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USA Today editorial board declares Trump unfit for Presidency

Sometimes you have to just do what's right

USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

He is erratic. Trump has been on so many sides of so many issues that attempting to assess his policy positions is like shooting at a moving target. A list prepared by NBC details 124 shifts by Trump on 20 major issues since shortly before he entered the race. He simply spouts slogans and outcomes (heā€™d replace Obamacare with ā€œsomething terrificā€) without any credible explanations of how heā€™d achieve them.

He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. Trumpā€™s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent. Itā€™s not just Democrats who say this. Scores of Republican national security leaders have signed an extraordinary open letter calling Trumpā€™s foreign policy vision ā€œwildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.ā€ In a Wall Street Journal column this month, Robert Gates, the highly respected former Defense secretary who served presidents of both parties over a half-century, described Trump as ā€œbeyond repair.ā€

He traffics in prejudice. From the very beginning, Trump has built his campaign on appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, whipping up resentment against Mexicans, Muslims and migrants. His proposals for mass deportations and religious tests are unworkable and contrary to Americaā€™s ideals.

Trump has stirred racist sentiments in ways that canā€™t be erased by his belated and clumsy outreach to African Americans. His attacks on an Indiana-born federal judge of Mexican heritage fit ā€œthe textbook definition of a racist comment,ā€ according to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected official in the Republican Party. And for five years, Trump fanned the absurd ā€œbirtherā€ movement that falsely questioned the legitimacy of the nationā€™s first black president.

His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

He isnā€™t leveling with the American people. Is Trump as rich as he says? No one knows, in part because, alone among major party presidential candidates for the past four decades, he refuses to release his tax returns. Nor do we know whether he has paid his fair share of taxes, or the extent of his foreign financial entanglements.

He speaks recklessly. In the days after the Republican convention, Trump invited Russian hackers to interfere with an American election by releasing Hillary Clintonā€™s emails, and he raised the prospect of ā€œSecond Amendment peopleā€ preventing the Democratic nominee from appointing liberal justices. Itā€™s hard to imagine two more irresponsible statements from one presidential candidate.

He has coarsened the national dialogue. Did you ever imagine that a presidential candidate would discuss the size of his genitalia during a nationally televised Republican debate? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine a presidential candidate, one who avoided service in the military, would criticize Gold Star parents who lost a son in Iraq? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine youā€™d see a presidential candidate mock a disabled reporter? Neither did we. Trumpā€™s inability or unwillingness to ignore criticism raises the specter of a president who, like Richard Nixon, would create enemiesā€™ lists and be consumed with getting even with his critics.

Heā€™s a serial liar. Although polls show that Clinton is considered less honest and trustworthy than Trump, itā€™s not even a close contest. Trump is in a league of his own when it comes to the quality and quantity of his misstatements. When confronted with a falsehood, such as his assertion that he was always against the Iraq War, Trumpā€™s reaction is to use the Big Lie technique of repeating it so often that people begin to believe it.

We are not unmindful of the issues that Trumpā€™s campaign has exploited: the disappearance of working-class jobs; excessive political correctness; the direction of the Supreme Court; urban unrest and street violence; the rise of the Islamic State terrorist group; gridlock in Washington and the influence of moneyed interests. All are legitimate sources of concern.

If Trump is unfit for the presidency, then logically Hillary is unqualified, unsuitable, inappropriate, unequipped, inadequate, and very very very UNHEALTHY in mind and body.

The MSM dupes libs and progs EVERY time. One would think they would see the fraud at least once in awhile, but no.
Get ready for 4 more years only instead of Obama it'll be hillary
Yeah....false accusations of Trump calling a woman fat 20 years ago is going to hand the presidency to a criminal.
You really think people are going to buy that nonsense??
They just BELIEVE....and at the same time they IGNORE all the skeletons in Hillary and Bill's closet.

It is quite a balancing act....
Sometimes you have to just do what's right

USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

He is erratic. Trump has been on so many sides of so many issues that attempting to assess his policy positions is like shooting at a moving target. A list prepared by NBC details 124 shifts by Trump on 20 major issues since shortly before he entered the race. He simply spouts slogans and outcomes (heā€™d replace Obamacare with ā€œsomething terrificā€) without any credible explanations of how heā€™d achieve them.

He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. Trumpā€™s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent. Itā€™s not just Democrats who say this. Scores of Republican national security leaders have signed an extraordinary open letter calling Trumpā€™s foreign policy vision ā€œwildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.ā€ In a Wall Street Journal column this month, Robert Gates, the highly respected former Defense secretary who served presidents of both parties over a half-century, described Trump as ā€œbeyond repair.ā€

He traffics in prejudice. From the very beginning, Trump has built his campaign on appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, whipping up resentment against Mexicans, Muslims and migrants. His proposals for mass deportations and religious tests are unworkable and contrary to Americaā€™s ideals.

Trump has stirred racist sentiments in ways that canā€™t be erased by his belated and clumsy outreach to African Americans. His attacks on an Indiana-born federal judge of Mexican heritage fit ā€œthe textbook definition of a racist comment,ā€ according to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected official in the Republican Party. And for five years, Trump fanned the absurd ā€œbirtherā€ movement that falsely questioned the legitimacy of the nationā€™s first black president.

His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

He isnā€™t leveling with the American people. Is Trump as rich as he says? No one knows, in part because, alone among major party presidential candidates for the past four decades, he refuses to release his tax returns. Nor do we know whether he has paid his fair share of taxes, or the extent of his foreign financial entanglements.

He speaks recklessly. In the days after the Republican convention, Trump invited Russian hackers to interfere with an American election by releasing Hillary Clintonā€™s emails, and he raised the prospect of ā€œSecond Amendment peopleā€ preventing the Democratic nominee from appointing liberal justices. Itā€™s hard to imagine two more irresponsible statements from one presidential candidate.

He has coarsened the national dialogue. Did you ever imagine that a presidential candidate would discuss the size of his genitalia during a nationally televised Republican debate? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine a presidential candidate, one who avoided service in the military, would criticize Gold Star parents who lost a son in Iraq? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine youā€™d see a presidential candidate mock a disabled reporter? Neither did we. Trumpā€™s inability or unwillingness to ignore criticism raises the specter of a president who, like Richard Nixon, would create enemiesā€™ lists and be consumed with getting even with his critics.

Heā€™s a serial liar. Although polls show that Clinton is considered less honest and trustworthy than Trump, itā€™s not even a close contest. Trump is in a league of his own when it comes to the quality and quantity of his misstatements. When confronted with a falsehood, such as his assertion that he was always against the Iraq War, Trumpā€™s reaction is to use the Big Lie technique of repeating it so often that people begin to believe it.

We are not unmindful of the issues that Trumpā€™s campaign has exploited: the disappearance of working-class jobs; excessive political correctness; the direction of the Supreme Court; urban unrest and street violence; the rise of the Islamic State terrorist group; gridlock in Washington and the influence of moneyed interests. All are legitimate sources of concern.

If Trump is unfit for the presidency, then logically Hillary is unqualified, unsuitable, inappropriate, unequipped, inadequate, and very very very UNHEALTHY in mind and body.

The MSM dupes libs and progs EVERY time. One would think they would see the fraud at least once in awhile, but no.
Get ready for 4 more years only instead of Obama it'll be hillary
I do not doubt the American people are dumb enough to do that. The establishment, 1%, and the billionaire class will get their girl, at the expense of 90% of Americans. Oh well...can't fix stupid.
Trump is a con man fool
Which is he?
A con man or a fool.
A con man is usually smarter than the idiots that fall for his or her cons.
This issue with the Miss Universe deal still has life ....because Trump can't / wont let it go.
It's been going on for days because Trump can't deal with any criticism....
It eats at him like a gut full of pin worms.

Is this someone who can deal with being President.
He will have so much on his plate and not being able to deal with something
and then move on to the next thing is troubling.

This is not good.
Horseshit. The media is trying to keep it alive. I'm tired of idiots constantly blaming Trump for the actions of the Hillary propaganda machine, which is the media.

Man Hillary has accomplished her goal...
Get under Trump's skin...

Trump is up at 3 AM this morning hitting that Twitter account hard.
What the hell is that all about???
That's a significant recognition of Trump!!!!!!!
Trump is losing it! He's tweeting and doing coke at 2am. Lol. Talking about 14 year olds and rapists. Lol. Out comes the real trump.

And keep in mind i still believe trump is a better choice than kasich rubio jeb or Cruz. Don't you?
Doing coke????

Where the hell did you hear this nonsense????

He made it up...it's what left loon assholes do
I know a coke snort and trump got some bad coke. It's why he got buggy half way thru the debate. Twitchy. He's a coke head. Up all night, crazy tweets, you trumpeters are blind
That's a significant recognition of Trump!!!!!!!
Trump is losing it! He's tweeting and doing coke at 2am. Lol. Talking about 14 year olds and rapists. Lol. Out comes the real trump.

And keep in mind i still believe trump is a better choice than kasich rubio jeb or Cruz. Don't you?
Doing coke????

Where the hell did you hear this nonsense????

He made it up...it's what left loon assholes do
I know a coke snort and trump got some bad coke. It's why he got buggy half way thru the debate. Twitchy. He's a coke head. Up all night, crazy tweets, you trumpeters are blind

You don't know shit, shut up with the BS, trolll
Sometimes you have to just do what's right

USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

He is erratic. Trump has been on so many sides of so many issues that attempting to assess his policy positions is like shooting at a moving target. A list prepared by NBC details 124 shifts by Trump on 20 major issues since shortly before he entered the race. He simply spouts slogans and outcomes (heā€™d replace Obamacare with ā€œsomething terrificā€) without any credible explanations of how heā€™d achieve them.

He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. Trumpā€™s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent. Itā€™s not just Democrats who say this. Scores of Republican national security leaders have signed an extraordinary open letter calling Trumpā€™s foreign policy vision ā€œwildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.ā€ In a Wall Street Journal column this month, Robert Gates, the highly respected former Defense secretary who served presidents of both parties over a half-century, described Trump as ā€œbeyond repair.ā€

He traffics in prejudice. From the very beginning, Trump has built his campaign on appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, whipping up resentment against Mexicans, Muslims and migrants. His proposals for mass deportations and religious tests are unworkable and contrary to Americaā€™s ideals.

Trump has stirred racist sentiments in ways that canā€™t be erased by his belated and clumsy outreach to African Americans. His attacks on an Indiana-born federal judge of Mexican heritage fit ā€œthe textbook definition of a racist comment,ā€ according to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected official in the Republican Party. And for five years, Trump fanned the absurd ā€œbirtherā€ movement that falsely questioned the legitimacy of the nationā€™s first black president.

His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

He isnā€™t leveling with the American people. Is Trump as rich as he says? No one knows, in part because, alone among major party presidential candidates for the past four decades, he refuses to release his tax returns. Nor do we know whether he has paid his fair share of taxes, or the extent of his foreign financial entanglements.

He speaks recklessly. In the days after the Republican convention, Trump invited Russian hackers to interfere with an American election by releasing Hillary Clintonā€™s emails, and he raised the prospect of ā€œSecond Amendment peopleā€ preventing the Democratic nominee from appointing liberal justices. Itā€™s hard to imagine two more irresponsible statements from one presidential candidate.

He has coarsened the national dialogue. Did you ever imagine that a presidential candidate would discuss the size of his genitalia during a nationally televised Republican debate? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine a presidential candidate, one who avoided service in the military, would criticize Gold Star parents who lost a son in Iraq? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine youā€™d see a presidential candidate mock a disabled reporter? Neither did we. Trumpā€™s inability or unwillingness to ignore criticism raises the specter of a president who, like Richard Nixon, would create enemiesā€™ lists and be consumed with getting even with his critics.

Heā€™s a serial liar. Although polls show that Clinton is considered less honest and trustworthy than Trump, itā€™s not even a close contest. Trump is in a league of his own when it comes to the quality and quantity of his misstatements. When confronted with a falsehood, such as his assertion that he was always against the Iraq War, Trumpā€™s reaction is to use the Big Lie technique of repeating it so often that people begin to believe it.

We are not unmindful of the issues that Trumpā€™s campaign has exploited: the disappearance of working-class jobs; excessive political correctness; the direction of the Supreme Court; urban unrest and street violence; the rise of the Islamic State terrorist group; gridlock in Washington and the influence of moneyed interests. All are legitimate sources of concern.

If Trump is unfit for the presidency, then logically Hillary is unqualified, unsuitable, inappropriate, unequipped, inadequate, and very very very UNHEALTHY in mind and body.

The MSM dupes libs and progs EVERY time. One would think they would see the fraud at least once in awhile, but no.
Get ready for 4 more years only instead of Obama it'll be hillary
I do not doubt the American people are dumb enough to do that. The establishment, 1%, and the billionaire class will get their girl, at the expense of 90% of Americans. Oh well...can't fix stupid.
Trump is a con man fool
Which is he?
A con man or a fool.
A con man is usually smarter than the idiots that fall for his or her cons.
Well he's smarter than you guys.
Sometimes you have to just do what's right

USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

He is erratic. Trump has been on so many sides of so many issues that attempting to assess his policy positions is like shooting at a moving target. A list prepared by NBC details 124 shifts by Trump on 20 major issues since shortly before he entered the race. He simply spouts slogans and outcomes (heā€™d replace Obamacare with ā€œsomething terrificā€) without any credible explanations of how heā€™d achieve them.

He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. Trumpā€™s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent. Itā€™s not just Democrats who say this. Scores of Republican national security leaders have signed an extraordinary open letter calling Trumpā€™s foreign policy vision ā€œwildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.ā€ In a Wall Street Journal column this month, Robert Gates, the highly respected former Defense secretary who served presidents of both parties over a half-century, described Trump as ā€œbeyond repair.ā€

He traffics in prejudice. From the very beginning, Trump has built his campaign on appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, whipping up resentment against Mexicans, Muslims and migrants. His proposals for mass deportations and religious tests are unworkable and contrary to Americaā€™s ideals.

Trump has stirred racist sentiments in ways that canā€™t be erased by his belated and clumsy outreach to African Americans. His attacks on an Indiana-born federal judge of Mexican heritage fit ā€œthe textbook definition of a racist comment,ā€ according to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected official in the Republican Party. And for five years, Trump fanned the absurd ā€œbirtherā€ movement that falsely questioned the legitimacy of the nationā€™s first black president.

His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

He isnā€™t leveling with the American people. Is Trump as rich as he says? No one knows, in part because, alone among major party presidential candidates for the past four decades, he refuses to release his tax returns. Nor do we know whether he has paid his fair share of taxes, or the extent of his foreign financial entanglements.

He speaks recklessly. In the days after the Republican convention, Trump invited Russian hackers to interfere with an American election by releasing Hillary Clintonā€™s emails, and he raised the prospect of ā€œSecond Amendment peopleā€ preventing the Democratic nominee from appointing liberal justices. Itā€™s hard to imagine two more irresponsible statements from one presidential candidate.

He has coarsened the national dialogue. Did you ever imagine that a presidential candidate would discuss the size of his genitalia during a nationally televised Republican debate? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine a presidential candidate, one who avoided service in the military, would criticize Gold Star parents who lost a son in Iraq? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine youā€™d see a presidential candidate mock a disabled reporter? Neither did we. Trumpā€™s inability or unwillingness to ignore criticism raises the specter of a president who, like Richard Nixon, would create enemiesā€™ lists and be consumed with getting even with his critics.

Heā€™s a serial liar. Although polls show that Clinton is considered less honest and trustworthy than Trump, itā€™s not even a close contest. Trump is in a league of his own when it comes to the quality and quantity of his misstatements. When confronted with a falsehood, such as his assertion that he was always against the Iraq War, Trumpā€™s reaction is to use the Big Lie technique of repeating it so often that people begin to believe it.

We are not unmindful of the issues that Trumpā€™s campaign has exploited: the disappearance of working-class jobs; excessive political correctness; the direction of the Supreme Court; urban unrest and street violence; the rise of the Islamic State terrorist group; gridlock in Washington and the influence of moneyed interests. All are legitimate sources of concern.

If Trump is unfit for the presidency, then logically Hillary is unqualified, unsuitable, inappropriate, unequipped, inadequate, and very very very UNHEALTHY in mind and body.

The MSM dupes libs and progs EVERY time. One would think they would see the fraud at least once in awhile, but no.
Get ready for 4 more years only instead of Obama it'll be hillary
I do not doubt the American people are dumb enough to do that. The establishment, 1%, and the billionaire class will get their girl, at the expense of 90% of Americans. Oh well...can't fix stupid.
Trump is a con man fool
Which is he?
A con man or a fool.
A con man is usually smarter than the idiots that fall for his or her cons.
They have been told repeatedly that Hillary is the smartest woman in the world, and they believe it.
His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

I could write a book on Donald's exploitative, corrupt, and dishonest business history.
I stopped reading here.

Having national borders, and wanting to enforce them is not bigotry.

Pointing out that the Law of Supply and Demand applies to labor is not xenophobia.

Discussing the fact that exporting jobs, means fewer jobs for Americans, is not xenophobia.

Liberals, such as the Ideological Hacks at the USA Today, are the problem that is destroying this once great nation.

Fuck them.


KKKorrell watches the Koch Brothers wolf down 11 cookies, and then say to him, "That Darkie wants half your cookie!

Your boy Trump hired illegals to build his properties and work for his modeling agency.

What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature Tower

Trump Models Speak Out

He had products for his clothing line made overseas.

Watch Trump Flat Out Lie About Why His Clothes Are Made In China And Mexico (VIDEO) | RedState

But he plays on your racism and xenophobia, and you lap that shit up.

Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post.

Calling me names is not a challenge to my position.

You fucking asshole.
His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

I could write a book on Donald's exploitative, corrupt, and dishonest business history.

ANYTHING to avoid discussing their current policy positions, right?
His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

I could write a book on Donald's exploitative, corrupt, and dishonest business history.
Wouldn't it be easier to write such a book on Hillary, since so much is known about her?
Sometimes you have to just do what's right

USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

He is erratic. Trump has been on so many sides of so many issues that attempting to assess his policy positions is like shooting at a moving target. A list prepared by NBC details 124 shifts by Trump on 20 major issues since shortly before he entered the race. He simply spouts slogans and outcomes (heā€™d replace Obamacare with ā€œsomething terrificā€) without any credible explanations of how heā€™d achieve them.

He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. Trumpā€™s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent. Itā€™s not just Democrats who say this. Scores of Republican national security leaders have signed an extraordinary open letter calling Trumpā€™s foreign policy vision ā€œwildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.ā€ In a Wall Street Journal column this month, Robert Gates, the highly respected former Defense secretary who served presidents of both parties over a half-century, described Trump as ā€œbeyond repair.ā€

He traffics in prejudice. From the very beginning, Trump has built his campaign on appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, whipping up resentment against Mexicans, Muslims and migrants. His proposals for mass deportations and religious tests are unworkable and contrary to Americaā€™s ideals.

Trump has stirred racist sentiments in ways that canā€™t be erased by his belated and clumsy outreach to African Americans. His attacks on an Indiana-born federal judge of Mexican heritage fit ā€œthe textbook definition of a racist comment,ā€ according to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected official in the Republican Party. And for five years, Trump fanned the absurd ā€œbirtherā€ movement that falsely questioned the legitimacy of the nationā€™s first black president.

His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

He isnā€™t leveling with the American people. Is Trump as rich as he says? No one knows, in part because, alone among major party presidential candidates for the past four decades, he refuses to release his tax returns. Nor do we know whether he has paid his fair share of taxes, or the extent of his foreign financial entanglements.

He speaks recklessly. In the days after the Republican convention, Trump invited Russian hackers to interfere with an American election by releasing Hillary Clintonā€™s emails, and he raised the prospect of ā€œSecond Amendment peopleā€ preventing the Democratic nominee from appointing liberal justices. Itā€™s hard to imagine two more irresponsible statements from one presidential candidate.

He has coarsened the national dialogue. Did you ever imagine that a presidential candidate would discuss the size of his genitalia during a nationally televised Republican debate? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine a presidential candidate, one who avoided service in the military, would criticize Gold Star parents who lost a son in Iraq? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine youā€™d see a presidential candidate mock a disabled reporter? Neither did we. Trumpā€™s inability or unwillingness to ignore criticism raises the specter of a president who, like Richard Nixon, would create enemiesā€™ lists and be consumed with getting even with his critics.

Heā€™s a serial liar. Although polls show that Clinton is considered less honest and trustworthy than Trump, itā€™s not even a close contest. Trump is in a league of his own when it comes to the quality and quantity of his misstatements. When confronted with a falsehood, such as his assertion that he was always against the Iraq War, Trumpā€™s reaction is to use the Big Lie technique of repeating it so often that people begin to believe it.

We are not unmindful of the issues that Trumpā€™s campaign has exploited: the disappearance of working-class jobs; excessive political correctness; the direction of the Supreme Court; urban unrest and street violence; the rise of the Islamic State terrorist group; gridlock in Washington and the influence of moneyed interests. All are legitimate sources of concern.

If Trump is unfit for the presidency, then logically Hillary is unqualified, unsuitable, inappropriate, unequipped, inadequate, and very very very UNHEALTHY in mind and body.

The MSM dupes libs and progs EVERY time. One would think they would see the fraud at least once in awhile, but no.
Get ready for 4 more years only instead of Obama it'll be hillary
I do not doubt the American people are dumb enough to do that. The establishment, 1%, and the billionaire class will get their girl, at the expense of 90% of Americans. Oh well...can't fix stupid.
Trump is a con man fool
Which is he?
A con man or a fool.
A con man is usually smarter than the idiots that fall for his or her cons.

Libs just say stuff.

All they care about is that it serves the Agenda.

Meaning something, or being true? NOt important to them at all.
I know a coke snort and trump got some bad coke. It's why he got buggy half way thru the debate. Twitchy. He's a coke head. Up all night, crazy tweets, you trumpeters are blind

I believe he is a coke whore too.

Most of the people on this site probably do not know what a coke whore looks like.
Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post.

Calling me names is not a challenge to my position.

You fucking asshole.

Did you dun der need someone to help you with the big words you didn't learn in Home School, Cleetus.

Trump hires illegals.
Trump has products made in China and Mexico.
Trump is part of the very problem you point out. (as are we all, really. We all benefit from these things, we just don't like them.)
ANYTHING to avoid discussing their current policy positions, right?

Well, if Trump could discuss immigration and trade policy coherently, maybe we could have a discussion.

But his position changes about ev ery other week, so not so much.
If Trump is unfit for the presidency, then logically Hillary is unqualified, unsuitable, inappropriate, unequipped, inadequate, and very very very UNHEALTHY in mind and body.

The MSM dupes libs and progs EVERY time. One would think they would see the fraud at least once in awhile, but no.
Get ready for 4 more years only instead of Obama it'll be hillary
I do not doubt the American people are dumb enough to do that. The establishment, 1%, and the billionaire class will get their girl, at the expense of 90% of Americans. Oh well...can't fix stupid.
Trump is a con man fool
Which is he?
A con man or a fool.
A con man is usually smarter than the idiots that fall for his or her cons.

Libs just say stuff.

All they care about is that it serves the Agenda.

Meaning something, or being true? NOt important to them at all.
Much truth to that.

The typical lib emotes rather than thinks.

Proof of this is they WANT a small corrupt criminal elite telling them what to do.
A con man is usually smarter than the idiots that fall for his or her cons.
Isn't that the truth. LOL. And boy, has he conned all of you idiots. LOL. But that feat doesn't necessarily make him smart; just smarter than you and the rest of his nitwit supporters, and that bar is set REALLY low. LOL.

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