USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay, once again, I had to break the rules and bring politics into the coffee shop:

good morning. well I need to get out and get some stuff done. I have a list a mile long. I think today will be pool opening day. its still pretty cool but it is may and almost memorial day. lawn needs to be done, fruit trees pruned, potholes in the roads filled in. the garden needs to be turned over and planted. some fence mending to do as well. lost two ornamental trees over the winter that need to be cut down, roots dug out and replaced. I can't even start to thing about firewood for next year yet. damn, I need to re roof the shed too. the list keeps getting longer

Our pool is ready, has been open all winter and spring...just not warm enough to go in...:(
Good morning all. I was just reading through the morning posts and thought again what an interest and diverse bunch of people come here. . . .

And all the odd little coincidences that crop up from time to time. . .

Stat posted Pamela Anderson drinking coffee, and just yesterday Huffpo had posted a little article about the 10 greatest boob jobs of all time with photos--and Pamela was among the 10. (I also thought whoever wrote that article must have been having a slow news day.)

I was sympathizing with 007 still in the cooler up there in Wisconsin and looking at the beautiful photos of the Texas hill country and remembering how miserable it was there the last time I was there--102 in the shade with near 100 percent humidity--but beautiful to look at. But conditions can change rapidly. Three days ago we had hard freeze warnings over much of the state and were wearing winter garb all day--today we are looking for our first 90 degree day--got within a degree of that yesterday. By June we will see at least close to 100s.

I was looking at Darkwind's response to my lady wakeboarding with dolphins video I posted in the last couple of days. I agree that was just wow. What an experience to have.

I don't mind birds chirping in the morning, but leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and chain saws before 8 a.m. are a bit much. I've been watching a swallow visiting our front entry area every so often recently and hoping she isn't contemplating nesting there. How does one discourage a bird from nesting where you really really don't want them to? We've also been visited by a blue jay out there too, but it is more likely she's sizing up the big juniper at the front of the house though and that would be kind of neat.

Wishing I had Spoonie's stamina and mobility so I could do some gardening this year. That has always been one of my favorite thing. Also hope he remembers all that back pain over the winter. :) And still mourning the loss of Nosmo's tulips to the hail but looking forward to his flowers this summer.

I swear upon my stack of oreo cookies and my big cup of milk that that is just coincidence!

Had been considering publishing that photo of Pamela Anderson (I happen to be a big fan of hers :D ) for a while, but thought that the photo might possibly cast her in not her best light. At the end of the day, however, I decided that she is so hot, it's hard to cast her in a bad light, but that could just be my healthy male bias at work here...

Yeah, we know why you're such a big fan of hers....:eusa_whistle:
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.


OOooooohh... I LIKE this new Coffee Shop... CLASSY...

I like that it has a fully stocked bar.

[ame=]John Lee Hooker - One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer - YouTube[/ame]

That song plays here every night at 10 PM. This one plays at 2 AM:

Been away (Vegas), but just found the new place. Foxfyre always runs a classy establishment. Much respect to the owner and proprietor. :clap:
Good morning all. I was just reading through the morning posts and thought again what an interest and diverse bunch of people come here. . . .

And all the odd little coincidences that crop up from time to time. . .

Stat posted Pamela Anderson drinking coffee, and just yesterday Huffpo had posted a little article about the 10 greatest boob jobs of all time with photos--and Pamela was among the 10. (I also thought whoever wrote that article must have been having a slow news day.)

I was sympathizing with 007 still in the cooler up there in Wisconsin and looking at the beautiful photos of the Texas hill country and remembering how miserable it was there the last time I was there--102 in the shade with near 100 percent humidity--but beautiful to look at. But conditions can change rapidly. Three days ago we had hard freeze warnings over much of the state and were wearing winter garb all day--today we are looking for our first 90 degree day--got within a degree of that yesterday. By June we will see at least close to 100s.

I was looking at Darkwind's response to my lady wakeboarding with dolphins video I posted in the last couple of days. I agree that was just wow. What an experience to have.

I don't mind birds chirping in the morning, but leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and chain saws before 8 a.m. are a bit much. I've been watching a swallow visiting our front entry area every so often recently and hoping she isn't contemplating nesting there. How does one discourage a bird from nesting where you really really don't want them to? We've also been visited by a blue jay out there too, but it is more likely she's sizing up the big juniper at the front of the house though and that would be kind of neat.

Wishing I had Spoonie's stamina and mobility so I could do some gardening this year. That has always been one of my favorite thing. Also hope he remembers all that back pain over the winter. :) And still mourning the loss of Nosmo's tulips to the hail but looking forward to his flowers this summer.

I swear upon my stack of oreo cookies and my big cup of milk that that is just coincidence!

Had been considering publishing that photo of Pamela Anderson (I happen to be a big fan of hers :D ) for a while, but thought that the photo might possibly cast her in not her best light. At the end of the day, however, I decided that she is so hot, it's hard to cast her in a bad light, but that could just be my healthy male bias at work here...

Yeah, we know why you're such a big fan of hers....:eusa_whistle:

Shh, it's the stats:

1,000 - 12 - 1,000!!!
good morning. well I need to get out and get some stuff done. I have a list a mile long. I think today will be pool opening day. its still pretty cool but it is may and almost memorial day. lawn needs to be done, fruit trees pruned, potholes in the roads filled in. the garden needs to be turned over and planted. some fence mending to do as well. lost two ornamental trees over the winter that need to be cut down, roots dug out and replaced. I can't even start to thing about firewood for next year yet. damn, I need to re roof the shed too. the list keeps getting longer

Our pool is ready, has been open all winter and spring...just not warm enough to go in...:(

I think mine only thawed out a few weeks ago lol
Good morning all. I was just reading through the morning posts and thought again what an interest and diverse bunch of people come here. . . .

And all the odd little coincidences that crop up from time to time. . .

Stat posted Pamela Anderson drinking coffee, and just yesterday Huffpo had posted a little article about the 10 greatest boob jobs of all time with photos--and Pamela was among the 10. (I also thought whoever wrote that article must have been having a slow news day.)

I was sympathizing with 007 still in the cooler up there in Wisconsin and looking at the beautiful photos of the Texas hill country and remembering how miserable it was there the last time I was there--102 in the shade with near 100 percent humidity--but beautiful to look at. But conditions can change rapidly. Three days ago we had hard freeze warnings over much of the state and were wearing winter garb all day--today we are looking for our first 90 degree day--got within a degree of that yesterday. By June we will see at least close to 100s.

I was looking at Darkwind's response to my lady wakeboarding with dolphins video I posted in the last couple of days. I agree that was just wow. What an experience to have.

I don't mind birds chirping in the morning, but leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and chain saws before 8 a.m. are a bit much. I've been watching a swallow visiting our front entry area every so often recently and hoping she isn't contemplating nesting there. How does one discourage a bird from nesting where you really really don't want them to? We've also been visited by a blue jay out there too, but it is more likely she's sizing up the big juniper at the front of the house though and that would be kind of neat.

Wishing I had Spoonie's stamina and mobility so I could do some gardening this year. That has always been one of my favorite thing. Also hope he remembers all that back pain over the winter. :) And still mourning the loss of Nosmo's tulips to the hail but looking forward to his flowers this summer.

I swear upon my stack of oreo cookies and my big cup of milk that that is just coincidence!

Had been considering publishing that photo of Pamela Anderson (I happen to be a big fan of hers :D ) for a while, but thought that the photo might possibly cast her in not her best light. At the end of the day, however, I decided that she is so hot, it's hard to cast her in a bad light, but that could just be my healthy male bias at work here...

Yeah, we know why you're such a big fan of hers....:eusa_whistle:

He is by no means the only fan of hers! :badgrin:
Well, Poppy Day is officially over for our American Legion Post. It was a huge success. Next year, on the day we normally make the plans for Poppy Day, I'm going to miss the meeting. Somebody else can schedule the folks, make sure there are enough poppies, count the money. I haven't counted so much change since the time I broke into my piggy bank back in 1967. Mrs. BBD counted all the folding money. I got stuck with counting the change. Anyway, it was very successful and for that I am thankful. The crew did a great job. I won't say who collected the most for the event but his initials are BBD... As much as I would like to gloat, you have to remember that a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. It was a group effort and the group excelled. Everybody involved gets a pat on the back and a "well done" cheer.
Back to Doc's
Benefit tonight for a family that lost everything in the floods here on 4/29. Two bands which are donating their fees and a huge donation box for living essentials plus a couple grand so far in cash donations.

We all had a blast last night. We did a good thing, made some new friends and we were blessed with a very successful night.
Of course, it was close to 4 AM before I made it to bed and was plagued with leg cramps every hour since. I'm beat up, but still functional.

Sounds like you could be a little low on potassium. Grab yourself some bananas.
What an amazing night it was last night! Sammy's surprise 21st, and she was certainly surprised! She arrived at about 8pm, her sister had organised the whole thing. Her parents brought her there, saying that her sister was having a work party and her camera was broken, could she bring the other one. Her mum and dad drove her there because they'd been out in town all day so they had an excuse to go with her. When she saw us all she just stood there and looked down, little shy thing she is!

Lots of balloons, gifts, streamers, party poppers, a beautiful chocolate cake with a blue belted karate ninja on the top, and her sister had prepared a speech and a slide show for us to watch.
I didn't get home until around 11.30m and fell straight into bed without bothering with a shower. Woke up at midday, lol.
I swear upon my stack of oreo cookies and my big cup of milk that that is just coincidence!

Had been considering publishing that photo of Pamela Anderson (I happen to be a big fan of hers :D ) for a while, but thought that the photo might possibly cast her in not her best light. At the end of the day, however, I decided that she is so hot, it's hard to cast her in a bad light, but that could just be my healthy male bias at work here...

Yeah, we know why you're such a big fan of hers....:eusa_whistle:

He is by no means the only fan of hers! :badgrin:

I know....:D
Yet more heartache is befalling the family...

Nana is very ill again. Mum is with her, and we don't think she will last until September when my sister gets married (again).
My cousin also has been diagnosed with cancer. I haven't been told what is wrong, exactly, just overheard phone conversations, but I gather she has stage 2 cervical cancer, which is just devastating for someone so young - she is only in her mid twenties and newly engaged.

Also, my selfish prick of an uncle has decided to take things from Grans home that other family members had. My mum and dad got an iPad for me because they knew I wanted one, they also took the Wii System, and the laptop. And my cousin, who has just moved out of home, took the TV. My uncle has gone through all of this, the lawyer had a list of things that were taken from the home, and he has decided that this is what he wants. So he is taking a TV from his own nephew, and an iPad from me because he's a selfish bastard. The laptop is years old, and we believe he wants it because there is something on it that he needs access to.

He would sell anything he could get money from. Sentimental things are worth nothing but money to him. He would have sold grans home from under her if he could get something for it. He's lower than a snakes belly.

2014 is the worst year ever. And its not even half over! :(
Yet more heartache is befalling the family...

Nana is very ill again. Mum is with her, and we don't think she will last until September when my sister gets married (again).
My cousin also has been diagnosed with cancer. I haven't been told what is wrong, exactly, just overheard phone conversations, but I gather she has stage 2 cervical cancer, which is just devastating for someone so young - she is only in her mid twenties and newly engaged.

Also, my selfish prick of an uncle has decided to take things from Grans home that other family members had. My mum and dad got an iPad for me because they knew I wanted one, they also took the Wii System, and the laptop. And my cousin, who has just moved out of home, took the TV. My uncle has gone through all of this, the lawyer had a list of things that were taken from the home, and he has decided that this is what he wants. So he is taking a TV from his own nephew, and an iPad from me because he's a selfish bastard. The laptop is years old, and we believe he wants it because there is something on it that he needs access to.

He would sell anything he could get money from. Sentimental things are worth nothing but money to him. He would have sold grans home from under her if he could get something for it. He's lower than a snakes belly.

2014 is the worst year ever. And its not even half over! :(

Noomi, so sorry to hear all the troubles you are experiencing in your family. I wish you the best and hope you are able to do something positive about it. There are always greedy people in everyone's family, it is a sad thing.
Thanks Mertex. Just been texting mum, nana has fluid build up on her heart and she's also retaining fluid in her legs. There may not be anything else that can be done for her. She has notified the other family, and they say they 'might' come and see her.

In other words, they don't care unless she is on her death bed.

I have to make sure that dad is around next week when I get my teeth out. I need someone to drive me home and stay with me for at least one night, which is standard after a general.
If dad won't be around, I will be in a right pickle, because Jess starts her new job on that day.
I wonder if I should ask Tracy...she'd have to let me stay at hers for the night, though, and that is a massive ask, considering I am not a family member. Or should I wait until next Monday and hope that dad is going to be home? I feel guilty even thinking about asking her but I have no one else who is close enough.
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Thanks Mertex. Just been texting mum, nana has fluid build up on her heart and she's also retaining fluid in her legs. There may not be anything else that can be done for her. She has notified the other family, and they say they 'might' come and see her.

In other words, they don't care unless she is on her death bed.

Sounds to me that she is in bad shape, doesn't sound like the other family is that concerned, that's a shame, they may miss an opportunity to see her again while she's still alive. Does your nana live close by to where you live or is she like in another state?

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