USMB Coffee Shop III

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I knew going in that owning a bar would bring a certain amount of drama into my life, but had no inkling I would have to deal with what I did last night.
About 10 PM a fairly regular customer; a gorgeous blond lady, about 30 comes in crying her eyes out and takes my wife aside. I'm not too close to the conversation, but hear my wife mention something about a kit and police.
I was, at that point clearing off the poker tables and washing coffee cups and such after the game when the wife came over and said that I needed to take the young lady to the hospital and wait for the police.
It seems she had been raped.... by of all people, her father. I brought her the the emergency room and stayed with her until the police got there and she was taken away for an exam and rape kit.
She was back at the police station with detectives this afternoon and an arrest is pending.

I'm no longer homicidal, but last night, I'm sure I was not a joy to be around.
I'm so sorry, Ernie. I hope her attacker gets put away for a long time, and that she heals in every way possible. What a heinous way to have to grow up. :(

On the sunny side, kudos. I'm glad she had people like you and Mrs. Ernie to help her through that experience. Hopefully that kind of crime won't happen to many other people in the future.

She should have already been grown up. I just hope she is grown up enough to testify sufficiently to have him put away for good. It does seem that there is a current trend though for judges to give lenient sentences to rapists and other sex offenders. I think they should all be confined to a heavily guarded desert island somehwere for life where they can do whatever to each other. But that's just me.
Anyone ever heard of a so-called "crossgrade"?

I decided to upgrade a program I have been using in my business dealings for years - for the newer version. So, I bought the thing, it arrived, I input the registration code on the package - and got a message that my code was not on file yet. What??!?!

Finally, after some days of mild frustration, I called the company and the guy on the phone sent me an email informing me that this was not a pure upgrade, but actually, a crossgrade and I needed to register at this and this and this sites in order to get final verification. So, I registered at this and this and this sites (one led to the second, which led to the third) and then input the same code. It worked, but a final screen came up asking me all sorts of questions about how I intended to use the program. All of the rubriks were asterisked, which meant that without answering them, the final authorization would not go through.

There were like 10 rubriks of questions and I thought to myself, what a pile of horsedung. I pay good, hard earned money for an expensive product, I don't expect to have to take a physical and give a blood sample for the damn thing to finally work.

So, though it's a really good program and the newer version is indeed great, I hope to never have to go through such a circus again. Talk about invasion of privacy! And all said and told, to get the thing up and running, it cost me 2 hours of my life and in the days where the program could not be registered, I couldn't open any of the data that had been created by the previous version. That sucked.


I'm sorry, Stats, that you got spanked and not thanked for your purchase by sidewinders. I really double dog hate it when you have to fork over stuff that is really noneoftheirbusiness type questions. Did they guarantee you security from having your information purloined by hackers? I hope you did. And if you become inundated with unwanted mailings, you will never see the end of it. You're right. The entire situation sucked. :(
Last night, I was posting away on USMB and I noticed that the system had slowed down, I was giving rep to someone and it wouldn't let me, so I went back a few pages, hoping it would clear up, the next thing you know I get a 502 Error message. So I tried logging on again and it wouldn't go through...did anyone else experience a problem last night?

Well....I'm glad this morning I was able to log on.....and before I go have my breakfast of eggs (omelet), bacon and coffee with biscuits.....yeah....I wanted to say:

Good Morning


I get error messages occasionally, because my computer beats their computer sometimes. When that happens, I just log off, play a game of Free Cell or get a drink of water, then log back on. I used to run McAfee about 4 extra scans a day, but my son fixed the computer so I don't have to do that any more. Even so, I clear out out the doorways when they show up. I guess I learned it from a country song I heard...

[ame=]Kenny Rogers - The Gambler [Original Video-Edit] 1978 - YouTube[/ame]​
Anyone ever heard of a so-called "crossgrade"?

I decided to upgrade a program I have been using in my business dealings for years - for the newer version. So, I bought the thing, it arrived, I input the registration code on the package - and got a message that my code was not on file yet. What??!?!

Finally, after some days of mild frustration, I called the company and the guy on the phone sent me an email informing me that this was not a pure upgrade, but actually, a crossgrade and I needed to register at this and this and this sites in order to get final verification. So, I registered at this and this and this sites (one led to the second, which led to the third) and then input the same code. It worked, but a final screen came up asking me all sorts of questions about how I intended to use the program. All of the rubriks were asterisked, which meant that without answering them, the final authorization would not go through.

There were like 10 rubriks of questions and I thought to myself, what a pile of horsedung. I pay good, hard earned money for an expensive product, I don't expect to have to take a physical and give a blood sample for the damn thing to finally work.

So, though it's a really good program and the newer version is indeed great, I hope to never have to go through such a circus again. Talk about invasion of privacy! And all said and told, to get the thing up and running, it cost me 2 hours of my life and in the days where the program could not be registered, I couldn't open any of the data that had been created by the previous version. That sucked.


I'm sorry, Stats, that you got spanked and not thanked for your purchase by sidewinders. I really double dog hate it when you have to fork over stuff that is really noneoftheirbusiness type questions. Did they guarantee you security from having your information purloined by hackers? I hope you did. And if you become inundated with unwanted mailings, you will never see the end of it. You're right. The entire situation sucked. :(

The program was top of the line for what I need in one of the three branches of my profession and the worst thing was that the earlier crossgrade version, for which I fully paid, had a specially installed font called "maestro" - and it is necessary for the program. Well, if you ever have to wipe your HD or install a new OS on your computer, apparently, the third time that CD is loaded to install the program, the font gets deleted, which pretty much forces a person to upgrade. Only, in my case, the sidegrade (I suppose that means a lateral upgrade) was definitely a good idea, but I had no idea they were going to bombard me with such a questionnaire that was mandatory in order to complete the registration. I have important projects that just couldn't wait any longer, so I bit the bullet. Ugh.
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I knew going in that owning a bar would bring a certain amount of drama into my life, but had no inkling I would have to deal with what I did last night.
About 10 PM a fairly regular customer; a gorgeous blond lady, about 30 comes in crying her eyes out and takes my wife aside. I'm not too close to the conversation, but hear my wife mention something about a kit and police.
I was, at that point clearing off the poker tables and washing coffee cups and such after the game when the wife came over and said that I needed to take the young lady to the hospital and wait for the police.
It seems she had been raped.... by of all people, her father. I brought her the the emergency room and stayed with her until the police got there and she was taken away for an exam and rape kit.
She was back at the police station with detectives this afternoon and an arrest is pending.

I'm no longer homicidal, but last night, I'm sure I was not a joy to be around.
I'm so sorry, Ernie. I hope her attacker gets put away for a long time, and that she heals in every way possible. What a heinous way to have to grow up. :(

On the sunny side, kudos. I'm glad she had people like you and Mrs. Ernie to help her through that experience. Hopefully that kind of crime won't happen to many other people in the future.

She should have already been grown up. I just hope she is grown up enough to testify sufficiently to have him put away for good. It does seem that there is a current trend though for judges to give lenient sentences to rapists and other sex offenders. I think they should all be confined to a heavily guarded desert island somehwere for life where they can do whatever to each other. But that's just me.
Even so, parental incest is likely the most arrogant of crimes. :evil:

Apparently we have a new cat bed...

Too cool. But all of us who are cat people know what happens if you leave the fridge open unattended too long, leave a cupboard or closet door open, or don't push the drawer back in. :)
Good morning. Another beautiful sunny day here in the Pacific Northwest. Unfortunately the sun brought on a Migraine yesterday. Still not gone.

video of the day:

I never get a migraine headache unless for some reason I have to talk to the ex-wife. However, haven't spoken to her in over 25 years so I don't get many migraines.

I'm pretty lucky, usually only once or twice a year. It's brought on by bright lights so I live in the right part of the country.
Today, I putzed around in the sewing room until my little spiral rectangular child's quilt was done, after fiddling with it for the last 4 or 5 days or so. It took 160 (or 175?) 2" squares of Depression Era cotton reproduction prints and a little ditzy dot print of several primary and secondary colors that was pale by comparison to most of the cheerful little 30s prints to accentuate the spiral. For some reason, I went to the spare fabric room to see if there was anything that would totally be cool in the last row and found a 30s Salt-and-Pepper Sets print. It reminded me of my mother when I found it 3 or 4 years back in a Quilt shop in Fairview, Texas, which had an entire wall of 30s prints at the time. The next time I went there, the 30s prints group was half the size it had been, and there were still new prints. I hate missing the sale they must have had, or maybe ladies in that area of the state have a love for 30s prints. Anyway, my mother collected salt and pepper shakers, so we always had a different set to look at every day as she changed them daily.

I love the quilt. My son who fixed the computer left with my copier not talking to the computer, and they're still not speaking, so I can't even scan a picture and show it, but I'll see if I can find a similar quilt someone else may have made online. I found an old country one the other day, but its fabrics were dull next to the white. This one almost shouts "yippee!" it's so bright on white. :lol: :lol: :lol:

search engine...searchin', searchin', searchin'....

Well, here is a sampling of similar fabrics in my little chrity top...


This quilt was made by someone else, but it shows white on 30s, and is possibly made up of one or several charm packs (or not). It is difficult to find 30s or 30s-like prints in black, brown, turquoise, and orange, but I have collected them over years of time and have a lot of different prints, when they're not buried in a stack, that is. :)

Mine differs from her in its arrangement, which begins in the center with 6 squares longer on the center length to start with so the quilt will be ten inches longer than it is wide, whatever number of spirals go around. After 4 spirals all the way around of single square rows divided by strips of the light dot-like print, the quilt measured 34 x 44" before outer borders were made, and 44 x 56" afterward, because I added wider borders top and bottom to make it just a little longer to cover wee toes of a toddler. The green salt and pepper fabric was a green that hadn't been used on the top, but it just worked, and it's too bad one of the sides was put on with the police bobby salt shakers in their black uniforms were upside down. All you have to do is let your concentration slip for one millisecond and POW!!! Error!!! Eh, will just chalk it up to being the obvious flaw on this quilt, although there was something else that was goofy. Oh, yes. The cats on a little red and black print were sitting on their ears because oops! I forgot to look when piecing it to the next square and whether it was a horizontal or vertical row. (It makes a difference). There are probably other flaws not caught by me, but I'll leave it to the quilter to decide whether she wants to rip and redo the 56" strip to the outer light row, to make the bobbies right-side-up. There will still be at least one obvious flaw left.

Early American women left their flaws sewn to show that they were human in contrast to the good Lord, who is perfect by comparison to us.

Early native American weavers in and around the 4-Corners region of the US always let one line of color go to the border to flaw an otherwise perfect geometric or pictoral schema, because they believed if you worked too hard making something absolutely perfect, you would go crazy. So in order to keep themselves sane about labor, they made sure there was an errant thread that found its way to the border, disregarding the pattern until it reached the final edge.

Oh, and here's another shot, showing hard-to-find brown 30s print/woven fabrics

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Apparently we have a new cat bed...
When does kitty get a tummy rub?


Every night when I go to bed this cat runs upstairs and jumps up on the bed and demands a tummy rub.

Aww, I miss my kitty. One of the things tiger used to do is crawl under the covers after the bed was made. There'd be this lump in the middle of my bed where she was under the covers. That was tease the kitty time.
Oh, I picked a gallon of blackberries the other day... some cobbler for the steady crew here... :) One thing about our ankle-annoyer blackberry vines here in the Piney Woods of Texas, they're extra zingy! :)

Congratulations Ollie!!!!!!!!

That is a very good looking Great Grandson you have.

I love his name Aiden Ray it has a wonderful ring to it.
When does kitty get a tummy rub?


Every night when I go to bed this cat runs upstairs and jumps up on the bed and demands a tummy rub.

Aww, I miss my kitty. One of the things tiger used to do is crawl under the covers after the bed was made. There'd be this lump in the middle of my bed where she was under the covers. That was tease the kitty time.
Your kitteh sounds precious.

We lost our 22-year-old Touch this winter. He just scratched out in less than 3 days, all of a sudden. He was all white except for a little dark star on his forehead when he was a kitten. He grew out of it and was all white for the last 15 of his years. He was a daddy's boy, though. He only sat on my lap to irritate the dog. Felines are said to be nonintellectuals, but can confound the most intelligent of dogs with their wiles. *sigh*
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Apparently we have a new cat bed...
When does kitty get a tummy rub?


Every night when I go to bed this cat runs upstairs and jumps up on the bed and demands a tummy rub.
I've been reading the wrong books about animals. Because no one I know has a cat who's a dummy. They're efficient at getting what they want like turning on the dime and making all the other beings look like oafs. :lol::lol::lol:
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