US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

You're an asshole, plain and simple.

No what’s plain and simple is that you and anyone else who compares the burning of a book to the killing of innocent people, are assholes.

Show me where she has COMPARED the burning of a book to killing people...or are YOU another of the mentally challenged arseholes who invent things about others regardless of what they say or mean!

Let's look at what was said
Not true, Sunni. Outside of the US this man is certainly not seen as a man of God. Most see him for what he is. A publicity-seeking moron with a personal agenda of hatred. He knew exactly what consequences he was aiming to produce. I would even suggest he is deeply satisfied that people have died since he can claim it proves his point. He is no better than the Islamic fundamentalist bigots he condemns.

Another supporter of terrorism.
Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?
You're an asshole, plain and simple.
move along now
I can only blame your stupidity on you.

So I see you will blame the killers of muslims but any muslims that kill they are not to be blamed.


Are you normally as thick and stupid as you sound right now...or are you making an exception for this thread?

What ever you think I am still ten times smarter than you.
No what’s plain and simple is that you and anyone else who compares the burning of a book to the killing of innocent people, are assholes.

Show me where she has COMPARED the burning of a book to killing people...or are YOU another of the mentally challenged arseholes who invent things about others regardless of what they say or mean!

Let's look at what was said

Another supporter of terrorism.
Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?
You're an asshole, plain and simple.
move along now

Still trying to distort what she has said. She is certainly right. You really are an asshole!
Not true, Sunni. Outside of the US this man is certainly not seen as a man of God. Most see him for what he is. A publicity-seeking moron with a personal agenda of hatred. He knew exactly what consequences he was aiming to produce. I would even suggest he is deeply satisfied that people have died since he can claim it proves his point. He is no better than the Islamic fundamentalist bigots he condemns.

Another supporter of terrorism. Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?

You ignorant moron! Me, a supporter of terrorism! You are just a mouth flapping twat with a huge streak of bigotry running through you. Who said burning a book is as bad as killing someone. If you fuckingwell read the post instead of putting words in MY mouth you would see I said nothing of the sort. For the benefit of fools like you, who don't bother to read or understand what others say, I will repeat myself. I said that Jones knew what situation he would evoke with his koran burning. Now tell me where that says or implies that I am a terrorist supporter.

Another thing, I have worn my country's uniform and fought against terrorism, as is one of my close family members currently fighting against terrorism. What the fuck are you doing about it? Apart from sitting on your arse flapping that oversized orifice?

It drives me crazy when people say someone like Jones represents Christianity!!! He is NOT a true Christian...he's a nut case! What really gets me is, when he planned on doing this the first time all kinds of people tried talking him out of it...telling him what it would do, but yet he did it now anyway! Nobody can say he didn't know what the results would be! Ok...I'm all for freedom of speech, but you also just DON'T go into a movie theater and yell FIRE!
Thank you Colin for your service! When someone like Jones has such disregard for our service people (or any people) it just makes me fume...he knows that he put them all in huge danger by doing this. My son is in training right now in Army Special Forces (why couldn't he have grown up to be a veteranarian or something else SAFE???)...and he loves it. He has several good friends in Afghanistan now. We need to keep them all in constant prayer.....
Show me where she has COMPARED the burning of a book to killing people...or are YOU another of the mentally challenged arseholes who invent things about others regardless of what they say or mean!

Let's look at what was said
You're an asshole, plain and simple.
move along now

Still trying to distort what she has said. She is certainly right. You really are an asshole!

How did I destort what was said? I post unlike what you did the beginning of the conversation. You are the one that is distorting what was said

Show me where she has COMPARED the burning of a book to killing people...or are YOU another of the mentally challenged arseholes who invent things about others regardless of what they say or mean!

You are what you called me.
Now move along chump.
Show me where she has COMPARED the burning of a book to killing people...or are YOU another of the mentally challenged arseholes who invent things about others regardless of what they say or mean!

Let's look at what was said
You're an asshole, plain and simple.
move along now

Still trying to distort what she has said. She is certainly right. You really are an asshole!
I guess calling QW an asshole for claiming you support terrorism means I support terrorism. :eek:

Bugreb isn't the sharpest tool in the toolbox. In fact he might just be the toolbox.
Let's look at what was said

move along now

Still trying to distort what she has said. She is certainly right. You really are an asshole!
I guess calling QW an asshole for claiming you support terrorism means I support terrorism. :eek:

Bugreb isn't the sharpest tool in the toolbox. In fact he might just be the toolbox.

The idiot that thinks burning a book is equal to killing a people.
Still trying to distort what she has said. She is certainly right. You really are an asshole!
I guess calling QW an asshole for claiming you support terrorism means I support terrorism. :eek:

Bugreb isn't the sharpest tool in the toolbox. In fact he might just be the toolbox.

The idiot that thinks burning a book is equal to killing a people.
No, I don't but you can keep lying as you normally do.
Let's look at what was said

move along now

Still trying to distort what she has said. She is certainly right. You really are an asshole!

How did I destort what was said? I post unlike what you did the beginning of the conversation. You are the one that is distorting what was said

Show me where she has COMPARED the burning of a book to killing people...or are YOU another of the mentally challenged arseholes who invent things about others regardless of what they say or mean!

You are what you called me.
Now move along chump.

Chump eh. That's a laugh. You can't even spell 'distort' correctly or construct a proper sentence, so what sort of a double chump does that make you! :lol: You know something, I strongly suggest you borrow the communial brain cell you obviously share with the likes of Tank and others before you make any further posts. Unless of course you mean to carry on looking like the eternal fool.
Not true, Sunni. Outside of the US this man is certainly not seen as a man of God. Most see him for what he is. A publicity-seeking moron with a personal agenda of hatred. He knew exactly what consequences he was aiming to produce. I would even suggest he is deeply satisfied that people have died since he can claim it proves his point. He is no better than the Islamic fundamentalist bigots he condemns.

Another supporter of terrorism. Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?

You ignorant moron! Me, a supporter of terrorism! You are just a mouth flapping twat with a huge streak of bigotry running through you. Who said burning a book is as bad as killing someone. If you fuckingwell read the post instead of putting words in MY mouth you would see I said nothing of the sort. For the benefit of fools like you, who don't bother to read or understand what others say, I will repeat myself. I said that Jones knew what situation he would evoke with his koran burning. Now tell me where that says or implies that I am a terrorist supporter.

Another thing, I have worn my country's uniform and fought against terrorism, as is one of my close family members currently fighting against terrorism. What the fuck are you doing about it? Apart from sitting on your arse flapping that oversized orifice?

Your words in your post clearly stated that he is no better than the people that committed murder because he burned a book. That means your argument is that the act of burning his own book on his own property no different than terrorism. You are supporting terrorism by making that argument because you are making it the moral equivalent of insulting someone. If you do not like your position I suggest you change it, yelling at me and calling me names will only make you look silly.

By the way, I am not the bigot here. You are the one that is arguing that some idiot in Florida is controlling the rioters in Afghanistan. Does he have some sort of mind control device, or are they just so sub human that they are incapable of rational thought? Is that why they think killing random people that did nothing to them is justified because someone halfway around the world burned a book?

If you, and the others that think Jones is responsible for this, had any brains at all you would realize how demeaning and arrogant that attitude is, and wash your mouths out with soap for thinking it.

Guess what, I have worn the uniform too. If Jones had done this while I was in the service I would have been willing to fight for his right to do it. The man burned a fucking book for God's sake. These are the same people that sent a young woman into hiding over a joke about Everybody Draw Mohammad Day. Why the fuck should I care that they get upset about a book if they want to act like children? At least I accord them the respect of being responsible for their own decisions, unlike you. I am not the bigot.
You're an asshole, plain and simple.

No what’s plain and simple is that you and anyone else who compares the burning of a book to the killing of innocent people, are assholes.

Show me where she has COMPARED the burning of a book to killing people...or are YOU another of the mentally challenged arseholes who invent things about others regardless of what they say or mean!

Read the fucking thread. You did it yourself, and then went off on me when I called you on it. The people pointing out the truth are not the mentally challenged ones here.
Another supporter of terrorism. Why is burning a book as bad as killing people who are there trying to help you? Did Jones use the book to burn some random UN workers at the stake and someone forgot to mention that to the rest of the world?

You ignorant moron! Me, a supporter of terrorism! You are just a mouth flapping twat with a huge streak of bigotry running through you. Who said burning a book is as bad as killing someone. If you fuckingwell read the post instead of putting words in MY mouth you would see I said nothing of the sort. For the benefit of fools like you, who don't bother to read or understand what others say, I will repeat myself. I said that Jones knew what situation he would evoke with his koran burning. Now tell me where that says or implies that I am a terrorist supporter.

Another thing, I have worn my country's uniform and fought against terrorism, as is one of my close family members currently fighting against terrorism. What the fuck are you doing about it? Apart from sitting on your arse flapping that oversized orifice?

It drives me crazy when people say someone like Jones represents Christianity!!! He is NOT a true Christian...he's a nut case! What really gets me is, when he planned on doing this the first time all kinds of people tried talking him out of it...telling him what it would do, but yet he did it now anyway! Nobody can say he didn't know what the results would be! Ok...I'm all for freedom of speech, but you also just DON'T go into a movie theater and yell FIRE!
Thank you Colin for your service! When someone like Jones has such disregard for our service people (or any people) it just makes me fume...he knows that he put them all in huge danger by doing this. My son is in training right now in Army Special Forces (why couldn't he have grown up to be a veteranarian or something else SAFE???)...and he loves it. He has several good friends in Afghanistan now. We need to keep them all in constant prayer.....

I have read this entire thread and the only people that have said that Jones represents Christianity are the ones who are claiming that he is no better than the people that murder innocent people. Do you really want to lump yourself into that group, and say that burning books is the moral equivalent of murder on the KKK burning a cross on someone's lawn? Do you honestly believe that Jones burning a book is the same as murder? Or that the rioters are incapable of thinking for themselves, and that they had no choice but to do what they did?

If so, you are a bigot.
Let's look at what was said

move along now

Still trying to distort what she has said. She is certainly right. You really are an asshole!
I guess calling QW an asshole for claiming you support terrorism means I support terrorism. :eek:

Bugreb isn't the sharpest tool in the toolbox. In fact he might just be the toolbox.

I already explained to you why you support terrorism. I also thanked you for calling me an asshole, but I am willing to do it again since you bring it up. I think anyone that is considered an asshole by a person who supports terrorism must be doing something right.
Still trying to distort what she has said. She is certainly right. You really are an asshole!
I guess calling QW an asshole for claiming you support terrorism means I support terrorism. :eek:

Bugreb isn't the sharpest tool in the toolbox. In fact he might just be the toolbox.

I already explained to you why you support terrorism. I also thanked you for calling me an asshole, but I am willing to do it again since you bring it up. I think anyone that is considered an asshole by a person who supports terrorism must be doing something right.
If anyone at USMB supports terrorism it is you with your constant whining about TSA looking at your pathetic self.

boo hoo, what a bigot you are.

Some preacher in Florida burns a book and people are concerned about their being in peril now?
For seventy years every halfwit with over 50% of the votes cast by less than a third of the eligible adult population has sent troops somewhere to be shot at by the indigenous peoples of those places and nitwits suddenly get their tit in a wringer over a dumbass and his book burning?

Fucking open up those cobweb muddled brains.
You know......he tried to do this last year, and when he finally comprehended the problems it would cause, he decided against it.

Now? He's looking to drum up some publicity and see if he can get another free ride to NYC.

No, putting people at risk because of stupidity (like he's done), is akin to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater when there isn't one.
I guess calling QW an asshole for claiming you support terrorism means I support terrorism. :eek:

Bugreb isn't the sharpest tool in the toolbox. In fact he might just be the toolbox.

The idiot that thinks burning a book is equal to killing a people.
No, I don't but you can keep lying as you normally do.

Explain why you called Quantum Windbag an asshole for pointing out that people are equating the burning of a book with the killing of people?
Still trying to distort what she has said. She is certainly right. You really are an asshole!

How did I destort what was said? I post unlike what you did the beginning of the conversation. You are the one that is distorting what was said

Show me where she has COMPARED the burning of a book to killing people...or are YOU another of the mentally challenged arseholes who invent things about others regardless of what they say or mean!

You are what you called me.
Now move along chump.

Chump eh. That's a laugh. You can't even spell 'distort' correctly or construct a proper sentence, so what sort of a double chump does that make you! :lol: You know something, I strongly suggest you borrow the communial brain cell you obviously share with the likes of Tank and others before you make any further posts. Unless of course you mean to carry on looking like the eternal fool.

asswipe stain the neg you just got was for comparing me to tank .

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