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USA Today editorial board declares Trump unfit for Presidency

Sometimes you have to just do what's right

USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

He is erratic. Trump has been on so many sides of so many issues that attempting to assess his policy positions is like shooting at a moving target. A list prepared by NBC details 124 shifts by Trump on 20 major issues since shortly before he entered the race. He simply spouts slogans and outcomes (heā€™d replace Obamacare with ā€œsomething terrificā€) without any credible explanations of how heā€™d achieve them.

He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. Trumpā€™s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent. Itā€™s not just Democrats who say this. Scores of Republican national security leaders have signed an extraordinary open letter calling Trumpā€™s foreign policy vision ā€œwildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.ā€ In a Wall Street Journal column this month, Robert Gates, the highly respected former Defense secretary who served presidents of both parties over a half-century, described Trump as ā€œbeyond repair.ā€

He traffics in prejudice. From the very beginning, Trump has built his campaign on appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, whipping up resentment against Mexicans, Muslims and migrants. His proposals for mass deportations and religious tests are unworkable and contrary to Americaā€™s ideals.

Trump has stirred racist sentiments in ways that canā€™t be erased by his belated and clumsy outreach to African Americans. His attacks on an Indiana-born federal judge of Mexican heritage fit ā€œthe textbook definition of a racist comment,ā€ according to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected official in the Republican Party. And for five years, Trump fanned the absurd ā€œbirtherā€ movement that falsely questioned the legitimacy of the nationā€™s first black president.

His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

He isnā€™t leveling with the American people. Is Trump as rich as he says? No one knows, in part because, alone among major party presidential candidates for the past four decades, he refuses to release his tax returns. Nor do we know whether he has paid his fair share of taxes, or the extent of his foreign financial entanglements.

He speaks recklessly. In the days after the Republican convention, Trump invited Russian hackers to interfere with an American election by releasing Hillary Clintonā€™s emails, and he raised the prospect of ā€œSecond Amendment peopleā€ preventing the Democratic nominee from appointing liberal justices. Itā€™s hard to imagine two more irresponsible statements from one presidential candidate.

He has coarsened the national dialogue. Did you ever imagine that a presidential candidate would discuss the size of his genitalia during a nationally televised Republican debate? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine a presidential candidate, one who avoided service in the military, would criticize Gold Star parents who lost a son in Iraq? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine youā€™d see a presidential candidate mock a disabled reporter? Neither did we. Trumpā€™s inability or unwillingness to ignore criticism raises the specter of a president who, like Richard Nixon, would create enemiesā€™ lists and be consumed with getting even with his critics.

Heā€™s a serial liar. Although polls show that Clinton is considered less honest and trustworthy than Trump, itā€™s not even a close contest. Trump is in a league of his own when it comes to the quality and quantity of his misstatements. When confronted with a falsehood, such as his assertion that he was always against the Iraq War, Trumpā€™s reaction is to use the Big Lie technique of repeating it so often that people begin to believe it.

We are not unmindful of the issues that Trumpā€™s campaign has exploited: the disappearance of working-class jobs; excessive political correctness; the direction of the Supreme Court; urban unrest and street violence; the rise of the Islamic State terrorist group; gridlock in Washington and the influence of moneyed interests. All are legitimate sources of concern.

Wow. I think USA Today nailed it. Trump has changed his position on so many issues it's hard to tell what he believes. The only thing we can be sure of is he's not Hillary. Apparently he's thinks that's enough to become president.
Sometimes you have to just do what's right

USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

He is erratic. Trump has been on so many sides of so many issues that attempting to assess his policy positions is like shooting at a moving target. A list prepared by NBC details 124 shifts by Trump on 20 major issues since shortly before he entered the race. He simply spouts slogans and outcomes (heā€™d replace Obamacare with ā€œsomething terrificā€) without any credible explanations of how heā€™d achieve them.

He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. Trumpā€™s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent. Itā€™s not just Democrats who say this. Scores of Republican national security leaders have signed an extraordinary open letter calling Trumpā€™s foreign policy vision ā€œwildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.ā€ In a Wall Street Journal column this month, Robert Gates, the highly respected former Defense secretary who served presidents of both parties over a half-century, described Trump as ā€œbeyond repair.ā€

He traffics in prejudice. From the very beginning, Trump has built his campaign on appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, whipping up resentment against Mexicans, Muslims and migrants. His proposals for mass deportations and religious tests are unworkable and contrary to Americaā€™s ideals.

Trump has stirred racist sentiments in ways that canā€™t be erased by his belated and clumsy outreach to African Americans. His attacks on an Indiana-born federal judge of Mexican heritage fit ā€œthe textbook definition of a racist comment,ā€ according to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected official in the Republican Party. And for five years, Trump fanned the absurd ā€œbirtherā€ movement that falsely questioned the legitimacy of the nationā€™s first black president.

His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. Itā€™s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trumpā€™s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the familyā€™s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

He isnā€™t leveling with the American people. Is Trump as rich as he says? No one knows, in part because, alone among major party presidential candidates for the past four decades, he refuses to release his tax returns. Nor do we know whether he has paid his fair share of taxes, or the extent of his foreign financial entanglements.

He speaks recklessly. In the days after the Republican convention, Trump invited Russian hackers to interfere with an American election by releasing Hillary Clintonā€™s emails, and he raised the prospect of ā€œSecond Amendment peopleā€ preventing the Democratic nominee from appointing liberal justices. Itā€™s hard to imagine two more irresponsible statements from one presidential candidate.

He has coarsened the national dialogue. Did you ever imagine that a presidential candidate would discuss the size of his genitalia during a nationally televised Republican debate? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine a presidential candidate, one who avoided service in the military, would criticize Gold Star parents who lost a son in Iraq? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine youā€™d see a presidential candidate mock a disabled reporter? Neither did we. Trumpā€™s inability or unwillingness to ignore criticism raises the specter of a president who, like Richard Nixon, would create enemiesā€™ lists and be consumed with getting even with his critics.

Heā€™s a serial liar. Although polls show that Clinton is considered less honest and trustworthy than Trump, itā€™s not even a close contest. Trump is in a league of his own when it comes to the quality and quantity of his misstatements. When confronted with a falsehood, such as his assertion that he was always against the Iraq War, Trumpā€™s reaction is to use the Big Lie technique of repeating it so often that people begin to believe it.

We are not unmindful of the issues that Trumpā€™s campaign has exploited: the disappearance of working-class jobs; excessive political correctness; the direction of the Supreme Court; urban unrest and street violence; the rise of the Islamic State terrorist group; gridlock in Washington and the influence of moneyed interests. All are legitimate sources of concern.

Wow. I think USA Today nailed it. Trump has changed his position on so many issues it's hard to tell what he believes. The only thing we can be sure of is he's not Hillary. Apparently he's thinks that's enough to become president.

Apparently, so do a lot of other people.
I am sure it won't be long before trump supporters are judged unfit to vote. Corruption and a justice department operating as an arm of the Democratic Party seem preferable to making America great again according to the establishment press. How many of these pin heads are going to leave the country and lose their jobs when Trump wins? It's becoming more of a possibility every day even with the whole political and print establishment against him.
FOX News has a HUGE investment into Donald Trump. They are responsible for him. They gave him an unprecedented 2 BILLION dollars in free media coverage during the primaries, and many Republicans turned them off and switched to CNN. We'll see if they survive after this slaughter.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Fox News has damaged the GOP in its quest for short-term ratings. And apparently has also damaged itself in the process.

Yes, their ratings have fallen off a cliff.

Many people are pointing to Fox Newsā€™ unrelenting pro-Trumpism for the falling numbers. Sean Hannity, Eric Bolling, Greta Van Susteren, and Bill Oā€™Reilly have all been accused of coddling The Donald while going after his competitors. And that just doesnā€™t make for interesting television.
Fox News Takes A HUGE HIT In The Ratings - No Longer First, Here's WHY!
Read more: Fox News Takes A HUGE HIT In The Ratings - No Longer First, Here's WHY!
I am sure it won't be long before trump supporters are judged unfit to vote. Corruption and a justice department operating as an arm of the Democratic Party seem preferable to making America great again according to the establishment press. How many of these pin heads are going to leave the country and lose their jobs when Trump wins? It's becoming more of a possibility every day even with the whole political and print establishment against him.

Trump supporters are really too stupid to be involved in any politics and probably shouldn't be voting at all. Here's a great article regarding this.

"Thereā€™s no doubt that Donald Trump has said many things that would have been political suicide for any other Republican candidate. And almost every time he made one of these shocking statements, political analysts on both the left and the right predicted that heā€™d lose supporters because of it. But as we have clearly seen over the past year, they were dead wrong every time. Trump appears to be almost totally bulletproof.

The only thing that might be more perplexing than the psychology of Donald Trump is the psychology of his supporters. In their eyes, The Donald can do no wrong. Even Trump himself seems to be astonished by this phenomenon. ā€œI could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldnā€™t lose any voters, OK? Itā€™s, like, incredible.ā€

So how exactly are Trump loyalists psychologically or neurologically different from everyone else? What is going on in their brains that makes them so blindly devoted?

  1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect:
Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance ā€” basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst itā€™s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isnā€™t just that they are misinformed; itā€™s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, ā€œThe knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task ā€” and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.ā€ Essentially, theyā€™re not smart enough to realize theyā€™re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone elseā€™s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts ā€” like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg ā€” as well as some respected Republican politicians, donā€™t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, ā€œHey! Donā€™t you realize that heā€™s an idiot?!ā€ No. They donā€™t. That may be hard to fathom, but thatā€™s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect ā€” oneā€™s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supportersā€™ brains

And the article then continues into hyper sensitivity to threat also.

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Oldstyle, post: 15415375
It's scary how little you liberal shills know when it comes to the facts of this investigation, Notfooled! That's all information compiled from the Congressional investigations and the FBI report.

All I know is no criminal charges were brought because no crime was committed. So stop calling Hillary a criminal. She is in no way a criminal.
I think you're confused with what being a criminal is. One doesn't have to be charged to be a criminal because criminals break the law. Being charged or convicted has nothing to do with it. One can be a Criminal Suspect and not be charged.
The definition a criminal is one who has committed a crime and she has not been found guilty of any crime. She has not been charged with a crime and is not under investigation by law enforcement so she's not a Criminal Suspect. Hillary is simply the political opposition for a candidate who has no qualifications for office and no campaign strategy except attacking her with accusations.
This notion that Hillary Clinton didn't do anything wrong borders on farce at this point! If you let that lying piece of shit get away with what she's gotten away with and then turn around and give her the Presidency then you DESERVE what you get! Hillary Clinton's administration will be the most corrupt in the history of the nation.
And every single one of these newspaper editorial boards that are holding their noses and pushing a Hillary Clinton as President will have to live with what they have done.
Of course they don't back Trump. He's not a GOP party guy. He's not one of the Good Ol' boy Republicans. I'd be surprised if they backed him.

I'm sure Trump would be as surprised as I would be. LOL
Trumps probably only fit for a nut house or a padded room. The national disgrace need to seek help.

Anyone that would consider Trump for president is sick in the head.

Not as sick as those backing the stupid, careless and incompetent HRC. Now that's nuts and anyone backing her should be in that rubber room.
That is embracing reality and knowing the difference between partisan opinion and fact.

Undeniable fact?

An 'ass-load' of people disagree and deny it...you lose.


How about 4 newspapers came out at the same day (Sept. 25/16 ) calling Trump a liar? LA TIMES, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, POLITICO.
Very impressive. Your messiah is very good.

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar

I thought we were talking Trump, not BARRY!?
Hillary & Trump are the epitome of why the Founding FathERs wanted he BULK of this nation 's power in the hands of the STATES!
The idea of a bold, outsider, non-career politician certainly is appealing. But this isn't the right one..
Of course not. Hillary has to be president. Anyone who runs against her gets the same treatment.
Trump's lack of fitness for the office has nothing to do with Hillary.

In fact, the Democrats ran a horrible candidate and pretty much handed the White House to the GOP on a silver platter. The GOP took advantage of this golden opportunity by running an even worse candidate.

If Hillary wins, the people who have taken over the GOP will have no one to blame but themselves.
The idea of a bold, outsider, non-career politician certainly is appealing. But this isn't the right one..
Of course not. Hillary has to be president. Anyone who runs against her gets the same treatment.
Trump's lack of fitness for the office has nothing to do with Hillary.

In fact, the Democrats ran a horrible candidate and pretty much handed the White House to the GOP on a silver platter. The GOP took advantage of this golden opportunity by running an even worse candidate.

If Hillary wins, the people who have taken over the GOP will have no one to blame but themselves.
As I pointed out several times......the media finds a way to make anyone look like shit. Sarah Palin, Bush, Trump, anyone. It's amazing that intelligent people keep falling for this bullshit propaganda nonsense, but they do. Anyone who runs against Hillary or Obama or whomever the Dems put up becomes Jack The Ripper. They take pieces of their past and twist them into outright falsehoods. Everyone in the media has a hand in it. Last night, Megyn Kelly was trashing Trump. It's getting to the point I can't stand to watch all the lies in the news. I have been in the news myself and know for a fact that what they reported was total rubbish. They're just trying to help Hillary become our president so she can take our guns.
Sorry, Trump has not committed Perjury, gotten 4 Americans killed needlessly due to partisan incompetence, has not jeopardized national security, further victimized women, covered for a criminal sexual deviant / pedophile, and aided Al Qaeida...like Hillary has.

Trump has not been a life-long political whore and access/favors pimp...like Hillary has been.

In NO sense of the word is Hillary a better candidate than ANYONE else either Party could run...still.

Again, NO AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IN US HISTORY has run their campaign while the whole time so much lying, corruption, scandal, crimes, jeopardizing of national security, treason, aiding terrorists, etc has CONTINUOUSLY flowed out / been exposed about them AND THEY WERE ALLOWED TO STAY IN THE RACE....Hillary is a 1st!

Hands down, she has Trump beat in this department...
The idea of a bold, outsider, non-career politician certainly is appealing. But this isn't the right one..
Of course not. Hillary has to be president. Anyone who runs against her gets the same treatment.
Trump's lack of fitness for the office has nothing to do with Hillary.

In fact, the Democrats ran a horrible candidate and pretty much handed the White House to the GOP on a silver platter. The GOP took advantage of this golden opportunity by running an even worse candidate.

If Hillary wins, the people who have taken over the GOP will have no one to blame but themselves.

I'd like to know how YOU know Trump is worse that Hillary??

He's an unknown. Not a party guy. For all you or anyone else knows he might be the best President this country has ever had.

As far as I'm concerned ANYONE would be better than Hillary.

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