USA's Largest Solar Power Bankrupt


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
This thread is inspired by Old Crock and Matthew.

The World's largest Solar Energy plant, touted here as being operational, clean, Solar. Dedicated by Obama and his Secretary of Energy as operational providing Electricity, was never operational.

It was all a lie, 2.1$ Billion in direct funds, guaranteed by our tax dollars is soon to be gone.

How much is lost in those hidden Dollars? How much did we spend on Research in our government funded Universities, how much did the DOE spend? How much did it cost us in the Courts? How much did the city planners spend, how much did the government workers spend, inspecting and granting permits?

All lost.

Now we are to believe if we spend just another 100$ Billion dollars, they will discover the Holy Grail of Solar and Wind?

Obama 8217 s 1.6 Billion Dollar Ivanpah Solar Plant Can 8217 t Pay Its Bills 8211 Needs Bailout The Gateway Pundit

Obama’s 1.6 Billion Dollar Ivanpah Solar Plant Can’t Pay Its Bills – Needs Bailout
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, November 8, 2014, 10:41 AM

After already receiving a controversial $1.6 billion construction loan from U.S. taxpayers, the wealthy investors of a California solar power plant now want a $539 million federal grant to pay off their federal loan.

“This is an attempt by very large cash generating companies that have billions on their balance sheet to get a federal bailout, i.e. a bailout from us – the taxpayer for their pet project,” said Reason Foundation VP of Research Julian Morris. “It’s actually rather obscene.”


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