US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

quoted and reposted for truth. :clap2:

Ravi believes that what Jones did is no different than the KKK lynching black people.

What does that say about her intellectual honesty and objectivity?
No, I said it is no different than burning a cross on a lawn.

Hey, don't run away from your own words just because you're having a meltdown Ravs.

You said what he did was an act of terrorism. Are you now going to tell me that lynching isn't an act of terrorism?

Keep melting witch. :lol:
Lynching is more than an act of terrorism. I'm not surprised that you don't know that.
I guess I shouldn't expect consistency from someone in the grip of an emotional meltdown.

Honestly, I'm sorry.

Good night.
These are some good points that you've made. However, it is really no different to cast some blame on Jones for his action than it is to cast the blame on Islam for the actions of some of its supposed followers.

Jones blames Islam for the actions of a few (relatively speaking). Since he does that he should accept his own culpability.

He is no better than what he condemns.
Most Muslims worldwide think that killing people who offend Islam is justified.
Where do you get this information? Do you just pull it out of your ass or does excitableone whisper it in your ear?

btw, do you have Asberger's?

How many times do I have to post the link to the same proof? Iget my information through diligent research. I do not need to pull stupid out of my ass, I would just ask you if I needed it.

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Most Muslims worldwide think that killing people who offend Islam is justified.
Where do you get this information? Do you just pull it out of your ass or does excitableone whisper it in your ear?

btw, do you have Asberger's?

How many times do I have to post the link to the same proof? Iget my information through diligent research. I do not need to pull stupid out of my ass, I would just ask you if I needed it.


Mixed Views of Hamas and Hezbollah in Largely Muslim Nations | Pew Global Attitudes Project
First paragraph at your link:

Across predominantly Muslim nations, there is little enthusiasm for the extremist Islamic organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, although there are pockets of support for both groups, especially in the Middle East.

So, I apologize for asking if you have Asperger's because that might have insulted intelligent people. I should have asked, are you retarded?
No, but you're an asshole so I'm not surprised that you posted that. Negged.

Not only did I post it, I stand behind it, and thank you both for the neg rep and calling me an asshole. Twice.

I understand that 27 people were arrested in connection with the murders. I doubt that anyone could make a rational argument that the UN employees are invaders...and if they can and if these murders are excused in their courts it makes what Jones did even worse.

You support terrorism simply because you do not understand the difference between a peaceful protest and terror. Your ignorance makes you marginally less responsible than the imams that incited the riots in the first place, but that is only in my eyes. The law says that ignorance is no excuse.
Nevermind my question to you if you have Asperger's. I think you're retarded.

I don't agree with you so you call me a terrorist.

It's also amusing that you blame imams for inciting violence but not this stupid "Christian".

I did not call you a terrorist, I said you support terrorism. The fact that you do not understand the difference does not surprise me one bit. I do not blame Jones because what he did did not cause anything. I blame the imams because they directly incited the riots by not only mentioning that Jones had burned a Qur'an 10 days before, they also urged them to go out and kill Americans in retaliation. I find it mind boggling that you do not blame them.

I will note that I thanked you for the neg rep, I have not neg repped you for calling me retarded, or implying that I have Asperger's. I think that, even by your warped standards, that makes me the better person. The fact that I am rubbing your nose in that fact does negate the brownie points I get for my attitude, but it is worth it to know that you are forced to admit the truth.
Where do you get this information? Do you just pull it out of your ass or does excitableone whisper it in your ear?

btw, do you have Asberger's?

How many times do I have to post the link to the same proof? Iget my information through diligent research. I do not need to pull stupid out of my ass, I would just ask you if I needed it.


Mixed Views of Hamas and Hezbollah in Largely Muslim Nations | Pew Global Attitudes Project
First paragraph at your link:

Across predominantly Muslim nations, there is little enthusiasm for the extremist Islamic organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, although there are pockets of support for both groups, especially in the Middle East.
So, I apologize for asking if you have Asperger's because that might have insulted intelligent people. I should have asked, are you retarded?

One of the reasons I like to use PEW is that, despite their obvious bias, they provide the numbers that prove they are wrong.

Egypt is supposed to be a secular nation, yet 52% support Hamas and 43% support Hezbollah. Hezbollah is not even about Islam, it is strictly a terrorist organization entirely funded by Iran.

If you had a brain that would worry you.
How many times do I have to post the link to the same proof? Iget my information through diligent research. I do not need to pull stupid out of my ass, I would just ask you if I needed it.


Mixed Views of Hamas and Hezbollah in Largely Muslim Nations | Pew Global Attitudes Project
First paragraph at your link:

Across predominantly Muslim nations, there is little enthusiasm for the extremist Islamic organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, although there are pockets of support for both groups, especially in the Middle East.
So, I apologize for asking if you have Asperger's because that might have insulted intelligent people. I should have asked, are you retarded?

One of the reasons I like to use PEW is that, despite their obvious bias, they provide the numbers that prove they are wrong.

Egypt is supposed to be a secular nation, yet 52% support Hamas and 43% support Hezbollah. Hezbollah is not even about Islam, it is strictly a terrorist organization entirely funded by Iran.

If you had a brain that would worry you.

That opening paragraph does make the survey a bit confusing though.
If there is little enthusiasm in general for the groups just what do the survey results reveal then?
Does that mean the support shown is not strong...if the survey only gave the respondents two choices (support or not support) then what about those that don't really have a strong opinion? Are they more likely in general to plump for 'support' when only presented with two choices?
Hamas isn't terrorist organization. It is elected representative of Palestinians in Gaza without election irregularities.
Pastor was wrong, just because you have the right to do something considered vile by other people does not mean you should do it; good judgment should prevail. Obviously the pastor does not have good judgment.

Muslims are wrong to kill anyone over this. It's backward, barbaric and stupid.

This is not an either / or folks. This is an "and" problem. Pastor is wrong, and Muslims are wrong. Why are you so busy trying to fight your fellow americans that you can't think straight?
Pastor was wrong, just because you have the right to do something considered vile by other people does not mean you should do it; good judgment should prevail. Obviously the pastor does not have good judgment.

Muslims are wrong to kill anyone over this. It's backward, barbaric and stupid.

This is not an either / or folks. This is an "and" problem. Pastor is wrong, and Muslims are wrong. Why are you so busy trying to fight your fellow americans that you can't think straight?

Terry Jones is an Asshole. He is not a pastor in any meaning of the word. He is an asshole.
there is nothing more important than our Words, and words have consequences according to the, on a personal sense, I think what this so called Christian Minister did and said went against EVERYTHING that Christ has taught....

Other Christian ministers begged him not to do what he planned, burning another religion's sacred book en mass.

Because it goes against every single teaching of Christ and makes other Christians look bad, just like Fred Phelps.

So, for this reason, for religious reasons, I think this Minister should NOT have had a jolly ole bonfire in the name of Christ, as he did. It was not him as an individual doing such, but him as a Minister and follower of Christ that did this.....and that's unacceptable to me.

And I am not trying to have the gvt squash his freedom of speech, but none the less I was and am against what he did....and will forever be against what he did.

If only you showed as much vehemence against the Muslims that killed the 12 UN workers.

maybe you should read ALL that i have said on this before judging as you have sheila....

I have condemned the slimy, barbaric, murders for their actions.

this is not an either/ or... both should be condemned and yes the murders are more at fault, but that does NOT absolve the Minister's/Church's actions.
Pastor was wrong, just because you have the right to do something considered vile by other people does not mean you should do it; good judgment should prevail. Obviously the pastor does not have good judgment.

Muslims are wrong to kill anyone over this. It's backward, barbaric and stupid.

This is not an either / or folks. This is an "and" problem. Pastor is wrong, and Muslims are wrong. Why are you so busy trying to fight your fellow americans that you can't think straight?

It might not be an either/or, but there are degrees involved. What Jones did was burn a book. I find that offensive because I think books are important, but what he did was legal. Not only that, he wanted to prove that Muslims are intolerant. He succeeded.

Then we have a reaction to a legal, peaceful, protest, murder.

You think that Jones was wrong, without saying why, did you find his intent to prove that Muslims are intolerant offensive? Did him breaking through all the PC bullshit about Islam being a religion of peace destroy your world view? Or do you just think that being rude is the same as killing people?

I have just realized that your opinion offends me to my core. If I went out and found some random person wearing beads and killed them, would that make you wrong? Or would I be the only one that is wrong in that scenario? Does your attempt to twist the realm of the real world into a pretzel extend to accepting blame for something you said that sets me off?

One last question, how the fuck was Jones wrong?
there is nothing more important than our Words, and words have consequences according to the, on a personal sense, I think what this so called Christian Minister did and said went against EVERYTHING that Christ has taught....

Other Christian ministers begged him not to do what he planned, burning another religion's sacred book en mass.

Because it goes against every single teaching of Christ and makes other Christians look bad, just like Fred Phelps.

So, for this reason, for religious reasons, I think this Minister should NOT have had a jolly ole bonfire in the name of Christ, as he did. It was not him as an individual doing such, but him as a Minister and follower of Christ that did this.....and that's unacceptable to me.

And I am not trying to have the gvt squash his freedom of speech, but none the less I was and am against what he did....and will forever be against what he did.

If only you showed as much vehemence against the Muslims that killed the 12 UN workers.

maybe you should read ALL that i have said on this before judging as you have sheila....

I have condemned the slimy, barbaric, murders for their actions.

this is not an either/ or... both should be condemned and yes the murders are more at fault, but that does NOT absolve the Minister's/Church's actions.

Why should both be condemned? If someone takes offense at your words and kills people as a result should you be condemned?
Pastor was wrong, just because you have the right to do something considered vile by other people does not mean you should do it; good judgment should prevail. Obviously the pastor does not have good judgment.

Muslims are wrong to kill anyone over this. It's backward, barbaric and stupid.

This is not an either / or folks. This is an "and" problem. Pastor is wrong, and Muslims are wrong. Why are you so busy trying to fight your fellow americans that you can't think straight?

It might not be an either/or, but there are degrees involved. What Jones did was burn a book. I find that offensive because I think books are important, but what he did was legal. Not only that, he wanted to prove that Muslims are intolerant. He succeeded.

Then we have a reaction to a legal, peaceful, protest, murder.

You think that Jones was wrong, without saying why, did you find his intent to prove that Muslims are intolerant offensive? Did him breaking through all the PC bullshit about Islam being a religion of peace destroy your world view? Or do you just think that being rude is the same as killing people?

I have just realized that your opinion offends me to my core. If I went out and found some random person wearing beads and killed them, would that make you wrong? Or would I be the only one that is wrong in that scenario? Does your attempt to twist the realm of the real world into a pretzel extend to accepting blame for something you said that sets me off?

One last question, how the fuck was Jones wrong?

First you said Jones didn't know the radical Muslims would react the way they did, but now you say:

What Jones did was burn a book. I find that offensive because I think books are important, but what he did was legal. Not only that, he wanted to prove that Muslims are intolerant. He succeeded.
so what are you standing by now QW?

you say jones Succeeded in showing the intolerance of Muslims as HE HAD PLANNED TO SHOW with his book burning...

this SUCCESS of jones was the murder of 12 people.... and you still put the guy up on a pedestal for succeeding in showing Muslim intolerance and say the guy did not have any part in the deaths of those 12???

AMAZING!:doubt: and scary!

i think you should get your story straight...

you called the death of 12 human beings, success on the Minister's part....that's pretty sick QW???????

abortion is Legal, just like book burning....yet you speak out against it, but on this, where the pastor was TOLD by many many many respectable people that he could incite the deaths of Americans, and he was told by Petraus and other Military leaders in Afghanistan that burning those Korans could make their jobs in Afghanistan very difficult and could end up killing more of our military, you side with the Pastor and praise his actions as ''successful'????

i don't get you.....?
Pastor was wrong, just because you have the right to do something considered vile by other people does not mean you should do it; good judgment should prevail. Obviously the pastor does not have good judgment.

Muslims are wrong to kill anyone over this. It's backward, barbaric and stupid.

This is not an either / or folks. This is an "and" problem. Pastor is wrong, and Muslims are wrong. Why are you so busy trying to fight your fellow americans that you can't think straight?

It might not be an either/or, but there are degrees involved. What Jones did was burn a book. I find that offensive because I think books are important, but what he did was legal. Not only that, he wanted to prove that Muslims are intolerant. He succeeded.

Then we have a reaction to a legal, peaceful, protest, murder.

You think that Jones was wrong, without saying why, did you find his intent to prove that Muslims are intolerant offensive? Did him breaking through all the PC bullshit about Islam being a religion of peace destroy your world view? Or do you just think that being rude is the same as killing people?

I have just realized that your opinion offends me to my core. If I went out and found some random person wearing beads and killed them, would that make you wrong? Or would I be the only one that is wrong in that scenario? Does your attempt to twist the realm of the real world into a pretzel extend to accepting blame for something you said that sets me off?

One last question, how the fuck was Jones wrong?

First you said Jones didn't know the radical Muslims would react the way they did, but now you say:

What Jones did was burn a book. I find that offensive because I think books are important, but what he did was legal. Not only that, he wanted to prove that Muslims are intolerant. He succeeded.
so what are you standing by now QW?

you say jones Succeeded in showing the intolerance of Muslims as HE HAD PLANNED TO SHOW with his book burning...

this SUCCESS of jones was the murder of 12 people.... and you still put the guy up on a pedestal for succeeding in showing Muslim intolerance and say the guy did not have any part in the deaths of those 12???

AMAZING!:doubt: and scary!

i think you should get your story straight...

you called the death of 12 human beings, success on the Minister's part....that's pretty sick QW???????

abortion is Legal, just like book burning....yet you speak out against it, but on this, where the pastor was TOLD by many many many respectable people that he could incite the deaths of Americans, and he was told by Petraus and other Military leaders in Afghanistan that burning those Korans could make their jobs in Afghanistan very difficult and could end up killing more of our military, you side with the Pastor and praise his actions as ''successful'????

i don't get you.....?
Jones is now comparing himself to MLK.

What a revolting excuse for a Christian.
Pastor was wrong, just because you have the right to do something considered vile by other people does not mean you should do it; good judgment should prevail. Obviously the pastor does not have good judgment.

Muslims are wrong to kill anyone over this. It's backward, barbaric and stupid.

This is not an either / or folks. This is an "and" problem. Pastor is wrong, and Muslims are wrong. Why are you so busy trying to fight your fellow americans that you can't think straight?

Terry Jones is an Asshole. He is not a pastor in any meaning of the word. He is an asshole.

Well, one thing is true. He would not be the pastor in my church.


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