Used Children Abandoned In The Desert

can you please cite the changes he made that altered the baseline issue that still exists today? this comes across as excusing your side/boy because you don't like where it could go.

I'll give any new president (yes, even Trump) a break at the beginning - do you?

Policies that altered the baseline issue - I would say the "the remain in Mexico" policy that created a huge number of people bottlenecked at the border waiting for a scarce number of daily appointments. When you add the new surge to that, you have crisis.
do you see me bitching at biden for every single thing wrong in the world? no. you don't.

i liked the "remain in mexico" myself. immigration has a path to citizenship. if it isn't working, fix it don't go around it. asylum is for people with political issues who will likely be killed if they are returned home.

I did not. The problem with remain in Mexico was it was incredibly dangerous to the asylum seekers, violence, rape, and trafficking of women and children were common, as was murder. In addition to dangerous the conditions were squalid and disease-ridden. There was an active effort to prevent journalists and American immigration legal advisors from gaining access as well.

I can't understand how, if you are complaining about the treatment of illegal immigrants on this side of the border, you are ok with it on that side of the border. It makes no sense to me.

the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee.

were the ones at the border political refugees or did we expand on that definition in order to get what you felt was right? bypassing process / law because you feel strongly about something doesn't make it right - it simply diminishes the point of the law itself rendering it useless.

It has nothing to do with what "I feel was right" - it has to do with our law which recognizes 5 grounds of persecution for asylum applicants.

They must demonstrate persecution based on any one of these grounds: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion.

IMO personal opinion it should be expanded to gender/gender identity given the extreme persecution gay men face in many parts of the world...but either way, asylum is not just granted to political refugees. In fact - our asylum law was based on what happened when we turned away Jewish refugees in 1939 (it's in my signature and has been for years because I think it's incredibly important).

loopholes i believe they are called. people love to use them, hate them used against themselves.

so - how many immigrants were trying to seek "asylum" in order to get around immigration policy?

It doesn't matter why they are trying to seek asylum. It's their legal right to seek it. That doesn't mean they'll get it and most are denied. But until they have their hearings - they are legal asylum seekers.
I'm not sure Iceberg was claiming Biden's policies inhumane while ignoring Trump's intentional inhumanity. I think he was wrong is challagning for proof that Trump intentionally acted illegally and immorally in fashioning a system to deter illegal (and legal asylum) immigration.

I'm not sure what damage would happen if asylum seekers were allowed, but we should not release them as we did before Trump. If we expedited hearings, and simply sent the vast maj back because they don't qualify as political refugees, then we wouldn't be encouraging people to leave home, walk thousands of miles while helpless.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
You can stop many things. Its the knowledge that the decision made would be towards the extreme end of human patience. We all know what will eventually happen. We just do not spout it. A nation in decline that is having soul searching guilt pushed on it by elites who even use some of those children for their personal enjoyment. Foreign children are easier to abduct then domestic ones. But it is done here also.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
You can stop many things. Its the knowledge that the decision made would be towards the extreme end of human patience. We all know what will eventually happen. We just do not spout it. A nation in decline that is having soul searching guilt pushed on it by elites who even use some of those children for their personal enjoyment. Foreign children are easier to abduct then domestic ones. But it is done here also.
OK now that's just RW nut crazyiness. We had people crossing the border for over a hundred years to seek work, and then return to families. What happened was people here started having families and staying. The kids grew up, got jobs and are citizens today. Late in the 20th century we ceased needing as many laborers.

ANd your fixation of pedophelia and democrats is creepy
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
You can stop many things. Its the knowledge that the decision made would be towards the extreme end of human patience. We all know what will eventually happen. We just do not spout it. A nation in decline that is having soul searching guilt pushed on it by elites who even use some of those children for their personal enjoyment. Foreign children are easier to abduct then domestic ones. But it is done here also.
OK now that's just RW nut crazyiness. We had people crossing the border for over a hundred years to seek work, and then return to families. What happened was people here started having families and staying. The kids grew up, got jobs and are citizens today. Late in the 20th century we ceased needing as many laborers.

ANd your fixation of pedophelia and democrats is creepy

The creepy part is how fixated on pedophilia the Democrats are.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
You can stop many things. Its the knowledge that the decision made would be towards the extreme end of human patience. We all know what will eventually happen. We just do not spout it. A nation in decline that is having soul searching guilt pushed on it by elites who even use some of those children for their personal enjoyment. Foreign children are easier to abduct then domestic ones. But it is done here also.
OK now that's just RW nut crazyiness. We had people crossing the border for over a hundred years to seek work, and then return to families. What happened was people here started having families and staying. The kids grew up, got jobs and are citizens today. Late in the 20th century we ceased needing as many laborers.

ANd your fixation of pedophelia and democrats is creepy
should i consider it strange you link those 2 groups together?
then please, tell me the difference between an immigrant and someone seeking aslyum. do these children left in the desert seek a better life via immigration or are they political refugees who will be killed if they return home.

Immigrant is a broad category.

Asylum seekers are a type of immigrant seeking to immigrate under a specific category: asylum.

In the same sense - refugees are another type of immigrant that are entering under a specific program.

As far as those children are concerned - each case is individual. I have no idea what the reasons are for their being brought and abandoned here. That would need to be figured by immigration authorities and what ever legal ombudsmen they're assigned to help them through the process. Maybe it's finding their parents, maybe it's requesting asylum. I don't know their personal stories.

we need to stop blurring the lines in order to facilitate an emotional gain.

It's NOT blurring any lines to recognize that US law has multiple ways of coming into this country legally - they aren't all the same. Each has to meet specific requirements.

a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
To establish eligibility for asylum or refugee status under U.S. law (8 U.S.C. § 1158), you must prove that you meet the definition of a refugee (under 8 U.S.C. § 1101). In brief, this means showing that you are either the victim of past persecution or you have a well-founded fear of future persecution.

they are coming to live here and hope for a better life. we all are. however when that wasn't working they decided to say "sure - i seek asylum" and that got morphed and look where it's gotten us.

So hold on. What exactly are you saying here? That none of these asylum seekers are really asylum seekers? That we should get rid of the asylum laws? It's not up to us to pre-judge them. That's the job of the immigration judges. I'm fine with that. Are you?

we seem to have a mindset to go around rules cause they're in the way via any way possible then get upset when told you're going around the rules, stop it.

they can seek whatever they want. but they cannot continue to be allowed to simply call themselves something else they are not because they find the current process too cumbersome to work through. or feel free to show me their persecution without also morphing that to dramatize it.

I'm not really getting at what you are trying to say here. If they are seeking asylum, they have the right to call themselves asylum seekers and apply for it, what ever their reasons might be - it's legal, it's not up to us (us being us not involved in the process) to decide they have no merit. They don't have any "right" to get asylum, only to have a right to have their case heard and a decision made upon it's merits. If it's bogus, or not sufficient to warrant asylum - it will be denied and they will be deported.

stop the bleeding, fix the problem, see if we've got it. first step in stopping the bleeding it no longer allowing our language to be morphed in order to get around process.

I disagree that it is morphed, but I DO think the law itself could be revisited to include some other groups for asylum purposes - as I mentioned, homosexuals/transgender people who are known to be heavily persecuted.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
You can stop many things. Its the knowledge that the decision made would be towards the extreme end of human patience. We all know what will eventually happen. We just do not spout it. A nation in decline that is having soul searching guilt pushed on it by elites who even use some of those children for their personal enjoyment. Foreign children are easier to abduct then domestic ones. But it is done here also.
OK now that's just RW nut crazyiness. We had people crossing the border for over a hundred years to seek work, and then return to families. What happened was people here started having families and staying. The kids grew up, got jobs and are citizens today. Late in the 20th century we ceased needing as many laborers.

ANd your fixation of pedophelia and democrats is creepy
should i consider it strange you link those 2 groups together?

No you shouldn't. Thread after thread here attempts to do just that. It gets old.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
You can stop many things. Its the knowledge that the decision made would be towards the extreme end of human patience. We all know what will eventually happen. We just do not spout it. A nation in decline that is having soul searching guilt pushed on it by elites who even use some of those children for their personal enjoyment. Foreign children are easier to abduct then domestic ones. But it is done here also.
OK now that's just RW nut crazyiness. We had people crossing the border for over a hundred years to seek work, and then return to families. What happened was people here started having families and staying. The kids grew up, got jobs and are citizens today. Late in the 20th century we ceased needing as many laborers.

ANd your fixation of pedophelia and democrats is creepy
should i consider it strange you link those 2 groups together?
I didn't do the lumping, and yeah you should find 22shorteyes and marvinthemolester creeper than woodyallen
then please, tell me the difference between an immigrant and someone seeking aslyum. do these children left in the desert seek a better life via immigration or are they political refugees who will be killed if they return home.

Immigrant is a broad category.

Asylum seekers are a type of immigrant seeking to immigrate under a specific category: asylum.

In the same sense - refugees are another type of immigrant that are entering under a specific program.

As far as those children are concerned - each case is individual. I have no idea what the reasons are for their being brought and abandoned here. That would need to be figured by immigration authorities and what ever legal ombudsmen they're assigned to help them through the process. Maybe it's finding their parents, maybe it's requesting asylum. I don't know their personal stories.

we need to stop blurring the lines in order to facilitate an emotional gain.

It's NOT blurring any lines to recognize that US law has multiple ways of coming into this country legally - they aren't all the same. Each has to meet specific requirements.

hope this quote shit works.

what i am seeing is you can't "define" the actual difference as yes, there are many types. but seeking asylum is a specific target. a political opponent in china may ask for asylum because if he goes back to china, he dies. that is what it is for and no that should not be stopped.

but it shouldn't be abused either. if you are coming over here because you want a better job or life - great. get in the much longer line. i'm sorry it's a long one and i'm sorry your country sucks and you wish to leave but that is your situation and the US as a country is horrible at how to handle this.

so far i agree.

but what happened is they simply started saying "asylum" because the line was shorter. the democrats encouraged it because they found a way around what they view as an obstacle. i agree it's an obstacle but i disagree going around it with redefining things is a valid move to be allowed.

to me this is where we are. you seem to be leaning to "who cares what we call them, let them in" - but i'm not sure so i'll wait for you to say.

requesting asylum is a specific term for a specific process. not a magic word to make the long line of immigration disappear.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
from what i understand, coyotes (not coyote) used children under trump too. people have been abandoning children for a long time. to put this on biden and biden alone is just as strange to me as when the left tied every whack-a-mole extremist to trump.

you do it to try to discredit the other but it doesn't help the situation itself.
Trump at least made efforts to stop people from thinking the children would be their golden ticket. Biden has encouraged this.
that i won't deny. but this is a congress problem, not a presidential one. the drive by BLAME BIDEN FOR THIS EMO ISSUE TODAY is old. its always old. but it's as far as most people ever seem to know how to get to.
Yes, while this is also a congress problem ( reminder that Biden has been in federal government for 47 years ) it was greatly exacerbated by Biden immediately rescinding the Trump border policies which had at least stabilized the situation. Even the president of Mexico has said that Biden has encouraged this. Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media
if you wish to lay entire courses of action and blame for what other people do on 1 person fine. we'll stay with that approach and then trumps policies caused all the trafficking at the time.

i'd rather we look more deeply into a problem to resolve it than how we can use a problem to blame someone else for it happening.
That one person currently has the power to stop this and chooses not to.
ok - if 1 person has the power to stop it - why didn't trump?

i'll wait.
You can stop many things. Its the knowledge that the decision made would be towards the extreme end of human patience. We all know what will eventually happen. We just do not spout it. A nation in decline that is having soul searching guilt pushed on it by elites who even use some of those children for their personal enjoyment. Foreign children are easier to abduct then domestic ones. But it is done here also.
OK now that's just RW nut crazyiness. We had people crossing the border for over a hundred years to seek work, and then return to families. What happened was people here started having families and staying. The kids grew up, got jobs and are citizens today. Late in the 20th century we ceased needing as many laborers.

ANd your fixation of pedophelia and democrats is creepy
should i consider it strange you link those 2 groups together?

No you shouldn't. Thread after thread here attempts to do just that. It gets old.
it was 100% sarcasm. the entire conversation reads like a drunk conversation with norm and cliff at 3am.
then please, tell me the difference between an immigrant and someone seeking aslyum. do these children left in the desert seek a better life via immigration or are they political refugees who will be killed if they return home.

Immigrant is a broad category.

Asylum seekers are a type of immigrant seeking to immigrate under a specific category: asylum.

In the same sense - refugees are another type of immigrant that are entering under a specific program.

As far as those children are concerned - each case is individual. I have no idea what the reasons are for their being brought and abandoned here. That would need to be figured by immigration authorities and what ever legal ombudsmen they're assigned to help them through the process. Maybe it's finding their parents, maybe it's requesting asylum. I don't know their personal stories.

we need to stop blurring the lines in order to facilitate an emotional gain.

It's NOT blurring any lines to recognize that US law has multiple ways of coming into this country legally - they aren't all the same. Each has to meet specific requirements.

hope this quote shit works.

what i am seeing is you can't "define" the actual difference as yes, there are many types. but seeking asylum is a specific target. a political opponent in china may ask for asylum because if he goes back to china, he dies. that is what it is for and no that should not be stopped.

but it shouldn't be abused either. if you are coming over here because you want a better job or life - great. get in the much longer line. i'm sorry it's a long one and i'm sorry your country sucks and you wish to leave but that is your situation and the US as a country is horrible at how to handle this.

so far i agree.

but what happened is they simply started saying "asylum" because the line was shorter. the democrats encouraged it because they found a way around what they view as an obstacle. i agree it's an obstacle but i disagree going around it with redefining things is a valid move to be allowed.

to me this is where we are. you seem to be leaning to "who cares what we call them, let them in" - but i'm not sure so i'll wait for you to say.

requesting asylum is a specific term for a specific process. not a magic word to make the long line of immigration disappear.
I don't think you should go the partisan route here. Trump and Miller wanted to use "asylum" to assist Christians while we've witnessed slaughters of other groups as well.

What DID occur was the catch and release aspect of asylum claims. It was just easier to get inside the US (you were supposed to enter and then "surrender" and say "asylum please) and you'd be released to show up at a later date. Biden apparently is allowing that again at least to some extent: I don't see hard numbers.
Coyote - sorry but i am lost in the quotes now. you're making good points and i agree on a lot of them. my "in a nutshell" is we can't call them something else to get around a shitty process.

we need to fix the process. we seem to be an instant gratification society and standing in line isn't ok anymore when we can simply say "sure i'm this" and we're through.

going around the law simply leads to MORE going around laws and it won't be long before you don't like WHY the other person went around them and suddenly law is meaningless and it's how SOCIALLY AWARE are you that makes you "right".

i'd rather have the laws and fix them than try to debate why one side is justified going around laws but the other side isn't. that is tearing us up right now across the board.

if you want a better life or job, immigration. if your gov will kill you if you go home, asylum.
can you please cite the changes he made that altered the baseline issue that still exists today? this comes across as excusing your side/boy because you don't like where it could go.

I'll give any new president (yes, even Trump) a break at the beginning - do you?

Policies that altered the baseline issue - I would say the "the remain in Mexico" policy that created a huge number of people bottlenecked at the border waiting for a scarce number of daily appointments. When you add the new surge to that, you have crisis.
Why is it that Presidents will take credit for what are perceived as successes and blame the previous guy for failures? It seems each of them do this silly ploy.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.

In their zeal for future voter's and push for peptual power, they couldn't give 2 fucks!
It's just how they roll.
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.

democrats have the same relationship to these kids like a Black Widow spider has to it's mate: they served their purpose, so they're all done

Yep. And Uncle Bernie and all the wealthy Democrats and theri Hollywood buddies can't make room for these kids in their big mansions and island estates, either. It's all you little peoples' job to bear the burdens of this tragic fiasco.
hope this quote shit works.

what i am seeing is you can't "define" the actual difference as yes, there are many types. but seeking asylum is a specific target. a political opponent in china may ask for asylum because if he goes back to china, he dies. that is what it is for and no that should not be stopped.


but it shouldn't be abused either. if you are coming over here because you want a better job or life - great. get in the much longer line. i'm sorry it's a long one and i'm sorry your country sucks and you wish to leave but that is your situation and the US as a country is horrible at how to handle this.

so far i agree.

True, but again - isn't that abuse sorted out in the courts? Most asylum requests get denied.

but what happened is they simply started saying "asylum" because the line was shorter. the democrats encouraged it because they found a way around what they view as an obstacle. i agree it's an obstacle but i disagree going around it with redefining things is a valid move to be allowed.

Maybe or maybe in some cases they genuinely are in fear for their lives. There is no question that some of those nations suffer from corrupt or weak central governments, rampant gang and cartel violence and violence towards women who have few legal rights or recourses to end it. So if they're trying for asylum it might not just be because "the line is shorter" - can you blame them? I don't see it as being "redefined" because the courts determine the outcome. It's like I can go and ask for food stamps and claim to be poor - but I'm not redefining poverty, and they will refuse me.

to me this is where we are. you seem to be leaning to "who cares what we call them, let them in" - but i'm not sure so i'll wait for you to say.

I think that's where maybe you're missing what I'm saying. I'm saying they have a right to apply for asylum - but that doesn't mean they have a right to GET asylum. That is determined by a judge who is familiar with immigration law. And I'm fine with that. That's not "let the in" - that's "let's follow the laws and procedures set up for granting asylum".

requesting asylum is a specific term for a specific process. not a magic word to make the long line of immigration disappear.

We actually AGREE on that - I think we just come at it from different angles

The quote system sucks. I had to make multiple attempts to fix mine.
Coyote - sorry but i am lost in the quotes now. you're making good points and i agree on a lot of them. my "in a nutshell" is we can't call them something else to get around a shitty process.

we need to fix the process. we seem to be an instant gratification society and standing in line isn't ok anymore when we can simply say "sure i'm this" and we're through.

going around the law simply leads to MORE going around laws and it won't be long before you don't like WHY the other person went around them and suddenly law is meaningless and it's how SOCIALLY AWARE are you that makes you "right".

i'd rather have the laws and fix them than try to debate why one side is justified going around laws but the other side isn't. that is tearing us up right now across the board.

if you want a better life or job, immigration. if your gov will kill you if you go home, asylum.

Well said. And I'm with you in that the entire system needs an overhaul...

what are the chances?
can you please cite the changes he made that altered the baseline issue that still exists today? this comes across as excusing your side/boy because you don't like where it could go.

I'll give any new president (yes, even Trump) a break at the beginning - do you?

Policies that altered the baseline issue - I would say the "the remain in Mexico" policy that created a huge number of people bottlenecked at the border waiting for a scarce number of daily appointments. When you add the new surge to that, you have crisis.
Why is it that Presidents will take credit for what are perceived as successes and blame the previous guy for failures? It seems each of them do this silly ploy.

Because that's the prerogative of the Executive. If it's good - they take credit. If it's bad they blame the other guy.
hope this quote shit works.

what i am seeing is you can't "define" the actual difference as yes, there are many types. but seeking asylum is a specific target. a political opponent in china may ask for asylum because if he goes back to china, he dies. that is what it is for and no that should not be stopped.


but it shouldn't be abused either. if you are coming over here because you want a better job or life - great. get in the much longer line. i'm sorry it's a long one and i'm sorry your country sucks and you wish to leave but that is your situation and the US as a country is horrible at how to handle this.

so far i agree.

True, but again - isn't that abuse sorted out in the courts? Most asylum requests get denied.

but what happened is they simply started saying "asylum" because the line was shorter. the democrats encouraged it because they found a way around what they view as an obstacle. i agree it's an obstacle but i disagree going around it with redefining things is a valid move to be allowed.

Maybe or maybe in some cases they genuinely are in fear for their lives. There is no question that some of those nations suffer from corrupt or weak central governments, rampant gang and cartel violence and violence towards women who have few legal rights or recourses to end it. So if they're trying for asylum it might not just be because "the line is shorter" - can you blame them? I don't see it as being "redefined" because the courts determine the outcome. It's like I can go and ask for food stamps and claim to be poor - but I'm not redefining poverty, and they will refuse me.

to me this is where we are. you seem to be leaning to "who cares what we call them, let them in" - but i'm not sure so i'll wait for you to say.

I think that's where maybe you're missing what I'm saying. I'm saying they have a right to apply for asylum - but that doesn't mean they have a right to GET asylum. That is determined by a judge who is familiar with immigration law. And I'm fine with that. That's not "let the in" - that's "let's follow the laws and procedures set up for granting asylum".

requesting asylum is a specific term for a specific process. not a magic word to make the long line of immigration disappear.

We actually AGREE on that - I think we just come at it from different angles

The quote system sucks. I had to make multiple attempts to fix mine.
except most who request it never show. but to the main point, why have the 2 lines if with one word they come on in?

we can't make it that easy.

appreciate stickng to topic. Thank you

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