USA is contributing twice as much to Ukraine war as all europe

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Europeans rarely care about their own security from foreign nations. Hell, they didnt even trust the intel.UK and U.S agencies provided them. Markel and her team laughed at Trump when he told.pthem they should ween themselves off of Russian oil. It is sad.
And??..given the fact that Russia is one of our top enemies it doesn't behoove us to prop up their target?...and I gotta say, Pootey is losing his shirt in this war.
If he wasn't so insulated by the oligarchs.....his head would be separated from the rest of him by now. :)
And I'll take "Why The IRS Will Get You To Pay Taxes Eventually".....for Double Jeopardy. :auiqs.jpg:
I'll bet $5000. Seen it happen. Eventually, you're brought to heel. :)

I'll take "What Is It Like To Have No Taxable Income" for $2000, Alex.

I tried to file a return this year and the CPA said "Get out of here".

YOU enjoy buying weapons for an unwinnable war.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

By percentage of GDP and Tax Receipts...Europe has us beat hands down.

Germany is #2 in total dollars/Euros and Poland I think is#3 but it could be the UK.
Both are giving substantial amounts of weapons and equipment.

The USA is so far above most nation's GDP and tax receipts its kinda ridiculous.

So the article is biased "hit piece" news intended to incite anger and frustration....what do you expect from MSM?
And??..given the fact that Russia is one of our top enemies it doesn't behoove us to prop up their target?...and I gotta say, Pootey is losing his shirt in this war.
If he wasn't so insulated by the oligarchs.....his head would be separated from the rest of him by now. :)
the Europeans need to step up and spend more to help Ukraine ! do you have a problem with that !
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