USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sometimes there is little satisfaction when your child(ren) finally understand the lessons you tried to teach them. When my daughter was a teenager and I worked graves, she was told that no guests in the house while I was gone without prior approval. One night, I approved her best friend, M. to stay the night. Well, the girls decided to invite some young guys to come on over, too. Long story short, those "nice" boys stole my Leica Trinivid binoculars, a nice video camera, and my Blackhawk. They contrived to toss my place and took those particular high-dollar items. Long story short: she disobeyed a parental edict and learned the hard way that I just didn't make grunting noises when I laid down the law, there are good reasons why I made rules.
Fast forward to now. My oldest granddaughter saved her money, having asked for monetary gifts for the past two years, so she could save up for an expensive tablet. Her mother told her never to take it to school. Granddaughter knew better, took the thing to school, left it briefly unattended in her backpack and now's she's out a tablet and some very expensive programs. Expensive lesson, perhaps learned best because she had to pay for the thing herself. Too bad listening doesn't come before the learning.
With apologies to most of my family who are pretty terrific people, I'll admit there are some among us that do have the rest of us wondering. And every now and then I feel like this:

I agree with Sherry. Where the hell is Alan? I haven't put him on the MIA list because I know he's on the mod squad and I see that he does log in briefly now and then. But hope he'll at least drop in and say howdy here now and then too.

He became a mod man and now he's too good for us. :wink_2:

alan1 Where are you? We miss you and your interesting stories! ;)
Sick. AGAIN. Good vibes in whatever manner you "pray" would be appreciated. I'm so tired of this. See gastro doc on 25th. By then, I should be a walking skeleton. I wanna be skinnier but not this way.

I'll be back when I feel a bit better.
Hugs to all.

Hope you feel better soon, Gracie!

Lost 13 lbs, not 10. Only eating foods that are easy to digest like scrambled eggs, soups, jello, apple sauce. I drink my Fortify (like Ensure) for my vitamins. Best I can do until the 25th.
I was online all day yesterday, looking for answers. Came up with one possible for my symptoms.
Hell, I gotta tell my doc what I should be tested for. He even said he never heard of a camera in a pill. Oy.
Lost 13 lbs, not 10. Only eating foods that are easy to digest like scrambled eggs, soups, jello, apple sauce. I drink my Fortify (like Ensure) for my vitamins. Best I can do until the 25th.
I was online all day yesterday, looking for answers. Came up with one possible for my symptoms.
Hell, I gotta tell my doc what I should be tested for. He even said he never heard of a camera in a pill. Oy.
Geez, you think it's bad serious, or hopefully something that can be taken care of fairly simply?
Lost 13 lbs, not 10. Only eating foods that are easy to digest like scrambled eggs, soups, jello, apple sauce. I drink my Fortify (like Ensure) for my vitamins. Best I can do until the 25th.
I was online all day yesterday, looking for answers. Came up with one possible for my symptoms.
Hell, I gotta tell my doc what I should be tested for. He even said he never heard of a camera in a pill. Oy.
Geez, you think it's bad serious, or hopefully something that can be taken care of fairly simply?
I think it can be taken care of...if it is what I think it is. I hope.

Meanwhile...found another place for the dogs and I to go to...even closer than the other place.
Didn't mean to be short, GW. Just leary of saying too much nowadays here. I get accused of looking for sympathy, or lying, or whining. So...I just talk about stuff lightly and leave it at that.
Lost 13 lbs, not 10. Only eating foods that are easy to digest like scrambled eggs, soups, jello, apple sauce. I drink my Fortify (like Ensure) for my vitamins. Best I can do until the 25th.
I was online all day yesterday, looking for answers. Came up with one possible for my symptoms.
Hell, I gotta tell my doc what I should be tested for. He even said he never heard of a camera in a pill. Oy.
Geez, you think it's bad serious, or hopefully something that can be taken care of fairly simply?
I think it can be taken care of...if it is what I think it is. I hope.

Meanwhile...found another place for the dogs and I to go to...even closer than the other place.
I sure hope it's what you think it is, if it will be manageable.
Looks like a nice beach. Do your dogs like to swim in the surf, or just run on the sand?
Didn't mean to be short, GW. Just leary of saying too much nowadays here. I get accused of looking for sympathy, or lying, or whining. So...I just talk about stuff lightly and leave it at that.
Were you short? I didn't notice. But yeah, less you talk the less the cosmos may take note. I hate it at work when someone pops off about "Good thing such-and-such hasn't happened". I learned early on not to make up strange excuses, like: "I blew a rod through my oil pan."
Still crossing my hooks for you, just the same.
Lost 13 lbs, not 10. Only eating foods that are easy to digest like scrambled eggs, soups, jello, apple sauce. I drink my Fortify (like Ensure) for my vitamins. Best I can do until the 25th.
I was online all day yesterday, looking for answers. Came up with one possible for my symptoms.
Hell, I gotta tell my doc what I should be tested for. He even said he never heard of a camera in a pill. Oy.
Geez, you think it's bad serious, or hopefully something that can be taken care of fairly simply?
I think it can be taken care of...if it is what I think it is. I hope.

Meanwhile...found another place for the dogs and I to go to...even closer than the other place.
I sure hope it's what you think it is, if it will be manageable.
Looks like a nice beach. Do your dogs like to swim in the surf, or just run on the sand?
One of each. The big dog likes running in the water. The little dog likes to run alongside and snort up foam. :lol:

I guess it won't hurt to say what I think it is. It fits. Gastroparenisis. I think I spelled it right.
I need the camera pill and a colonoscopy to rule out anything else.

Nope. I spelled it wrong, lol. Here:
Gastroparesis - Mayo Clinic
Fire update: The wind is reported as "light and variable" and has changed direction, blowing back into areas already burned. There's been little growth last night and today, so far. At least one gas station close by burned off it's propane supply, better to avoid an explosion in case the fire got that far. There are five hotshot crews on the ground and five more scheduled to arrive. Lot's of people and animals displaced right now, they even had to evacuate one of their evacuation centers. The number of structures destroyed has not yet been determined. This is nerve-wracking, to say the least. I know where I'll be next weekend, though, for sure!
Fire update: The wind is reported as "light and variable" and has changed direction, blowing back into areas already burned. There's been little growth last night and today, so far. At least one gas station close by burned off it's propane supply, better to avoid an explosion in case the fire got that far. There are five hotshot crews on the ground and five more scheduled to arrive. Lot's of people and animals displaced right now, they even had to evacuate one of their evacuation centers. The number of structures destroyed has not yet been determined. This is nerve-wracking, to say the least. I know where I'll be next weekend, though, for sure!
I musta missed this. There is a fire near you? I'll scroll back and see if I can find whats going on.
Stay safe, GW!
Lost 13 lbs, not 10. Only eating foods that are easy to digest like scrambled eggs, soups, jello, apple sauce. I drink my Fortify (like Ensure) for my vitamins. Best I can do until the 25th.
I was online all day yesterday, looking for answers. Came up with one possible for my symptoms.
Hell, I gotta tell my doc what I should be tested for. He even said he never heard of a camera in a pill. Oy.
Geez, you think it's bad serious, or hopefully something that can be taken care of fairly simply?
I think it can be taken care of...if it is what I think it is. I hope.

Meanwhile...found another place for the dogs and I to go to...even closer than the other place.
I sure hope it's what you think it is, if it will be manageable.
Looks like a nice beach. Do your dogs like to swim in the surf, or just run on the sand?
One of each. The big dog likes running in the water. The little dog likes to run alongside and snort up foam. :lol:

I guess it won't hurt to say what I think it is. It fits. Gastroparenisis. I think I spelled it right.
I need the camera pill and a colonoscopy to rule out anything else.

Nope. I spelled it wrong, lol. Here:
Gastroparesis - Mayo Clinic
How drastic would the dietary changes be? I've know people with irritable bowel syndrome who had to drastically change their diet. Almost no more eating in restaurants because of the way food is prepared commercially.
Fire update: The wind is reported as "light and variable" and has changed direction, blowing back into areas already burned. There's been little growth last night and today, so far. At least one gas station close by burned off it's propane supply, better to avoid an explosion in case the fire got that far. There are five hotshot crews on the ground and five more scheduled to arrive. Lot's of people and animals displaced right now, they even had to evacuate one of their evacuation centers. The number of structures destroyed has not yet been determined. This is nerve-wracking, to say the least. I know where I'll be next weekend, though, for sure!
I musta missed this. There is a fire near you? I'll scroll back and see if I can find whats going on.
Stay safe, GW!
Just an eensie one, only about 6500 acres so far, but it's in an inhabited area. Lots of homes and businesses threatened and many places in this area also have dog teams and livestock, which means loads of animals to evacuate and house.
Found it! Wow. Scarey! And everything is so damn dry.
Where were you headed to begin with? Vacay?
Lost 13 lbs, not 10. Only eating foods that are easy to digest like scrambled eggs, soups, jello, apple sauce. I drink my Fortify (like Ensure) for my vitamins. Best I can do until the 25th.
I was online all day yesterday, looking for answers. Came up with one possible for my symptoms.
Hell, I gotta tell my doc what I should be tested for. He even said he never heard of a camera in a pill. Oy.
Geez, you think it's bad serious, or hopefully something that can be taken care of fairly simply?
I think it can be taken care of...if it is what I think it is. I hope.

Meanwhile...found another place for the dogs and I to go to...even closer than the other place.
I sure hope it's what you think it is, if it will be manageable.
Looks like a nice beach. Do your dogs like to swim in the surf, or just run on the sand?
One of each. The big dog likes running in the water. The little dog likes to run alongside and snort up foam. :lol:

I guess it won't hurt to say what I think it is. It fits. Gastroparenisis. I think I spelled it right.
I need the camera pill and a colonoscopy to rule out anything else.

Nope. I spelled it wrong, lol. Here:
Gastroparesis - Mayo Clinic
How drastic would the dietary changes be? I've know people with irritable bowel syndrome who had to drastically change their diet. Almost no more eating in restaurants because of the way food is prepared commercially.
Major changes. No more bacon. OMG. NO MORE BACON!
But, I just plan to eat light for the next two weeks, then see the gastro doc, make another appt for other tests, then wait for the results. Once I get those...THEN I will know what kind of changes. I never eat out any more anyway, so no biggie for me. But I sure the hell am going to miss my bacon!
Fire update: The wind is reported as "light and variable" and has changed direction, blowing back into areas already burned. There's been little growth last night and today, so far. At least one gas station close by burned off it's propane supply, better to avoid an explosion in case the fire got that far. There are five hotshot crews on the ground and five more scheduled to arrive. Lot's of people and animals displaced right now, they even had to evacuate one of their evacuation centers. The number of structures destroyed has not yet been determined. This is nerve-wracking, to say the least. I know where I'll be next weekend, though, for sure!
I musta missed this. There is a fire near you? I'll scroll back and see if I can find whats going on.
Stay safe, GW!
Just an eensie one, only about 6500 acres so far, but it's in an inhabited area. Lots of homes and businesses threatened and many places in this area also have dog teams and livestock, which means loads of animals to evacuate and house.
I hope they get it put out before it hits any homes and that the animals (wild ones) have ran for the hills...the SAFE hills.

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