Using Vitamin C finally

Fuck orange juice. Thats as much bullshit as the bana/Potassiu farce "doctors" recommend.....with Tylenol of course
View attachment 315132
As the great Dr Linas Pauling suggested, he took 15000mg in divided doses throughout the day. Every day. When he felt illness coming on, he took much larger does. Taking it up to bowel tolerance.

The great doctors I listed above also recommend this protocol.

I have followed this for years. At the first sign of a cold, I pound vitamin C. 1000mg very five minutes. I’ve taken massive doses, up to 100,000mg in a few hours. I can feel the cold subsiding and rising as I continue taking C. I’ve beaten colds this way. Before using C, my colds developed and progressed the same way. With C, my colds are beaten altogether or greatly lessened in intensity.
The same "great" Linus Pauling claimed it prevented cancer ALONE, he ingested massive doses for many years, he died of....... cancer...… ha ha.

It is well known the body doesn't use all that Vitamin C, since it excreted a lot of it away through the urine.

Linus Paulings claims have not gained traction with research since he died of cancer.

When it comes to mega doses of Vitamin C claims, Pauling was a confirmed crackpot.
He was 93 when he died dumbass. Do you know what life expectancy was when he was born in 1901? Dumbass.
You’re an idiot. Go ahead believe the establishment. You will die young. We need to remove dumbasses from the gene pool.

C has been shownby numerous doctors and scientists to be very effective. Assholes like you think Pauling was the only one espousing C.
Yes and he died of CANCER, which he is on record saying Mega Doses of Vitamin C would ALONE Could prevent Cancer. It is clear you didn't read the links I posted:

Here's why. Linus Pauling didn't claim that vitamin C in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs might provide an additional incremental benefit to patients, which is the very best that can be claimed for high dose ascorbate based on all the in vitro, in vivo, and clinical evidence thus far. That's far too modest a claim. No, actually Pauling said that "75% of all cancer can be prevented and cured by vitamin C alone." Similarly, boosters of vitamin C as a cancer therapy don't claim that it provides a small additional benefit when administered with chemotherapy, either, which again is the very best that can be possibly claimed based on the experimental results described. Rather, they claim that high dose vitamin C cures cancer a high percentage of the time. Even the most optimistic appraisal of Levine's results of Levine's mouses study or the phase I clinical trial do not support any such claims. That much is brutally clear.




Eventually, three different randomized trials of high dose vitamin C used to treat cancer were carried out by the Mayo Clinic. The first study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1979, and Pauling was not pleased. He wrote a letter to the editor complaining that most patients had had extensive prior chemotherapy, which in his view meant that they were immunologically compromised. Given that his concept was that high dose vitamin C somehow boosted the immune system, he thought it was an unfair trial, even though his first trial had pointed out that the patients undergoing vitamin C treatment had received standard therapy, including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy as appropriate. This was followed by two other randomized clinical trials, which when coupled with the first trial, involved 367 patients and failed to find a benefit from high dose oral vitamin C in cancer. Meanwhile, some studies were pointing out that high dose ascorbate was not without adverse reactions, including diarrhea, and even renal failure after high dose IV administration. Since then, among conventional oncologists at least, vitamin C as a therapy for cancer has been viewed as having no value.

It is highly doubtful that the concept that vitamin C might cure cancer and other diseases would ever have been taken as seriously as it was for as long as it has been had it not been championed by a scientific figure as towering as Linus Pauling. Unfortunately, in his zeal, Pauling popularized his ideas not primarily by publishing in scientific journals, but mostly by writing books, giving talks, and forming his own insitute to do experiments designed to prove his ideas. Another sure sign of a zealot, Pauling couldn't tolerate data that contradicted his belief in vitamin C. Indeed, when data from the experiments of a colleague at his institute, Arthur Robinson, suggested that vitamin C at the doses advocated by Pauling might actually increase the rate of tumor growth in an experimental model in mice:

Robinson, a former student and long-time associate of Pauling, helped found the institute and became its first president. According to an investigative report by James Lowell, Ph.D., in Nutrition Forum newsletter, Robinson's own research led him to conclude in 1978 that the high doses (5-10 grams per day) of vitamin C being recommended by Pauling might actually promote some types of cancer in mice [18]. Robinson told Lowell, for example, that animals fed quantities equivalent to Pauling's recommendations contracted skin cancer almost twice as frequently as the control group and that only doses of vitamin C that were nearly lethal had any protective effect. Shortly after reporting this to Pauling, Robinson was asked to resign from the institute, his experimental animals were killed, his scientific data were impounded, and some of the previous research results were destroyed. Pauling also declared publicly that Robinson's research was "amateurish" and inadequate. Robinson responded by suing the Institute and its trustees. In 1983, the suit was settled out of court for $575,000. In an interview quoted in Nature, Pauling said that the settlement "represented no more than compensation for loss of office and the cost of Robinson's legal fees." However, the court-approved agreement states that $425,000 of the settlement was for slander and libel.

In 1994, Robinson and two colleagues summarized the results of four mouse studies he had carried out while working at the Pauling Institute. Nearly all of the mice developed skin cancers (squamous cell carcinomas) following exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Altogether, 1,846 hairless mice received a total of 38 different diets. The researchers found that (a) the rate of onset and severity of tumors could be varied as much as 20-fold by just modifying dietary balance; (b) diets with the worst balance of nutrients had the greatest inhibitory effect on cancer growth; and (c) no cures or remissions were observed (although the researchers were not looking for this). In 1999, Robinson commented:

The results of these experiments caused an argument between Linus and me, which ended our 16-year period of work together. He was not willing to accept the experimentally proved fact that vitamin C in ordinary doses accelerated the growth rate of squamous cell carcinoma in these mice.
At the time, Linus was promoting his claim that "75% of all cancer can be prevented and cured by vitamin C alone." This claim proved to be without experimental foundation and not true. . . . Vitamin C increased the rate of growth of cancer at human equivalents of 1 to 5 grams per day, but suppressed the cancer growth rate at doses on the order of 100 grams per day (near the lethal dose), as do other measures of malnutrition [21].


Rameses 2 lived to age 95 in an era when most people died by age 35, Louis XIV lived to the age of 76 when most people died by age 40, your age evidence claim is stupid.
So it’s your opinion that if Pauling was right, he should have lived forever. LOL.
Translation: I have no cogent rebuttal to offer, therefore try so stupid face saving retorts that reflects your lack of rational thinking and scientific rigor.

You got smashed, suggest you drop your absurd zealotry over a flawed man, who had a great start in his career, only to trash it in his later years over his stupid high dose Vitamin C mania.
LOL. You know very little about the topic.

C has been proven to be very beneficial. Will it cure cancer? Probably not, but that in no way means C isn’t effective on all sorts of diseases.

Your small mind is stuck on Pauling’s cancer cure, while ignoring the mountain of evidence showing C’s effectiveness on all sorts of ailments.
Now you are lying since I haven't disputed Vitamin C having some effectiveness against cold, diseases and such, I have been FOCUSING on Linus Pauling's Mega Vitamin C dosage claims on preventing CANCER, the one you have utterly failed to defend, the one where NO scientific instruction accepts his claims on near total Cancer prevention powers.

Your dishonest deflection is easily spotted, suggest you drop your silly defense of a man who was proven profoundly wrong about Cancer prevention.

You know very ttle about how good science research is done, Pauling did most of it OUTSIDE of science disciplines, thus he has no viable case at all.

Can early and high intravenous dose of vitamin C prevent and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
Hemila and colleagues reported that various high-dose intravenous VC infusions (e.g., 200 mg/kg body weight/day, divided into 4 doses) shortened the intensive care unit (ICU) stay by 97.8% [11], accompanied by a significant reduction in the mortality rate [12]. Such an experience was reproduced among patients ill with severe influenza [13,14]. Indeed, dietary antioxidants (VC and sulforaphane) were shown to decrease oxidative stress induced acute inflammatory lung injury in patients receiving mechanical ventilation [15]. In addition, oral VC (e.g., 6 g daily) was able to reduce viral infection risk [16] or to improve symptoms [17].

High-dose intravenous VC has also been successfully used in the treatment of 50 moderate to severe COVID-19 patients in China. The doses used varied between 2 g and 10 g per day, given over a period of 8–10 h. Additional VC bolus may be required among patients in critical conditions. The oxygenation index was improving in real time and all the patients eventually cured and were discharged [18]. In fact, high-dose VC has been clinically used for several decades and a recent NIH expert panel document states clearly that this regimen (1.5 g/kg body weight) is safe and without major adverse events [19].
You are now running on empty since I haven't disputed that article at all.

Your idiotic deflections to my replies are increasingly irrational, proof that you can't provide a basic defense for your god Pauling, who in your eyes can't be wrong on anything.
Fuck orange juice. Thats as much bullshit as the bana/Potassiu farce "doctors" recommend.....with Tylenol of course
View attachment 315132
As the great Dr Linas Pauling suggested, he took 15000mg in divided doses throughout the day. Every day. When he felt illness coming on, he took much larger does. Taking it up to bowel tolerance.

The great doctors I listed above also recommend this protocol.

I have followed this for years. At the first sign of a cold, I pound vitamin C. 1000mg very five minutes. I’ve taken massive doses, up to 100,000mg in a few hours. I can feel the cold subsiding and rising as I continue taking C. I’ve beaten colds this way. Before using C, my colds developed and progressed the same way. With C, my colds are beaten altogether or greatly lessened in intensity.
The same "great" Linus Pauling claimed it prevented cancer ALONE, he ingested massive doses for many years, he died of....... cancer...… ha ha.

It is well known the body doesn't use all that Vitamin C, since it excreted a lot of it away through the urine.

Linus Paulings claims have not gained traction with research since he died of cancer.

When it comes to mega doses of Vitamin C claims, Pauling was a confirmed crackpot.
He was 93 when he died dumbass. Do you know what life expectancy was when he was born in 1901? Dumbass.
You’re an idiot. Go ahead believe the establishment. You will die young. We need to remove dumbasses from the gene pool.

C has been shownby numerous doctors and scientists to be very effective. Assholes like you think Pauling was the only one espousing C.
Yes and he died of CANCER, which he is on record saying Mega Doses of Vitamin C would ALONE Could prevent Cancer. It is clear you didn't read the links I posted:

Here's why. Linus Pauling didn't claim that vitamin C in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs might provide an additional incremental benefit to patients, which is the very best that can be claimed for high dose ascorbate based on all the in vitro, in vivo, and clinical evidence thus far. That's far too modest a claim. No, actually Pauling said that "75% of all cancer can be prevented and cured by vitamin C alone." Similarly, boosters of vitamin C as a cancer therapy don't claim that it provides a small additional benefit when administered with chemotherapy, either, which again is the very best that can be possibly claimed based on the experimental results described. Rather, they claim that high dose vitamin C cures cancer a high percentage of the time. Even the most optimistic appraisal of Levine's results of Levine's mouses study or the phase I clinical trial do not support any such claims. That much is brutally clear.




Eventually, three different randomized trials of high dose vitamin C used to treat cancer were carried out by the Mayo Clinic. The first study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1979, and Pauling was not pleased. He wrote a letter to the editor complaining that most patients had had extensive prior chemotherapy, which in his view meant that they were immunologically compromised. Given that his concept was that high dose vitamin C somehow boosted the immune system, he thought it was an unfair trial, even though his first trial had pointed out that the patients undergoing vitamin C treatment had received standard therapy, including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy as appropriate. This was followed by two other randomized clinical trials, which when coupled with the first trial, involved 367 patients and failed to find a benefit from high dose oral vitamin C in cancer. Meanwhile, some studies were pointing out that high dose ascorbate was not without adverse reactions, including diarrhea, and even renal failure after high dose IV administration. Since then, among conventional oncologists at least, vitamin C as a therapy for cancer has been viewed as having no value.

It is highly doubtful that the concept that vitamin C might cure cancer and other diseases would ever have been taken as seriously as it was for as long as it has been had it not been championed by a scientific figure as towering as Linus Pauling. Unfortunately, in his zeal, Pauling popularized his ideas not primarily by publishing in scientific journals, but mostly by writing books, giving talks, and forming his own insitute to do experiments designed to prove his ideas. Another sure sign of a zealot, Pauling couldn't tolerate data that contradicted his belief in vitamin C. Indeed, when data from the experiments of a colleague at his institute, Arthur Robinson, suggested that vitamin C at the doses advocated by Pauling might actually increase the rate of tumor growth in an experimental model in mice:

Robinson, a former student and long-time associate of Pauling, helped found the institute and became its first president. According to an investigative report by James Lowell, Ph.D., in Nutrition Forum newsletter, Robinson's own research led him to conclude in 1978 that the high doses (5-10 grams per day) of vitamin C being recommended by Pauling might actually promote some types of cancer in mice [18]. Robinson told Lowell, for example, that animals fed quantities equivalent to Pauling's recommendations contracted skin cancer almost twice as frequently as the control group and that only doses of vitamin C that were nearly lethal had any protective effect. Shortly after reporting this to Pauling, Robinson was asked to resign from the institute, his experimental animals were killed, his scientific data were impounded, and some of the previous research results were destroyed. Pauling also declared publicly that Robinson's research was "amateurish" and inadequate. Robinson responded by suing the Institute and its trustees. In 1983, the suit was settled out of court for $575,000. In an interview quoted in Nature, Pauling said that the settlement "represented no more than compensation for loss of office and the cost of Robinson's legal fees." However, the court-approved agreement states that $425,000 of the settlement was for slander and libel.

In 1994, Robinson and two colleagues summarized the results of four mouse studies he had carried out while working at the Pauling Institute. Nearly all of the mice developed skin cancers (squamous cell carcinomas) following exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Altogether, 1,846 hairless mice received a total of 38 different diets. The researchers found that (a) the rate of onset and severity of tumors could be varied as much as 20-fold by just modifying dietary balance; (b) diets with the worst balance of nutrients had the greatest inhibitory effect on cancer growth; and (c) no cures or remissions were observed (although the researchers were not looking for this). In 1999, Robinson commented:

The results of these experiments caused an argument between Linus and me, which ended our 16-year period of work together. He was not willing to accept the experimentally proved fact that vitamin C in ordinary doses accelerated the growth rate of squamous cell carcinoma in these mice.
At the time, Linus was promoting his claim that "75% of all cancer can be prevented and cured by vitamin C alone." This claim proved to be without experimental foundation and not true. . . . Vitamin C increased the rate of growth of cancer at human equivalents of 1 to 5 grams per day, but suppressed the cancer growth rate at doses on the order of 100 grams per day (near the lethal dose), as do other measures of malnutrition [21].


Rameses 2 lived to age 95 in an era when most people died by age 35, Louis XIV lived to the age of 76 when most people died by age 40, your age evidence claim is stupid.
So it’s your opinion that if Pauling was right, he should have lived forever. LOL.
Translation: I have no cogent rebuttal to offer, therefore try so stupid face saving retorts that reflects your lack of rational thinking and scientific rigor.

You got smashed, suggest you drop your absurd zealotry over a flawed man, who had a great start in his career, only to trash it in his later years over his stupid high dose Vitamin C mania.
LOL. You know very little about the topic.

C has been proven to be very beneficial. Will it cure cancer? Probably not, but that in no way means C isn’t effective on all sorts of diseases.

Your small mind is stuck on Pauling’s cancer cure, while ignoring the mountain of evidence showing C’s effectiveness on all sorts of ailments.
Now you are lying since I haven't disputed Vitamin C having some effectiveness against cold, diseases and such, I have been FOCUSING on Linus Pauling's Mega Vitamin C dosage claims on preventing CANCER, the one you have utterly failed to defend, the one where NO scientific instruction accepts his claims on near total Cancer prevention powers.

Your dishonest deflection is easily spotted, suggest you drop your silly defense of a man who was proven profoundly wrong about Cancer prevention.

You know very ttle about how good science research is done, Pauling did most of it OUTSIDE of science disciplines, thus he has no viable case at all.

Can early and high intravenous dose of vitamin C prevent and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
Hemila and colleagues reported that various high-dose intravenous VC infusions (e.g., 200 mg/kg body weight/day, divided into 4 doses) shortened the intensive care unit (ICU) stay by 97.8% [11], accompanied by a significant reduction in the mortality rate [12]. Such an experience was reproduced among patients ill with severe influenza [13,14]. Indeed, dietary antioxidants (VC and sulforaphane) were shown to decrease oxidative stress induced acute inflammatory lung injury in patients receiving mechanical ventilation [15]. In addition, oral VC (e.g., 6 g daily) was able to reduce viral infection risk [16] or to improve symptoms [17].

High-dose intravenous VC has also been successfully used in the treatment of 50 moderate to severe COVID-19 patients in China. The doses used varied between 2 g and 10 g per day, given over a period of 8–10 h. Additional VC bolus may be required among patients in critical conditions. The oxygenation index was improving in real time and all the patients eventually cured and were discharged [18]. In fact, high-dose VC has been clinically used for several decades and a recent NIH expert panel document states clearly that this regimen (1.5 g/kg body weight) is safe and without major adverse events [19].
You are now running on empty since I haven't disputed that article at all.

Your idiotic deflections to my replies are increasingly irrational, proof that you can't provide a basic defense for your god Pauling, who in your eyes can't be wrong on anything.
Sorry please forgive me, but I never bothered to read your posts. Anyone who thinks Pauling a fraud, isn’t worth two shits.

Now take enough C to be symptom free.
Forget the flu shot. It’s worthless. Never got one in my 62 years and have caught the flu only twice.
Terrible advice over what is basically anecdotal evidence. You could be extremely lucky or have a higher than normal resistance to the flu virus, neither of which is a valid reason for anyone to heed your advice regarding the flu vaccine.
Read the thread or STFU.
Fuck orange juice. Thats as much bullshit as the bana/Potassiu farce "doctors" recommend.....with Tylenol of course
View attachment 315132
As the great Dr Linas Pauling suggested, he took 15000mg in divided doses throughout the day. Every day. When he felt illness coming on, he took much larger does. Taking it up to bowel tolerance.

The great doctors I listed above also recommend this protocol.

I have followed this for years. At the first sign of a cold, I pound vitamin C. 1000mg very five minutes. I’ve taken massive doses, up to 100,000mg in a few hours. I can feel the cold subsiding and rising as I continue taking C. I’ve beaten colds this way. Before using C, my colds developed and progressed the same way. With C, my colds are beaten altogether or greatly lessened in intensity.
The same "great" Linus Pauling claimed it prevented cancer ALONE, he ingested massive doses for many years, he died of....... cancer...… ha ha.

It is well known the body doesn't use all that Vitamin C, since it excreted a lot of it away through the urine.

Linus Paulings claims have not gained traction with research since he died of cancer.

When it comes to mega doses of Vitamin C claims, Pauling was a confirmed crackpot.
He was 93 when he died dumbass. Do you know what life expectancy was when he was born in 1901? Dumbass.
You’re an idiot. Go ahead believe the establishment. You will die young. We need to remove dumbasses from the gene pool.

C has been shownby numerous doctors and scientists to be very effective. Assholes like you think Pauling was the only one espousing C.
Yes and he died of CANCER, which he is on record saying Mega Doses of Vitamin C would ALONE Could prevent Cancer. It is clear you didn't read the links I posted:

Here's why. Linus Pauling didn't claim that vitamin C in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs might provide an additional incremental benefit to patients, which is the very best that can be claimed for high dose ascorbate based on all the in vitro, in vivo, and clinical evidence thus far. That's far too modest a claim. No, actually Pauling said that "75% of all cancer can be prevented and cured by vitamin C alone." Similarly, boosters of vitamin C as a cancer therapy don't claim that it provides a small additional benefit when administered with chemotherapy, either, which again is the very best that can be possibly claimed based on the experimental results described. Rather, they claim that high dose vitamin C cures cancer a high percentage of the time. Even the most optimistic appraisal of Levine's results of Levine's mouses study or the phase I clinical trial do not support any such claims. That much is brutally clear.




Eventually, three different randomized trials of high dose vitamin C used to treat cancer were carried out by the Mayo Clinic. The first study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1979, and Pauling was not pleased. He wrote a letter to the editor complaining that most patients had had extensive prior chemotherapy, which in his view meant that they were immunologically compromised. Given that his concept was that high dose vitamin C somehow boosted the immune system, he thought it was an unfair trial, even though his first trial had pointed out that the patients undergoing vitamin C treatment had received standard therapy, including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy as appropriate. This was followed by two other randomized clinical trials, which when coupled with the first trial, involved 367 patients and failed to find a benefit from high dose oral vitamin C in cancer. Meanwhile, some studies were pointing out that high dose ascorbate was not without adverse reactions, including diarrhea, and even renal failure after high dose IV administration. Since then, among conventional oncologists at least, vitamin C as a therapy for cancer has been viewed as having no value.

It is highly doubtful that the concept that vitamin C might cure cancer and other diseases would ever have been taken as seriously as it was for as long as it has been had it not been championed by a scientific figure as towering as Linus Pauling. Unfortunately, in his zeal, Pauling popularized his ideas not primarily by publishing in scientific journals, but mostly by writing books, giving talks, and forming his own insitute to do experiments designed to prove his ideas. Another sure sign of a zealot, Pauling couldn't tolerate data that contradicted his belief in vitamin C. Indeed, when data from the experiments of a colleague at his institute, Arthur Robinson, suggested that vitamin C at the doses advocated by Pauling might actually increase the rate of tumor growth in an experimental model in mice:

Robinson, a former student and long-time associate of Pauling, helped found the institute and became its first president. According to an investigative report by James Lowell, Ph.D., in Nutrition Forum newsletter, Robinson's own research led him to conclude in 1978 that the high doses (5-10 grams per day) of vitamin C being recommended by Pauling might actually promote some types of cancer in mice [18]. Robinson told Lowell, for example, that animals fed quantities equivalent to Pauling's recommendations contracted skin cancer almost twice as frequently as the control group and that only doses of vitamin C that were nearly lethal had any protective effect. Shortly after reporting this to Pauling, Robinson was asked to resign from the institute, his experimental animals were killed, his scientific data were impounded, and some of the previous research results were destroyed. Pauling also declared publicly that Robinson's research was "amateurish" and inadequate. Robinson responded by suing the Institute and its trustees. In 1983, the suit was settled out of court for $575,000. In an interview quoted in Nature, Pauling said that the settlement "represented no more than compensation for loss of office and the cost of Robinson's legal fees." However, the court-approved agreement states that $425,000 of the settlement was for slander and libel.

In 1994, Robinson and two colleagues summarized the results of four mouse studies he had carried out while working at the Pauling Institute. Nearly all of the mice developed skin cancers (squamous cell carcinomas) following exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Altogether, 1,846 hairless mice received a total of 38 different diets. The researchers found that (a) the rate of onset and severity of tumors could be varied as much as 20-fold by just modifying dietary balance; (b) diets with the worst balance of nutrients had the greatest inhibitory effect on cancer growth; and (c) no cures or remissions were observed (although the researchers were not looking for this). In 1999, Robinson commented:

The results of these experiments caused an argument between Linus and me, which ended our 16-year period of work together. He was not willing to accept the experimentally proved fact that vitamin C in ordinary doses accelerated the growth rate of squamous cell carcinoma in these mice.
At the time, Linus was promoting his claim that "75% of all cancer can be prevented and cured by vitamin C alone." This claim proved to be without experimental foundation and not true. . . . Vitamin C increased the rate of growth of cancer at human equivalents of 1 to 5 grams per day, but suppressed the cancer growth rate at doses on the order of 100 grams per day (near the lethal dose), as do other measures of malnutrition [21].


Rameses 2 lived to age 95 in an era when most people died by age 35, Louis XIV lived to the age of 76 when most people died by age 40, your age evidence claim is stupid.
So it’s your opinion that if Pauling was right, he should have lived forever. LOL.
Translation: I have no cogent rebuttal to offer, therefore try so stupid face saving retorts that reflects your lack of rational thinking and scientific rigor.

You got smashed, suggest you drop your absurd zealotry over a flawed man, who had a great start in his career, only to trash it in his later years over his stupid high dose Vitamin C mania.
LOL. You know very little about the topic.

C has been proven to be very beneficial. Will it cure cancer? Probably not, but that in no way means C isn’t effective on all sorts of diseases.

Your small mind is stuck on Pauling’s cancer cure, while ignoring the mountain of evidence showing C’s effectiveness on all sorts of ailments.
Now you are lying since I haven't disputed Vitamin C having some effectiveness against cold, diseases and such, I have been FOCUSING on Linus Pauling's Mega Vitamin C dosage claims on preventing CANCER, the one you have utterly failed to defend, the one where NO scientific instruction accepts his claims on near total Cancer prevention powers.

Your dishonest deflection is easily spotted, suggest you drop your silly defense of a man who was proven profoundly wrong about Cancer prevention.

You know very ttle about how good science research is done, Pauling did most of it OUTSIDE of science disciplines, thus he has no viable case at all.

Can early and high intravenous dose of vitamin C prevent and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
Hemila and colleagues reported that various high-dose intravenous VC infusions (e.g., 200 mg/kg body weight/day, divided into 4 doses) shortened the intensive care unit (ICU) stay by 97.8% [11], accompanied by a significant reduction in the mortality rate [12]. Such an experience was reproduced among patients ill with severe influenza [13,14]. Indeed, dietary antioxidants (VC and sulforaphane) were shown to decrease oxidative stress induced acute inflammatory lung injury in patients receiving mechanical ventilation [15]. In addition, oral VC (e.g., 6 g daily) was able to reduce viral infection risk [16] or to improve symptoms [17].

High-dose intravenous VC has also been successfully used in the treatment of 50 moderate to severe COVID-19 patients in China. The doses used varied between 2 g and 10 g per day, given over a period of 8–10 h. Additional VC bolus may be required among patients in critical conditions. The oxygenation index was improving in real time and all the patients eventually cured and were discharged [18]. In fact, high-dose VC has been clinically used for several decades and a recent NIH expert panel document states clearly that this regimen (1.5 g/kg body weight) is safe and without major adverse events [19].
You are now running on empty since I haven't disputed that article at all.

Your idiotic deflections to my replies are increasingly irrational, proof that you can't provide a basic defense for your god Pauling, who in your eyes can't be wrong on anything.
Sorry please forgive me, but I never bothered to read your posts. Anyone who thinks Pauling a fraud, isn’t worth two shits.

Now take enough C to be symptom free.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!...…, no wonder you are so ignorant about his repeated cancer research failures, was defeated in court for libel, and not a single medical institution accepts his Cancer prevention claims, it is a sign that you are an idiot, that you deliberately pursue being ignorant.

Thank you for telling everyone how dumb you really are, it made my day.

A silver lining to the pandemic. Finally the assholes in the medical establishment are recognizing the power of vitamin C.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

I eat 4 oranges a day have for decades
A silver lining to the pandemic. Finally the assholes in the medical establishment are recognizing the power of vitamin C.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

I eat 4 oranges a day have for decades
That equates to only about 200mg of C. Not enough to have much impact. The great doctors I’ve mentioned in this thread recommend taking 10-15k mg per day.

Can you eat 20 oranges per day?
A silver lining to the pandemic. Finally the assholes in the medical establishment are recognizing the power of vitamin C.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

I'm not a big supplement person. My BIL has for years. He has prostate cancer. My best friend from childhood was a big vegetarian and supplement nut. He had a massive heart attack at 41. His veins had become so clogged, morticians had difficulty embalming him.

However. I approve of fish oil, true grape seed extract, and COQ10, especially for high lipid count.

Rose Hip Vitamin C has shown relief for some, but it is statistically insignificant. But every body is different, same for a lotta S.

Life and health underwriter qualified here.

I myself have noticed, amongst my friends and acquaintances, the number who got seriously ill with one thing and another, despite a zealot like following of an uber healthy life style.
I don't fault vegetarians at all. But eat fish for cripes sakes.

It was like the amimal rights activist who was making her point with a fork full of chicken. I asked here if she apologized to the chicken before she ate it. Fakes abound.
A silver lining to the pandemic. Finally the assholes in the medical establishment are recognizing the power of vitamin C.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

I eat 4 oranges a day have for decades
That equates to only about 200mg of C. Not enough to have much impact. The great doctors I’ve mentioned in this thread recommend taking 10-15k mg per day.

Can you eat 20 oranges per day?
A glass of OJ is about 8 I believe.
A silver lining to the pandemic. Finally the assholes in the medical establishment are recognizing the power of vitamin C.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

I eat 4 oranges a day have for decades
That equates to only about 200mg of C. Not enough to have much impact. The great doctors I’ve mentioned in this thread recommend taking 10-15k mg per day.

Can you eat 20 oranges per day?
A glass of OJ is about 8 I believe.
3 medium oranges to make a cup of juice. So you'd have to drink over a gallon a day roughly. That's not practical either without Prilosec after 4 days.

A lot of supplements don't digest and won't absorb naturally. But your piss might be worth gold.
I have studied the effects of C for 30 years, but you think you know more.
I don't have to think. Would it help to say I've studied it for 46 years?
Your link proves nothing as usual.
Yet you never heard of Drs. Pauling, Cathcart, Klenner, Levy, Saul, Stone. LOL.
Here is a report by an organization with everything to gain by supporting the vitamin C claim, yet readily admit there is great controversy and dispute among experts.

And again, again and again, symptom by symptom, the efficacy of C for the affected symptoms is doubted.

Another doctor who does not agree.

WebMD, a universal standard in internet medical advice doubts the value of vitamin C.

And Oops! Harvard Medical Review says NYET. I guess they too are part of the anti-vitamin c schrump, right?

Yes, it looks like your "experts," as all the rubbish you tout, is pretty much the lone group of people out there ADVOCATING ultra-mega dosage. And I say that as someone who has studied medicine since the early 60's, and has studied, practiced and treated with herbs and vitamins and thinks nothing of taking supplemental vita-C including larges does on occasion to boost the immune system at times of getting sick.

ANY time you flush the body with a citric acid alkalizing agent that rids the alimentary canal of waste and mucus, it will always be a good thing, but cure the flu? HaHa.
A silver lining to the pandemic. Finally the assholes in the medical establishment are recognizing the power of vitamin C.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

I eat 4 oranges a day have for decades
That equates to only about 200mg of C. Not enough to have much impact. The great doctors I’ve mentioned in this thread recommend taking 10-15k mg per day.

Can you eat 20 oranges per day?
A glass of OJ is about 8 I believe.
3 medium oranges to make a cup of juice. So you'd have to drink over a gallon a day roughly. That's not practical either without Prilosec after 4 days.

A lot of supplements don't digest and won't absorb naturally. But your piss might be worth gold.

Does anyone know how Corona can be treated in hospital? When there is no vaccine.

Yet many people recover.
A silver lining to the pandemic. Finally the assholes in the medical establishment are recognizing the power of vitamin C.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

I eat 4 oranges a day have for decades
That equates to only about 200mg of C. Not enough to have much impact. The great doctors I’ve mentioned in this thread recommend taking 10-15k mg per day.

Can you eat 20 oranges per day?
A glass of OJ is about 8 I believe.
40 mg
Both times I took the shot, I got the flu a few days after
No you didnt. That's not how the vaccine works. You felt mild SYMPTOMS, but you didnt get the flu.
I went to the doctor.
Good. But vaccines trick the body into thinking you have the flu. That triggers the body to go thru the process of building immunity to the virus. A vaccine contains NO LIVING VIRUS and it's not remotely possible to get the flu from the flu vaccine. What you feel as the flu is actually the body defending itself from the flu and not the flu itself.
A silver lining to the pandemic. Finally the assholes in the medical establishment are recognizing the power of vitamin C.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

I eat 4 oranges a day have for decades
That equates to only about 200mg of C. Not enough to have much impact. The great doctors I’ve mentioned in this thread recommend taking 10-15k mg per day.

Can you eat 20 oranges per day?
A glass of OJ is about 8 I believe.
3 medium oranges to make a cup of juice. So you'd have to drink over a gallon a day roughly. That's not practical either without Prilosec after 4 days.

A lot of supplements don't digest and won't absorb naturally. But your piss might be worth gold.
LOL. Vitamin C is GOLD? WTF?

LOL. Vitamin C is really really cheap. Lot less expensive than OJ and oranges.
A silver lining to the pandemic. Finally the assholes in the medical establishment are recognizing the power of vitamin C.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C

I eat 4 oranges a day have for decades
That equates to only about 200mg of C. Not enough to have much impact. The great doctors I’ve mentioned in this thread recommend taking 10-15k mg per day.

Can you eat 20 oranges per day?
A glass of OJ is about 8 I believe.
40 mg
Obama's Flu. I never thought of it that way. So True. So sad.

40mg in one cup of juice is what you mean?

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