USMB Coffee Shop IV

You just posted the joke in another language, is all. Hence the confusion.

My daughter speaks both German and English. When she wakes up, she prefers German.


Morning Coffee Mates. Mrs. Blood is German. We moved to America when she was 21. So I asked her the other day, when you think, do you think in German or English? She answered English. Interesting.

That is indeed interesting, because I have now lived in Germany almost 17 years, came here when I was 33, and now I dream almost exclusively in German (sometimes in French). My little one was born here, so German is her primary language, but since very very first day on Earth, I have only spoken English with her. There have been entire months where the only two people I spoke English to were my daughter and my sister (who lives in the States). My daughter is going through the phase where she sometimes thinks in German and sometimes in English. It is fascinating to watch, because she gets a certain look of concentration on her face when she is thinking in English... wow.
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My Ex never mastered thinking in English.
The oldest Son could switch back and forth at will.
The youngest, He leans much more towards German, But then He has lived in germany all but maybe 3 years of his life, and he's 37.......
Good morning. The weather is going to be perfect today so I'm working all day in the garden and taking my daughter to the park.

Or I'll just sit in a chair on the deck and sip on a lemonade.

Haven't decided yet, LOL.
Good morning. The weather is going to be perfect today so I'm working all day in the garden and taking my daughter to the park.

Or I'll just sit in a chair on the deck and sip on a lemonade.

Haven't decided yet, LOL.

Home-made lemonade?

I just got back with my daughter from a spring fete with all those cool rides that subject your body to like one zillion G and all that stuff. She loved it. Loves to throw darts at ballons. With 23 darts, she popped 22 ballons today. Big stuffed animal came home with us today......
I have to go to the Pharmacy at lunch time, then Pick up a sound system to test it connected to the car.

Then walk through the Cemeteries to check for missed graves.......
Homemade is the best kind. And I'm still taking her to the park regardless. At her age, it is one of her favorite activities.

Then, I have to take the dogs to the dog park too of course.

Yeah, I'll be outside a lot I think.
I have to go to the Pharmacy at lunch time, then Pick up a sound system to test it connected to the car.

Then walk through the Cemeteries to check for missed graves.......

How do you know when you need more coffee?

I was reading this post and thought it said, "missing graves" and I immediately wondered if they often go wandering about.

Never a good thing.

I have to go to the Pharmacy at lunch time, then Pick up a sound system to test it connected to the car.

Then walk through the Cemeteries to check for missed graves.......

How do you know when you need more coffee?

I was reading this post and thought it said, "missing graves" and I immediately wondered if they often go wandering about.

Never a good thing.

Have to make sure we didn't miss placing a flag on Veterans graves...For memorial Day....
I have to go to the Pharmacy at lunch time, then Pick up a sound system to test it connected to the car.

Then walk through the Cemeteries to check for missed graves.......

How do you know when you need more coffee?

I was reading this post and thought it said, "missing graves" and I immediately wondered if they often go wandering about.

Never a good thing.

Have to make sure we didn't miss placing a flag on Veterans graves...For memorial Day....

I have to go to the Pharmacy at lunch time, then Pick up a sound system to test it connected to the car.

Then walk through the Cemeteries to check for missed graves.......

How do you know when you need more coffee?

I was reading this post and thought it said, "missing graves" and I immediately wondered if they often go wandering about.

Never a good thing.

Have to make sure we didn't miss placing a flag on Veterans graves...For memorial Day....
Yes, I understood the purpose of the post. I have a friend I work with whose father was the Commander of their local Legion. She and the vets there ensure that each grave has a flag each memorial day, and throughout the year as well. It seems he was a stickler for making sure his flags were in pristine condition and that rubbed off on her as well.

If the flag on his grave shows the slightest bit of tattering, she replaces it.
To prevent the full wear and tear on flags we place them each may before Memorial day and pick them up in Mid July. If families want to have a flag year round they have to supply it. We will not pick up a flag placed by the family unless it is in need of retirement. And then we try to notify the family first.....

But i can't spend all year worrying about close to 700 flags.....
To prevent the full wear and tear on flags we place them each may before Memorial day and pick them up in Mid July. If families want to have a flag year round they have to supply it. We will not pick up a flag placed by the family unless it is in need of retirement. And then we try to notify the family first.....

But i can't spend all year worrying about close to 700 flags.....
That is curious. I didn't think that you did. I was simply relating some information about some activity in My area.

I'm sorry I brought it up.
To prevent the full wear and tear on flags we place them each may before Memorial day and pick them up in Mid July. If families want to have a flag year round they have to supply it. We will not pick up a flag placed by the family unless it is in need of retirement. And then we try to notify the family first.....

But i can't spend all year worrying about close to 700 flags.....
That is curious. I didn't think that you did. I was simply relating some information about some activity in My area.

I'm sorry I brought it up.

Don't be sorry, I'm sure that different areas and even different posts do things differently. As long as Veterans graves are decorated for memorial day it's all good......
Good morning everybody. I slept in for the first time in several days and feel wonderful this morning for the first time in several mornings. I am just going to have to accept that my biological clock doesn't work like anybody elses. I wonder how many folks will readjust their entire schedules to accommodate my biological clock????? We'll have to work on that. :)

So enjoying coffee and about to get started on Sunday brunch for us and our house guest.

Wishing all a splendid Sunday.

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I have to go to the Pharmacy at lunch time, then Pick up a sound system to test it connected to the car.

Then walk through the Cemeteries to check for missed graves.......

How do you know when you need more coffee?

I was reading this post and thought it said, "missing graves" and I immediately wondered if they often go wandering about.

Never a good thing.

Have to make sure we didn't miss placing a flag on Veterans graves...For memorial Day....

I figured you meant that, Ollie. :smiliehug: How? Because I have learned to know much about you, here.
Good morning everybody. I slept in for the first time in several days and feel wonderful this morning for the first time in several mornings. I am just going to have to accept that my biological clock doesn't work like anybody elses. I wonder how many folks will readjust their entire schedules to accommodate my biological clock????? We'll have to work on that. :)

So enjoying coffee and about to get started on Sunday brunch for us and our house guest.

Wishing all a splendid Sunday.


Great post FF. I remember a really good nights sleep. There were no birds chirping at 4:30 am and the room was good and cold. :thup:

May we all make a beautiful day, today. One day at a time. :D
Beautiful day here in northwestern Illinois. Coffee is good. Life is good. Taco is being good. Might turn out to be a nice day!

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