Used Children Abandoned In The Desert

These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.

Did you care when it was going on under Trump?


You didn't.
this horrific? you are delusional
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.

Did you care when it was going on under Trump?


You didn't.
TRUMP, TRUMP, retards miss TRUMP and the booming economy, not ran by retarded imbeciles....everyday you idiots compare everything to TRUMP...
what a piss poor excuse for a scum demonRAT
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.

As long as there is money to be made trafficking there are people willing to sink to whatever depths to get it. People making money off very desperate people. I'm not sure what the solution is but it seems that several possibles are:

1. working closely with Mexico to apprehend coyotes and make sure they face very harsh penalties. The remain in Mexico policy left people stranded indefinitely at camps in some of the most violent and lawless areas of Mexico. If any semblance of that policy remains than we should also work with Mexico to help fund humanitarian aid and security for the migrants. Unfortunately I think there is a diplomatic tiff with Mexico at the moment.

2. working with the countries they are coming from, to try and fix some of the "push" factors and reduce the stream of people leaving.

3. Fix our own system. The immigration courts are notoriously undermanned. It's crazy that people have to wait as long as they do for an asylum hearing.

4. Other thoughts?
on the surface, i think this is a great start. but immigration is being used to further hate and divide and face it, as long as you and i can't even openly talk about this in a forum w/o it dovetailing into the abyss of personal attacks, what chance do we as a whole have to resolve where to pee, much less immigration issues or anything major?

to me it is critical we work with these countries to understand why people want to leave. the question is - how far do we go to advocate change in their countries? if they want to be the cause for people to leave, now what? 1 and 2 are a mix to me but both needed, to be sure.

fix our own system. we've tried. reagan offered amnesty if we'd stop letting illegals get jobs. keep this from happening again. the deal was struck, amnesty was granted, but the democrats backed out and didn't enforce their side. we were supposed to fix it then, not have another DREAMERS issue again today. what has changed to make me trust the dems would work to stop the illegals if we do amnesty AGAIN?

so tell me - how do we fix it when one side doesn't want to as it gives them leverage?
One of the real problems with this is that encouraging human trafficking has greatly enriched the criminal elements in their native countries. Biden signaling his willingness to open the doors gave cartels thousands of new paying customers.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.

As long as there is money to be made trafficking there are people willing to sink to whatever depths to get it. People making money off very desperate people. I'm not sure what the solution is but it seems that several possibles are:

1. working closely with Mexico to apprehend coyotes and make sure they face very harsh penalties. The remain in Mexico policy left people stranded indefinitely at camps in some of the most violent and lawless areas of Mexico. If any semblance of that policy remains than we should also work with Mexico to help fund humanitarian aid and security for the migrants. Unfortunately I think there is a diplomatic tiff with Mexico at the moment.

2. working with the countries they are coming from, to try and fix some of the "push" factors and reduce the stream of people leaving.

3. Fix our own system. The immigration courts are notoriously undermanned. It's crazy that people have to wait as long as they do for an asylum hearing.

4. Other thoughts?
on the surface, i think this is a great start. but immigration is being used to further hate and divide and face it, as long as you and i can't even openly talk about this in a forum w/o it dovetailing into the abyss of personal attacks, what chance do we as a whole have to resolve where to pee, much less immigration issues or anything major?

to me it is critical we work with these countries to understand why people want to leave. the question is - how far do we go to advocate change in their countries? if they want to be the cause for people to leave, now what? 1 and 2 are a mix to me but both needed, to be sure.

fix our own system. we've tried. reagan offered amnesty if we'd stop letting illegals get jobs. keep this from happening again. the deal was struck, amnesty was granted, but the democrats backed out and didn't enforce their side. we were supposed to fix it then, not have another DREAMERS issue again today. what has changed to make me trust the dems would work to stop the illegals if we do amnesty AGAIN?

so tell me - how do we fix it when one side doesn't want to as it gives them leverage?
One of the real problems with this is that encouraging human trafficking has greatly enriched the criminal elements in their native countries. Biden signaling his willingness to open the doors gave cartels thousands of new paying customers.
i do agree bidens policies make the problem worse. my point overall is we tend to blame everything we see we don't like under the scope of people we don't like also.

the problem of human abandonment isn't any 1 presidents issue. it's our issue. but unfortunately we have 1 side it would seem that refuses to fix the problem because they tend to find "the problem" advantageous to their side.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.

As long as there is money to be made trafficking there are people willing to sink to whatever depths to get it. People making money off very desperate people. I'm not sure what the solution is but it seems that several possibles are:

1. working closely with Mexico to apprehend coyotes and make sure they face very harsh penalties. The remain in Mexico policy left people stranded indefinitely at camps in some of the most violent and lawless areas of Mexico. If any semblance of that policy remains than we should also work with Mexico to help fund humanitarian aid and security for the migrants. Unfortunately I think there is a diplomatic tiff with Mexico at the moment.

2. working with the countries they are coming from, to try and fix some of the "push" factors and reduce the stream of people leaving.

3. Fix our own system. The immigration courts are notoriously undermanned. It's crazy that people have to wait as long as they do for an asylum hearing.

4. Other thoughts?
on the surface, i think this is a great start. but immigration is being used to further hate and divide and face it, as long as you and i can't even openly talk about this in a forum w/o it dovetailing into the abyss of personal attacks, what chance do we as a whole have to resolve where to pee, much less immigration issues or anything major?

to me it is critical we work with these countries to understand why people want to leave. the question is - how far do we go to advocate change in their countries? if they want to be the cause for people to leave, now what? 1 and 2 are a mix to me but both needed, to be sure.

fix our own system. we've tried. reagan offered amnesty if we'd stop letting illegals get jobs. keep this from happening again. the deal was struck, amnesty was granted, but the democrats backed out and didn't enforce their side. we were supposed to fix it then, not have another DREAMERS issue again today. what has changed to make me trust the dems would work to stop the illegals if we do amnesty AGAIN?

so tell me - how do we fix it when one side doesn't want to as it gives them leverage?
One of the real problems with this is that encouraging human trafficking has greatly enriched the criminal elements in their native countries. Biden signaling his willingness to open the doors gave cartels thousands of new paying customers.

Biden specifically said do not come.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.

As long as there is money to be made trafficking there are people willing to sink to whatever depths to get it. People making money off very desperate people. I'm not sure what the solution is but it seems that several possibles are:

1. working closely with Mexico to apprehend coyotes and make sure they face very harsh penalties. The remain in Mexico policy left people stranded indefinitely at camps in some of the most violent and lawless areas of Mexico. If any semblance of that policy remains than we should also work with Mexico to help fund humanitarian aid and security for the migrants. Unfortunately I think there is a diplomatic tiff with Mexico at the moment.

2. working with the countries they are coming from, to try and fix some of the "push" factors and reduce the stream of people leaving.

3. Fix our own system. The immigration courts are notoriously undermanned. It's crazy that people have to wait as long as they do for an asylum hearing.

4. Other thoughts?
on the surface, i think this is a great start. but immigration is being used to further hate and divide and face it, as long as you and i can't even openly talk about this in a forum w/o it dovetailing into the abyss of personal attacks, what chance do we as a whole have to resolve where to pee, much less immigration issues or anything major?

to me it is critical we work with these countries to understand why people want to leave. the question is - how far do we go to advocate change in their countries? if they want to be the cause for people to leave, now what? 1 and 2 are a mix to me but both needed, to be sure.

fix our own system. we've tried. reagan offered amnesty if we'd stop letting illegals get jobs. keep this from happening again. the deal was struck, amnesty was granted, but the democrats backed out and didn't enforce their side. we were supposed to fix it then, not have another DREAMERS issue again today. what has changed to make me trust the dems would work to stop the illegals if we do amnesty AGAIN?

so tell me - how do we fix it when one side doesn't want to as it gives them leverage?
One of the real problems with this is that encouraging human trafficking has greatly enriched the criminal elements in their native countries. Biden signaling his willingness to open the doors gave cartels thousands of new paying customers.
i do agree bidens policies make the problem worse. my point overall is we tend to blame everything we see we don't like under the scope of people we don't like also.

the problem of human abandonment isn't any 1 presidents issue. it's our issue. but unfortunately we have 1 side it would seem that refuses to fix the problem because they tend to find "the problem" advantageous to their side.

IMO - Biden didn't exactly have a thought out policy when he started acting nor do I think he fully realized the enormity of the problem. Not having a well thought out policy ahead of attempting to fix the situation is a big mistake.

Both sides find it politically advantageous to kick the can down the road and blame the other - and no one is willing to make unpopular political choices the really fix things - ie comprehensive immigration reform.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.

Did you care when it was going on under Trump?


You didn't.
TRUMP, TRUMP, retards miss TRUMP and the booming economy, not ran by retarded imbeciles....everyday you idiots compare everything to TRUMP...
what a piss poor excuse for a scum demonRAT

English please.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.

Did you care when it was going on under Trump?


You didn't.
TRUMP, TRUMP, retards miss TRUMP and the booming economy, not ran by retarded imbeciles....everyday you idiots compare everything to TRUMP...
what a piss poor excuse for a scum demonRAT

English please.
i don't think the language he chooses to use is his problem.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.

As long as there is money to be made trafficking there are people willing to sink to whatever depths to get it. People making money off very desperate people. I'm not sure what the solution is but it seems that several possibles are:

1. working closely with Mexico to apprehend coyotes and make sure they face very harsh penalties. The remain in Mexico policy left people stranded indefinitely at camps in some of the most violent and lawless areas of Mexico. If any semblance of that policy remains than we should also work with Mexico to help fund humanitarian aid and security for the migrants. Unfortunately I think there is a diplomatic tiff with Mexico at the moment.

2. working with the countries they are coming from, to try and fix some of the "push" factors and reduce the stream of people leaving.

3. Fix our own system. The immigration courts are notoriously undermanned. It's crazy that people have to wait as long as they do for an asylum hearing.

4. Other thoughts?
on the surface, i think this is a great start. but immigration is being used to further hate and divide and face it, as long as you and i can't even openly talk about this in a forum w/o it dovetailing into the abyss of personal attacks, what chance do we as a whole have to resolve where to pee, much less immigration issues or anything major?

to me it is critical we work with these countries to understand why people want to leave. the question is - how far do we go to advocate change in their countries? if they want to be the cause for people to leave, now what? 1 and 2 are a mix to me but both needed, to be sure.

fix our own system. we've tried. reagan offered amnesty if we'd stop letting illegals get jobs. keep this from happening again. the deal was struck, amnesty was granted, but the democrats backed out and didn't enforce their side. we were supposed to fix it then, not have another DREAMERS issue again today. what has changed to make me trust the dems would work to stop the illegals if we do amnesty AGAIN?

so tell me - how do we fix it when one side doesn't want to as it gives them leverage?
One of the real problems with this is that encouraging human trafficking has greatly enriched the criminal elements in their native countries. Biden signaling his willingness to open the doors gave cartels thousands of new paying customers.

Biden specifically said do not come.
yet his policies encourage it. not to harp on it but talk is simply talk. it ain't working and even dems along the border are furious.

while i don't put human nature on biden, he's not even trying to address the issue.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.

Correction...these children are being abused by our democrat party.....they could not be used by the cartels and sex traffickers if the democrat party wasn't saying it was okay to bring those children over..... these children are simply the eggs in the omelette of the democrat parties quest for power and control...

Remind me...when this was going on in the camps along the border during Trump's "Remain in Mexico" - what were you saying?

When WHAT was "going on in the camps"? You think children being abandoned in the desert is something to do with the camps? Or are you just grasping at the first chance you can find to make this all about, "Well . . . TRUMP!! So there!"?
a fair question would then be - if you care so much about these children, where was your outrage at -

wow - this was under trump. did you yell at trump?

and i can go on and on and on about abandonment in the desert. but bitching at biden/trump doesn't help these people. it just makes people feel good they have a rock to throw at someone they hate today, tomorrow will be a new rock for sure. old one lost shock value.

but those people still need help despite the fact the are no longer useful to news agencies or forum arguments.

until the left and right come to a centralized agreement, this is where we are. we should be livid at CONGRESS / SENATE for not getting it done by now. not a president who at best can scream a lot and write an executive order that by the nature of it alone is outside what he SHOULD be doing.

we have to fix this as a country. singular blame will only continue the problem and each side will use cases like this to call the other side evil.
Under Obama the whole issue was ignored, then under Trump it became a national crisis, the left was outraged, to the right it was a big nothing. Biden comes into office and it is again a national crisis and the right is outraged and to the left it is a big nothing.

The problem is big and getting bigger and these children need to be sent back to their home countries to be reunited with their families. It is an absolute injustice at the border and Congress needs to act and fix the issue instead of using it for political gain. Democrats and Republicans need to be ashamed for making this a political issue.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
Trump stopped the catch and release policy. Biden brought it back. Will stopping the policy again stop every single incident? No, but it will slow it back down to a trickle. Biden has the power to undo the executive order he signed reversing Trump policies. I feel certain you're quite aware of what I meant the first time I said it.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.

As long as there is money to be made trafficking there are people willing to sink to whatever depths to get it. People making money off very desperate people. I'm not sure what the solution is but it seems that several possibles are:

1. working closely with Mexico to apprehend coyotes and make sure they face very harsh penalties. The remain in Mexico policy left people stranded indefinitely at camps in some of the most violent and lawless areas of Mexico. If any semblance of that policy remains than we should also work with Mexico to help fund humanitarian aid and security for the migrants. Unfortunately I think there is a diplomatic tiff with Mexico at the moment.

2. working with the countries they are coming from, to try and fix some of the "push" factors and reduce the stream of people leaving.

3. Fix our own system. The immigration courts are notoriously undermanned. It's crazy that people have to wait as long as they do for an asylum hearing.

4. Other thoughts?
on the surface, i think this is a great start. but immigration is being used to further hate and divide and face it, as long as you and i can't even openly talk about this in a forum w/o it dovetailing into the abyss of personal attacks, what chance do we as a whole have to resolve where to pee, much less immigration issues or anything major?

to me it is critical we work with these countries to understand why people want to leave. the question is - how far do we go to advocate change in their countries? if they want to be the cause for people to leave, now what? 1 and 2 are a mix to me but both needed, to be sure.

fix our own system. we've tried. reagan offered amnesty if we'd stop letting illegals get jobs. keep this from happening again. the deal was struck, amnesty was granted, but the democrats backed out and didn't enforce their side. we were supposed to fix it then, not have another DREAMERS issue again today. what has changed to make me trust the dems would work to stop the illegals if we do amnesty AGAIN?

so tell me - how do we fix it when one side doesn't want to as it gives them leverage?
One of the real problems with this is that encouraging human trafficking has greatly enriched the criminal elements in their native countries. Biden signaling his willingness to open the doors gave cartels thousands of new paying customers.
i do agree bidens policies make the problem worse. my point overall is we tend to blame everything we see we don't like under the scope of people we don't like also.

the problem of human abandonment isn't any 1 presidents issue. it's our issue. but unfortunately we have 1 side it would seem that refuses to fix the problem because they tend to find "the problem" advantageous to their side.

IMO - Biden didn't exactly have a thought out policy when he started acting nor do I think he fully realized the enormity of the problem. Not having a well thought out policy ahead of attempting to fix the situation is a big mistake.

Both sides find it politically advantageous to kick the can down the road and blame the other - and no one is willing to make unpopular political choices the really fix things - ie comprehensive immigration reform.
How on earth can you think that Biden didn't realize the enormity of the problem? He's been in Washington for nearly 5 decades. How can you think he didn't know?
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.

Did you care when it was going on under Trump?


You didn't.
this horrific? you are delusional

These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.

Correction...these children are being abused by our democrat party.....they could not be used by the cartels and sex traffickers if the democrat party wasn't saying it was okay to bring those children over..... these children are simply the eggs in the omelette of the democrat parties quest for power and control...

Remind me...when this was going on in the camps along the border during Trump's "Remain in Mexico" - what were you saying?

When WHAT was "going on in the camps"? You think children being abandoned in the desert is something to do with the camps? Or are you just grasping at the first chance you can find to make this all about, "Well . . . TRUMP!! So there!"?
a fair question would then be - if you care so much about these children, where was your outrage at -

wow - this was under trump. did you yell at trump?

and i can go on and on and on about abandonment in the desert. but bitching at biden/trump doesn't help these people. it just makes people feel good they have a rock to throw at someone they hate today, tomorrow will be a new rock for sure. old one lost shock value.

but those people still need help despite the fact the are no longer useful to news agencies or forum arguments.

until the left and right come to a centralized agreement, this is where we are. we should be livid at CONGRESS / SENATE for not getting it done by now. not a president who at best can scream a lot and write an executive order that by the nature of it alone is outside what he SHOULD be doing.

we have to fix this as a country. singular blame will only continue the problem and each side will use cases like this to call the other side evil.
Under Obama the whole issue was ignored, then under Trump it became a national crisis, the left was outraged, to the right it was a big nothing. Biden comes into office and it is again a national crisis and the right is outraged and to the left it is a big nothing.

The problem is big and getting bigger and these children need to be sent back to their home countries to be reunited with their families. It is an absolute injustice at the border and Congress needs to act and fix the issue instead of using it for political gain. Democrats and Republicans need to be ashamed for making this a political issue.
yep. while we use these people as political weapons we forget they are in fact people.

til we force congress to do something they won't. the fact we did amnesty before with the promise of not letting it happen again but here we are is quite telling how our overall congress views the issue.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.

As long as there is money to be made trafficking there are people willing to sink to whatever depths to get it. People making money off very desperate people. I'm not sure what the solution is but it seems that several possibles are:

1. working closely with Mexico to apprehend coyotes and make sure they face very harsh penalties. The remain in Mexico policy left people stranded indefinitely at camps in some of the most violent and lawless areas of Mexico. If any semblance of that policy remains than we should also work with Mexico to help fund humanitarian aid and security for the migrants. Unfortunately I think there is a diplomatic tiff with Mexico at the moment.

2. working with the countries they are coming from, to try and fix some of the "push" factors and reduce the stream of people leaving.

3. Fix our own system. The immigration courts are notoriously undermanned. It's crazy that people have to wait as long as they do for an asylum hearing.

4. Other thoughts?
on the surface, i think this is a great start. but immigration is being used to further hate and divide and face it, as long as you and i can't even openly talk about this in a forum w/o it dovetailing into the abyss of personal attacks, what chance do we as a whole have to resolve where to pee, much less immigration issues or anything major?

to me it is critical we work with these countries to understand why people want to leave. the question is - how far do we go to advocate change in their countries? if they want to be the cause for people to leave, now what? 1 and 2 are a mix to me but both needed, to be sure.

fix our own system. we've tried. reagan offered amnesty if we'd stop letting illegals get jobs. keep this from happening again. the deal was struck, amnesty was granted, but the democrats backed out and didn't enforce their side. we were supposed to fix it then, not have another DREAMERS issue again today. what has changed to make me trust the dems would work to stop the illegals if we do amnesty AGAIN?

so tell me - how do we fix it when one side doesn't want to as it gives them leverage?
One of the real problems with this is that encouraging human trafficking has greatly enriched the criminal elements in their native countries. Biden signaling his willingness to open the doors gave cartels thousands of new paying customers.
i do agree bidens policies make the problem worse. my point overall is we tend to blame everything we see we don't like under the scope of people we don't like also.

the problem of human abandonment isn't any 1 presidents issue. it's our issue. but unfortunately we have 1 side it would seem that refuses to fix the problem because they tend to find "the problem" advantageous to their side.

IMO - Biden didn't exactly have a thought out policy when he started acting nor do I think he fully realized the enormity of the problem. Not having a well thought out policy ahead of attempting to fix the situation is a big mistake.

Both sides find it politically advantageous to kick the can down the road and blame the other - and no one is willing to make unpopular political choices the really fix things - ie comprehensive immigration reform.
How on earth can you think that Biden didn't realize the enormity of the problem? He's been in Washington for nearly 5 decades. How can you think he didn't know?

He's been out of office for four years and under Trump immigration and border policies were drastically changed.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
Trump stopped the catch and release policy. Biden brought it back. Will stopping the policy again stop every single incident? No, but it will slow it back down to a trickle. Biden has the power to undo the executive order he signed reversing Trump policies. I feel certain you're quite aware of what I meant the first time I said it.
again - the president shouldn't be doing any of this.

congress should get off their high horse asses and find a compromise we can all live with but that would mean they lose a weapon. our collective gov simply doesn't want to address it or they would.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.

As long as there is money to be made trafficking there are people willing to sink to whatever depths to get it. People making money off very desperate people. I'm not sure what the solution is but it seems that several possibles are:

1. working closely with Mexico to apprehend coyotes and make sure they face very harsh penalties. The remain in Mexico policy left people stranded indefinitely at camps in some of the most violent and lawless areas of Mexico. If any semblance of that policy remains than we should also work with Mexico to help fund humanitarian aid and security for the migrants. Unfortunately I think there is a diplomatic tiff with Mexico at the moment.

2. working with the countries they are coming from, to try and fix some of the "push" factors and reduce the stream of people leaving.

3. Fix our own system. The immigration courts are notoriously undermanned. It's crazy that people have to wait as long as they do for an asylum hearing.

4. Other thoughts?
on the surface, i think this is a great start. but immigration is being used to further hate and divide and face it, as long as you and i can't even openly talk about this in a forum w/o it dovetailing into the abyss of personal attacks, what chance do we as a whole have to resolve where to pee, much less immigration issues or anything major?

to me it is critical we work with these countries to understand why people want to leave. the question is - how far do we go to advocate change in their countries? if they want to be the cause for people to leave, now what? 1 and 2 are a mix to me but both needed, to be sure.

fix our own system. we've tried. reagan offered amnesty if we'd stop letting illegals get jobs. keep this from happening again. the deal was struck, amnesty was granted, but the democrats backed out and didn't enforce their side. we were supposed to fix it then, not have another DREAMERS issue again today. what has changed to make me trust the dems would work to stop the illegals if we do amnesty AGAIN?

so tell me - how do we fix it when one side doesn't want to as it gives them leverage?
One of the real problems with this is that encouraging human trafficking has greatly enriched the criminal elements in their native countries. Biden signaling his willingness to open the doors gave cartels thousands of new paying customers.
i do agree bidens policies make the problem worse. my point overall is we tend to blame everything we see we don't like under the scope of people we don't like also.

the problem of human abandonment isn't any 1 presidents issue. it's our issue. but unfortunately we have 1 side it would seem that refuses to fix the problem because they tend to find "the problem" advantageous to their side.

IMO - Biden didn't exactly have a thought out policy when he started acting nor do I think he fully realized the enormity of the problem. Not having a well thought out policy ahead of attempting to fix the situation is a big mistake.

Both sides find it politically advantageous to kick the can down the road and blame the other - and no one is willing to make unpopular political choices the really fix things - ie comprehensive immigration reform.
How on earth can you think that Biden didn't realize the enormity of the problem? He's been in Washington for nearly 5 decades. How can you think he didn't know?

He's been out of office for four years and under Trump immigration and border policies were drastically changed.
can you please cite the changes he made that altered the baseline issue that still exists today? this comes across as excusing your side/boy because you don't like where it could go.

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