USMB Coffee Shop IV

Geez, you think it's bad serious, or hopefully something that can be taken care of fairly simply?
I think it can be taken care of...if it is what I think it is. I hope.

Meanwhile...found another place for the dogs and I to go to...even closer than the other place.
I sure hope it's what you think it is, if it will be manageable.
Looks like a nice beach. Do your dogs like to swim in the surf, or just run on the sand?
One of each. The big dog likes running in the water. The little dog likes to run alongside and snort up foam. :lol:

I guess it won't hurt to say what I think it is. It fits. Gastroparenisis. I think I spelled it right.
I need the camera pill and a colonoscopy to rule out anything else.

Nope. I spelled it wrong, lol. Here:
Gastroparesis - Mayo Clinic
How drastic would the dietary changes be? I've know people with irritable bowel syndrome who had to drastically change their diet. Almost no more eating in restaurants because of the way food is prepared commercially.
Major changes. No more bacon. OMG. NO MORE BACON!
But, I just plan to eat light for the next two weeks, then see the gastro doc, make another appt for other tests, then wait for the results. Once I get those...THEN I will know what kind of changes. I never eat out any more anyway, so no biggie for me. But I sure the hell am going to miss my bacon!
Yeah, bacon would be a big sacrifice. I'm off fatty meat right now, but I can add it back to my diet, in moderation, once I reach my weight loss goal and stabilize.
Fire update: The wind is reported as "light and variable" and has changed direction, blowing back into areas already burned. There's been little growth last night and today, so far. At least one gas station close by burned off it's propane supply, better to avoid an explosion in case the fire got that far. There are five hotshot crews on the ground and five more scheduled to arrive. Lot's of people and animals displaced right now, they even had to evacuate one of their evacuation centers. The number of structures destroyed has not yet been determined. This is nerve-wracking, to say the least. I know where I'll be next weekend, though, for sure!
I musta missed this. There is a fire near you? I'll scroll back and see if I can find whats going on.
Stay safe, GW!
Just an eensie one, only about 6500 acres so far, but it's in an inhabited area. Lots of homes and businesses threatened and many places in this area also have dog teams and livestock, which means loads of animals to evacuate and house.
I hope they get it put out before it hits any homes and that the animals (wild ones) have ran for the hills...the SAFE hills.
Homes and animals have been lost. The place they suspect it started was a sled dog lot and most of the dogs died. Wild animals always perish in wildfires, I'm not sure why, maybe they panic and go the wrong way, or all the heat and smoke confounds their ability to find the safe direction out of danger.
Fire update: The wind is reported as "light and variable" and has changed direction, blowing back into areas already burned. There's been little growth last night and today, so far. At least one gas station close by burned off it's propane supply, better to avoid an explosion in case the fire got that far. There are five hotshot crews on the ground and five more scheduled to arrive. Lot's of people and animals displaced right now, they even had to evacuate one of their evacuation centers. The number of structures destroyed has not yet been determined. This is nerve-wracking, to say the least. I know where I'll be next weekend, though, for sure!
I musta missed this. There is a fire near you? I'll scroll back and see if I can find whats going on.
Stay safe, GW!
Just an eensie one, only about 6500 acres so far, but it's in an inhabited area. Lots of homes and businesses threatened and many places in this area also have dog teams and livestock, which means loads of animals to evacuate and house.
I hope they get it put out before it hits any homes and that the animals (wild ones) have ran for the hills...the SAFE hills.
Homes and animals have been lost. The place they suspect it started was a sled dog lot and most of the dogs died. Wild animals always perish in wildfires, I'm not sure why, maybe they panic and go the wrong way, or all the heat and smoke confounds their ability to find the safe direction out of danger.

I wonder what your dreams are about. Dreams fascinate me.
Apply for that show Naked and Afraid. You will lost 15 lbs in 21 days. Hell, look at me. I lost 13 lbs in one month!
No candy. No chips. No bacon. No bread. (well, I cheated and had one slice with nothing on it). No fruits (except pears. maybe. And bananas). No steaks. no shrimp. (non fat fish ok). No sodas. No nuttin' of anything GOOD.
But...if I can take care of it without meds that will eventually be recalled due to causing other probs down the road...ok. I DO like Gerbers pears and bananas. Maybe baby food for me for awhile.
Fire update: The wind is reported as "light and variable" and has changed direction, blowing back into areas already burned. There's been little growth last night and today, so far. At least one gas station close by burned off it's propane supply, better to avoid an explosion in case the fire got that far. There are five hotshot crews on the ground and five more scheduled to arrive. Lot's of people and animals displaced right now, they even had to evacuate one of their evacuation centers. The number of structures destroyed has not yet been determined. This is nerve-wracking, to say the least. I know where I'll be next weekend, though, for sure!
I musta missed this. There is a fire near you? I'll scroll back and see if I can find whats going on.
Stay safe, GW!
Just an eensie one, only about 6500 acres so far, but it's in an inhabited area. Lots of homes and businesses threatened and many places in this area also have dog teams and livestock, which means loads of animals to evacuate and house.
I hope they get it put out before it hits any homes and that the animals (wild ones) have ran for the hills...the SAFE hills.
Homes and animals have been lost. The place they suspect it started was a sled dog lot and most of the dogs died. Wild animals always perish in wildfires, I'm not sure why, maybe they panic and go the wrong way, or all the heat and smoke confounds their ability to find the safe direction out of danger.

I wonder what your dreams are about. Dreams fascinate me.
I dream about a lot of things. The ones that stay with me actually leave a psychic "taste". I used to write my dreams down as soon as I woke up. Have you ever tried that?
No candy. No chips. No bacon. No bread. (well, I cheated and had one slice with nothing on it). No fruits (except pears. maybe. And bananas). No steaks. no shrimp. (non fat fish ok). No sodas. No nuttin' of anything GOOD.
But...if I can take care of it without meds that will eventually be recalled due to causing other probs down the road...ok. I DO like Gerbers pears and bananas. Maybe baby food for me for awhile.
Bland. In my case, I'll be permanently losing most processed foods, especially sugar, flour, and heavy carbs like potatoes and pasta. I've actually been trying some pasta alternatives, like spaghetti squash and shredded zucchini, etc. They aren't bad, just gotta get used to the difference. And substitutions like using eggplant to make "lasagna" instead of pasta. Once you start reading those ingredient lists, you get a clear picture about why you should make your own meals out of fresh ingredients. Even canned shrimp has sugar in it!
I don't eat pasta any more. Unless it is Gluten Free. Even then, I have never been a big pasta eater. No red meat. For years. I eat ground turkey meat but not now. Not until more tests are done. If I feel safe enough..I will go to the market tomorrow for baby food.
Today, so far...

1 scrambled egg (nuked).
Hot tea with honey
chicken broth
1 slice white toast
6 green grapes

I'd kill for a taco.
I don't eat pasta any more. Unless it is Gluten Free. Even then, I have never been a big pasta eater. No red meat. For years. I eat ground turkey meat but not now. Not until more tests are done. If I feel safe enough..I will go to the market tomorrow for baby food.
Today, so far...

1 scrambled egg (nuked).
Hot tea with honey
chicken broth
1 slice white toast
6 green grapes

I'd kill for a taco.

So is this a permanent thing Gracie? Or just until you get over whatever bug you have?

GW and I have had discussions about all the processed foods, GMOs, and stuff from time to time, and while I am not a dedicated anything when it comes to food, I do find myself more conscious of it and go fresh whenever reasonable and feasible instead of the processed food route.
I'm still working on menus for house guests coming later this week as I won't be able to serve dairy, any soy products or derivatives, no oats, no barley, no pork, no shrimp or other shell fish, no fried foods, no nuts. The toughest thing to avoid has actually been the soy--that stuff is in EVERYTHING.
I don't eat pasta any more. Unless it is Gluten Free. Even then, I have never been a big pasta eater. No red meat. For years. I eat ground turkey meat but not now. Not until more tests are done. If I feel safe enough..I will go to the market tomorrow for baby food.
Today, so far...

1 scrambled egg (nuked).
Hot tea with honey
chicken broth
1 slice white toast
6 green grapes

I'd kill for a taco.

So is this a permanent thing Gracie? Or just until you get over whatever bug you have?

GW and I have had discussions about all the processed foods, GMOs, and stuff from time to time, and while I am not a dedicated anything when it comes to food, I do find myself more conscious of it and go fresh whenever reasonable and feasible instead of the processed food route.
I don't know, FF. I won't find out until more tests are done. First I have to see the gastro doc. Then see my regular doc. Then have tests done. Once we find out what exactly it is...then I will know if Bacon is off limits forever or not.
I don't eat pasta any more. Unless it is Gluten Free. Even then, I have never been a big pasta eater. No red meat. For years. I eat ground turkey meat but not now. Not until more tests are done. If I feel safe enough..I will go to the market tomorrow for baby food.
Today, so far...

1 scrambled egg (nuked).
Hot tea with honey
chicken broth
1 slice white toast
6 green grapes

I'd kill for a taco.
Well, do what makes you safe until you are sure of your prognosis. Try some bread made of spelt or amaranth instead of white bread. Both are considered better nutritional alternatives and when I add grains back into my diet, those are the types of flour I'll be changing to.
The gastronwhatver prob is an auto immune disease..or affiliated with it. I have RA and take nothing for it. I think its doing a number on my innards.

Look up Leaky Gut Syndrome. Interesting concept of how we are all killing ourselves without realizing it by the foods we eat.
The gastronwhatver prob is an auto immune disease..or affiliated with it. I have RA and take nothing for it. I think its doing a number on my innards.

Look up Leaky Gut Syndrome. Interesting concept of how we are all killing ourselves without realizing it by the foods we eat.
I've done some research on that, too. Another reason to switch to fresh foodstuffs. Lots of nasty stuff out there and we have become accustomed to accepting them as "nutritional".
Add age to it, and you get a messy gut function. Can't eat what we used to. In my situation, I am not tossing my cookies, so to speak. I don't have a gall whatever I eat...comes right back out after about half an hour if not sooner. Which is why I love my van. No seat, but a nice little bed and a porta pot. Never had to use it yet so it's brand new still. I don't eat before going ANYWHERE. Especially now. But lately it has gotten worse. Stomach ache, bloating, and general ickiness feeling. Then...the experation, if you get my drift. Which wears me out.
I am actually EAGER to swallow that damn pill camera. I am NOT eager for the colonoscopy. The prep SUCKS. Literally and figuratively.

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