USA Pressure to Accept Gays is Backfiring


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yay for Africa. The people there have more common sense than the entire Western world combined.
In Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, the final passage of the 2014 law against homosexuality — which makes same-sex relationships punishable by 14 years in prison and makes it a crime to organize or participate in any type of gay meeting — is widely regarded by both supporters and opponents of gay rights as a reaction to American pressure on Nigeria and other African nations to embrace gay rights.

“The Nigerian law was blowback,” said Chidi Odinkalu, chairman of Nigeria’s National Human Rights Commission and the senior legal officer for the Africa Program of the Open Society Justice Initiative, which supports gay rights on the continent. “You now have situations of gay men being molested on the streets or taunted. That was all avoidable.”

“I’ve said to U.S. diplomats privately as well — the risk is causing more harm than good,” Mr. Odinkalu added. “You don’t want an infusion of good will to actually do harm to the community that you think you’re protecting.”

Anti-gay sentiments are widespread across Africa. Same-sex relations remain illegal in most nations, the legacy of colonial laws that had been largely forgotten until the West’s push to repeal them in recent years.

Fierce opposition has come from African governments and private organizations, which accuse the United States of cultural imperialism. Pressing gay rights on an unwilling continent, they say, is the latest attempt by Western nations to impose their values on Africa.
Too bad we have that pesky Constitution standing in the way. :(
Those, who invented political correctness, basically invented a good way to distract the population from the truth and reality. And now it seems like the population is getting pretty tired of it and wants actually to be able to see and to say the truth. Indeed, it's not right when the minorities control the majority.
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Not for nothing, b
When have you been stopped from saying anything you want?

I cannot even say what I want here.

Not for nothing, but this website is private property. You have no more right to say anything you want here than you do standing in someone's living room.

But the government can only restrict you in very narrow circumstances (can't cause a riot or panic, can't threaten someone, can't create child porn, etc...). That's the difference.
When have you been stopped from saying anything you want?
Right here on this web site. Go ahead and try and type the word N!gger, even if you are joking around. Nope, no cigar.

Our nation has lost all sense of humor. There is a governor on this site that automatically censors all sort of things you can type, and that applies to the real world.

Some things you can say in polite society, some things you can't. As a nation, we have lost our sense of ownership, our personal sense of self-esteem and we have VERY THIN skin.

I don't hardly spend any time on FB, but I have some friends that do. They tell me you can type things like "cock sucking mother fucker". . . but you can't call someone a "whiny faggot", or a "dumb n1gger," you're likely to get the post reported and have it yanked. I'm not sure if that's true, but that is what I have been told.
Well I suppose just don't be gay if you live in Nigeria.

Or Nigeria could join the civilized world and not jail people for what goes on behind bedroom doors. So long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, it shouldn't be a crime to have sex just because the neighbors don't like it.
Ah! Comservatives! They look to Nigeria as a paradigm of civil rights and applaud repression and criminalization of homosexuality! You must be so proud! Your ideals and values have consistently been in the gutter.

You claim to love America, but what is it about America you find so audible? Our freedoms? Our values of Justice? Ha!

Bigots to a man. Shame upon you.
This is one issue I don't think needs pressure. The more gay folk have been willing to be open about it the more others have realized that they're just people and it's not a big deal.

The only issue I have with the gay rights movement was over marriage. Not that I'm opposed. I just think that if 20 yrs ago if we had instituted "civil unions" people like me could have shut up many on the right with the argument that it was a legal agreement between 2 american adults and none of their business. Of course it would have deprived the left of a rallying cry.

It seems to me that with civil unions 20 yrs ago by now most would say "civil union, marriage what's the difference"?
The fight all this time has been over a word.
Well I suppose just don't be gay if you live in Nigeria.

Or Nigeria could join the civilized world and not jail people for what goes on behind bedroom doors. So long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, it shouldn't be a crime to have sex just because the neighbors don't like it.
Who are you to tell Nigeria what to do? Do the people of Nigeria have any say in their country or must they obey foreign dictates?
Well I suppose just don't be gay if you live in Nigeria.

Or Nigeria could join the civilized world and not jail people for what goes on behind bedroom doors. So long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, it shouldn't be a crime to have sex just because the neighbors don't like it.
Who are you to tell Nigeria what to do? Do the people of Nigeria have any say in their country or must they obey foreign dictates?
Would you say the same of any other repressive nation? Should Saudi Arabia, for instance, have every right to persecute a Christian minority?
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Well I suppose just don't be gay if you live in Nigeria.

Or Nigeria could join the civilized world and not jail people for what goes on behind bedroom doors. So long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, it shouldn't be a crime to have sex just because the neighbors don't like it.
Who are you to tell Nigeria what to do? Do the people of Nigeria have any say in their country or must they obey foreign dictates?
Would you say the same of any other repressive nation? Should Saudi Arabia, for instance, have every right to persecute a Christian minority?
Christians aren't perverts. Being a Christian isn't the same as being gay. Do you think prohibiting sex with corpses is persecution?
Well I suppose just don't be gay if you live in Nigeria.

Or Nigeria could join the civilized world and not jail people for what goes on behind bedroom doors. So long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, it shouldn't be a crime to have sex just because the neighbors don't like it.
Who are you to tell Nigeria what to do? Do the people of Nigeria have any say in their country or must they obey foreign dictates?

It's not unreasonable to think the Nigerians should not imprison people for doing something behind closed doors that hurts no one. Gay people exist. Nigeria should just deal with that and join the 21st century world or be isolated like we did with Apartheid nations. Let Nigeria decide which is more important: jailing gays for being gay or stop being international pariahs.
So is it the Christian or Muslim faction that is pushing for the anti homo laws???
I'm so proud to be a citizen of America, a country that spends millions to export faggotry And abortion to the African continent, where entire people's are in danger of disappearing off the face of the earth thanks to AIDs and genocide. Progressives are so awesome.

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