Jones, who held a Quran burning last month, heads a small church whose beliefs are not widely shared, thus fueling anti-foreigner sentiment that benefits the Taliban.
For the fourth straight day, Afghans protested in response to a US pastor burning a copy of the Quran in Florida. At least 22 people have died, including seven UN workers, as a result of the demonstrations across the country that began Friday. While the protests seem to be dying down, they’ve left a mark on Afghanistan. The protests brought a growing anti-foreigner sentiment to the surface that may increase support for the insurgency or, at the very least, put renewed pressure on foreign forces to reduce their presence here.

Though the Taliban has definitely benefited from the ongoing fallout of the Quran burning incident, the violent reaction came from average Afghans who may or may not support the Taliban or other insurgent groups. In speaking with Afghans about the incident, it’s surprised me how many people support the spirit of the protests. No one I’ve talked to supports the killings of the UN workers. But even well-educated, informed Afghans tell me that it’s good that people are speaking out against the desecration of the Quran.

Much of the support stems from the inability of many people here to contextualize the March 20 Quran burning. A translator who works for a fellow journalist here in Kabul did not know that Florida pastor Terry Jones was the same person who threatened to burn the Quran last September. This led to the perception that many Americans share his beliefs, even if he heads a small church of about 30 people who have so little support that they’ve had to sell their furniture on eBay to stay afloat. Mr. Jones is now trying to sell the church property.


See also:

Afghans Protest Quran Burning for Fifth Day
April 05, 2011 - For the fifth day, Afghans have taken to the streets to protest the burning of a Quran by Florida pastor Terry Jones. Since the initial eruption of violence in Mazar-i-Sharif on Friday, about 20 people are estimated to have died.
The burning of the Muslim holy book by the pastor in southern U.S. state of Florida has evoked angry and sometimes violent protests across Afghanistan for a fifth day. The reasons for the outrage are complex and, for many, go well beyond the incident. An estimated 1,000 demonstrators gathered in the Afghan capital, Kabul, to show their anger as well as their grievances. Some reports indicate the anger has been fanned by elements who want to see failure in the upcoming transition to Afghan security control of the provinces.

But many critics of the government and the international security forces say the situation was badly mismanaged and could have been avoided. Some point to the fact that President Hamid Karzai escalated the situation by publicly condemning the burning a few days after the Florida incident. Since then, Karzai has been outspoken in his demands for punishment for Jones, with no mention of any legal process.

The director of the American Institute for Afghan Studies in Kabul, Mohammed Omar Sharifi, says perception is also a key problem. "The way the whole Terry Jones case was projected in Afghanistan was, 'We did not hear much about the condemnation, the huge condemnation of his action in the American society.' If the Afghans hear that I think they will react differently," he said.

On Sunday, General David Petraeus, Commander of the International Forces, made this statement regarding the Quran burning. "We condemn the action of an individual in the United States who burned a Holy Quran. That action was hateful, it was intolerant and it was extremely disrespectful,” Petraeus states. “We condemn it in the strongest manner possible." U.S. President Barack Obama also came out against the Quran burning, but said nothing justified the violence and the deaths caused by the attack on a U.N. compound during protests in Mazar-i-Sharif.

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Yes, he is the Pastor of a Christian church.

And the world sees him as a Christian leader and representative of Christianity. :doubt:

Not true, Sunni. Outside of the US this man is certainly not seen as a man of God. Most see him for what he is. A publicity-seeking moron with a personal agenda of hatred. He knew exactly what consequences he was aiming to produce. I would even suggest he is deeply satisfied that people have died since he can claim it proves his point. He is no better than the Islamic fundamentalist bigots he condemns.

Another supporter of terrorism. Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?

You ignorant moron! Me, a supporter of terrorism! You are just a mouth flapping twat with a huge streak of bigotry running through you. Who said burning a book is as bad as killing someone. If you fuckingwell read the post instead of putting words in MY mouth you would see I said nothing of the sort. For the benefit of fools like you, who don't bother to read or understand what others say, I will repeat myself. I said that Jones knew what situation he would evoke with his koran burning. Now tell me where that says or implies that I am a terrorist supporter.

Another thing, I have worn my country's uniform and fought against terrorism, as is one of my close family members currently fighting against terrorism. What the fuck are you doing about it? Apart from sitting on your arse flapping that oversized orifice?

Another supporter of terrorism.
Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?
You're an asshole, plain and simple.

No what’s plain and simple is that you and anyone else who compares the burning of a book to the killing of innocent people, are assholes.

Show me where she has COMPARED the burning of a book to killing people...or are YOU another of the mentally challenged arseholes who invent things about others regardless of what they say or mean!

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