US troops were just “airraiding villages and killing innocent civilians”?


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
210 reported:
The U.S. and its allies have unleashed a massive air campaign in Afghanistan, launching missiles and bombs from the sky at a rate rarely seen since the war’s earliest days. In October alone, NATO planes fired their weapons on 1,000 separate missions, U.S. Air Force statistics provided to Danger Room show. Since Gen. David Petraeus took command of the war effort in late June, coalition aircraft have flown 2,600 attack sorties. That’s 50% more than they did during the same period in 2009. Not surprisingly, civilian casualties are on the rise, as well.
NATO officials say the increase in air attacks is simply a natural outgrowth of a more aggressive campaign to push militants out of their strongholds in southern Afghanistan. “Simply put, our air strikes have increased because our operations have increased. We’ve made a concentrated effort in the south to clear out the insurgency and therefore have increased our number of troops on the ground and aircraft to support them in this effort,” Lt. Nicole Schwegman, a NATO spokesperson, tells Danger Room.
On the other hand, some outside observers believe the strikes are part of an attempt to soften up the insurgency before negotiations with them begin in earnest. But one thing is clear: it’s a strategy Petraeus has used before. Once he took over the Iraq war effort, air strikes jumped nearly sevenfold.

You leftists are completely silent about this escalation in air-raids…
After all, there’s a far left democrat in the White House, right.

He is middle not far left.

You do remember that the IRAQ war was the one we were lied into and not Afganistan right?
Dont mess with Obama, he will take it to the hood. Gang style.

I bet he bombs and thus kills children on a bridge just like Bill Clinton did.

Liberals are mean as hell in war, a black liberal, I have a bit of a stereotype when I think of blacks and violence, they are great fighters, like when Tyson bit off Holyfield's ear.

I feel awful for the children when liberals go to war.
He is middle not far left.

To my (far) left sensibilities, he's not even in the middle. He has continued many of the Bush policies that saddened and infuriated me. Even though he said he supports DADT, he's blocking it in court. Hasn't closed Gitmo. Kept many of the provisions of the Patriot Act. Kept Gates at Defense Sec for heaven's sake. And has acted weak and over-compromising with the right his entire presidency. How is that "middle"????
Where's Code Pink?

Last I saw or heard from them they were protesting the use of air conditioners.

Ah, when its a liberal President killing innocents the left never give a shit.

Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat. reported:
The U.S. and its allies have unleashed a massive air campaign in Afghanistan, launching missiles and bombs from the sky at a rate rarely seen since the war’s earliest days. In October alone, NATO planes fired their weapons on 1,000 separate missions, U.S. Air Force statistics provided to Danger Room show. Since Gen. David Petraeus took command of the war effort in late June, coalition aircraft have flown 2,600 attack sorties. That’s 50% more than they did during the same period in 2009. Not surprisingly, civilian casualties are on the rise, as well.
NATO officials say the increase in air attacks is simply a natural outgrowth of a more aggressive campaign to push militants out of their strongholds in southern Afghanistan. “Simply put, our air strikes have increased because our operations have increased. We’ve made a concentrated effort in the south to clear out the insurgency and therefore have increased our number of troops on the ground and aircraft to support them in this effort,” Lt. Nicole Schwegman, a NATO spokesperson, tells Danger Room.
On the other hand, some outside observers believe the strikes are part of an attempt to soften up the insurgency before negotiations with them begin in earnest. But one thing is clear: it’s a strategy Petraeus has used before. Once he took over the Iraq war effort, air strikes jumped nearly sevenfold.

You leftists are completely silent about this escalation in air-raids…
After all, there’s a far left democrat in the White House, right.

So collateral damage was okay during the Iraq war, but isn't supposed to occur in Afghanistan? Got it.

And by the way, why didn't you put this in the AFGHANISTAN topic where it belongs?
Well all you anti-war types should be protesting in the streets.. reported:
The U.S. and its allies have unleashed a massive air campaign in Afghanistan, launching missiles and bombs from the sky at a rate rarely seen since the war’s earliest days. In October alone, NATO planes fired their weapons on 1,000 separate missions, U.S. Air Force statistics provided to Danger Room show. Since Gen. David Petraeus took command of the war effort in late June, coalition aircraft have flown 2,600 attack sorties. That’s 50% more than they did during the same period in 2009. Not surprisingly, civilian casualties are on the rise, as well.
NATO officials say the increase in air attacks is simply a natural outgrowth of a more aggressive campaign to push militants out of their strongholds in southern Afghanistan. “Simply put, our air strikes have increased because our operations have increased. We’ve made a concentrated effort in the south to clear out the insurgency and therefore have increased our number of troops on the ground and aircraft to support them in this effort,” Lt. Nicole Schwegman, a NATO spokesperson, tells Danger Room.
On the other hand, some outside observers believe the strikes are part of an attempt to soften up the insurgency before negotiations with them begin in earnest. But one thing is clear: it’s a strategy Petraeus has used before. Once he took over the Iraq war effort, air strikes jumped nearly sevenfold.

You leftists are completely silent about this escalation in air-raids…
After all, there’s a far left democrat in the White House, right.

Completely silent? :cuckoo:

U.S. Drone Strike Kills 20 People in Pakistan (3 Children) - Democratic Underground

Blackwater managed CIA Predator drone assassination program - Democratic Underground

CODE PINK rallies in NV. Will call for end to U.S. drone attacks in Afghanistan - Democratic Underground
You leftists are completely silent about this escalation in air-raids…

After all, there’s a far left democrat in the White House, right.

Hmm, well lets not be quiet about it then. Civilians need to relocate out of the country until the bad news is over, or expect to see their families die, those collateral damage as Rummy often said.

It is piss poor planning and maneuvering on the ground that drags these little wars out. I was part of Operation Junction City, one of the best handled operations I have seen performed. The entire region of War Zone III was sweep for friendlies, and they were sent to re-education camps. That left a vast area of badlands with only the enemy. So only the dummies who managed to stay and the enemy became targets. (Later)
Never believe feigned Far Left outrage. Dropping bombs and killing civilians is perfectly acceptable to them just as long as it's one of their D's dropping those bombs. If it's an R dropping the bombs,they revert back to pretending they're Anti-War. Where did all those screeching "Anti-War" D's go? Not hearing much from them anymore huh? Where are all their angry protests? Pretending to be Anti-War just isn't convenient for them anymore. Never believe their phony outrage. It is and has always been about them getting the power the back. Now that they have the power back,they're quiet. It is sad but it is what it is.
Dont mess with Obama, he will take it to the hood. Gang style.

I bet he bombs and thus kills children on a bridge just like Bill Clinton did.

Liberals are mean as hell in war, a black liberal, I have a bit of a stereotype when I think of blacks and violence, they are great fighters, like when Tyson bit off Holyfield's ear.

I feel awful for the children when liberals go to war.

Where's Code Pink?

Last I saw or heard from them they were protesting the use of air conditioners.

Ah, when its a liberal President killing innocents the left never give a shit.

Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat.

I think you would see many more protest if the corporate media were to show images of innocent children that have been blown to bit by our bombs.
He is middle not far left.

You do remember that the IRAQ war was the one we were lied into and not Afganistan right?

You do remember all the prominent Democrats who passed a resolution to remove Saddam Husein from power before Bush came into office.. right?

Yes, except nobody signed onto an invasion, killing a bunch of Iraqi civilians and assuring millions more would become refugees from their own country, not to mention an open invitation to al-Qaeda to open recruiting offices in Iraq.

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